Author: Soeren Kamper

Brian Arndt Video Interview

The guys over at Torocast, have released yet another video interview from E3 2010. This time it’s the interview is with Media Designer for SWTOR – Brian Arndt. Much like our last interview, we focused on asking questions that were outside of the box to get to know the people behind Bioware and what their job is like. So we didn’t ask those juicy questions that only get a “We can’t talk about that now” answer and focused on the behind the scenes peek at what is going on with the game and how things are done. As a result we have our interview with Brian Arndt about his role as a Media Designer for SWTOR.

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Friday’s Update: Fan Friday and Blood of the Empire Issue #5 updated with the next chapter in their Blood of the Empire webcomic: Act 2: The Broken World Chapter 1: Act 2: The Broken World – Teneb Kel has received his mission from the Dark Council: Find and slay the Emperor’s traitorous apprentice, Exal Kressh. But can one young Sith defeat a master of the dark side? And what are Exal Kressh’s true plans for the Emperor and the Empire? Jedi, slaves and Sith alike clash in act 2 of Blood of the Empire. In the fifth issue of Blood of the Empire, Teneb Kel comes face to face with Exal Kressh, the Emperor’s apprentice! But what power does she possess, and what secrets will she reveal to the man sent to kill her? Meanwhile, Maggot’s night off continues, and new faces observe from the shadows. It’s the beginning of a night full of revelations… Check out 7 new pages…

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“Hope” Video Dissection

The guys over at Torocast made a video Dissection of the new cinematic trailer for Bioware’s MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic.  “Hope” Eaven though it lacks quite a bit of things, it’s still a great watch. Having buffering issues or just don’t like Vimeo? Watch on as well!

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Clone Wars Adventures E3 2010 Coverage

You may have forgotten about the recent announcement of Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures due to the frenzy of TFU II and TOR coverage coming out of E3 2010. I know I have, so  let’s bring it back to the forefront for a bit as VGChartz provides a preview of the game with screenshots. Here is a snip: The demo starts off in a waiting room area. Here you can wander around, hang out with your friends, and interact with iconic Star Wars characters, and change your personal avatar in the Clone Wars world. One of the most fun features in this section were the droids. Like pets in other MMO-style games, Clone Wars Adventures allows you to have droids follow you around and you can do fun custom things with them. The developer chose C-3PO and made him walk like he was high-stepping. Then he chose an astro droid…

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G4 The Old Republic Exclusive Three-Part Demo

Last night G4tv broadcasted live interview with Dallas Dickinson from e3. This gave some great new insights into Star Wars: The Old Republic. Here is a snip from their blog, and some kick ass video footage. I could go on and on about what BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic looks and plays like, but that wouldn’t be nearly as exciting or visually stimulating as seeing it in action for yourselves. Well, thanks to the kind folks at BioWare, you can now feast your Empire-hating eyes on this exclusive three-part video demo of the game in action. Force-push play now!

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E3 – Day 1 Roundup: Ships, Groups and more

Looks like we are getting treated to at least some more eye candy today… If you’ve seen the latest update to BioWare’s “The Old Republic @ E3 2010” post then you’ll have noticed the following: The Old Republic Live on G4! Make sure to check out G4’s half-hour blowout on Star Wars: The Old Republic starting at 2pm PT! Adam Sessler, X-Play host and G4’s Editor-In-Chief of Games, plans to deliver a 30-minute all-access coverage of The Old Republic including live game-play. “Never before have we granted so much time to one game at E3,” said Adam Sessler. “Star Wars: Old Republic is a game of such breadth that the excitement around it and the time we are dedicating to it will have a huge pay-off for the viewers.” Want to see what the press are seeing? Then don’t miss a minute of it! Below are embeds of the Bounty…

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EA’s E3 2010 Press Conference Roundup

EA’s press conference for this year’s E3 just finished… and as expected it finished with a smashing The Old Republic cinematic trailer. I Just wanted to put together a quick post that details the things we’ve discovered today, the day BEFORE E3 officially begins! Player Ships! IGN UK revealed through their play with the Smuggler that each class will get their own ship, and it will be highly customizeable. Though they didn’t go into more detail than that I suspect (as I have for a long time) that ships will function much the same as your ship did in the first two KotOR games… a place where your companions hang out, from where you can travel to other planets, and perhaps for things like crafting. Now, they don’t say anything about space combat but if the ships are highlyg customiseable, that’s likely to mean other people will be able to…

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LucasArts Developing New Game For Xbox 360

 Ahead of tomorrow’s Microsoft press conference at the E3 video game expo, the USA Today has a story with some interesting new details. Microsoft’s “Project Natal” motion control system, which was announced in early June at E3 2009, will be called Kinect, according to the USA Today story. The new name, which was leaked in advance of its intended unveiling at a pre-show party tonight, is probably less interesting to readers of this site than another interesting tidbit that has just come out. From the USA Today: Star Wars characters and iconic Disney favorites will be featured in separate new games being developed at Microsoft in conjunction with LucasArts and Disney. Giving that Microsoft Kinect is supposed to be a groundbreaking way for gamers to control their consoles with just their body movement, it’s likely that this new Star Wars game will take game-play in the Galaxy Far, Far Away…

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G4TV To Debut TOR Trailer Tomorrow?

G4 TV officially starts their live E3 broadcast coverage at 3pm Pacific time tomorrow, Monday June 15th. Interestingly, this just so happens to coincide with the end of the countdown timer on the home page of the official Star Wars: The Old Republic site. While we already know that G4 won’t be doing their promised 30-minute coverage of The Old Republic until Tuesday, this does make it likely that the new cinematic trailer will be revealed between the hours of 3:30pm and 6:00pm, which is after the EA press conference.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Exclusive Hands-On – Bounty Hunter, Trooper, Imperial Agent, Smuggler, Sith Inquisitor, and Sith Warrior

It’s starting! Today Gamespot published a long article, which does not only talkt about gameplay impressions, but also announces two playable species: Twi’lek and Chiss. In addition to 4 brand new screenshots, they reveal lots of combat – here is a snippet The Republic trooper and the smuggler professions begin their lives in the same area under different circumstances. As a trooper, we started our career as the newest member of the elite Republic commando unit known as Havoc squad–a handsome human soldier riding on the inside of a giant walker into a war zone on the planet of Ord Mantell. The planet is a Republic world torn apart by a civil war waged by separatist rebels. As a smuggler, we played as a Twi’lek, which is the humanoid Star Wars race that has long tentacles down either side of their heads, similar to the Bib Fortuna character in Return…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic e3 2010 preview trailer

Recorded from ‘Spike TV’ as a behind the scenes look at the brand new Star Wars: The Old Republic e3 2010 trailer due for release at e3 2010. After the breath taking ‘Deceived’ trailer, Blur studios have been working hard for this new installment. Expect to see HUGE ground battles, Havoc Squad as the battle rages on Alderaan. Update:  G4‘s Attack of the Show features/previews The Old Republic with some gameplay video…  

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The Force Unleashed 2 Cinematic Trailer Revealed

During the E3 All Access edition of GameTrailers TV, a new cinematic trailer for The Force Unleashed 2 was released. You can watch the trailer below. We expect to hear more about TFU II from E3 this weekend. The Force Unleashed II is set to be released on October 26th, 2010. News: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Collector’s Edition Details Demo for TFU II Coming in September Previews: IGN’s Preview Interviews: Videos:

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Timeline 8: The Jedi Civil War

The characters from Bioware’s Knights of the Old Republic video game have long been some of the most beloved Expanded Universe characters Star Wars has to offer. Chief among them was the series’ mysterious protagonist, Revan. Although his history has been explored in a few places– including both the Knights of the Old Republic game and comic– his full past was always a mystery. A mystery, though, that now is a bit clearer. Join Jedi Master Gnost-Dural’s in his historical investigation of the past and watch as he examines the events surrounding Revan’s fall and his ultimate fate in the timeline entry “The Jedi Civil War,” which can viewed below.  On the official forums BioWare’ Rob Chestney also has a little to say on it, and it’s not entirely satisfactory. But at least it seems like they tried. I guess I just expected them to be good enough to…

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Rumor: Star Wars: Starfighter to be resurrected

Several video game news sites are reporting that the next installment of Starfighter could possibly be in the works and may even be revealed next week at E3. This is definitely a possibility, since LucasArts has not revisited any flight simulation games since Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, released on the GameCube in 2003. Since we only know of  four upcoming Star Wars games (The Force Unleashed 2, The Old Republic, Lego Star Wars III, and the newly announced Clone Wars Adventures), E3 is a mighty fine time to announce a game, but for now, file this one away as a rumor. We’ll keep you updated as E3 draws closer.

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LucasArts Gets A New President

It looks like LucasArts will be at E3 2010 next week with their new president in place. ust a month after Darrell Rodriguez left his position as head of LucasArts, the gaming company has named Paul Meegan to fill the void at the helm. Meegan formerly helped found Epic Games China and worked at Ubisoft and Jaleco Entertainment. Meegan has had a long history in the game industry. He founded game developer Sinister Games in 1997 which was bought by Ubisoft a few years later. After serving as an executive at both Ubisoft and the now defunct Jaleco Entertainment, Meegan became the co-founder and CEO of Epic Games China. There’s no word yet if Meegan will be attending E3. IGN also reports that Meegan will get started at LucasArts in mid-June. Source: Kotaku

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Star Wars Imperial Walker Loft Bed

We hope this kid really loves his father. Now, this is how you create a whole new generation of sci-fisci-fi geeks. This is a loft bed I made for my son that resembles a Star Wars AT-AT Imperial Walker. I searched the Internet and found scale models, cakes, legos, baby strollers and costumes resembling an AT-AT, but never found a bed that resembled an AT-AT. So I made one. It was made with materials available at any Home Depot or Lowe’s. This is a video/slideshow of some of the photos I took during the build process. Hopefully this will help someone who might consider building their own AT_AT. My son sure enjoys his! May the force be with you!

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A favored SWG developer moves to SWTOR

Massively reports that a  one of Star Wars Galaxies’ developers, and apparently a fan-beloved one, has moved on to join the The Old Republic development team: Massively has learned some exciting news for Star Wars: The Old Republic and sad news for Star Wars Galaxies. According to his Linked-In profile, the fan-beloved developer, Matt Boudreaux, landed a new job at Bioware’s Austin studios working on SWTOR. Boudreaux, known as AdeptStrain on the SOE forums, implemented some of the most ground-breaking additions to the aging game Star Wars Galaxies, such as new Jedi and melee animations, the Appearance Tab, and the Chronicles System. His role on the SWG team was solidified by his role in creating some of the best instances like Hoth and Death Troopers. His wit and easygoing demeanor gained AdeptStrain quick rapport among fans. Roleplayers, in particular, have a vested interest in his work because of the added…

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Dramatis Personae for The Old Republic: Decieved

As many Star Wars novel readers are no doubt aware, each novel contains a “Dramatis Personae”; a list of characters that readers are about to see in the novel and who they are. Author Paul S. Kemp (EUC’s interview) has given readers a first look at his upcoming novel The Old Republic: Deceived by posting the Dramatis Personae. It can be considered spoiler-filled, but if you’re so inclined, you can check it out here. Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived, a tie-in novel to The Old Republic game, is set to hit stores as a hardcover on December 28, 2010. I’m hoping to get approval in July to begin posting excerpts from Deceived, my Star Wars novel set in the The Old Republic.  But in the meantime, I thought I’d  post the Dramatis Personae for the novel.  There are four core characters (these four are either point of view characters,…

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