
SWTOR PVP: What You Need to Know

For those who love PVP in MMORPGs, SWTOR is going to have some various options for you. Video gamers are always particular when it comes to their PvP. It’s difficult to create a game with PvP that will please everyone, especially when that is not the main focus of the game itself but rather a side portion or mini game aspect. What will SWTOR PvP be like? It’s a great question and one that GameSpy attempts to answer for us with this post about Voidstar, Alderaan and Huttball. As they explain: SWTOR will feature three PvP “Warzones”, each with its own unique objectives and gameplay. The first warzone is called “Voidstar”, and sees players fight for the control of a spaceship. The second warzone, “Alderaan”, involves an all-out war on the famous planet, while the third warzone is known as “Huttball””. See more with the Huttball trailer: For more videos…

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Jedi Shadow PvP Footage

Russian MMORPG website innrey.ru just released some fresh Jedi Shadow PvP Footage. The video is 20 min long and shoves quite a few interesting find I personally didn’t know yet. Stuff like a Marauder can use a viborblade: Anyways. Enjoy this Solid footage of the shadow/assassin class. Personally this is seriously making me consider rolling one of these for PvP purposes.

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Video: Totalbiscuit – Level 14 Jedi Sentinel PVP – Huttball

At the Eurogamer Expo 2011, TotalBiscuit was able to play a game of Huttball using the Jedi Sentinel class, a heavy melee damage dealer. As always “The Angry Brit” has some awesome commentary  good for a laugh. The video is filmed at 25fps, 1080i resolution, so it’s really decent footage. TotalBiscuit has commented a few times about the game, here is one of the most interesting points: There is a scaling issue, far as I can tell, due to how PvP works. At lower levels, you have too much health and not enough damage. Bioware is aware of it and they’re tweaking it, but it’s particularly frustrating with melee classes. If I’m chopping you up with a lightsabre, you should probably die. With the Trooper I can stand at range mowing fools down with area of effect sprays, grenades and such, plus I can take a beating up close and do massive…

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PAX Prime 2011: Open World PvP Announced

Another big announcement from the BioWare Sunday panel at PAX was Open World PvP on the ice planet Ilum featuring a war torn battlefield where players take down turrets to invade the enemy base. While is has been mention before that there would be some kind of open world PvP, it’s the first time it was addressed by BioWare officially. Here is a rundown: Open world pvp: Ilum first. Objectives, bases to capture. Players can take over turrets Side that gets control will get Valor and other things. Ask A Jedi uploaded a video of the big reveal:

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Pax Prime 2011: Sith Sorceror PvP Gameplay

Darthhater captured some Alderaan Warzone PvP action showing some Sith Sorceror PvP Gameplay in SWTOR. If you pay attention to the movie, it looks like he only use the same two skills over and over. This is not the case though – He uses every skill that’s available to him. It’s just that they all have some kind of lightning animation, so they all look the same. Madness spec almost gets worse higher up in the talent tree. A lot of people will just spam Force Lightning (3s channel, dd/snare,power return, two hand anim) and then a bunch of instants when they are up. I still think it looks fun, especially with Corruption hybrid spec. Check it out below:

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PAX Prime 2011: Alderaan Warzone PVP Videos

Pax has been on for a day now, and the first videos has hit youtube. TORWARS, have been really active already and uploaded 3 movies showing different battles from the Alderaan Warzone. The first one, uploaded 20 min ago, shows Commando vs Mercenary pvp combat: This next one showes s Jedi Sentinel vs s Marauder, and later fighting a Sith Juggernaut: And finally this video shows a Trooper vs an Assassin:

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PvP – Trooper gameplay

TotalBiscuit uploaded a Trooper gameplay video, showing some nice PVP action from this years Gamescom. I can be totally enthralled by anything as long as TB is commentating, whether it be sports, video games, or peanut butter jar opening. Also some very interesting points on immersion. I frequently got kind of bored when fighting in other rpg games, where you just hit attack, maybe do some skill attacks, but it’s just basically watching attack animation for a little bit. There’s so much going on in SWTOR, and you can either find cover or move to a better position, instead of just sit there and watch animations. Absolutely love this game already. While the Trooper was being played well for the most part, I still kept yelling at my TV, ‘Stop moving into melee range you moron!”

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Friday Update: Huttball Video

In yesterdays Friday Update Dallas Dickinson gave  us a look at Huttball, the new warzone variety that takes place in SWTOR on a map called “The Pit”. It functions much like a game of capture the flag, the “Huttball” being placed in the middle and carried over the opposing team’s line to score points. This type of PVP is going to be really interesting if you ask me.  I can imagine Entire guilds and specs will come about JUST for Huttball. “In a time of turmoil where two mighty armies ready themselves, many citizens of both the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire have begun to look for an escape from the uncertainty of impending war. For many people on Nar Shaddaa this escape can be found in the gladiatorial confines of ‘The Pit,’ where two teams compete in a violent game for the amusement of Giradda the Hutt and thousands of spectators!”” Here…

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SWTOR Room Invites are Out for GamesCom PvP

All applicants who requested to play “Alderaan Civil War PvP Warzone at GamesCom” need to take notice. On August 10, 2011, invites were sent out to all the lucky gamers who were accepted for this big event. However, some of the invites contained errors that need to be corrected concerning the day in which you are to participate. A “system error” is responsible for the mix up and some of the invitations were emailed out with the wrong slot time. These invited certain gamers to play in the event taking place on Thursday but they had been assigned to the session taking place on Friday. It’s important to get this mix up taken care of so everyone will show up at the right time. SWTOR issued this message “If you received an invite to take part in the event on Thursday, but you requested to play on Friday, please check…

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Previews Alderaan Group Mission

This week BioWare’s Director of Production Dallas Dickinson returns with an E3 2011 preview video of a mission to save the planet Alderaan in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The video is short but it makes its time count by serving up a look at one of the group missions that players can engage in on the Alderaan. And while there are no electrocuted Jawas in this one (that never gets old), there are plenty of blasters and lightsabers.

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Gabe Amatangelo on SWTOR’s PVP matchmaking system

The PVP system in SWTOR has been very hush, hush until lately when the hands-on reports started coming out. Gabe Amatangelo sheds a little more light on how exactly the global PVP system is going to work. Many other MMOs have tried to conquer the PVP system by allowing massive combat to take place cross server or realm. SWTOR doesn’t seem to want to take on this idea. Their thinking pattern behind having server-based PVP systems is to create cohesion between players of the same faction and rivalries from the opposing faction. When PVP is done cross-server it doesn’t make it as personal as having someone from your own server take you on. This will breed not only a better storyline for those who really enjoy it but it will take away from the anonymous feel of killing someone you’ll probably never see again. Now the biggest problem with doing…

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SWTOUR PvP Impressions

The SWTOUR PvP news broke yesterday and there are so many great, exciting stories that it’s hard to know where to begin. Here’s a recap of the top breaking stories that came out today about the PvP experience from SWTOUR. Mos Eisley Radio New article posted by Evan Lewis on the site. He discusses his PvP experience while at SWTOUR. Evan says himself, “As I have stated many times over, I am NOT a PvP kinda guy. At least, I wasn’t.” His write-up gives a good comparison of PvP in World of Warcraft and SW:TOR. He goes on to say: “Now, while I can’t comment on the world-PvP aspects of Star Wars: The Old Republic, I can certainly say that the organized PvP portions, the Warzones, are such an improvement over what has been featured in previous games that I am now a PvP fan.” MMORPG.com Star Wars: The Old…

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Possible new SWTOR Warzone- The Voidstar!

A German magazine recently revealed a possible new warzone called The Voidstar, as mentioned in a SWTOR post on the official forums. The article says, “Warzones, these are the PvP Battlegrounds translated in The Old Republic. So far, only one was known and that the civil war on Alderaan (more on page 18), but now Bioware still the PvP battlefield “The Voidstar” announced that will offer a Conquest mode. More will follow as we lead designer told PvP month, Gabe. (Google Translate).” Hmm… does anyone reading speak German? Perhaps you can give us a better translation. It was then covered on the official forums in a post by Elboc and opened up for discussion. The information found on a SWTOR forum post cannot all be verified as fact so before you read, be aware that much of this is speculation. There might also be some translation issues since the post…

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What Is The Max Level?

A lot of people are wondering, what is the level cap to the SWTOR? Before people believed that the level cap could be between 36 to 71 in Star Wars: The old republic but, stated by Damion Schubert the level cap is indeed level 50.  Who knows if that will be the case when the game is actually is released. I guess it will leave much for expansions and it will be easier to reach that level, I’m guessing and I will play through a lot more character. And here is Gabe talking about multiple level 50 PvP:

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Georg Zoeller reveals more info on healing

On the official German Forums for Star Wars: The old republic – Georg Zoeller (Zöller??), Principal Lead Combat Designer  –  did some more explaining about healing in SWTOR Quote from Bench Alright , but i don’t believe in healing Troopers, Jedi, Sith or Bounty Hunters Georg: Two Healers are in that listing. Who exactly? Sorry, won’t tell just yet Georg: To be a little more precise than in the English forums Each Side will have four starter classes with 2 advanced classes each , starting at lvl 10 Three of those starter classses can choose an advanced class that’s a full value healer with the respective abilities Check out the original post here (scroll down to his post) Below is the German version: Um ein wenig praeziser zu sein als im Englischen Forum. Jede Seite hat vier Start Klassen mit jeweils zwei Erweiterungs Klassen waehlbar ab Level 10. Drei dieser…

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SWTOR’s Lead PvP Designer talks about warzones and PvP

With every Star Wars fan eagerly awaiting the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic from BioWare, Ten Ton Hammer’s own Jeff “Ethec” Woleslagle traveled to BioWare’s favorite spaceport cantina to learn more about the PvP aspects of the game. Quaffing a few bottles of Tusken Banthan Sweat with Gabe Amatangelo, lead PvP designer, he learned some interesting tidbits about the Alderaan warzone and PvP in general. Gabe Amatangelo: The major thing is that it’s an immersive experience and that the Alderaan war zone has a visceral mechanic or it has a visceral coding to every MMOG mechanic. You’re seeing ships go down, you’re seeing damage to the ship, you’re retargeting guns. I’m holding that philosophy to PvP in general in The Old Republic. Learn more about PvP in Star Wars: The Old Republic in TTH’s interview with Gabe Amatangelo.

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GamespotUK Hands On – Jedi Consular and Multiplayer Flashpoints

The press embargo holding back details from BioWare’s recent “Hands-On Days” in Europe and the US got lifted yesterday. This means we can expect tons of articles through out the rest of the weeks, showing new game play etc. Yesterday we had the pleasure of reading IGN’s 5 hour game experience of Star Wars: The old republic and today GamespotUK brings us a “Hands On” of the Jedi Consular and Multiplayer Flashpoints. On our quest for artifacts, we encountered an illegal colony of Twi’leks–the Star Wars universe’s tentacle-headed humanoids (the same race to which Return of the Jedi’s Bib Fortuna belonged)–who were missing their village protector, a reclusive Twi’lek wilderness expert who had apparently discovered the most ancient secrets of the Sith and nearly killed us by collapsing his remote cave home down onto our heads. We tracked him down to a hidden Sith shrine inhabited by Sith disciples and…

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All about The Old Republic’s PvP with TOR’s Lead PvP Designer Gabe Amatangelo

Hundar from machinima.com awkwardly cornered Gabe Amatangelo and roughed him up for all of Star Wars The Old Republic PvP info he could wring out of him. They discussed in detail some of the PvP mechanics and what they’ll bring. Swtor-life.com has summed up the highlights: There will be experience awarded for PvP There will be token awards to get “identifiable” gear (so you get recognized as PvP player) There are different levels of PvP gear (level 15 and level 50) Alderaan warzone usually lasts between 5 and 15 minutes Next warzone (derelict starship one) will have Assault type game mechanics At the point of talking about whether there will be “seasonal updates” of PvP gear (so that it gets upgraded once first set of PvP gear gets “outdated”), Gabe Amatangelo mentioned that: “Yes there will be multiple level 50 PvP sets“. This leads us to believe that Level 50 is the max level…

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Friday Update: Warzones, and (voting for) a new name for the Jedi Wizard.

Warzones, crafting and (voting for) a new name for the Jedi Wizard. That’s what BioWare has for us today. This week was EA’s annual winter showcase in London, during which they revealed details on warzones in The Old Republic as well as details on crafting. With the warzones BioWare released a new video showing some PvP; here is the official news: We’ll be offering more insight into how Warzones work in the near future, but for now, we hope this video will give you a good sense of the Warzone experience in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! Also, be sure to check the screenshot section to see how this battle is heating up. Next to all that BioWare is showing that it’s listening to the community. After the massive outcry over the “Jedi Wizard” advanced class name they’ve now selected three names (plus “Jedi Wizard”) for the community to vote on, saying that the winning…

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EA Winter Showcase Update: Crafting Revealed

Gamespot is present at this years EA Winter Showcase in England. Earlier this morning they published an interview with Blaine Christine and Gabe Amatangelo from Bioware about crafting, collecting and PVP. Here is a snip of the crafting part: The crafting and collecting, for starters, is designed to fit the player’s experience in a way that is credible in relation to fiction. As Christine puts it, more or less, it does not make sense for a badass Darth Vader-like Sith skin WOMP rats in a new pair of boots in between conquering worlds. And yes, the coherent fictional basis for the low, the crew skills system. “You are the hero,” says Christine. “You make your crew work for you.” The crew consists of companion characters work as you play with your spaceship as their base of operations. From the ship, your comrades sent to collect materials and commanded to crafts while you go…

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Pax 2010: Mysteries of Knights of the Old Republic

Bioware just released a new video about the “Mysteries of Knights of the Old Republic”. It shows a few new gameplay scenes as well, but is mostly about the history of Revan. The Jedi Civil War left many unanswered questions. In the difficult days following the showdown between Darth Revan and Darth Malak, the Jedi Order struggled to survive, leaving little time for investigations. Redeemed as a Jedi, Revan traveled into deep space in search of a mysterious evil. We now know that the source of this evil was the reconstituted Sith Empire, but that solves only a portion of the mystery… Personally I think this is going to be awsome. A final conclusion…maybe…to the story of Revan…something we’ve all wanted for since his disapperance in the second KoTOR. From a story stand point though it would be good to look back at the KoTOR’s for some advice. In the…

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