fan sites

Wookieepedia in Crisis: The Controversy and Its Implications


Wookieepedia, the cornerstone of the Star Wars online community, finds itself in an unexpected crisis. This fan-run wiki, known for its comprehensive coverage of Star Wars lore, faces internal turmoil that has captured the attention of fans worldwide. Let’s explore the details of this controversy and its wider implications. The Importance of Wookieepedia A Pillar of the Star Wars Fandom Wookieepedia is an invaluable resource for Star Wars fans, offering detailed information on both Legends and canon content. With over 193,050 pages, it has become an essential part of the fan experience, frequented by actors, writers, and enthusiasts alike. The Acolyte Controversy The Catalyst The controversy began with “The Acolyte,” a new Star Wars series that sparked backlash, particularly regarding the age of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. This seemingly minor issue escalated when Wookieepedia updated Ki-Adi-Mundi’s canon page, leading to severe online harassment of the editor responsible for the change. Death…

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Current Status of SWTORData

A lot of people have been asking about SWTORData, including swtorconquest, and the owner has made an official statement on the status via Reddit. The short version: He’s no longer updating it and has no plans to do so in the future. You can read his full post on Reddit for more details and if you have questions for him, but here’s a snippet: “I wanted to finally make a post regarding the current status of SWTORData (including conquest, the cartel bot, Maintence posts, etc) since I keep being messaged about it. The TLDR is… I am no longer maintaining it and at the moment have no plans to go back to it. The sites will stay up for now, but severely reduced. I am sorry it took me this long to actually say this, instead I just disappeared. I have a number of reasons for this, but the biggest catalyst was…

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Nadia Grell Fan Drawing is Amazing

Reddit user zulzulfie shared her SWTOR art with fans and it’s really awesome. The first drawing I ever saw was her rendition of a cute little Nadia Grell. Then I browsed through her Tumblr and saw she has a lot of cool stuff. I know I’m a sucker for fan art but this is really good and I love the cute, “girlie” style to it. She says she’s going to do male characters too, after she gets through the female ones and I really look forward to seeing that as well. They remind me of the chibis you can find of superheros and similar styled art. Here’s one she did of Vette that I really like: I love how they have a cartoony, cutesy feel to them. She has a tiny Satele Shan, tiny Senya, Lana Beniko, a drawing of Vaylin that I adore, and more. It’s really worth taking the time…

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The Outlander: A Gallery Showcasing the Creativity of SWTOR Players

You know how we love bringing you stories of cool projects done by fans and for fans? Well, here is something pretty awesome! This gallery contains 599 characters, 287 Redditors and there was even an overall winner. What are we talking about? The Outlander contest and project. — Step into an epic story-driven adventure as your character becomes The Outlander, a veteran of the Great Galactic War. A third faction threatens the galaxy as we know it, and your choices will determine the fate of both the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic. Choose your path… join or betray companions, old and new… and shape the future of the entire galaxy as well as your own. These, are our Outlanders… These screenshots are of the characters of members and visitors of the /r/SWTOR subreddit, a forum for discussion about Star Wars: The Old Republic. This project was created by Swtorista ,…

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TOR Databases + Site Framework Kickstarter for TORCommunity (to replace Torhead + AMR)

TORCommunity is creating the framework to power SWTOR databases to replace Torhead and Ask Mr. Robot. They need your help to fund them! Even above and beyond the 120 backers who have funded nearly $5,000 so far, we also have people who are stepping up to volunteer their services such as translating to different languages. This is something I have always found impressive about the SWTOR community over all these years. You all step up when needed to try to make the community better. Sure, there are bad apples in every bunch but overall, the community really cares about the game, about Star Wars and about one another and it shows in the volunteerism many show in times like these. One thing the community has oft complained about is Bioware’s lack of official tools and API support. This creates hurdles the community has to jump in order to have tools…

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Torhead is Closing due to Lack of Traffic

Amy Lanam, Content Manager of ZAM Network, just announced that TorHead will be closing down due to lack of traffic. This will be hard on fan sites, as most scroll over links you see actually came from torhead. It’s a shame that SWTOR don’t have a an open data system as in WOW, then this will not have happend. It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce we will be closing down Torhead. A recent analysis of our sites has shown that Torhead’s traffic doesn’t justify the work it needs to keep it a quality site. The closure is slated to happen sometime after March 19, 2015. Thank you for your support, your passion, your persistence, and your loyalty. I hope you’ll stick with ZAM as we continue to forge new tools for gamers.

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Why BioWare Can’t Officially Support Fan Sites, Podcasters, Etc.

Some people might be curious why Bioware never seems to show a lot of support for the fan sites and fans that work so hard to promote them. This can be very frustrating if you don’t have a solid understanding of how these things work and why. It’s very important that Bioware doesn’t show any favoritism to a particular fansite or podcast, as this could cause some serious issues. There’s also a little matter of some liability issues that could come into play. Bioware is definitely not the only company to take this very same stance. But recently, they explained the reasoning why. In a recent live-stream, Courtney and Pokket explains why Bioware cannot officially support 99% of the streamers, podcasts and fansites. Basically, the fansite agreement says they can not have ties with any site that has advertisements of any kind. Streamers have Twitch adds Youtube has preroll adds Podcasts…

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Corellian Run Creates Guide to Community Cantinas

If you have yet to visit a Community Cantina, we highly encourage you to look up the schedule and find out when one is coming near you. They are free to attend and you get a thumb drive with goodies and upcoming content, before it’s released to anyone else. You also get an exclusive Special Event pet-code, and a free drink ticket. There is the opportunity to win exclusive SWTOR loot by correctly answering trivia. It’s all around a good time. Now if you’re going to attend a Community Cantina, you first need to read this great guide from Corellian Run because they will tell you exactly what you need to know before the event so you can get the most out of it. Here is a snippet from the guide: Here are a few tips on asking questions at gaming Q&As! Look up previous Q&As to make sure you…

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Massively Closes its SWTOR Doors

In what seems like a trend here recently, Massively announced it is closing its SWTOR doors. In this post, they explain a bit about the when, where’s and why’s: After four years, it’s time to migrate the Hyperspace Beacon to a new home. I’m not leaving Massively; I will still have my Elder Scrolls Online column, and there is a chance that the Hyperspace Beacon can make a cameo here every once in awhile. I still love the Massively staff, who are some of the best people in gaming journalism, and journalism is not a term I use lightly. But since we can no longer run the Beacon on Massively, I have created a website specifically for this column: I will continue to do my weekly editorials on Star Wars: The Old Republic, but having a site dedicated to this column means that I can cover more Star Wars-y stuff too. There are new movies…

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What Happened to

Darth Hater was one of the fan sites that started with us, in the early days before SWTOR even launched. They were a player favorite if you ask around nearly any of the forums and Reddit. But sadly, they didn’t stick around after being bought by Curse. I met some of their crew myself at the SWTOR Guild Summit and we’ve brought you many of their stories and updates here over the years. But now, we’re sad to tell you that Darth Hater is no more. If you go to the website, you’ll be redirected to the SWTOR Wiki. Any links to old articles or posts from Darth Hater will also redirect you. So what happened? Well, the strange part is that no one involved seems to be willing to talk about it. And we can’t find any public notices about it either. Last year there were talks of…

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The TORParse In-Game Client Service is Back Online

Alright gang, we’ve been bringing you news and updates about TORParse, including the new owners and their call for developers to help out. Well now we are very happy to tell you that they are back ONLINE! You can download the TORParse client or just learn more here. There are many different ingame overlay windows available, tons of customization and a dropdown menu to help you personalize how you want your info to parse. Companions are also fully supported. Take the experience of the TORParse website into your game with the TORParse In-Game Client! Getting setup is fast and easy. Below, you will find a list of features, screenshots and other information about the ingame client. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and highly valued. Head over to the TORParse forums and let us know what you think. Thanks and enjoy! Server status information can be located on the Help! page. Features The TORParse Ingame…

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TORParse and TORCommunity are looking for more developers!

The new owners of TORParse are making a lot of changes and improvements and now they need help. TORParse is looking for additional developers! They made a post on Reddit to point back to their own blog which requests help in the future development of the website as well as the in-game client. So if you have developing or coding skills and you’re a fan of SWTOR and want an opportunity to help out the community, this might be perfect for you. Here is the info from that blog post: Hey everyone! The owners here at TORParse are currently looking for several individuals interested in helping with the future development of both the TORParse website and the TORParse in-game client. To be a part of the TORParse website development team, you will need to be highly proficient in the following areas: HTML 5 CSS 3 PHP 5 MySQL Additional experience…

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New Owner of TORParse Revealed

Some of you may know theITfactor from Redditif you follow the SWTOR subreddit regularly. Well, we have some exciting news about TORParse and its new owners. The news comes after this post on Reddit: Hello fellow SWTOR players and TORParse users! It’s been a chaotic last two months, but I’m pleased to announce that TORParse is finally fully transitioned to its new ownership. My name’s Hayward and the other co-owner is BigBlockhead, both of us from the Jedi Covenant server and the guild Tranquility. We can’t wait to get going with the updates we have in store for TORParse, and just as James was we are always open to ideas and suggestions for making it even better. AMA! Their intro post here explains a little more of their background in the gaming community: Sam was previously a statistics admin for TORParse, working closely with James over the last few months…

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MMO Boys Heat Up SWTOR and Other MMOs

If you’re looking for some spice to your night, or just some good-natured adult fun, you might want to check out MMO Boys. But first be warned: This site is NOT safe for work. Don’t open it with children in the room either. This Tumblr features male MMO characters in skimpy armor, undies and sometimes nothing at all. The featured picture here with this post is one of the tamer images on the blog. They have many SWTOR characters but also screenies from other MMOs like Saints Row, Skyrim, There’s also a Guild Boy Calendar. Nope, I’m not kidding… These photo manipulations are actually pretty darn good quality and some of them are downright funny (I mean, if you can’t have a giggle at cartoon video game penises, you’re not human, right?) but I have to applaud the talent and creativity involved as well. He also takes requests and there…

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News on the Future of Torparse

We’ve been trying to keep you updated on the news about Torparse which once was shutting down but then we found out would be able to stay up, but with new ownership. So now James has posted a new update on their blog about what we can expect for the future of the site and the project as a whole this is a great news for fans. You can read the full post for yourself here but this is a snippet: Hey everyone, I’m happy to let you know that a new home for the TORParse project has been found! So, please continue to use the website and client as you’ve always done and, in time, I’m sure you will see the client and website grow in new ways as the new developers bring a fresh view to the project. Thank you to everyone that contacted me. Honestly, at first,…

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Update to TORParse Status

If you were concerned (as many were) about TORParse shutting down, there has been a great piece of news that has developed. They have posted this on their website: Hey everyone, I want to provide you guys with a small update and let you know what’s going on. First and foremost, TORParse won’t actually be going anywhere! There has been a lot of interest from a lot of different people in continuing the project, and I appreciate everyone that has contacted me. If you have not yet received a response from me, I apologize for the long response time and will reply when I can (it may take me a few days). So that everyone is aware, no deals with anyone have been made yet, but I’m confident that one will be made. There is a possibility that transitioning the site will go past the original date I had specified…

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TORPARSE to Close 27 July

TORPARSE had one simple mission: to provide the best and easiest to use combat log parser for Star Wars: The Old Republic. But now, they will be closing their doors forever. In an announcement made July 10th, TORPARSE explained that they will soon be shutting down the site. It is a sad and bittersweet announcement as the site has been such a useful tool for SWTOR players for all of this time. Here s a snippet of that End of Service Announcement: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 End of Service Announcement Hey everybody, I’ve got some bad news today. I’ve been struggling with this decision for a few months now, but have made a decision to end the TORParse project effective 27 July 2013. I’ve had a lot of fun developing this project and working with the community the last year and a half, but have ultimately made the decision to…

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Fan Site Summit 2: Roundup

We know how anxious you are to stop reading about this game and finally get to play. We’re with you on that one and as we grow closer to the SWTOR launch date, we’re trying to keep you occupied with any cool info and tidbits we can find on the game. This means updating you on the fansite summit and other good happenings, even if we’re not able to attend them all ourselves. Here’s some more great stuff from the Fan Site Summit (part 2). TORWars is especially chatty about the Fan Site Summit and have a lot to say about their experiences, including some great photos and some audios from the event. It’s their exclusive content so you’ll have to head over there to check it out. Be sure to tell us what you think! Photo Gallery: Deep Inside BioWare Austin – Part One Photo Gallery: Deep Inside BioWare…

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Darthhater Brings Us Fan Site Summit 2 Info

While we wish we were at the most recent Fan Site Summit to get a hands-on experience, we were unfortunately not invited. So instead, we’re scouring the websites of those fansites who were invited to help bring you some of the latest and greatest content out there. The guys over at Darth Hater have been great about sharing their experiences and this Fan Site Summit is no different. They have two great write-ups right now to help you learn more about SWTOR and really get you jazzed up (as if you were not already) about playing the game. These are exclusives from their experience at the Fan Site Summit so you have to head over to their site to see the full thing but here’s a recap of why it’s worth your time: Fan Site Summit 2: Voidstar & Ilum PVP Demo Want to learn more about PvP in SWTOR?…

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Project TOR- Fan-site PvP Faceoff – NYCC 2011

Project TOR Organizes a SWTOR Fan site PvP Faceoff at NYCC 2011! What happens when you gather a bunch of SWTOR fan site members together in one place and give them a chance to check out the game they are super excited about? Well, if that game has PvP then you can bet there will be some friendly challenges come about. That’s exactly what happened at NYCC 2011 with the fansite faceoff. This video is a great break from the SWTOR previews and impressions we’re seeing from NYCC 2011 and the release of the press embargo on Star Wars The Old Republic this week and it’s great for laughs, too. Find out how the fan-site PvP Faceoff came to be.

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Curse Buys Darth Hater Site

The guys over at Darth Hater had some interesting news to share with fans today. They have now joined the Curse Network. In the announcement, they recapped all the work they have put into Darth Hater over the past two years, as well as reiterated the goals of the site. They explained what will and will not change now that they are working with Curse: “By working with Curse, we will provide the community with the world-class technology that we always hoped we could. Whether it is high quality in-game addons or robust out of game features and support, Curse is a well-known and respected entity in the MMO space. Additionally, their website support team will allow us to focus on creating the content you enjoy without being bogged down by the headaches of website management. Gaining access to their experience and expertise, we will be able to realize our…

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TORWARS.COM Community Highlight = LOLz

You are reading an article on SwtorStrategies, so you clearly have excellent taste in SWTOR fan-sites. That being said, you have got to check out one of our fellow fan-sites TORWARS. Their style is much different than the rest of the community because of their sense of humor. They have a comic called ‘Fail Hunter” that stars the worst Bounty Hunter of all time and his adventures through Star Wars MMO-Land. There a tons of MMO, Star Wars and Nerd jokes to go around. Also their featured articles go in-depth into particular topics like classes, planets and even storm trooper costumes. The podcast has an injection of unsavory humor that is infectious. FTW Broadcasting put together another high quality community highlight video that explores the humor and content that makes TORWARS.COM worth checking out…

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Darth Hater Turns 2

Darth Hater celebrates their 2-year birthday/anniversary this week.   “Episode 89 “Two Years of Hate” of the Darth Hater Podcast is now live. Check the bottom of the post for the stream and download links. Podcast notes after the jump.”Here are the credits of the 2-year podcast:Intro Justin Lowe – Sado – @zirak Pete Trerice – Misenus – @petetrerice Joshua Ogborn – Sleeper – @dhsleeper Ben – Dover – @doverbsOfficial Darth Hater Twitter Pre-Show Two year anniversary SegmentsFriday Update: Studio Insider, Community Q&A and Final Comic-Con Details Revan Excerpt in Star Wars Insider DevTracker Highlights For The Week of July 14, 2011 Facebook Image of the Week 7.13.11 The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of PvP Lore Update: Jedi Consular Community Poll Would you like to see a player review system added to PVE Flashpoints/Operations?Yes (853 Votes, 66%) No (442 Votes, 35%) Would you like to see the PVP…

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ZAM opens new SWTOR Fan Site

Yesterday Stephen Reid twittered: “We’ve got a new #SWTOR site up and running today – say hello to” so I had to go and check it out, of course. The new SWTOR fan site packs some pretty big promises right from the start: “The Force is with us! With anticipation and excitement building for Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve created a brand new fansite devoted to all things SW:TOR. Complete with an expanding wiki, forums and robust news section, ZAM SW:TOR will cater to all your current (and upcoming!) Old Republic needs.” If it promises all things related to TOR, then you can bet we’re going to want to keep our eyes on it as well. The site offers forums ( have your checked out our forums yet? ) , TOR-wiki and of course, news and updates. They plan to cater to all of your current and upcoming TOR-related needs….

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