The HK-51 companion is finally here and this guide will explain what you need to do to acquire one. Some of the tasks are fairly easy but others will be very difficult so be prepared to spend some time on this quest. Before you can acquire your HK-51 companion, you’ll need to gather up a few components and there are seven of them altogether. Scanning for Components You’ll have to scan for four of the seven components. These are the HK Chassis, HK AI Regulator, HK Power Core and the HK Motivator. In Taris, look for the downed Endar Spire. Just north of it, you’ll find the HK Chassis. As you approach the area near the end of the Endar Spire, you’ll notice it starts to gradually close in. This is where you need to start scanning until you find the component. In Hoth, search for the HK Power Core…
SWTOR Guide to Lightsaber Crystals
Star Wars: The Old Republic has many interesting features like the rare crystals that make your lightsaber different colors. These are fun to collect and some of them can be a real challenge. Here’s a guide to some of the color crystals in the game. Remember that these can change at any time. We will try to update the guide accordingly. Remember to check out this post on Light saber hilts. Common Crystals You can find the blue, green, red and yellow crystals in Artifice. These are the most common gems so they are the easiest to locate. You can also find them in the vendor sabers gear. The orange color gems are “high level artifice” that can be reached at level 400. In Alderaan, the orange crystals drop from Ulgo Siegebreaker, Corusant Worldboss and Nar Shadda Worldboss. Black Core Colors There are four black core colors in the game. You can…
SWTOR Scapper Smuggler PvP Guide- Understanding Stealth
If you’ve played a stealth character in other MMOs, expect things to be a little different in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The main difference is in the way you engage your target and in the stealth detection. At first, it may seem a little awkward and harder but once you understand the concept, you’ll probably enjoy the gameplay even more, especially if you like a real challenge. Engaging Your Target The way you engage your target is much different from what you’re probably used to. When you engage a single target and they die, you can restealth immediately as long as you have not attacked another target and no one else has attacked you. In this scenario, you’re considered “out of combat” when you send out the deadly blow. However, if you engage someone else or if anyone else engages you before the cool down period is up, you’re…
TOR TV: Key Binding Guide For All Classes
Having trouble setting up your key binds? Have no fear, elpoetaenmiuq is hear to help. This guys has made a great video guide on how to setup your abilites effectively. Keybinding things to keys on your keyboard instead of clicking them increases your ability to react to certain situations faster than manually moving your mouse to click on abilities. Some people don’t mind clicking and are faster that way others like myself it is easier to keybind your abilites.
Guide to End Game Stuff
I just can’t say enough how appreciative I am of Dulfy from and all the great game content she brings us for SWTOR. So she does all the things I want to do but don’t have the time to. And now, she’s done it again with a great list if leveling heroics, bonus series and their associated rewards. Empire list: Republic list: She also explains as follows: For every quest there are 1) Torhead tooltips for the mission so you can see the steps or get more details. 2) Name of the NPC to start the quest (first name recorded only) 3) Location of the NPC (Both the area and the exact coordinates) 4) General and class specific rewards. As you can see, this is a very useful resource so bookmark the URL that applies to you (or both if you play both sides) and refer to…
How to get the Orokeet Orobird – a guide
This guide have been up on our forum for a while, but they are not being used that much which is a shame, and the Formatting sucked. Now I am posting it again in blog format. Hope you enjoy! As you may or may not know Bioware implemented a few new non-combat pets, such as the Taunta. One in particular is named the Orobird/Orokeet, as you can see below In this guide I will show you how to get the Orobird egg, AND how to hatch it. However please note that the egg has a 4-8 hour respawn time. To start off you will fly your Starship to Alderaan, and then take a speeder to a town you have discovered in the KAAMOS TERRITORY. Then make your way to where my character is below on the map You will see on your map and minimap that you have discovered a…
How to Build Affection with Your Ship Droid
While you’re out battling and collecting and trudging away at storyline, it’s easier to remember the companion you have at your side, taking for you, healing for you or providing much-needed DPS. They’ve got your back! But it’s not until you are greeted by that ever-annoying voice at the ship’s entrance that you remember your ship droid. He does so much hard work, even adding extra padding to the seats in your ship yet so many forget to build affection with the lonely ship droid. He lives to serve and please his master and you can say thank you easier than ever before now that the 30-second cool down to give companion gifts has been lifted. So what gifts does he want? It’s easy as pie! Cultural Artifacts: Rank 1 Polished Meteorite (200 Credits) Rank 2 Dubrillion Lizard Egg (600 Credits) These are available at your local companion gift vendor…
SWTOR Tips: How Discover Coruscant Spaceport
A lot of people have been bitching about not being able to discover the full map of Coruscant. Currently it’s not possible to discover Coruscant Spaceport without playing hide and seek. It’s not known if it’s a bug or it is supposed to be like this, but here is a guide to discover Coruscant Spaceport and thereby the full map on the planet. It turns out that in the docking bay there is a set of stairs off to the left (facing towards the elevators) run up the stairs to the viewing platform and looking out towards the docking bay you will notice two support beams on either side. I ran up the beam on the right into the ceiling, you will break through the ceiling and be able to see above the roof… way a bit and you will discover the entire map! (assuming this was the last bit you had)…
SWTOR Tips: Which Crew Skills Should I Choose?
If you are new to the game of SWTOR or just made a new character and you want to know which crew skills to choose, here are some guidelines to help you. First, you can choose any crew skills you want. However, just like crafting in any MMO, there are certain skills that make more sense to certain classes. There are also companion bonuses that come with certain crew skills. Here’s an overview to help you make your decision. Just keep in mind, it’s not set in stone and ultimately, you can choose anything you feel like doing. Play the game your way and have fun! Class / Skill Recommendations Smuggler / Imperial Agent Armor: Armormech, Scavenging, Underworld Trading Weapons: Armstech, Scavenging, Investigation Trooper / Bounty Hunter Armor: Armormech, Scavenging, Underworld Trading Weapons: Armstech, Scavenging, Investigation Sentinel / Marauder Armor: Synthweaving, Archaeology, Investigation Weapons: Artifice, Archaeology, Treasure Hunting Guardian /…
How to Find the Right Guild in SWTOR
Are you a new player or previously unguilded player looking for the right guild in SWTOR? Well, this game, like any MMO, is designed to have social aspects. While you can play solo and you certainly don’t have to have a guild in order to enjoy parts of the game, it does bring a lot to the table when you find a good one. Some players were part of multi-gaming guilds that moved over to SWTOR from previous games they were playing. But for others, the search for a guild can be daunting. Here are some tips on how to find and get into a good guild: Play the game: First, play the game for awhile first. This will give you the very important opportunity to first see what it is you like about the game and how you want to play and then find a guild that meets your…
SWTOR Reverse Engineering Visual Guide
Are you frustrated that you don’t know what your items will break down into with Reverse Engineering? Are you looking to learn more about SWTOR Reverse Engineering and how it all works? You are in luck because we found this super handy visual guide by Lone Stranger that is a must for any players doing Reverse Engineering. The visual guide is done in flow chart fashion and color coded which allows you to see what is trainable, what artifacts can break down into and differ tier levels as well.We are absolutely thrilled when other players just like us take the time to create charts, guides and visuals like this to help others succeed in the game. Have you created a visual guide for something in SWTOR? Have you stumbled across a really great one and you’re not sure if we’ve featured it on our site? Be sure to shoot us…
SWTOR Legacy System Guide: The Basics
The Legacy system in SWTOR can be a bit confusing even to those who have already chosen their surname. This guide is designed to help you understand why the system was put in place and how it can benefit players. There will be changes to the legacy system in the future and we will update this guide and provide additional guides as needed to help you understand. The legacy system is one based on the principal of family. Many of the characters in the movies were related in one way or the other so the guys that made SWTOR decided to make it where the characters you create in the game are related. Some of the main relations are brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, wives and husbands but there are a few others. When you choose the relationship between your main character and a new one that you make, it has…
SWTOR Flashpoints: New Player’s Guide
As a new SWTOR player, you need the basics of flashpoints so you can get started in the game and learn the ropes. This guide is designed to help you do just that. Here you can find all the information you need to get started and to advance in the game to become an intermediate player. It includes the basics to get you started. What this guide is not: This guide is not a specific breakdown or walk-through of any specific flashpoint. Rather, it is an overview of what you need to know to succeed in flashpoints, especially if you are new to the game. Let’s begin… First, you should know that flashpoints are the same thing as dungeons in other MMO games. This is where you’ll find the best loot drops and it’s where the hardest fights take place. Normally, you’ll get a quest for the flashpoint before entering…
How to Master Huttball: SWTOR PvP Guide
When you load into your first Huttball game, you may be totally confused. It may seem like a very complicated game but in reality, it’s pretty simple after you get the hang of it. Huttball isn’t a typical PvP scenario in the sense that killing isn’t your main objective. Instead, your main focus is on scoring goals. Think football meets an army obstacle course and you begin to get an idea of what you’ll be dealing with. You’ll have to deal with many obstacles such as multiple levels, fire pits and of course other players. You have to remember that your main goal is to score points. If your team has the ball, help get it to the other team’s pit and if the opposing team has the ball, kill them or intercept the ball. Whichever team has the most points at the end of the game, wins. If there…
Understanding the Galactic Trade Network in SWTOR
If you have yet to use the Galactic Trade Network (GTN) in SWTOR, you might not realize yet that it is not an Auction House. Those who come from WoW or similar MMORPGs may be used to the auction house format but BioWare has done something different with the GTN. Different is not necessarily better for a lot of players. The GTN works by allowing the player to post an item for sale at a fixed price, along with every other player’s items. An auction house system allows players to post items with a minimum bid and lets the other players bid up to as much as they want for the duration of the auction- or to get it instantly with a “buy now” price. This isn’t the only difference with the GTN model compared to the models most MMOers are used to. The search function is also a bit…
Sith Warrior Marauder Leveling Build 10-50 Point Allocation
Here is a new build from the guys. This is a leveling build for the Marauder advanced class in SWTOR. Although by no means perfect if you are new to the game it will set you off on the right foot and I have used this one with great results. As always I I will recommend you to get the guide to get the full advantage of all amazing features. It is available right here.
Intergalactic Intel: Shadow/Assassin Tanking Guide
“So you’re a dps?” For someone who had no interest in playing Swtor, my friend had a ton of questions. “No, a tank,” I replied. “My friend looked at me. You’re a tank with invisibility?” “Yeah… Druids do the same thing in WoW, and remember Rogue tanks in BC?” “SWTOR is so weird…” Welcome back to another Intergalactic Intel! This week we’re going technical. We’re gonna sit down and look at what my opinion of the best Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin tanking spec, what stats you should be aiming for and how to tank properly. This guide is for patch 1.1. This guide is subject to change. The spec: Assassin Shadow Kinetic Combat: Tier 1: Technique Mastery 3/3- This is THE BEST early talent for shadow/assassin tanking. It increases your internal and elemental resistance by 9% meaning you’ll be taking less damage from those specific abilities. We’re all about not taking…
Ilum Datacron Locations
Ilum was the ice planet home to many of the Adegan crystals used in the construction of Jedi lightsabers. The caverns containing the crystals were long ago turned into a Jedi temple. Unlike the crystals of other planets, the crystals of Ilum could only produce green and blue lightsaber crystals. Ilum was first discovered in 22,800 BBY when a Jedi, navigating hyperspace in the Force, felt a strong pull deep from the Unknown Regions. Following the sensation, the scout had found a world rich in Force-strong crystals. The mystique of the discovery added it to the ceremony of lightsaber construction. Read more about Ilum here and check out the Datacron guide below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic 83) Aim + 4 Datacron Coordinates: X 920, Y 1072 This Datacron is located in far southeastern Ilum, to reach it you will need to…
Newbie SWTOR FAQ: What You Need to Know
So you’re new to SWTOR and you’ve got questions; we have the answers. Whether you are afraid to ask in general chat or don’t trust the answers you might get, we’ve got your back so don’t worry about it. This guide is meant to be a simple newbie FAQ for SWTOR. While it’s not meant to answer every question you may have about the game or to cover every aspect of it in detail, it’s a great overview for the new player. Even if you’ve played other MMORPGs (such as WoW), you’re going to find some differences in SWTOR that will make a difference from the very start. For example, while the UI and controls are familiar, there are other aspects of the game that are different enough that you might find yourself making some big mistakes early on if you don’t take the time to read up on what…
How to Find a Magenta Adegan Crystal: BioWare Explains
Adegan crystals were commonly used by Jedi as a main component of a lightsaber. Also known as “Ilum crystals””. BioWare tells us How to Find a Magenta Adegan Crystal for yourself, if you can figure it out, that is. Georg “Observer” Zoeller posts on the official forums: It’s actually not difficult at all. There is no RNG element involved, nor do you need to be running around in endgame gear to obtain it, nor do you need an Operation to do so. You may need a bit of time, but not a crazy amount either. All classes are capable of obtaining it. Think of it as something like a datacron. Of course you also need to find an Artifice capable crafter with the recipe to turn the raw crystal it into a Lightsaber crystal, but for the right price, I’m sure they’ll help you out. Honestly, I was a bit…
Corellia Datacron Locations
Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. It was also the birthplace of smuggler and New Republic General Han Solo as well as Rogue Squadron pilot and New Republic hero Wedge Antilles, along with many other humans who played important roles in the histories of the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Galactic Alliance. Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the “Eldest Brother” or the “Eldest.” Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believed that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant. Read all about Corellia here, and check out the datacron locations below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old…
Voss Datacron Locations
Voss was a planet located within the Voss system of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by Gormak and a less numerous species, who were named Voss like the planet. The two were engaged in warfare for many years circa 3,653 BBY. The Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire discovered the planet shortly after the signature of the Treaty of Coruscant. For centuries, the two native sentient species of Voss—the Voss and the Gormak—were at war with each other. Following the Treaty of Coruscant that ended the Great Galactic War in 3,653 BBY, Voss was accidentally discovered by the larger galaxy. It was invaded by the Sith Empire, and the Galactic Republic moved to defend the world against the Sith by occupying it themselves. However, the Voss were able to out-maneuver both factions due to the visions of their Force-using tradition, the Voss Mystics. In the aftermath of the…
Belsavis Datacron Locations
Belsavis was a planet in the Ninth Quadrant, which was a region of the Bozhnee sector. Ice-covered, its average temperature was in the -50s. It was located on the Belsavis Run At some unknown point in the past, the planet became one of the many worlds that belonged to the Rakata Infinite Empire. During that time, the Rakata made use of the world as a prison colony where they placed many dangerous prisoners that remained trapped for the millennia. It entered an ice age around 5,000 BBY. Its inhabitants dwelt in three volcanic jungle rifts. During the Great War, the Republic used Belsavis’ prison to confine dangerous Sith lords and war criminals. Read all about Belsavis here, and check out the datacron locations below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic 68 – [Aim +4] X: 784; Y: 126 Z: -1929 (The…
Hoth Datacron Locations
Hoth was the sixth planet of the remote Hoth system. A desolate world covered with ice and snow, located in the Anoat sector, a rarely-traveled portion of the Outer Rim Territories, it became famous as the one-time location of the Alliance to Restore the Republic’s Echo Base during the Galactic Civil War. It was discovered in 3 ABY by the Empire, causing the Battle of Hoth, a major engagement that destroyed the Rebels’ base and gave them heavy casualties. Hoth’s existence was known throughout the galaxy as early as 4,000 BBY. The swamp wampas of Dromund Kaas were proven by scientists to be descended from the wampas of Hoth. It is possible that wampas were brought to Dromund Kaas during the Great Galactic War though the truth remains a mystery. Indeed the Republic suffered a major defeat at the hands of the Empire during that conflict. The two fleets included…