Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Developer Insights – Admiral Raddus

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time we are talking about the Rebellion’s most prominent fleet commander, Admiral Raddus, is making his way to the holotables! This Mon Calamari Admiral breathes new life into the Rogue One faction with abilities Protective Shot, Blue Squadron Air Support, and Inspiring Maneuver. Raddus is key to adding the Spark of Rebellion to his allies, as well as enabling them to Upload the enemy’s top secret plans to give Hope to his allies on the battlefield. Admiral Raddus’ Grand Arena Omicron will give players a powerful Rogue One squad.

UNIT NAME: Admiral Raddus
CATEGORIES: Support, Leader, Rebel, Rogue One
A brilliant Rebel tactician who supports his allies by buying time for them to carry out their mission


BASIC: Protective Shot


Final Text: Deal Special damage to target enemy and grant the weakest ally gains Protection Up (20%) for 2 turns.

SPECIAL 1: Inspiring Maneuver (CD:6) (Zeta)


Final Text: All Rebel allies gain Protection Up (50%) for 2 turns and recover 35% Max Protection. All ally Tanks gain Taunt for 2 turns. All Rogue One allies gain Spark of Rebellion for 3 turns, which can’t be copied and call all Rogue One allies to assist. If target enemy is Dark Side and debuffed, increase their cooldowns by 1 (excluding Galactic Legends).

If all allies are Rogue One, reduce the Cooldown of Inspiring Maneuver by 2.

Spark of Rebellion: Gain 40% Offense and 30 Speed. When this character attacks, recover 20% Max Health and Protection. Empire enemies defeated by this character while this buff is active can’t be revived. if Spark of Rebellion is dispelled, gain 40% Turn Meter, 5% Upload progress, and Protection Up (50%) for 2 turn

SPECIAL 2: Blue Squadron Air Support (CD: 3)


Final Text: Dispel all debuffs from all Light Side allies. Then deal Special damage to all enemies. If Admiral Raddus is in the Leader slot and not the ally slot, gain 5% Upload progress and if this ability defeats an enemy, gain an additional 8% Upload progress.

Leader – Rebel Assault (Omicron)

Final Text: For each Rogue One ally at the start of battle, Rogue One allies gain +10% Health, +12% Potency, +8 Speed, and +12% Tenacity. When an Empire enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, they are inflicted with Daze for 2 turns, which can’t be resisted. If a Rogue One ally is critically hit by an enemy, that enemy gains Expose for 2 turns, which can’t be resisted.

While in Grand Arenas: Rogue One allies gain 40% MAx Protection. At the start of battle, all Rogue One allies gain Spark of Rebellion for 3 turns. When Spark of Rebellion is dispelled on an ally, they gain Critical Chance Up, Critical Damage Up, Defense Up, Health Up, Offense Up, Potency Up, and Protection Up (20%), for 2 turns.

UNIQUE: Transmission from Scarif (ZETA)

Final Text: Admiral Raddus gains 30% Defense and 40% Tenacity.

If Jyn Erso is an ally, she gains Spark of Rebellion at the start of encounter and when Jyn Erso loses Spark of Rebellion, she gains Spark of Rebellion for 3 turns. While Admiral Raddus is alive, Jyn Erso can’t be defeated.

If Admiral Raddus is in the Leader slot and not the Ally slot, he gains the granted ability, Hope.

Admiral Raddus gains 1% Upload Progress for each detrimental effect resisted by a Rogue One ally. Whenever a Rogue One ally deals damage to an enemy with Expose, Admiral Raddus gains 1% Upload Progress for each stack of Expose on that enemy. Whenever a Rogue One ally uses a Special ability, Admiral Raddus gains 2% Upload Progress. When Jyn Erso uses a Basic or Special ability, Admiral Raddus gains 5% Upload Progress. At 100% Upload Progress, Admiral Raddus gains a bonus turn.

Hope: Limit one use per battle. Requires 100% Upload Progress to activate. Revive all allies, and all allies recover 100% Health and Protection. Then, deal true damage to all enemies and inflict Protection Disruption and Healing Immunity for 4 turns, which can’t be dispelled, evaded, or resisted.



Final Text: Limit one use per battle. Requires 100% Upload progress to activate. Revive all allies, and all allies recover 100% Health and Protection. Then, deal true damage to all enemies and inflict Protection Disruption and Healing Immunity for 4 turns, which can’t be dispelled, evaded, or resisted.

The Basics:

  • New Rogue One Leader who boosts their Grand Arena Championship viability
  • Provides powerful buffs and bonuses for Rogue One Allies
  • Fun debuff mechanics – lots of value for having multiple stacks of Expose
  • Empire enemies are punished for gaining bonus Turn Meter

Unique Attributes:

  • Admiral Raddus’ Unique prevents Jyn from being defeated if Admiral Raddus is present.
  • Spark of Rebellion is a new buff for Rogue One allies – Gives Offense, Speed and when the character attacks they have health and protection recovery.
  • Upload – A charged up action that enables a 1-time use per battle ability: Hope.
  • Hope is a new granted ability – Requires 100% Upload progress to activate. Revive all allies, and all allies recover 100% Health and Protection.


  • Admiral Raddus commanded the Rebel’s flagship, Profundity, at the Battle of Scarif in Rogue One.
  • His surname would go on to grace the name of Admiral Ackbar’s flagship in The Last Jedi, Raddus.
  • Emboldened by Dash Rendar breathing new life into the Solo squad, we envision a similar path for Admiral Raddus and the Rogue One characters.
  • Protective Shot and Inspiring Maneuver are named in homage to his appearances in the comics where he is supportive and tactical.
  • Blue Squadron were the only starfighters that were able to make it through the planetary shield on Scarif, so Blue Squadron Air Support was the perfect name for the AoE damage and debuff cleanse.
  • We introduced the Download mechanic in fleets with Dash Rendar’s Outrider, so in a twist and a strong tie to Rogue One, a ground force including Admiral Raddus will have Upload. Jyn Erso’s presence makes Upload go much, much faster.

Strategy Tips:

  • Rogue One faction has plenty of characters to choose from, but the callouts to Jyn Erso specifically make her a staple in his squad.
  • Characters who have Spark of Rebellion are great for taking out units like Iden Versio and her troops as this buff prevents revives on units defeated by the buffed character.

How does Upload work?

  • Upload progress happens whenever you use Blue Squadron Air Support, resisting debuffs, damaging enemies who have the Expose debuff, and using allies’ Special Abilities. Additionally when Jyn Erso uses any ability she will gain Upload at a faster rate than normal. When this reaches 100% progress, Admiral Raddus gets a bonus turn, and the once-per-battle ability Hope can be activated.

Why does Admiral Raddus have the Rogue One tag? He wasn’t part of the unit that comprised Rogue One.

  • We looked at the precedence set by Bistan, who also has the Rogue One tag, but was actually a door gunner in Blue Squadron. Giving Admiral Raddus the Rogue One tag allows us to have the synergy we were looking for in the kit without having to get exhaustively wordy.