SWTOR-ESP.com brings us an interview with Stephen Reid. Honestly Mr. Reid hasn’t said anymore than what we (the fans) already know, other than the fact he likes playing as a debonair smuggler as he woes the ladies at one of the local cantinas shooting one of Greedo’s ancestor right between the eyes than he does playing the celibate Jedi; although, wielding a lightsaber and the Force is super fun. Mr. Reid is from Britain who is the Senior Community Manager for The Old Republic and has only just moved into the U.S. last year, but has worked for U.S.companies for the past 2. He has had his hand in various game industries for the past 12 years but he’s been working with MMORPG’s for the last 6. To those that need TOR to be subtitled in another language other than English they’re currently working on French and German. Answering questions were tough, since…
Author: Soeren Kamper
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Launched for the Mac
The Force is Now With Mac Players PC and Mac Players Can Now Team Up with the Republic Online Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts, in collaboration with TransGaming announced that Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, a free-to-play family-friendly online virtual world, is now available for Macintosh Platform users at www.CloneWarsAdventures.com.Clone Wars Adventures is an action-packed browser-based virtual world where fans can live out the thrills and excitement of Star Wars®: The Clone Wars animated TV series on Cartoon Network. “The demand for game content on the Mac platform has increased significantly, and we are excited to bring our games to this growing audience,” said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. “Through our collaboration with TransGaming, Mac and PC players are able to play together seamlessly on both Free Realms and now Clone Wars Adventures, and we will continue to look for opportunities with future games to do the same.” Clone Wars Adventures is the ultimate virtual destination for…
Holiday Sale on KOTOR
Hey Star Wars Fans, do I got great news for you. http://Store.steampowered.com/app/32370/ is selling Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for 4.99 that’s 50% off. That is a great deal for all of you that spent 20 to 30 dollars on the X-Box version recently or if you had to spend 40 bucks on the Star Wars Pak. Except for the pak there is no hard copy of KOTOR for the PC anymore but I’m assuming it’s a holiday special price. ( It’s on Amazon though) I never really played the PC Version but I hear with the DC you get to were your old robes, probably not the best fighting wear but it is still awesome to run around the Jedi Academy looking like Darth Revan. I love the KOTOR games always making difficult decisions on what to slay next, well unless you liked being on the light…
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived Chapter 3 Excerpt
It looks like the guys over at Rebelscum.com has a nice treat for us: As a special holiday gift to the readers of Rebelscum.com, you can now read a sample of the new title Star Wars: The Old Republic–Deceived months before it hits stores. Thanks to all our friends at Del Rey for making this happen. In conjunction with SWTOR.com (Chapter 1) and StarWars.com (Chapter 2), Rebelscum.com presents the third chapter of Deceived. You can read the PDF right here! This book is due out on March 22, 2011.
BioWare Doctors To Become AIAS Hall Of Famers
The Founders of Bio Ware, Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk, are to be included in the AIAS Hall of Fame (The Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences) which sounds like an awesome way to be praised. The two are worthy of this awesome achievement, for they accomplished so much in the past 14 years. BioWare has shot out impressive game titles the equal the level of baddest @$$ RPG’s. They will be presented the award on the 10th of February, 2010 in one of the brightest city in the world or possibly the Brightest, Las Vegas. This will be held at the D.I.C.E. Summit (Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain) which basically translates to a gathering of gamers, a Convention, or An Emmy for the truly gifted. While a gamer is earning Achievements on his or her Xbox 360 while Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk and others like…
Know your legends: Marka Ragnos
Marka Ragnos was a half-breed Dark Lord of the Sith who was immensely powerful, both physically and in the Force. He defeated Simus in combat, proving himself worthy of the mantle of Dark Lord. The tomb of Ragnos on Korriban appears in the games Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. However, the tombs in each game are dissimilar to the other. This was likely for reasons of game structure, rather than a suggestion of the tombs being at different locations. The same phenomenon is seen with the Valley of the Dark Lords as a whole. Another theory is that his tomb underwent a renovation after being desecrated by Revan and his followers. While a figure of importance in Sith history, Marka Ragnos has actually never appeared in a story in which he was alive, much like another influential Sith Lord, Freedon Nadd….
The twisted mind of OneMinuteGalactica
Back in October we showed the hellerius fan movie “What to do on a space date” The movie was created by a user who calls himself OneMinuteGalactica. Now, If you are a Star Wars Fan like me, and like to surf around Youtube for funny movies, you must have come by OneMinuteGalactica quite often. He seems to be one of those hyper active producers that always put out new stuff. I had a quick chat with him the other day were he told me about him self: I’m a huge fan of the original Battlestar Galactica and the original Star Wars trilogy. I started making videos about two years ago when I started watching YouTube videos regularly. Before that I never really watched much of them and thought the whole YouTube craze was kind of stupid. I think that video of “Darth Vader Being a Smartass” was one of my…
Kill Chewbacca & Han Solo with The Force Unleashed 2 DLC
It’s no secret that both Harrison Ford and writer Lawrence Kasdan wanted to kill off Han solo in the last act of Return of the Jedi. George Lucas was against it though, so Han Solo stayed alive, and got the girl in the end. Since then George Lucas has changed his mind. Star Wars: The force unleashed II: Endor bonus Mission, let’s you – not only slaughter shit loads of Ewoks – you also get to cold blooded murder of Han, Chewie And Leia. The video is below, if you needed something to scream “nooooooooo” at. I heard there’s also downloadable content which lets you play a character who looks like you as a child, and then an NPC who looks like George Lucas rolls in on a golf cart and rapes your character. Just what I heard.
Friday Update: Studio Insider – Experience Coruscant and Fan friday
So, Fan Friday. It seems that Bioware decided to split the “Developer Corner” out of the Fan Friday and give it its own thing, called “Studio Insider””. Last time we got a look at the work the development team was doing on Flesh Raiders, and this time we get to experience Coruscant. Read the full article here We are excited about sharing new work-in-progress art, special screenshots, animations, and other insights from the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ team. In this Studio Insider, World Designer Eric Young walks us through the process of building the city world of Coruscant. Also, we have picked some questions to answer in the Community Q&A section! Designing Coruscant They call me Eric Young. I’ve been a World Designer at BioWare for almost four years now; my job is to design the layout of planets, place buildings and mold terrain into mountains, valleys and roads. I work from the…
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived Chapter 2 Excerpt
The official Star Wars website have released a new expert for the upcoming book Star Wars: The Old republic Deceived: For those who can’t wait for the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, here’s another taste of the story with an excerpt from the novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived, by Paul S. Kemp. In the Del Rey Books novel due out in March, readers will learn more about Darth Malgus, the Sith Lord who brought down the Jedi Temple. Star Wars fans first experienced the devastating might of Malgus in this epic cinematic trailer to Star Wars: The Old Republic which depicted the Sacking of Coruscant. For an excerpt of Chapter Two, click on the cover below. The book will be available at retailers on March 22nd. Pre-order your copy right now at the following online retailers: Amazon, and other retailers.
Machinima Realm goes to the Jedi Immersion Event
I belive we are starting to see the end of the Jedi Immersion Event reviews, but I don’t wan’t to cheat you for Machinimas “Realm” were Hundar and Grit try out TOR’s Jedi classes:
Ten Ton Hammers latest impressions after a story-driven six hours with the Jedi Knight
Ten Ton Hammer donned their Padawan robes for their first feature length, hands-on, ten level preview of the Jedi homeworld, Tython. They tell us about one of the game’s most anticipated classes, the Jedi Knight, whether SWTOR’s story-driven approach is fun or frivolous, offer you a first-ever hands-on glimpse of how multiplayer works, and give you the low-down on the first round of SWTOR morality missions like this one: “And just like that, I stumble into my toughest morality mission yet. It’s not because my job is to break up the happy Jedi couple – Jedis lead a hard knock life – but because Moracen offers me a sweet crystal for the lightsaber I hope to build soon. In return I’d simply go off and tell the Master that everything was nice and passion-free again. Grimacing (in real life), I stuck to my guns, imagining I’d just turned down one…
TOROCast: Jedi Immersion Event
TOROCast as promised has published a wealth of information from the Star Wars: The old republic Jedi Immersion Event. The guys got an Interview with Daniel Erickson that you can check out below, and a great job collecting player stats and NPC info: Nothing is more important to any MMO players efficiency than their stats and understanding how they affect your character. Min/maxxers especially care about stats since it is through stat optimization that we can set ourselves apart. Below you will find a complete breakdown of everything we learned from our playtime. Each level, main and primary go up by 4, secondary goes up by 1. It is possible that their is a rotation we can see this by looking at the increase in primary stats. So they go up by 4, then they go up by 4, then they go up by 3, and rotate like that. Unfortunately…
More reviews from the big gaming sites
Reviews are still pupping up all over the interwebs. With in the last few hours, Massively, VideoGamer, Eurogamer, and some of the more “hardcore” Star Wars the old republic fansites such as DarthHater and TOROCast has posted their reviews of the Jedi Immersion Event. Here is an update and a snip from each site. Firstly we got Massively that spoils us with a long review plus a few ingame movies: And for the people worried that SWTOR is going to be a Star Wars-themed World of Warcraft, you can rest easy too. The dialogue system guarantees that returning to your quest-giver isn’t just a mad dash of clicks. Your quest choices actually matter. The NPCs talk to you, and you’re going to want to talk back. I never once had the urge to skip the quest text (in fact, I was terrified I’d miss something if I looked away!), and…
NowGamer interviews Daniel Eriksson
NowGamer had a chance to sit down with Daniel Eriksson and get some community question answered. Here is a snip: You’re entering a market that’s dominated by World of Warcraft – other than the license, what’s going to draw players to The Old Republic? I really think the unique selling point is going to be the storytelling. One of the great things about storytelling is it’s universal, it’s easy to get into – when you first played it you just clicked on a guy and started making choices in a dialogue, and it was easy to understand how to do that. It’s a great way to very gently introduce somebody to an MMO that has maybe not played something like that. Because we’ve taken the focus off the grind and the levelling, if you’re not that sort of player you can play our game for a couple of hours and put…
GamespotUK Hands On – Jedi Consular and Multiplayer Flashpoints
The press embargo holding back details from BioWare’s recent “Hands-On Days” in Europe and the US got lifted yesterday. This means we can expect tons of articles through out the rest of the weeks, showing new game play etc. Yesterday we had the pleasure of reading IGN’s 5 hour game experience of Star Wars: The old republic and today GamespotUK brings us a “Hands On” of the Jedi Consular and Multiplayer Flashpoints. On our quest for artifacts, we encountered an illegal colony of Twi’leks–the Star Wars universe’s tentacle-headed humanoids (the same race to which Return of the Jedi’s Bib Fortuna belonged)–who were missing their village protector, a reclusive Twi’lek wilderness expert who had apparently discovered the most ancient secrets of the Sith and nearly killed us by collapsing his remote cave home down onto our heads. We tracked him down to a hidden Sith shrine inhabited by Sith disciples and…
Five Hours with Star Wars: The Old Republic
IGN had the chance to play Star Wars: The old republic for 5 hours ( the bastards). From that came a pretty interesting article that’s worth a read: The setting for questing is Tython, the starting area for Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular players. As tends to be the case in many Star Wars games, you don’t start out with a lightsaber. The iconic Jedi kill stick must be earned. As the Knight class, my focus is combat. I have a training sword that buzzes with energy but doesn’t glow like the saber. Initially I can use a Strike skill to deal instant damage to enemies and build a focus meter. This can be followed up with a Slash attack that does more damage and consumes focus, which forms the central combat mechanic for the class. Earning experience through questing and killing opens up more skills that highlight the Knight’s…
Gamebreaker SWTOR Video Blog #20
We keep following the SWTOR Vlog on Gamebreaker.tv. This time the two guys Discuss the latest statements form Gary Gannon on EA’s 10 year plan for Star Wars: The old republic, as well as the newest Timeline Update we got in the latest friday update.
The Force Unleashed II Endor Bonus Mission is available for download
Remember those furry things from Return of the Jedi? Well now you get to kill them! After the past 2 “What if” scenario’s featured in the original Force Unleashed, LucasArts has decided to try another scenario. What if Starkiller went back to Vader? The possibilities are endless! To make it easier for our inconceivable minds, LucasArts has picked the Battle of Endor which will feature Han Solo, Chewbacca, and a lightsaber wielding Leia. The pack is released on both PSN and XBL today, alongside a character skin pack. Check out more here, and see the trailer below courtesy of Gamespot.
New Bioware community team member: David Bass
Biowares Community manager Stephen Reid announced on his twitter that David Bass is the new Senior Community Coordinator for the SW:TOR team: Today’s been busy, partly because I’ve been getting a new employee up to speed on a few things… If you run a #SWTOR fansite or head up a guild (of a reasonable size!) then you should totally follow this guy as he’s working for you! Without further ado welcome aboard to the #SWTOR crew to @doctordake – follow him, guilds and fansites! 🙂 Welcome to the community David!
BioWare Releases Mass Effect 3 Trailer
BioWare’s made no secret of the fact that they’re developing a third Mass Effect game. However, today they finally had something to show us. The trailer at the Spike VGAs started with a British sniper looking out over a ruined city. In voiceover he explains that the entire planet is under assault. The camera pans out to reveal the attackers: Reapers. We then see Shepherd watching the devastation below from orbit. Cue logo. There’s no mention of a release window in the trailer. The current guess is that the game will arrive in either late 2011 or early 2012.
How Stuff Works: The Star Wars galaxy
Among fans, the Galaxy is referred to as the Star Wars Galaxy or the Galaxy far, far away, or the GFFA for short. The Galaxy was said to contain a “type 3” civilization (in the Kardashev scale — whereas Earth is home to a “type 0.7” civilization). This scale takes into account the level of integration and civilization between peoples (albeit this integration also involves different species, rather than just racial variations of only one sentient species, as it is on a sole planet), which in essence form one single “galactic civilization”, given the political unification (despite the few separatisms) and the integration of the worlds in spite of the considerable distances (with effective means of transportation).Nothing connects the Galaxy with ours (Milky Way). However if we are to consider the crossover between Star Wars and E.T., we can infer the following: the Brodo Asogi leader, Senator Grebleips sent an expedition…
Know your Lore: Ludo Kressh
Ludo Kressh was a Sith Lord in the Sith Empire during the Great Hyperspace War. A conservative Sith Lord, Ludo planned to rule the Empire as the new Dark Lord of the Sith after Marka Ragnos‘s death. However, the unexpected arrival of the Daragons allowed Naga Sadow to engineer incidents which undermined Ludo’s support. Ludo eventually faked his own death and ambushed Sadow, only to be truly destroyed by Sadow’s fleet. According to the overview of the Sith Empire on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website”(After the Great Hyperpsace War)…the last Emperor of the Sith managed to escape the carnage and fled into Deep Space with his most trusted Dark Lords.” Considering Ludo Kressh was technically the last Dark Lord of the Sith alive before Naga Sadow (who escaped to Yavin 4, rather than deep space), it is possible that Ludo Kressh perhaps staged his own death (once again) and…
Rebirth of the Sith Empire
Bioware got a new Timeline holorecord for us this firday. This time it’s the story of a Grand Moff who played a critical role in Imperial history: In the years following the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith exiles on Dromund Kaas faced a daunting future on a harsh world. The guidance of the Emperor and the Sith Lords were critical, but Republic Intelligence has stolen historical records that indicate the resilience and determination of the early Imperial Military were no less crucial to the Empire’s reconstruction. Master Gnost-Dural has identified one Imperial Military Leader in particular whose story exemplifies the strength that runs throughout every level of Imperial Society. BTC 1251 – Following the destruction of their ancient civilization on Korriban, the Sith exiles sought to rebuild their Empire amid the jungles of Dromund Kaas. The man who eventually earned the distinction of the being the Empire’s first new Grand…