Fallen Empire

SWTOR Livestream Companion Wrap-up

Have any questions on companions in Star Wars: Knights of the fallen empire? Ask them now, on the official forums, and BioWare will answer: August Livestream Wrap-up | 08.27.2015, 02:30 PM Quote: Originally Posted by Excise Good stream. Question #1: Without naming specific companions (we’ll use Companion Bob), did I understand the stream correctly and that the below is a possibility: Companion Bob was a classic Companion. In KotFE, Companion Bob does not return story-wise. Despite that, I can still summon Companion Bob for adventuring purposes. Is the above understanding correct? Question #2: Will any new companions have conversation quests? Question #3: Will any old companions have new conversation quests? Question #1 – That understanding is correct. Question #2/3 – Are you specifically talking like “in your cantina or on your ship” type conversations? Or just dialog directly with that Companion? August Livestream Wrap-up | 08.27.2015, 02:31 PM Quote: Originally…

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SWTOR PAX Prime Make-up Livestream – August 26th

Bioware will be at PAX Prime next week, and has now posted the time table and details of the Pax Prime Make up Livestream. This live stream will be showcasing  Chapter 3 gameplay of the upcoming expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic Knights of the Fallen Empire. Check it out: PAX Prime Make-up Livestream – August 26th | 08.20.2015, 03:24 PM Hey folks, I wanted to let you know about the exact details of our livestream planned for next week: Where: www.twitch.tv/swtor When: 5PM PDT Who: Bruce Maclean, Michael Backus, Ben Scott, and myself What: We will be showing you gameplay from parts of Chapter 3 The team will answer questions from chat throughout the stream A shareable link for the 2015 PAX Prime Cantina Tour Pack, which includes the PAX exclusive Prinawe Aggregate A first reveal of a familiar face you will see in Knights of the Fallen Empire…

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Top 3 Reasons to play KotFE – The Vulkk Edition

New Level Cap During the upcoming spring, players will be able to advance their characters from level 60 to level 65. We know that this isn’t much but it’s absolutely better than nothing at all. The game is going to be letting players go to more new places than ever before. The new 5 levels means that there will be alterations in our abilities, also a new utility point and most likely another shuffle within the DR system will happen. Each time that the level cap goes up, the end-game gear either becomes obsolete or is barely an entry level for the new end-game content. By doing this, it levels out the playing field for both the experienced player and the new ones. New Outfits and Clothing Designs Because of the lack of new endgame production at launch that is actually worthy for the launch of an expansion, the more…

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BioWare is looking into Legacy Wide Datacrons

The SWTOR Developers are looking into implementing legacy wide datacrons. If all goes right, this might be included in the upcoming Fallen Empire expansion. Datacrons Are For Legacies | 08.11.2015, 02:48 PM Hey folks! I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in. As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen. -eric

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Who Is Nico Okarr, The New SWTOR Companion?

You’ve probably already heard that the upcoming expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire will feature a new companion but what do you really know about that companion? Nico Okarr will be made available to players who were actively subscribed on July 31st or August 10th, 2015. You may recall Nico from the third trailer for SWTOR, Return. In this trailer he was being escorted to a holding cell by Satele Shan and Jace Malcolm. Here it is for those who need refreshing: As you will see, Nico is a smuggler archetype and we really know very little about him. Of course the assumption is this will all be revealed in the companion story line. The Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia says he used to work for the Hutt Cartel and we know from the trailer that he was caught smuggling Sith artifacts. IN typical Smuggler style, he wears a cowboy hat and duster and he duel…

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New SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire gameplay Trailer

During Gamecon 2015, EA unveiled a new gameplay trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic’s upcoming expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire. The video doesn’t show too much about what to expect with the new expansion,  but it seems like it will feature moral decisionmaking. When the expansion goes live, you will be able to continue on your existing character, or you can create a brand new one that starts at level 60, thereby skip all old.  Either way, you’ll take on the role of The Outlander. Check out the trailer below:

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SWTOR Fallen Empire story chapter length and new content

A new video that was published by Lady Insanity shows many details about chapter length, unspecified new content, and romance choices that has been revealed from BioWare. Some of the key points in the video are: Chapter 1 will be the tutorial chapter and many of the abilities will be locked. However, you can unlock abilities as you progress through the game. All subscribers will receive the free level 60 character and it will have plenty of gear to kill enemies in Chapter 1 but you won’t receive any credits. All of the chapters will be at least 1 hour long altogether. This includes cut scenes, choice wheels, and conversations. Some of the chapters will actually be longer than this. Romance in the game can get complicated if you decide to cheat on your loved one. Other characters in the game can find out if you have been romancing another…

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SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire – Flashpoints and Operations in 4.0

Today Bioware released a new Blog-post on the official website. The information about upcoming changes to Flashpoints and Operations was not exactly the most welcomed one, but we can only hope it is for the best! Here is the post. If you are interested, check Vulkk’s analysis and overview of this article in the video attached at the end. Operations and Flashpoints in Fallen Empire I’m George Smith, Senior Designer in charge of Operations and Flashpoints and I am here to talk to you a little bit about what Knights of the Fallen Empire has in store for you. First, a little bit of a backstory about the current state of group content in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As you level your character, you have the opportunity to play through quite a few Flashpoints for gear and a break from your story. As you continue to play and progress…

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EA’s Fallen Empire Preview with Creative Director Jesse Sky

EA posted a snippet on the official EA site, of a preview with Creative Director  on Star Wars: The old Republic Jesse Sky, on the upcoming Fallen Empire expansion coming in October. BioWare goes back to its roots for: Knights of the Fallen Empire What goes into crafting the new expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic – Knights of the Fallen Empire? Creative director Jesse Sky takes things back to the beginning. Back to basics Last year, I decided to re-watch The Empire Strikes Back® and write down everything that shocked the audience back in its original theatrical run. It’s a very long list. That film packs a real emotional punch—it’s full of twists, betrayals and revelations the entire way through. I’ve wanted to tell a Star Wars™ story like that ever since the first time I saw it. When we began conceptualizing Knights of the Fallen Empire, the story…

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Could There Be Another CGI Trailer for the Expansion?

We all know there was a great deal of hype about the new expansion and the trailer for it when it was revealed (and even when some info was leaked early). So a big question now is: will there be another CGI trailer? There are some fans who definitely think there might be. With all the efforts and marketing budgets they have dumped into marketing KotFE so far, there is a very good chance we might see a second trailer. This is the kind of thing that would surprise a lot of fans and definitely continue to fuel the hype train about the new expansion. What are some subtle signs there could be another trailer coming soon? Well, it’s all speculation of course, but the only characters who had artwork in the Fallen Empire page were the ones in the new trailer. Maybe this is a sign they have some…

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11 Things you need to know about Star Wars: The old Republic’s Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion

BioWare gave a show at E3 this year after they unveiled another trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. The new expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire, showed us a new pair of brothers, one that was dressed in black and the other one in white, and they lead a brand new faction in battles. After watching the trailer a few times, IGN got to sit down with BioWare and ask a few questions. Here are 11 new things you should know before you jump into BioWare’s Star Wars MMO. First of all, Knights of the Fallen Empire is only for subscribers. You will need to be a subscriber to have access to the new expansion. If you decide to sign up early you will gain access to the Knights of the Fallen Empire and in-game bonuses. You will not be able to have access to the expansion any other…

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SWKOTFE to Launch with First 9 Episodic Chapters of Story

The official launch date for Knights of the Fallen Empire is October 27, 2015. From that date on, you can begin enjoying all the new expansion for SWTOR has to offer, which will include the first 9 episodic chapters of story. All features will be available at the start of Early Access on October 20, 2015. Are you looking to get pre-launch reward items? If you have an active subscription from July 31 through October 19, 2015, you will receive your Pre-Launch Reward items via in-game mail at the start of Early Access on October 20, 2015. If you are not eligible for Early Access, you will receive your rewards via in-game mail on October 27, 2015. You can get the Epic Story XP Boost automatically as an active subscriber. The boost expires October 19, 2015. Can I still get Knights of the Fallen Empire if I don’t have Rise of the Hutt…

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Star Wars the Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Reactions

As you know, fans of SWTOR are excited for Knights of the Fallen Empire, present company included. It’s definitely time for something new and exciting to the game and we think this expansion is going to bring a lot of that. In fact, we expect it to also bring in new players as well as old players who have quit and decide to return. Of course, that is one of the purposes of a video game expansion and it’s an important part of a good game marketing strategy but that doesn’t mean it’s always effective or executed correctly. This time, we think Bioware has really put the right talent, time and attention into this expansion. Carbonite time skip, new story, new gear, new options… there is a lot to immerse yourself in with this one and people who play Bioware RPGs are most often looking for that story. They want…

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Secrets of The Old Republic Extended Trailer – Rewind Theater

The team behind Knights of the Fallen Empire tell us all about the new game. What do you think? This five minute video from IGN will tell you more about The Sacrifice: Cinematic trailer for the new expansion in SWTOR. Starting October 27th, you’re going to have a lot to enjoy while you wait for the movie to come out. In this extended trailer, you hear right from the team members themselves who these characters are and what the trailer has shown us about the new expansion. It basically tells you right where you will step into the storyline with your new character or existing character in Knights of the Fallen Empire. They reveal some cool new stuff like new lightsaber skins, new gear, new planets and more. You’re going to see all the things you expect from a “Bioware RPG”, a higher level cap and more. There is really…

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One Free Level 60 for SWTOR Knights of Fallen Empire

Eric Musco explains what it means to start at level 60 for Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion: Start at Level 60 in Fallen Empire | 06.17.2015, 03:47 PM Hey folks, I have seen a few questions around how the “Start at Level 60” will work that comes with Fallen Empire. I want to start by saying that we will be releasing a blog when we get a bit closer to launch that describes all of the nitty gritty details and walks you through everything. But for now I wanted to cover a bit about how it works and address some of the things I have been seeing. As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE,…

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Knights of the Fallen Empire FAQ

With the exciting announcement of the upcoming expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire, there are many questions arising from fans. Bioware has taken the time to compile a Q&A in their Help Center of the most common questions. If you haven’t yet, you might want to give it a read, especially if you are wondering about things yourself. 1. What is the launch date for Knights of the Fallen Empire? The official launch date for Knights of the Fallen Empire is October 27, 2015. Players who have been a subscriber from July 31 through October 19, 2015 gain Early Access beginning October 20, 2015, one week before the official launch date. 2.  What features will be available during Early Access? All features will be available at the start of Early Access on October 20, 2015. 3.  How do I obtain my Knights of the Fallen Empire Pre-Launch Reward items? If…

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There is no No Cross Faction or Third Playable Faction in Knights of the Fallen Empire

Apparently a lot of us got the wrong idea… According to Eric Musco, SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire will not feature a third playable faction, nor will it feature cross faction activities. Check it out: So then BioWare….. | 06.17.2015, 01:35 PM Originally Posted by Transcendent … you intend to introduce a new faction with the expansion. Will we be able to create a new character aligned to this new faction? Will we see the introduction of 4 new classes to level up and play, with a whole new set of “mirror” abilities, companions etc? I’m curious. The new Faction is not playable, but a new Faction within the story. -eric So then BioWare….. | 06.17.2015, 03:00 PM Originally Posted by MorgenBlue Can you clarify if the player factions will be merged? Will pubs and imps be able to play together in warzones, ops, chat, guilds ect..? Good question! Factions…

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SWTOR KotFE Story and Companions

Lead Writer on Star Wars: The old Republic, Charles Boyd took on the forums, expanding a bit on the story and companions for the upcomming expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire. Check it out below: KOTFE Story and Companions | 06.17.2015, 07:08 PM Hey folks! Seeing all of the discussion around our Knights of the Fallen Empire announcement has been awesome! It means a lot to the writing team to see how much y’all care about the details of the story and characters of SWTOR, and all of the insightful questions and debates that flow from that. I’m here to hopefully shed a bit of light on a few of the most common questions I’ve seen. Up front, I think the best answer I can give to any story question is that it’s always best to wait and see how the story itself will answer it. I personally just hate giving out…

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SWTOR Next Expansion is Knights of the Fallen Empire, new Teaser Images hints at CGI Trailer

Ea just released a press release about the next expansion for Star Wars: The old Republic. The name of the expansion will be called Knights of the Fallen Empire, and more details to be revealed on monday. Here are  the details: The E3 presentation will start on 1 PM PDT on Monday June 15. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The largest story-driven expansion to date, Knights of the Fallen Empire, marks a renewed focus on cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will deliver on the hallmarks of what makes a great BioWare™ game: new worlds to explore, new companions to recruit, and a dynamic story that players will be able to shape based on the choices they make. The EA E3 Press Conference, Monday 6/15 | 06.12.2015, 08:27 PM Hey folks, Here’s the one place to find all of the information about the SWTOR 2015 EA…

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