Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Tatooine

Tatooine (pronounced tætu’in) was a desert world in a binary star system in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by poor locals who mostly farmed moisture for a living. Other activities included used equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The planet was on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route, which itself connected to the Sisar Run. The planet was not far from the Corellian Run. It had its own navigation system. However, it would still play a role in galactic events, serving as the home of Anakin Skywalker. It was here that Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn recognized Anakin’s potential to become a Jedi and where he introduced him to Obi-Wan Kenobi, his future master and mentor. Tatooine was also the home of Anakin’s son, Luke, where he lived until his early adulthood. The planet built up a very bad reputation, often…

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Target Launch Spring 2011 Confirmed

I just got an email from Sean Dahlberg, Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Manager, with the following text: While we have not announced a specific date, we can confirm that we are targeting a spring 2011 release for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We’ve got a lot of exciting updates and reveals planned throughout 2010, including the first-ever hands-on testing for the game. It’s not too late to sign up to be a game tester, so go to and sign up today. We can’t wait to share more about the game with you as we progress through the year, so make sure you stay tuned to the official website for details. You can also read the update on the official forums. Thanks Sean. Note that this is a target; they might miss their target it if they run into problems or such. This isn’t an official release date…

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Rumor: The Old Republic Coming Spring 2011? [Update: Confirmed]

Update: Target Launch Spring 2011 Confirmed The news has been making the rounds across gaming news sites. Yesterday during EA’s fiscal year 2010 update conference call CEO John Riccitiello apparently made a statement that could be interpreted as indicating Star Wars: The Old Republic’s potential release date. When asked about EA’s upcoming plans for next year he said the following: “On the digital side, while we’ve got a great number of incredible initiatives, one key driver is going to be the launch date of our major MMO,” Riccitiello said. “As it stands today, the game is making great progress towards a spring 2011 launch. But given the volatility of this particular sector, and the fact that we haven’t yet provided a specific launch date, we will be excluding the revenue from our fiscal 2011 guidance plans.” No specific mention of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but people are reading “our…

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Battles of the Star Wars Universe 2

This is a slideshow video of some of the many battles that take place throughout the expanded Star Wars universe and as well as battles that are seen in the Star Wars movies. We have used photos taken from comics, movies, novels, tv shows, and video games. The music used in this video includes (in order): Battle of the Heroes The Imperial March The Force Theme Duel of the Fates Watch in higher quality The battles features in this video include (note: The name of the battles are set in the conflict, year, battle and/or sub conflict): Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Kashyyyk Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Coruscant Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Utapau Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Mygeeto Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Felucia Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Second Battle…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Star Wars: Forced Alliance

Set 50 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, Forced Alliance is an alternate take of the Star Wars Universe. As the New Republic tries to rebuild, new threats arise and for 3 students of different beliefs it has become a dangerous place to be. Only through trust and fragile friendship can the 3 young Jedi hope to survive and discover if there is more to the Force than what they’ve been taught. This project is a television spec teaser. Written by Randolph Bookman

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Dromund Kaas, Imperial Seat of Power

Colonized and built upon by the Sith Empire, Dromund Kaas is home to the Emperor and his Dark Council. Almost completely forgotten for over a thousand years, the rediscovery of this world prompted the Sith surprise attacks that plunged the entire galaxy headlong into war. Despite being “off the map” by comparison to more heavily visited planets, such as the training world of Korriban, Dromund Kaas is very much the center of the Empire. Although the Emperor himself seems to have fallen silent recently, his Dark Council may have awakened a dangerous, hidden power within the planet’s jungles and ruins. Access the HoloNet records to learn more about the mysterious past, and uncertain future of Dromund Kaas. Also, explore Dromund Kaas in this planet flythrough video, and be sure to check out the media section to see the latest wallpapers, screenshots, and concept art!

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Threat of Peace, Issue #23

The twenty-third issue of Threat of Peace™ brings us beneath the surface of Dantooine where Sith Lords Baras and Angral are waiting in the planet’s ancient crystal caves; they know the Jedi will attack. Sure enough, Master Dar’Nala leads Jedi Knight Fortris Gall and Lieutenant Tavus to the caves to slay the Sith and lay the blame on them for destroying the peace treaty. When Jedi Knight Satele Shan tracks down her friends and realizes her Master yet lives, however, anything can happen… Check out the latest issue of Threat of Peace now.

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Jon Stewart interviews George Lucas!

The creator of “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones” reveals the secrets of the blockbuster film. George Lucas didn’t actually write a book, it’s just a doorstop so he could get on the show. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c George Lucas Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis For those of you outside the US

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Battles of the Star Wars Universe 1

This is a slideshow video of some of the many battles that take place throughout the expanded Star Wars universe and as well as battles that are seen in the Star Wars movies. We have used photos taken from comics, movies, novels, tv shows, and video games. We used several Star Wars songs in this video which include (in order): Main Title & Rebel Blockade Runner The Asteroid Field The Emperor Arrives Battle of the Heroes The battles features in this video include (note: The name of the battles are set in the conflict, year, battle and/or sub conflict): Great Hyperspace War – 5000 BBY – Battle of Coruscant Great Hyperspace War – 5000 BBY – First Battle of Korriban Great Sith War – 3998 BBY – Naddist Uprising (aka Freedon Nadd Uprising) Great Sith War – Krath Holy Cursade – 3997 BBY – First Battle of Empress Teta Great…

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Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Alderaan

Alderaan was a Core Founder of the Galactic Republic in 25,053 BBY and one of the anchor-points for early hyperspace exploration. Alderaan was headquarters of Alderaan Royal Engineers, an early Republic shipwright. Alderaanian colonists settled Nim Drovis. During the Mandalorian Wars, the planet was threatened with invasion by the forces of Cassus Fett, but the entire invasion force was prematurely decimated, due to misuse of an ancient Sith artifact. During the peak of the Great Galactic War, the planet’s peace and tranquility was shattered by a full-scale Sith Empire. The Sith quickly overwhelmed the local defense forces and took the entire royal family hostage. In response, a Republic and Jedi taskforce launched a swift counter-offensive against the Sith; recapturing the planet and inflicting a heavy defeat on the Sith. As a consequence of the Sith invasion, the Alderaanian leadership adopted a hardline militarist stance towards the Sith Empire in the…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Star Wars Vs. Top TV Shows Of The 1980s

To day we give you not one, but two instalments of “While we wait for The Old Republic”. This time we will look at what Star Wars would look like if it was a 80’ies low budget TV show. Dallas opening What the Star Wars would look like if it was the Dallas TV-series Airwolf Rebels opening Airwolf theme. Good series, godd intro, good music. The Imperial version is next.. so enjoy! Airwolf Imperial opening Well.. since I’ve done Rebels, I had to do the Imperial side as well. Here it is, with a little twist in the cast, sort of ran out of bad guys 😉 Macgyver opening This time it’s Macgyver that gets to be Star Wars. A-Team opening I’ll guess there will be a lot of discussions about which characters that should be in the opening – theese where my chioces.

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Developer Blog: The Imperial Agent

Since the BioWare Team is still on their well deserved holiday we did not get a large update this Friday. Still, everyone who is interested in the Imperial Agent may be quite pleased with the Developer Blog on this class. Senior Writer Alexander Freed explains the general concept behind the Agent before he delves into the specifics of this class. This unusual class doesn’t fit into an archetype of the Star Wars movies, so why did the developers choose the Imperial Agent then? Answers are given in the developer blog. We’re also promised some concrete information, but is actually appeared to have been censored. Instead of real character names we get some XX only: It all starts on Hutta, where XXX XXXXXX is trying to XXXX the XXXXXXXXXX of XXXXXX the Hutt. After XXX XXXXX XXXXXXX, the Imperial Agent XX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX on behalf of Darth…

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Know your legends: Darth Sion

Darth Sion, the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lord who lived in the time of the Old Sith Wars. As a Sith Marauder in the Great Sith War, Sion fought for Exar Kun’s Sith Empire until the day he was struck down. Rather than die, though, Sion found that by calling on his pain, anger, and hatred, he could rise from certain death and achieve immortality, at the cost of all-consuming agony. With a body fractured and decomposing, but held together by the dark side of the Force, Sion survived the Great Sith War. Sion allied himself with the next Sith Empire to arise in the galaxy, that of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Those Sith, too, fell, and he watched from the Sith Academy on Korriban as the Empire tore itself apart. Sion soon found new purpose with Darth Traya and Darth Nihilus, a pair of Sith Lords…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: I.M.P.S – The Relentless: Chapter 2

At long last, we have Chapter Two! And, as many others have commented, it was WELL worth the wait. Once more, Blacksheep has reminded us why they are considered Legends in the Fan Film universe, so much so that no one was ever truly willing to give ’em hell over the time between productions, for in the end their brilliance would shine through. And so it has. On behalf of Star Wars fans across the globe as well as Imperial Loyalists, I salute and thank you, sirs. Here’s to Chapter Three on the distant horizon! P.S. Anychance you guys would be willing to put in some face, or rather voice, time with Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac over at the Force-Cast? It would be awesome to get some verbal behind the scenes info as well as plans for the future. Watch in HD Who made this? The Primary Responsible Parties…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: I.M.P.S – The Relentless: Chapter 1

Is this the long awaited “TROOPS 2?” Originally this project was to be the sequel to “Troops” but over the course of writing and production, it evolved into something entirely different. “”Troops2” was the working title of the production until the script was completed, and the project assembled. Chapter 1 of IMPS, “The Rail-Runners – Davenport Gateway” acts as a bridge to take us from the ‘COPS’ format to the soldiers of the many branches of the Imperial military. Since the military does actually act as peace officers in many cases, we thought it would be appropriate. As we delve into further Chapters, and the men and women who work as Imperial soldiers, we seek to learn who these characters are, how they came to be here, and what their responsibilities are, etc. This is why we now call it I.M.P.S. – The Relentless. Who made this? The Primary Responsible…

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Developer Dispatch 5: Designing the Dark Side

Inspired by notorious characters such as Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior take different approaches to their rise to power. The Sith Warrior achieves victory through pure aggression and might while the Sith Inquisitor excels by cunning ambition and Force manipulation. From storyline, to art style, to combat tactics, each design decision was made to support the dark side themes of power, domination, and destruction. Watch Developer Dispatch: Designing the Dark Side, and learn how Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ developers created this dominating force.

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Troops

Troops is a mockumentary film by Kevin Rubio, which made its debut on the Internet in 1997. The film is a parody of COPS, set in the Star Wars universe. In the film, Imperial stormtroopers from the infamous Black Sheep Squadron patrolling the Dune Sea on the planet Tatooine run into some very familiar characters while being filmed for the hit Imperial TV show Troops. The film jump-started the modern fan film movement, as it was one of the first short films to bring fan films into the digital age, taking advantage of internet distribution and affordable production and special effects equipment, as well as fans with movie-quality costumes. Rubio finished the film while working at the Fox Kids Network, and was able to use well-known voice talent in his cast, including Jess Harnell, Cam Clarke, and announcer Bill Farmer. The film has proven incredibly popular with Star Wars fans,…

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Planets of TOR: Korriban

Korriban, originally known as Pesegam during the reign of Xim, was the sole planet in the Horuset system, located across the galaxy from Koros Major. It was the original homeworld of the Sith species and a sacred planet for the Sith Order, housing the tombs for many ancient and powerful Dark Lords of the Sith, and containing tremendous dark side power. After the Hundred Year Darkness, the remaining Dark Jedi interbred with the Sith species and ruled the Sith using their Force powers. After the Great Hyperspace War, Korriban was abandoned and became a barren world. It was the site of two Sith Academies, and became the headquarters of the One Sith. It was close to Bosthirda and was located on the Nache Bhelfia and Kamat Krote hyperspace lanes. History Infinite Empire This remote, forbidding planet was the original homeworld of the Sith species. The Rakata invaded Korriban in an…

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Know your lore: Carth Onasi

Carth Onasi is one of the main playable characters in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Voiced by actor Raphael Sbarge, Carth’s character has the game attributes of a basic human soldier. His martial talents lean towards the use of blasters, and his skill level allows him to brandish two guns at once. If the player of KOTOR chooses a female player character, then the possibility of a romantic storyline between Carth and the main character is possible. Carth’s son is revealed to be alive if certain quests are undertaken in the game. When young Carth Onasi signed up to join the Galactic Republic military, he fully believed in the strength of the institution. A loyal soldier, skilled pilot and superior tactician, he operated with distinction in both small border skirmishes and in major engagements. Though the events of the Mandalorian Wars forever cemented Carth’s reputation as a hero,…

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IGN’s Star Wars: The Old Republic Clichés

There’s a brief article over on IGN looking at the Star Wars clichés that The Old Republic has to have to be a truly authentic Star Wars experience. The article is clearly tongue-in-cheek and is as such a fun read. Here’s an excerpt: Affirmative Action: The Republic has always been a leader in providing good jobs to non-Basic speaking races and shown particular acceptance to those races who mangle the language by confusing word order or inserting an annoying “sa” at the end of every pronoun. This tolerance even extends to droids who communicate through a sophisticated system of beeping and shoving. All the human player characters will be required to have at least one non-human or droid sidekick that doesn’t speak any Basic but is still able to understand and be understood by everyone else in the game. To keep these sidekicks in their proper place as defined by…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Duality

Duality is one of the most popular Star Wars fan films ever made. It was quite an acheivement in it’s time, and is still regarded as a model of achievement for the quality of the CG work in the film. The film was filmed entirely against a blue screen at Alamo films. Duality was made as a follow-up project to Duel, and has even sired a parody call Two-ness. The story is basically this: two Sith apprentices are set against each other as a final test to determine which one will serve at their master’s side. And so it is that Darth Oz watches as Darth Blight and Lord Rive battle to the death….. The script was first written by Mark Thomas, with Dave Macomber devising the fight. Filming took place at Alamo Studios in Santa Barbara, California in September of 2000. A teaser trailer was released in November 2000,…

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The Sands of Tatooine + Threat of Peace, Issue #22

In another big news in what seems to be end endless series of them it seems that BioWare Austin have decided to include the most boring and over-used planet in the entire Star Wars setting in the MMO as well, namely Tatooine. And the planet they promised to unveil today happens to be that one. Great. They also have a comic, which I must admit having lost all interest in as well (in my opinion it’s drawn badly and the story doesn’t seem to go anywhere). Anyway, here’s the official news: The twenty-second issue of Threat of Peace™ takes us to the long-abandoned Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, where Lieutenant Tavus meets the true culprit behind the efforts to undermine the peace treaty. It seems Master Dar’Nala survived her Imperial captivity after all, and everything that’s happened since has been all part of her plan. Despite his doubts, Lieutenant Tavus agrees…

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The Audio of Star Wars: The Old Republic

Over at Darth Hater they have an interview with some of the LucasArts guys responsible for the sounds and music in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The interview is split into three part; music, sound fxs and voiceovers. Here’s an excerpt: DH: The original score by John Williams became an integral part of Star Wars culture. How did the audio team approach creating new pieces with such iconic shoes to fill? JH: We’ve assembled a team of composers for The Old Republic who are all well-versed in the language of John Williams. Mark Griskey, whose previous Star Wars work includes both KOTOR II and The Force Unleashed, is returning as our lead composer on the project. Joining him are composers Lennie Moore, Gordy Haab, and Wilbert Roget, II. Lennie comes to us with a diverse background in games, TV, and film. Gordy recently worked with us on Indiana Jones and…

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Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Balmorra

Balmorra was a factory world that was located within the Nevoota system, situated in the Colonies region at the border of the Core Worlds. Wide plains surrounded the planet’s capital, Bin Prime. Balmorran metal parasites feasted on metals in the urban areas of Balmorra. During the settlement of Balmorra, while the Republic was still in its infancy, Balmorra quickly established itself as a haven for renouned weapon and battle droid manufacturers. While determined to remain independent of the Republic, they became strong alllies supplying the Republic and the greater galaxy with advanced droids and weapons. Republic era During the Great Galactic War the Sith Empire resolved to seize Balmorra due to their military manufacturing plants and strategic location close to the Core Worlds. The Republic immediately sent soldiers to prevent that from happening. As the Great Galactic War continued and the Sith Empire’s control continued to spread, the strained republic…

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