3 Years with SWTOR Strategies: An Anniversary Post

As we approach our 3rd birthday here at SWTORstrategies.com, we look back over the years, the posts, the updates and the progression of SWTOR as a game. We are now closer than ever to a launch date, with less than two months before the game will be available worldwide. It’s an exciting time and we’re thankful you’re here to share it with us. We’re even more thankful to those of you who have been here for quite some time now. We’re excited to continue bringing you great Star Wars and SWTOR related content and we appreciate you for dropping by. In honor of the occasion, we’ve compiled a list of some of our most popular posts. Here are some of our most popular posts to date: New Game Mod Brings Star Wars and Call of Duty Together May the Schwartz be with You: Entire Star Wars “A New Hope” in…

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New SWTOR Beta Build Returns Wednesday

Have you been waiting for game testing to return? If you’ve been bored waiting for the news that your beta build would be back up for re-download, then today is your day. The new SWTOR beta build is up; get ready to download. This message was posted by Allison Berryman today: Hello Testers! Welcome to the new testing forums! We’re excited to announce that the new build is being deployed! Today, you’ll receive an e-mail letting you know that the new build is available for play, and you’ll be able to log into the launcher and begin downloading the new build. Please make sure to remove your old installation before downloading the new one (see instructions below). European players: The servers in our European datacenter (Carth Onasi and Mission Vao) will not be available today. If you are European, we ask that you please roll characters on those servers when…

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Facebook Image of the Week #36

Once again BioWare updated there official Star Wars: The old republic Facebook page with a new screenshot. This time we get to see a screenshot from the diplomatic quarters on Coruscant. Also on a side note. Now we only get 6 more Facebook images before the game is released 🙂 The Senate on Coruscant has played host to countless diplomats from every corner of Republic space.

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Sith Inquirer Interview with Daniel Erickson

Don’t you wish you could learn more about the Sith Inquisitor? Would if you could have a behind-the-scenes interview with the lead writer and ask them whatever you wanted about the class? That’s exactly what our friends over at Sith Inquirer did and they’re sharing it with us. While they originally wrote David Bass to ask some questions about the Sith Inquisitor, it was Daniel Erickson who actually gave the answers in the form of an exclusive interview with the site. Some of the questions they ask: Where did you start when thinking about what you wanted the Sith Inquisitor story to be like? What stories were your inspirations? Do any main characters tie into our own story? People like Darth Malgus, Baras and Angral from the comics and Deceived novel, Darth Jadus, or anyone else of note? Describe some of the companions, if possible? We know of Khem Val and Xalek…

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SWTOR PVP: What You Need to Know

For those who love PVP in MMORPGs, SWTOR is going to have some various options for you. Video gamers are always particular when it comes to their PvP. It’s difficult to create a game with PvP that will please everyone, especially when that is not the main focus of the game itself but rather a side portion or mini game aspect. What will SWTOR PvP be like? It’s a great question and one that GameSpy attempts to answer for us with this post about Voidstar, Alderaan and Huttball. As they explain: SWTOR will feature three PvP “Warzones”, each with its own unique objectives and gameplay. The first warzone is called “Voidstar”, and sees players fight for the control of a spaceship. The second warzone, “Alderaan”, involves an all-out war on the famous planet, while the third warzone is known as “Huttball””. See more with the Huttball trailer: For more videos…

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Know your Lore: Lucien Draay

Lucien Draay was a Human Jedi Master stationed at the Jedi Temple on Taris as of 3,964 BBY, and was apparently the leader of the Masters there. He was trained in the Jedi arts by Haazen and eventually trained Zayne Carrick as his own Padawan. He alone of the Jedi Masters on Taris was a Warrior Master, and he wielded a blue lightsaber. He was also a member of the Jedi Covenant. Biography Born into a prestigious family with a substantial fortune and respected Jedi heritage, Lucien was son to Krynda Draay (a talented but distant seer) and Barrison Draay (a Jedi warrior who died in the Great Sith War). His mother neglected him in favor of students who, like her, demonstrate clairvoyant aptitude, but Lucien took after his father. Krynda made Lucien the guardian of her young seers circle, becoming First Watch Circle of Krynda’s Jedi Covenant, sworn to…

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Random gameplay videos

Surfing Youtube at my lunch break, I came across a few decent gameplay videos of SWTOR. Most of them are only a few weeks old, so we get to se some of the newer gameplay. Check it out below: http://www.megavideo.com/?d=H6GLKZL9 – Sith Warrior Gameplay part 2 http://www.megavideo.com/?v=VQKV6IYT – Unlocking Vette Companion http://www.megavideo.com/?v=8PEIOG0P – Unlocking Khem Val Companion – (betafootage) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OJ4EJ0MY – Dromund Kaas Fly-by Class Intro Videos Dead link – Jedi Consular – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EPMPC3JQ – Jedi Knight – (Trevyn) Dead link – Smuggler – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WB0HD0BI – Trooper – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X7L4GU73 – Bounty Hunter – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L1DSGE77 – Imperial Agent – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SY2ZFN6K – Sith Inquisitor – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2M9U5SD0 – Sith Warrior – (Trevyn) ShipWalkthrough http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C8N9ZDHC – Bounty Hunter – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AZERELB9 – Jedi – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7MN4L5I1 – Smuggler – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0ANOH7L5 – Trooper – (Trevyn) http://www.megavideo.com/?v=EI40PQA3 – Sith Esseles Flashpoint http://multiupload.com/82NT5CXOUO http://multiupload.com/Y2UWSYSZ1I http://multiupload.com/68CAUF8B3F http://multiupload.com/OFH1MC69J4 http://multiupload.com/8L2JS8W4XC http://multiupload.com/3UX7MU9QB3 http://multiupload.com/7DRQ3LRBE5 Black…

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SWTOR Won’t have the Server Problems Battlefield 3 Had

There many good things to say about SWTOR but then again, there are skeptics, some with good reason to have concerns. One issue of importance was in regard to server problems but BioWare continues to reassure investors and players that this will not happen with SWTOR, set to launch 5 days before Christmas of this year. The Old Republicordie tells us:   According to its game label head Frank Gibeau, while Battlefield 3 suffered technical difficulties specifically on EA servers’ inability to handle the amount of players trying to login with the game, “the same thing won’t happen” when SWTOR have its premiere launch this holiday.   This is precisely what many players were concerned with and what BioWare states they have been working hard to avoid at launch. It’s the reason they also said there would be a limited launch at start and why they have been working hard…

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The Guild Sphere: Sith’ari Council

First of all I would like to apologize we didn’t have a guild column all last week, but we will try make it up to you this week. First off is the fellow Scandinavian guild Sith’ari from Finland who will be playing RP-PvP as soon as that will be possible. Where did your guilds name come from? Well the first name that we had in mind was Ikirouta, but since either Finnish or English version of the name was not getting through the Guild system, I stumbled to Sith’ari in Wookiepedia then added council in to it since founding members form the council with me. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Were mature guild age going from from 22 to 35. Were flexible and relaxed social Guild How did your guild come about? Group of people who know each other from other MMO / PnP games that all were…

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Newest Swtor Beta Patch Notes

Here are the latest patch notes. What struck me was that the cover system has been altered and that there has been multiple improvements to chat and UI, including dick-to-tell and item hyperlinks. Check it out below: Welcome If you encounter any issues while using the patcher, please exit and restart it. For more information on the test, view the Test Details. To discuss this with other testers, access the Game Tester Forums. Note that you may need to log into the website to view the above links properly. If you encounter any issues that prevent you from playing the game, please e-mail testing&swtor.com and we will do our best to address your concern quickly and efficiently. May the Force be with you! Latest News SW:TOR, it is more important than ever to get your feedback on the game. A number of very significant changes have gone into the latest…

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Intergalctic Intel: Jedi Consular

“Republic or Empire?” I stared at my friend with a look that only a rage face could express. “What shirt am I wearing?” “Oh…Republic…” We stood in silence for a while. “What class?” “Consular. Jedi Sage to be exact.” Last week as many of you know the press NDA was lifted for levels 1-16 for The Old Republic testers. So this week we’ll be going over the Jedi Consular, and it’s advanced class the Jedi Sage. We’ll try and cover all of the classes before release, but there is a lot to do so let’s dive right in shall we? Story: The Jedi Consular’s story is rumored to be the best one in the game. The story starts you off by doing various padawon duties, until your master falls ill and you find yourself thrown into the status of Jedi and stumble upon something much greater than you had anticipated….

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Electronic Arts 2Q FY12 Earnings Call Recap

Electronic Arts held its Q2 2012 earnings conference call today and here they discussed with their shareholders as well as industry analysts the predictions of potential revenue from SWTOR. Now that we have a definite release date for SWTOR of December 20, 2011, there is more to be talked about in the earnings call. Past earning calls were not able to pinpoint the exact launch date, leaving some things uncertain. COO Peter Moore talks about the SWTOR launch and testing plans: “This is inarguably the most anticipated game of the year, an epic MMO that makes each player the hero of their own Star Wars saga. The Old Republic is in Beta right now and players are blown away by the immersive story, dynamic combat and authentic Star Wars feel.” In regards to testing he said: “In the coming weeks we’ll invite hundreds of thousands of players into our biggest…

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SWTOR Impressions from IGN: Setting a Scene

IGN had another great SWTOR update for us today. It was all about “setting a scene” and “finding depth in the Star Wars universe”. So far, their impressions of the SWTOR game and story have been some of the most intricate we’ve found on any of the media sites since the embargo was lifted. While you might not always agree with the gamers/reviewers over at IGN, you still have to respect the way they present the facts- and in a way that gamers can understand and appreciate. Their impressions hold weight, even when you disagree with their opinions and that’s why we’re happy to bring you the most recent update from them. The Old Republic: Setting a Scene- Nick Kolan begins with some basic info on Star Wars The Old Republic and the scene that BioWare is trying to set within the game. “. It’s a place where entire planets…

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EA Downplays Old Republic Shortage Fears: Will You Get Your Copy?

Don’t have your pre-order copy of SWTOR yet? Are you worried about not being able to get a copy due to the shortage fears that have been going around? Well, you might not need to worry so much after all. While it’s true that EA said they would be rationing/limiting the sale of the game, they have reassured gamers that they are set on a very ambitious launch. “We’re using our beta test to inform us of what scale that we can handle. Our pre-order campaign is tailored towards how we’re going to do that.” EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau told investors. “We’re looking at a rollout plan that is fairly ambitious. We don’t feel like we’re going to be leading too much demand behind at launch but we definitely are going to be very cautious and thoughtful about how many people we bring on and in what order,” he…

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No New SWTOR Game Testing Build This Weekend

While those who had been game testing anxiously await news of when the servers will be back up with the new build, Senior Community Coordinator, Allison Berryman eased the anxiety and let the game testers know that they might as well find something else to do this weekend. There will be no new build over the weekend (October 28th, 29th and 30th). So now that you know it’s official, you can stop refreshing the beta forums over and over and find something else to do. Why don’t we ponder for a bit on what this new build might entail? How close do you think the new game testing build will be to the final version of the game that will launch in less than 60 days? You don’t have to be testing the game right now to join us in speculating what might be in the new build. These are…

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Friday Update: Voidstar Warzon

This weeks Friday Update is out and it brings with it a new systems page on the official SWTOR site. TheWarzone Systems page contains details on all three of the available PVP confrontations including a brief description and accompanying video. Those Warzones are: The Voidstar, an assault style Warzone set upon a derelict Imperial Battle Cruiser. One faction attempts to fight its way to access the ship’s data core, while the opposing faction defends the ship and attempts to prevent the other side from reaching the data core. The factions are then switched, with the attackers becoming the defenders. Huttball, an highly tactical Warzone set in a pit-like arena. Teams battle for control of a ball which appears in the center of the arena. The team which collects the ball must run with it, pass it, or use whatever means necessary to carry it across the opposing team’s goal line,…

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SWTOR Release 5 Days before Christmas- a Genius Idea?

Now that we finally have a release date for SWTOR, people are talking about the choice of that date. With December 20th, 5 days before Christmas set for launch, could BioWare be onto something special here? Why did BioWare choose this date anyway? We know the launch date was of super importance when it comes to SWTOR but we almost never see blockbuster titles out so close to Christmas, or even in December at all. So what was EA thinking with this decision? The guys over at Mad Tang have a theory on this topic. A snippet: “It doesn’t matter when the game is released there will be a line out the door to pick up every copy. People are going to do whatever they have to to get a copy of this game. Nerds will fight other nerds during the last minute Christmas rush in epic battles to get…

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Abbreviations and Acronyms for SWTOR: Do You Have Your SWTOR Dictionary Handy?

The much-anticipated launch of SWTOR is on the way in less than 2 months now- are you ready? If you don’t know all the lingo, then you might not be as ready as you thought you were. Maybe you thought you already knew all there was to know about SWTOR but if you’re new to the game, there is one thing you will notice- the lingo is full of abbreviations and acronyms. This is pretty typical of an MMO or any video game for that matter, but if you want to know what’s going on and avoid looking like a SWTOR newb, then you need to crash course on what the big ones mean (unless you plan on pulling out the SWTOR dictionary each time you play). Luckily, someone has already done all the hard work for you and compiled a full list of SWTOR and MMORPG abbreviations and acronyms…

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SWTOR Guild Ranking and Progressions

Is your guild registered for SWTOR? Do you know what you will be playing? What type of server will you be on? Will servers be faction balanced? These are all great questions for anyone looking to play SWTOR. With less than 2 months to launch, we can expect to learn a lot of the data that is out now and how that will change once release comes. A lot of people are still decided on what they are going to play so the hopes are that the sides and the classes will balance themselves out more post-launch. However, early figures we have seen from multiple sources are showing a clear imbalance on sides and there is a website set up that shows this perfectly. There are some interesting statistics found on SWTOR Progress about guilds and who will be playing what. World stats show 39,370 people as “Undecided Empire” and…

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SWTOR Game Testing Forums to Merge to One Forum

While SWTOR game testers wait around for the servers to be back up once again, they check the forums regularly for any updates. Some, I’m sure, are obsessively refreshing their browsers, awaiting the news that the newest game client will be ready and they can once again resume playing their favorite game before official launch. Today, there was news in the beta forums but it wasn’t about the servers being back up. Instead, Allison Berryman, Senior Community Coordinator, had news about the SWTOR game testing forums and upcoming changes. She made this post, explaining that while the new build is not here yet, there will be changes to the testing forum structure. From the time the new build is available (which it isn’t yet), all testers will share the same testing forums. This means all players will see English, French and German testing forums. This might actually be good news…

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Random House Releases Revan Novel Excerpt

Good news for Revan fans today! Random House posted an excerpt of Chapter One from Revan, Drew Karpyshyn‘s upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic novel. This is an add-on from the synopsis we previously reported this week. The book, which goes on sale November 15, 2011, is a must-read for SWTOR lore fans or anyone who follows Star Wars story or Karpyshyn’s work. Here in the excerpt, you can learn more about the environment and the people of Dromund Kass, and learn more about Lord Scourge. The novel synopsis is also available here, along with a bio of the author if you’re not familiar with his work. Check it out for a sneak peek at Chapter One and let us know what you think. Visit the Random House site to read the full excerpt. More from us about Revan: Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan Revan Mini Excerpts Drew Karpyshyn…

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A New SWTOR Flashpoint – The Hammer – Has Been Released

More big news about SWTOR from IGN; a new flashpoint has been released and they are here to tell us something about it. IGN writes today about The Hammer, SWTOR’s newest flashpoint and what we can all expect from it: “The Hammer, a separate Flashpoint set on an Empire-controlled superweapon, is more focused on the cooperative aspects of group play. The Flashpoint is set on a massive weapon designed to fire gigantic asteroids indiscriminately at planets, and you have to shut it down.” If you want to learn more about The Hammer and dungeon runs in SWTOR in general, you will love this 1,000+ word write-up from IGN. They give us a complete, honest walk-through of The Hammer. If you’ve had an opportunity to play a flashpoint already, we’re curious what you think about the potential of the newly announced The Hammer, as well. Spoiler Alert: If you don’t want…

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‘Oh Lisa’ Interviews Cory Butler at NYCC

Here is a slightly different view from some of the other stuff we covered on NYCC and if you have not seen it yet, it’s worth the four minutes to watch it. ‘Oh Lisa’ Interviews Cory Butler at NYCC Lisa Oh! Actor, host and voiceover artist brings us a fun interview with Cory Butler (Bioware producer) from NYCC and in addition, some interesting and fun feedback on her website about her experience at NYCC and her dive into the world of MMOs with SWTOR. Cute girl- first MMO – fun interview- and apparently she’s going to blog/vlog her path from “MMO Newb to Competent Gamer”, sounds good to me! Lisa says she’s never played an MMORPG before and that she’s excited SWTOR will be her first. She writes: “As part of my jedi training, I went to New York Comic Con to play the beta version of TOR, listen to…

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