Korriban Incursion

Flashpoints of SWTOR: Korriban Incursion

Korriban Incursion is one of the most exciting Flashpoints in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It is a four-player mission that takes place on the planet Korriban, where players must fight their way through the tombs of the Sith Lords to stop a Republic invasion. Along the way, players will face three boss fights, each with its unique set of challenges. In this article, we will delve into the strategies and tactics that players can use to defeat each of these bosses.

The first boss in Korriban Incursion is Master Riilna or Lord Renning. This boss fight requires players to be vigilant and coordinated. The fight takes place in a circular room, and the boss will periodically call in waves of reinforcements. These reinforcements consist of both ranged and melee attackers and can quickly overwhelm players if they are not careful.

The key to defeating this boss is to focus on the adds first. Assign one player to take care of the ranged attackers while the other three players focus on the melee attackers. It is also essential to keep moving and avoid standing in one place for too long, as this can make you an easy target for the boss’s attacks.

Master Riilna and Lord Renning are both formidable opponents, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. Master Riilna is a Jedi Shadow, which means he is very mobile and can disappear and reappear quickly. He also has the ability to stun players and interrupt their attacks. Lord Renning, on the other hand, is a Sith Marauder and is more focused on dealing damage. He has a powerful whirlwind attack that can knock players back and can also enrage, making him even more dangerous.

To defeat Master Riilna or Lord Renning, players should focus on their weaknesses. Master Riilna is vulnerable to force attacks, so using force abilities can help players take him down quickly. Lord Renning, on the other hand, is weak against melee attacks, so players should try to get up close and personal with him.

The second boss in Korriban Incursion is R-9XR or I5-T1. This fight takes place in a large room with multiple levels and platforms. The boss fight consists of two phases, with players first fighting R-9XR, a droid with a shield generator, and then I5-T1, a repair droid that heals R-9XR.

The key to defeating this boss is to take out the shield generator first. Players should focus their attacks on the generator while avoiding R-9XR’s attacks. Once the generator is destroyed, players should turn their attention to R-9XR and focus on dealing as much damage as possible. During this phase, the boss will periodically activate a self-destruct sequence that players must interrupt to avoid taking massive damage.

After defeating R-9XR, players will face I5-T1, who will heal R-9XR while also attacking players. The key to this phase is to focus on I5-T1 while avoiding R-9XR’s attacks. Players should try to take out I5-T1 as quickly as possible to prevent R-9XR from being healed.

The final boss in Korriban Incursion is Commander Jensyn or Darth Soverus. This boss fight takes place in a large room with multiple platforms and obstacles. The boss fight consists of two phases, with players first fighting Commander Jensyn, a Republic officer, and then Darth Soverus, a Sith Lord.

The key to defeating this boss is to stay mobile and avoid the boss’s attacks. Both Commander Jensyn and Darth Soverus have a range of attacks, including grenades, missiles, and force abilities. Players should avoid standing in one place for too long and move around the room to avoid taking damage.

During the first phase of the fight, players will face Commander Jensyn. She is a skilled tactician and has a range of abilities that can deal significant damage. She can also summon Republic soldiers to assist her in the fight.

To defeat Commander Jensyn, players should focus on taking out the soldiers first. This will prevent them from overwhelming the players and allow them to focus on the boss. Players should also try to interrupt Commander Jensyn’s attacks to prevent her from dealing too much damage. Players should use their crowd control abilities to keep her from using her most powerful abilities.

After defeating Commander Jensyn, players will face Darth Soverus, a powerful Sith Lord. He is a master of the dark side of the force and has a range of abilities that can deal massive damage. He can also summon Sith acolytes to assist him in the fight.

To defeat Darth Soverus, players should focus on taking out the acolytes first. This will prevent them from overwhelming the players and allow them to focus on the boss. Players should also try to interrupt Darth Soverus’s attacks to prevent him from dealing too much damage. Players should use their crowd control abilities to keep him from using his most powerful abilities.

During both phases of the fight, players should stay mobile and avoid standing in one place for too long. Players should use their mobility abilities to dodge the boss’s attacks and avoid taking damage. Players should also use their defensive abilities to mitigate damage and stay alive.

In conclusion, the Korriban Incursion Flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic is an exciting and challenging mission. It requires players to be vigilant and coordinated to defeat the three bosses. To defeat Master Riilna or Lord Renning, players should focus on their weaknesses and keep moving. To defeat R-9XR or I5-T1, players should focus on the shield generator first and then take out the bosses one at a time. To defeat Commander Jensyn or Darth Soverus, players should stay mobile and avoid the bosses’ attacks while focusing on taking out the adds first. By using these strategies and tactics, players can successfully complete the Korriban Incursion Flashpoint and save the planet from the Republic invasion.