Author: Soeren Kamper

Facebook Image of The Week #24

BioWare has once again updated the official Facebook page with a new screenshot of Star Wars: the old republic. This time we get to see a screenshot of the planet Voss. The planet Voss is steeped in war between its native species, the Voss and Gormak. Somone also leaked  some sweet sweet beta gameplay of the Imperial agent.

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Not Getting Beta with SWTOR Pre-order

I have heard complaints of people pre-ordering SWTOR and then not getting the beta time they were promised or gamers confused about when they will get their beta access after pre-ordering the game. Part of the reason for this confusion can be tracked down to salespeople at the game stores, specifically in the U.S. My sister works at Gamestop and she purchased a pre-order for her boyfriend because she was told there was beta time when you ordered. Then her manager at GameStop told her that you get a week of beta access but you don’t get to choose your week and they will tell you when you get your access. A search online in the forums said other people were told the same thing, several by Gamestop employees and managers. But this isn’t the truth about the SWTOR pre-order. If you’ve been promised beta play time by a salesperson…

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The Lost Suns Issue 3 Preview

If you’re following the SWTOR: The Lost Suns comic series, you’ll be excited to hear that Newsarama has a full, 6 page preview of the comic so you can check it out for yourself. I have been hooked on the series since I got the first issue, hand-signed, in person from Alexander Freed himself. You don’t even have to be a traditional comic fan to appreciate the story of these comics. The series is written by BioWare Senior Writer Alexander Freed and it follows the story of Theron Shan, son of Jedi Master Satele Shan. It follows Shan’s quest to stop the war from restarting and the series gives us a good back story to the game, SWTOR and an idea of the type of storytelling we can expect from BioWare in SWTOR. Even if you have yet to read the first two issues of the Lost Suns, then you…

Read More Interviews Daniel Erickson on SWTOR

We’re all about fun stuff related to SWTOR and getting to send that info on to you. This is why we especially love Q&A sessions and lots of them come out at events like Comic-Con or shortly after. We found a great interview with Daniel Erickson over on and even if you think you already know everything he has to say, there may be some new bits in this article. Here, Erickson talks design decisions, negative responses and the future of SWTOR which has yet to launch but is selling pre-order records for BioWare. It’s an MMORPG making records before it’s even been released. How is that for awesome? So anyway, here’s a snippet of the interview, courtesy of Q: At Comic-Con this year, one of the Star Wars: The Old Republic developers said the team hopes the game will last for decades. Can any game legitimately have…

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SWTOR Sith sniper Tree

We got more Imperial argent goodies for you today. Not only we able to show you the Sith Assassin Tree earlier today, but thanks to AlterSwtor we now also got the Sniper tree. Once again the tree is presented via a video, but you can also click the images below the video and check it all out one by one – very image heavy though. Hope you enjoy! video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

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SWTOR Sith Assasin Tree

Yesterday we posted the sith juggernaut and sith inquisitor skill trees, but we got more goodies for you today. The guys over at Alterswotor has posted the Sith Assasin Tree in a video format. Unfortuantly this make sit much harder to get an overview over the whole talent tree, but it is better then nothing. Still hope you enjoy

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SWTOR Tester reviews his 20 days long test session

Betacake brought us another beta tester review, this one from someone who tested for 20 days before the write-up. This is certainly a significant period of time to give a sufficient review but of course, it’s just one person’s opinions. These are one person’s ideas of what is good and bad in the game but still, it is very useful when learning more about SWTOR and what we can all expect. Here’s a snippet of the intro: First to my characters: So far I have played 5 characters and followed the story. As far as possible I have done all the quests I have found and did not skip any – unless group quests I did not get a group for. The list of my characters are: Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer – lvl 27 – currently on Nar Shaddaa (story line for that planet finished – on her way to Tatooine) Sith Warrior:…

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IA and Smuggler to get the ability to put your entire group in stealth

SWTOR Smuggler art by superhawkins Every now and then you hear something about a game or a class in a game that is so awesome, you just cannot wait to try it out for yourself. This was the case when I read that the IA and Smuggler in SWTOR would get the ability to put the entire group in stealth. Georg Zoeller dropped this piece of golden information on the forums today after talks about the Smuggler not getting enough love as a class in the game. So Zoeller posts: “As a non force user class, the smuggler is definitely a bit of a renegade / rogue – something a lot of players won’t try for a while as they explore their Force & Lightsaber wielding Star Wars fantasy. That said, it’s one of the most versatile classes… and that was before we gave the Smuggler the ability to ‘Smuggle’…

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SWTOR sith juggernaut skill trees

Few hours ago we posted the sith inquisitor skill tree, that was going around the internet. Aparently we are def  dump and blind since we missed that the sith juggernaut skill tree witch is also being shared across IRC. So with no further ado, I bring to you, the sith juggernaut skill tree, brought to you by I have to admit it looks very similar to World of Warcraft  warrior skill tree, which I’m not to fund about. A beta tester told me you have 41 talent points at level 50 btw.

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SWTOR sith inquisitor skill trees

The skill trees for the sith inquisitor hit the interwebs earlier today and was the first of the leaking sites to host them. It’s missing a tree from either sorc or assassin though. Is it just me or do they look like they’re gonna play a little like an Elemental Shaman from WoW? Little melee thrown in with other skills too. Definitely gonna pick an inquisitor now.

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The Guild Sphere: Danes of Darkness

M0fu from took some time to answer a few questions about his guild, for this week first guild column. M0fu is also a writer on and like me from Denmark. So it’s a great pleasure I can introduce, the Danes of Darkness: Where did your guilds name come from? – Well, when we first decided to create an all Danish Empire guild, we wanted a name that would suggest we where from Denmark, and at the same time where kinda evil (as we are a dark side guild) :). We let the members make suggestions, made a poll, and in the end Danes Of Darkness won. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? – Sure: “Danes Of Darkness is a Empire, PVP, 18+ guild. We are 100% danish, and therefor only Danes are accepted. We focus on the socializing, Flashpoints, Operations, end-game, and most important…

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STAR WARS: The Old Republic: Level 50 Jedi Sage Review

  STAR WARS: The Old Republic: Level 50 Jedi Sage Review   Fun stuff from BetaCake this week for those who don’t spoilers and want to learn more about SWTOR. This review was sent via email to Betacake and includes detailed info about playing a level 50 Jedi Sage. Betacake writes:   “The following article was sent to me through e-mail and its a review by a tester who played the Jedi Sage class and reached level 50 with it. I must warn you, he gives the game a subjective review and you should not take it for granted. Things he might hate in the game, might seem like the best thing ever to you. Either way, its a good write up, enjoy !”   The review is pretty long and detailed but be warned: SPOILER ALERT. Here is a snippet:   Since the test phase is ending and people…

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EA’s EA2D Studio Now ‘BioWare San Francisco’

EA’s EA2D Studio is now ‘BioWare San Francisco’! Electronic Arts made the announcement to Gamasutra confirming that it is now a division of BioWare and confirmed the new name. EA2D Studio was originally founded as a small browser-based site designed for casual titles. Its goal was to create high-quality social games that allowed devoted gamers to connect over different platforms, which include but are not limited to, playing online and on mobile devices. EA2D studio is known for creating “Mirror’s Edge 2D” and the prominent “Dragon Age Legends”, in which Soren Johnson (Former Civilization series lead designer) helped EA2D studio design. They’re also responsible for developing the tactical game “RPG Dragon Age Journeys” and the platformer game “The Fancy Pants Adventures”, which was ported to both the “Xbox Live Arcade” and then to the “PlayStation Network”. This big move comes after some changes took place at the studio and executive…

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PAX Schedule Released

So many good things are happening in gaming this year. It seems like we just saw the end of Comic Con and we are still sifting through all of the info that came out of it. Now the PAX schedule has been released by Penny Arcade. This is great news for SWTOR fans, too because BioWare will be there with a TOR panel. Here is the schedule and info: Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Force is Strong with This One Main Theatre – Sunday 2:00pm – 3:00pm The master storytellers at BioWare and LucasArts have worked together to create an immersive experience with Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Old Republic team will be in full force at PAX this year, with a new presentation showcasing the development and progress of this genre changing story-driven MMO! Expect new reveals, exclusive gameplay footage, and a Q&A with attendees. Join us!…

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The Guardian Says SWTOR Coming In November

SWTOR release date? Such is the fervent desire among Star Wars and MMORPG players these days to find out when we’ll all be able to play SWTOR , that anyone with the actual release date for SWTOR could make an absolute fortune right now. So every time someone reports a date, or even a general time of the year as fact, we’re all bound to pounce on it and further fuel the rumour mill. Today, that reporting body is the UK’s The Guardian newspaper – and despite the track-record of British newspapers in the past few months, we might actually be ready to believe their statement that “Star Wars: The Old Republic is set to launch on PC in November”. That brave statement came at the end of an excellent article on Bioware, in which SWTOR director of production Dallas Dickinson explained why Bioware were brought on-board to build the…

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Star Wars Fan Movie Best Comedy: “Solo Forever”

More news from the Star Wars Fan Movie Awards now, as we can announce the winner of the Best Comedy category to be filmmaker Trey Albright’s film Solo Forever. The Los Angeles-based waiter was presented the award by Lucasfilm and Atom at San Diego Comic-Con, and having watched this video a good few times now I whole-heartedly endorse the choice. Solo Forever charts one fan’s attempts to break the cycle of addiction to his Star Wars toys, which brilliantly he draws on a parallel to class A drug abuse, via a Se7en reference or two and a genius Viking style sea-burial for his prized possession. Watch it, love it, share it… For anyone who missed the competition, here’s the low-down from the official Star Wars blog: The Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge is produced by a long-running partnership between Lucasfilm and Atom, to celebrate the best in fan made videos…

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James Ohlen Q&A: More SWTOR Info

Many great things came out of SDCC and of the exciting news and interviews, we found one with James Ohlen. An in-depth question and answer session that answers so many questions. This Q&A posted over at Newsrama, is well worth the read. They spoke with Game Director James Ohlen about the new features, release dates, and how fan feedback affects development.   The interview starts off with a reference to and question about the incredible success of the pre-order. Newsarama: James, obviously the big news of the convention for you guys was the pre-order going live. Were you expecting any level of the response you got from the pre-order, with and selling out in one morning? James Ohlen: The truthful answer is, yeah. Yeah, we know we have a ton of hype. Right now, we have a ton of hype and that puts a lot of pressure on…

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EA Reorganizes Divisions: BioWare Now ‘Own Label’

A story reported by Gamasutra says that Electronic Arts is making some changes in their company, including shuffling divisions and calling BioWare their own label. They will now take control of Dragon Age Legends studio EA2D. EA’s Frank Gibeau will run the new “EA Labels” that include BioWare, EA Sports, EA Play and EA Games. This is the first big change to the formation of EA Labels. Basically it means that BioWare is no longer part of EA Games but is instead its own label. Here is some information from the story on Gamasutra: EA Sports president Peter Moore, the former Microsoft executive who helped launch both the Xbox and Xbox 360, has been promoted to chief operating officer of Electronic Arts. According to company filings, he will oversee “EA’s global publishing organization, global online initiatives including the Origin platform, media sales and central development services.”” Finally, the company revealed…

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Fan Plays Alderaan Warzone 13 Times at SDCC

Lots of great things came out of San Diego Comic-Con, making me sad that I don’t still live there so I could have attended myself. One of the more exciting stories was from the fan who played Alderaan Warzone 13 times. He was kind enough to gloat about share his experience with the rest of us as follows: “Okay, okay. I was able to hang out at Bioware Base for 4 days and maybe was able to play some PVP matches while camping the lines. It may or may not have been 13 times. Muawhahehahehah. Jealous? I know I would have been if it wasn’t me. It’s taken a bit to collect my thoughts and type all the details up on all my matches, but here it is, folks. I hope there’s no typos or horrific grammar, but this has been a long few days working on this. Be gentle….

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Jedi Consular Records

There is power in wisdom, study, and diplomacy. These are the words of the Jedi Consular Records as reported on the news feed.   “There is power in wisdom, study, and diplomacy. The Jedi Consular wields that power with an even hand. Consulars study the mysteries of the Force. They use their knowledge to bring peace, but when words fail, their understanding of the Force makes them dangerous foes. Choose your Consular’s path – become the strong, silent hand of the Jedi Council as a Shadow, or immerse yourself in the mysteries of the Force as a Sage, healing and empowering your allies. Learn more details about the Jedi Consular: · Meet Qyzen Fess, a mighty Trandoshan hunter who joins the Consular’s cause · Find out more about the mystical Mirialan, wise Force-sensitives who often become Jedi Consulars · Take a tour of the Jedi Starship, the Corellian Defender-Class…

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2011 SWTOR Launch Claims Reiterated

Star Wars fans feared that the launch of SWTOR would run into 2012 but MCV reports that this is not the case. According to Ben Parfitt, publisher EA states that the game will be released before the year is up. This is great news for gamers who are anticipating the release of this MMO. In January, fans thought the game would be released sometime during the first six months of the year while MCV reported that EA planned to release TOR in September. In May, this SWTOR was completely removed from the “EA’s release schedule” and this got gamers worried. Many begin to believe it would be sometime in 2012 before they would have the chance to play this long-anticipated game. VP Ray Muzyka, co-founder of BioWare and EA senior, put these fears to rest by announcing this is not the case. He told MCV that this game is expected…

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Highlights of the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con

Highlights of the San Diego Comic-Con were announced on the official SWTOR site and they were happy to report that “Star Wars: The Old Republic was a big hit at the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con!” There were literally thousands of gamers and Star Wars fans showed up to make it a huge success. Excited gamers filled the show-floor booth and the Hilton Gaslamp hotel, which was the base for BioWare. They had the chance to play through an hour of Origin Worlds and Esseles Flashpoints. Some of them even got the unique opportunity to be the very first gamers to play “Player versus Player” combat on the planet Alderaan. said, “The crowds were incredible and once again we are grateful for the consistently positive responses to the game”. They were happy and amazed to see so many fans (over 2,000) show up to take part in the stimulating “Join…

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SWTOR Launch Predictions for Countries Not Initially Targeted

If you live in a region not getting SWTOR on launch, then you might be wondering what’s going to happen for you. When will you get to play? Can you pre-order from the US and play anyway? Will there be restrictions? How bad will lag be? What about avoiding spoiler content until you get the game? Oh yes, EA/Bioware opened a whole new can of worms with this one and there are a lot of opinions about it and whether or not they made the right choice. had a few things to say about this news and some launch predictions of their own. “What a dog’s breakfast. EA, one of the largest publishers in the world, is sitting on an MMO that, in their own words, has broken their all time pre-order records. Meanwhile, Blizzard lounges in their gilded tower, confidently unworried but surely casting a furtive glance in…

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IS SWTOR a WoW-killer?

There have been numerous reports and accusations that SWTOR is a WoW-killer. For many, it will be a good thing if it is. Some are tired of WoW and tired of WoW-clones. They’re looking for something new, something to make a big splash in the MMO scene and SWTOR claims to be it. This article on takes a look at this notion and whether or not SWTOR will really be a WoW-killer. “Most gamers will agree that the notion of any such game being able to topple the might of Blizzard’s WoW will be like saying; the Mega Drive can compete with the PS3’s graphics. However, SWTOR has so much more to give gamers, more in fact than Wow, but there is still much more to consider. Gamerzitch has now weighed in on the argument saying that BioWare has developed a game that makes you feel important, but is…

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