This made our day! So cool. Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg, Noel Gallagher, Ian Brown, Ciara, DJ Neil Armstrong and others in the world of Star Wars for the “adidas Originals” campaign. Brilliantly done. Enjoy.
Author: Soeren Kamper
Friday Update: Blood of The Empire Issue 4
Today’s Friday Update is now online. It is a new issue of the webcomic Blood of the Empire – like announced earlier today. It deals with Teneb Kel’s search for the Emperor’s apprentice. In the fourth issue of Blood of the Empire, Teneb Kel begins his quest to find the Emperor’s apprentice and learn the reason she betrayed her master. But a war-torn galaxy isn’t always friendly toward Sith, and without a squad of Imperial soldiers to back him up, Teneb must rely on his wits and his lightsaber for protection. Also: what role does the Republic play in Exal Kressh’s machinations? Check out the latest issue of Blood of the Empire now! In reference to hints contained in webcomics, BioWare’s Sean Dahlberg had a statement: While we can understand some people may be frustrated, I want to say the vast majority of people will forgive us after E3 2010….
Ben Balistreri’s Top 30 Star Wars characters
Ben Balistreri is a storyboard artist and character designer for Dreamworks, where he’s worked on How to Train Your Dragon. He’s also — like everyone — a Star Wars fan. So when he tuned his unique design sensibilities to represent his 30 favorite Star Wars characters, we had to take a look. Here they are: Check out his blog.
Leaked Play Guide? are reporting that now defunct fan site has pictures of what seems to be a play guide for Star Wars: The Old republic (most likely for some test version of the game). Whether this is real or some hoax is hard to confirm, but you can see the images yourself here: There aren’t a lot of surprises in the guide, mostly confirming fairly standard play mechanics. The only things of note are that it mentions that players can fill in a surname and that on death players respawn at a med center.
May the schwartz be with you: The Ultimate R2-D2 College Prank
Now THAT’S the droid we’re looking for! Granted, it is hard to miss. Carleton’s Goodsell Observatory gets turned into R2-D2 by an unknown group of enterprising students — complete with sound effects. All the “decorations” appear to have been draped or taped onto the dome; there was no defacing with spray paint, etc.
How a big budget can change the game for everyone
BioWare gets even more funding for what may very well turn out to be the most expensive game ever made. How can this change the industry forever? Electronic Arts, a company that’s been around since almost forever has just stated that they’re going to be putting even more financial backing behind BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic. Eric Brown, the chief fiancial officer, stated that the game is “the largest R&D project EA has ever undertaken in terms of dollars that we expect to spend bringing the title to market.” What’s the actual price tag then? That detail remains unknown. What is known is that EA isn’t poor. For this reason it is unlikely we’ll see the game launched in the incomplete state so many MMOGs suffer from. That point alone is reason enough to believe the game will be a strong contender for a top spot in today’s Western…
BioWare adds Irish customer service center
Electronic Arts has announced plans to open a European customer service and operations center for its BioWare studio, to be based in Galway, Ireland. The new facility will provide BioWare with greater proximity to European players. This investment is being supported by the Irish Government through IDA Ireland. The Prime Minister of Ireland, Taoiseach Brian Cowen TD, said, “EA is the global leader in interactive entertainment and a very important addition to the thriving games industry in Ireland.” Here’s the press release from EA. It also includes a link to apply for a position if you feel the need. Congratulations to Bioware and Galway: EA TO OPEN CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER IN GALWAY, IRELAND Irish Government Welcomes Investment By Leading Interactive Entertainment Company Geneva, Switzerland, May 26, 2010 — Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:ERTS), today announced plans to open a European customer service and operations center for its BioWare™ studio, to be based…
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures
Back in march we reported that Star Wars: The old republic wasn’t the only Star Wars mmorpg in development. Today Sony Online Entertainment announced new MMO universe, this one adopting the animated Star Wars: Clone Wars setting. It’s fully a browser-based experience, allowing players to choose to be either a Jedi, Padawan or a Clone Trooper and along-side their favorite heroes such as Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts are developing Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, a free-to-play virtual world based on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series airing on Cartoon Network, set to launch online and in retail stores this fall. While LucasArts published SOE’s last MMO based on the George Lucas franchise, Star Wars Galaxies, the San Diego-headquartered studio is both developing and publishing this title. The companies hope to introduce the Jedi, Padawan and Clone Troopers saga to a new generation of…
Know your lore: Naga Sadow
Naga Sadow was a male Sith Lord, and renowned dark side magician during the days of the first Sith Empire. Sadow had ancestors among both humans and the Sith species of the planet Ziost. He rose to prominence in the final days of the Sith Golden Age, when Marka Ragnos, the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, passed away, leaving the mantle of Dark Lord vacant. During Ragnos’ funeral, Sadow engaged in a duel with rival Sith Lord Ludo Kressh for Ragnos’ title, only to have their contest ended by the spectre of the deceased Dark Lord himself. After a brief admonition, the ghost departed while issuing a warning to both Sadow and Kressh, stating that the fate of the Sith Empire hung on the balance of their decision on how to proceed with leadership of the Sith people. However, the unexpected arrival of two Hyperspace-traveling siblings on Korriban, Gav…
May the schwartz be with you: Ewok Karaoke
Forget singing hits from Journey, Madonna and Lady Gaga. What fans really want is to sing the Ewok celebration song! Here is an excerpt from the newly remastered “Return of the Jedi.” Side note: Wookies aren’t that good at karaoke. They tend to drive everyone else out of the bar.
Playable Species of SW:TOR – Twi’lek
Fridays Star Wars the old republic ( back in 2010) update gave us an insight to the first companion – the Twi’lek Vette. Therefor we will continue our Species of Starwars column with an inside to this colorful species. Twi’leks (pronounced /’twilɛk/) were an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. They tended to eat cultivated molds, fungi, and rycrit meat. Their distinctive features included colorful skin, which varied in pigment from individual to individual, and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls. The tentacles, called “brain-tails,” “lekku,” “tchun-tchin,” or “head-tails” are advanced organs used for communication and cognitive functions. Twi’leks possessed a fairly standard humanoid vocal structure and were capable of learning most alien languages; however, they usually preferred their native language of Ryl, which incorporated subtle movement of the lekku. When they wished, they could even communicate in complete secrecy…
R2-D2 Builders at Maker Faire
Every year robot builders, inventors, MythBusters and craftsters gather for a giant celebration of science geekery called Maker Faire. And you can’t have a robot gathering without our friends the Bay Area R2 Builders Group showing up to inspire Star Wars fans of all ages to make their own astromech sidekick. The astromechs were out in full force spinning, whirring and beeping at the crowd that constantly followed the R2 units or came to visit them in the robot area of the fair. Even amongst the other iconic robots from Lost in Space and The Forbidden Planet, and the impressive Tesla Coils, the R2 Builders were the real stars of the fair. Every time I follow around R2 and his makers around Comic-Con, WonderCon, Celebration, and Maker Faire, I love to see kids pose with, hug, kiss, pet and even have full conversations with R2-D2. He might just be the…
Companions and Sith Advanced Class Details Revealed for SWTOR
It’s Friday again and that means its time for another BioWare update for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Most of what this Friday update brings has already been revealed over the last day by other sites (particularly IGN and GameSpot), but it’s nice the see on the official site regardless. And with a few new snippets here and there (such as a new biography page). This week’s update is all about those lovable little companions players will get symbolic of the Han and Chewie relationship. If you want to know how these companions will help your character develop there is a whole wealth of information now available on the Companions page. Every Star Wars™ hero needs a companion. Han has Chewie, Luke has R2-D2 — even Jabba has the cackling monkey lizard Salacious B. Crumb. These characters will complement your strengths or weaknesses, and provide company for the epic journey…
Star Wars: The Old Republic Sith Warrior Video
Bioware have leaked a recruitment video for the Sith Warrior. So far it has only been available in low quality at gamespot, but I manage to snitch a high quality version and uploaded it to youtube: As nail-biting as the trailer is, that is not all. Notice at 1:15 of this exciting video trailer, the Sith Warrior is driving a speeder bike. What does this mean? Are players going to have vehicles in SWTOR? We do not have the answer, but given the footage in this trailer, the answer looks positive.
IGN Interviews BioWare on Companions
IGN has an intresting interview with James Ohlen about the companions in Star Wars: The Old Republic: IGNPC: Companions have been part of BioWare games from Mincs to Liara. How has the role or design of companions evolved over the years? How will The Old Republic improve on the existing companion systems? What have you learned about players’ expectations for the companions? James Ohlen: Companions have evolved a lot since the days of Minsc and Baldur’s Gate. In Baldur’s Gate the companion characters we created were limited to voice over barks and a little bit of story. In Baldur’s Gate 2 we expanded that significantly, adding the ability for players to get to know his companion through intricate conversation trees, companion centered quest lines and romances. Occasionally we wouldn’t have companions as part of our initial design (Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire were examples of that), but we’d always add…
KOTOR the Movie part II : Veil of the Dark Side by Kaydon Sentry
Kaydon Sentry’s adaptation of the video game “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic” continues in this second installment of the film franchise. The crew of the Ebon Hawk travel to Manaan and Tatooine in search of the next Star Maps – artifacts that will lead them to the Star Forge, the Sith Empire’s center of power. As Logan and Bastila trace the paths of Revan and Malak, they discover more about each other, and the bond that connects them… Director(s): Kaydon Sentry Writer(s): Kaydon Sentry and Vadakin Genre: Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Drama Runtime: 2h, 18min and 13 seconds Country, language: USA, English Website Veil of the Dark side follows where the prequel left off. Malak’s Sith forces continues to wage war against the peaceful, and fragile Republic. The crew of the Ebon Hawk are still on the hunt for the missing Star Maps on…
Planets of Star Wars: Hoth
Hoth was the sixth planet of the remote Hoth system. A desolate world covered with ice and snow, located in the Anoat sector, a rarely-traveled portion of the Outer Rim Territories, it became famous as the one-time location of the Alliance to Restore the Republic’s Echo Base during the Galactic Civil War. It was discovered in 3 ABY by the Empire, causing the Battle of Hoth, a major engagement that destroyed the Rebels’ base and gave them heavy casualties. Description Located on the fringe of the Ivax Nebula in the Anoat Sector of the Greater Javin along the Ison Corridor, Hoth orbited the blue-white star Hoth on a wide elliptical orbit. Beyond Hoth was a large asteroid belt, known as the Hoth Asteroid Field, from which small asteroids regularly broke off, crashing onto Hoth’s surface as meteorites. The planet consisted of a molten metallic core with dichotomous crust. Its surface…
Preventing knee-jerk ragequitting through marketing machinations? Sean “Dragons” Stalzer explains.
In D-Mail #1, The Syndicate Guildmaster and CEO Sean “Dragons” Stalzer explained his passion for building strong online communities and reasoned that these communities and the “business brains” behind online games have many of the same interests at heart. This week, in D-Mail #2: Knee Jerk Reactions, Sean looks at how game developers can slow down ragequit-prone guildmates before they do something rash, and do it through, of all things, clever marketing gimmicks? Sean explains: In the real world we weigh the pros and cons of a decision more carefully than many players do in the virtual world. So we can often see examples of ill-conceived decisions or solutions to a perceived issue that were not well thought-out. It is in those moments that communities can tear themselves apart and, once destroyed, the developer and the player suffers the results. So when I read the recent news from Bioware, it was…
Leveling is, let’s face it, ridiculous… ?!?
There has been an ongoing thread on the official forums this past week entitled “Leveling is, let’s face it, ridiculous” that has garnered quite a bit of attention. It became so popular in fact that the Lead Combat Designer Damion Schubert decided to drop in and leave a line. In his post he discusses a lot of interesting faults with skill based leveling systems. Quote From: Damion Schubert Not to go into the details of what advancement systems we will have or not have inside the game but… this doesn’t always work out this rosily, without great designer care. I worked on Meridian 59, which was a wholly skill-based game, and learned a lot about the strengths and pitfalls of systems like it. One of my great pet peeves of pure skill-based systems is that they claim that they are more realistic, but they in fact can create extremely unrealistic situations…
Know your lore: Ebon Hawk
The Ebon Hawk was a Dynamic-class freighter and a smuggler ship that rose to fame due to its use around the time of the Jedi Civil War. It was well-known throughout the galaxy as a ship associated with the Exchange, and it passed through many hands before coming into the ownership of the amnesiac Jedi Revan. The ship then became instrumental in Revan’s search for the Star Forge. After Revan left known space, the ship eventually fell into the hands of the Jedi Exile, who used it on her quest to stop the Sith Triumvirate. The ship was heavily modified over the course of its life, to the point that it was difficult to determine its origins. With its extremely powerful hyperdrive, the ship was believed to be the fastest in the galaxy during its time. Description The interior of the ship was designed to accommodate a small crew, a…
AT-AT Wedding Cake!
Just when you thought that infamous Dead Tauntaun Cake was the best bit of Star Wars fandom to ever invade a wedding, here comes the toppled AT-AT wedding cake with Ewok cupcakes! This toppled AT-AT is one of my favorite cakes to date. I love the mini Admiral Ackbar and Mon Mothma but I think maybe the topper are the Ewok cupcakes that accompany this masterpiece. The bride, Rebecca Dudeiros, says that this cake wasn’t even made in a bakery. She had her buddy (a pastry chef herself though) Teresa Ulrich do it custom for her. Read more about this awesome cake here: Awesome Star Wars Wedding Cake (via
GameSpot interview with Daniel Erickson
GameSpot has a intresting video interview with Daniel Erickson, taken during EA’s London Showcase: We speak to lead writer Daniel Erickson about the bounty hunter class and combat in this long-awaited massively multiplayer online game. Bioware has always been people of their word. When they say “not a shred of repeated content…” I get all wet inside. This is what i look forward to for an RPG. Not to excited about the rattataki. Not a race i took interest in. Hopefully, the Great Hunt of the Terentateks returns to Star Wars: The old republic. This would be an amazing storyline to follow through with.
R2D2 Be Mixin’ Dem Phat Beatz
Robots are built to beep, but who knew they could be remixed into one heck of a dance song? Thanks to the mixing Jedi known as Eclectic Method, we’ll never look at R2-D2 again without wishing he’d DJ our next party.
SWTOR Reveals Hoth and Blood of the Empire Issue 3
Precisely as we speculated yesterday, today on The Empire Strikes Back’s 30th birthday BioWare BioWare’s latest announcement reveals the icy planet as the latest addition to the game and it comes with new HoloNet details and a short video preview. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Thirty years ago to the day, Star Wars™: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back™ opened in movie theaters, forever changing the cinematic landscape. Bursting with action-packed battles, fast paced dialogue, and characters faced with complex choices, the echoes of this landmark film are still felt today. From toys, to fashion, to punk rock, its influence is everywhere. The Empire Strikes Back has not only changed how we relate to our favorite movies, but has made a lasting contribution to our very culture. To commemorate this monumental continuation of the Star Wars™ story, we are proud to reveal the ice world…