
SWTOR Cartel Market Items Guide and Overview

If you have yet to fully explore the Cartel Market, you might have some questions about what’s it in, how much it costs and if it’s worth it. While each player is different and what is worth it to one player can vary with another, it does pay to do a little research into what you can get. So here’s an overview guide of the items in the Cartel Market available for purchase. Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic Cartel Packs There are two types of cartel packs that you can purchase and they contain an assortment of the goods and crafting materials. In addition to these, you can receive some very rare bonus items that you can’t find anywhere else. Crime Lord’s Cartel Packs– for 360 CCs, you’re guaranteed to receive two rare bonus items and you have a chance…

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Flashpoint Guides: Kaon Under Siege

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic The Flashpoint Kaon Under Siege was added to Star Wars: The Old Republic with Patch 1.1 and it’s one of the hardest in the game. It’s intended for players who are at least a level 50. It takes place on a Spaceshuttle where an infection broke out, which turned everyone into a creature that resembles a zombie. The infection was passed from one person to another until everyone was infected. The main difference between this instance and many of the others is that the mobs are much harder to kill and there are a lot of them in the beginning of the Flashpoint. First Boss: The Mobs Instead of going up against a boss, the first thing your group will encounter is a big mobs fight. The objective is to stay alive as you’re met…

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Flashpoint Guide: The Colicoid War Game

Flashpoint Guide: The Colicoid War Game in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic When you reach levels 37 to 41, you can take part in one of the most unique Flashpoints in the game called The Colicoid War Game. It’s not like any of the others because there is only one classic Boss fight at the end. However, you will go though three challenges to complete the instance and both the Empire and the Republic factions have access to this Flashpoint. First Challenge: The Colicoid Attack Waves During the first challenge, you’ll fight a large group of Colicoid warriors that will run towards you all at once. Your goal is to kill off the warriors as quickly as possible without taking on too much damage. The best defense may be to mount turrets, face the enemy and burn them down. The order you take them out could mean…

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Flashpoint Guide: The Black Talon

Flashpoint Guide: The Black Talon

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic The Black Talon is the first Empire flashpoint you’ll encounter and it has the longest dialogue chain of any instance in the game. Since this is your first flashpoint, you’ll find it to be very easy but after your character reaches level 50, you can return and run this instance again in Hard Mode for a real challenge. For the first run, you’ll need to find a partner that you can work well with because it requires at least two people. Shortly after entering this flashpoint, you’ll have to make a decision of whether to allow the captain and the general of the ship live or to kill them. If you kill them, you’ll receive 200 Dark Alignment points and if you let the live, you’ll receive 200 Light Alignment points. Black Talon has a…

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Flashpoint Guide: The Foundry

Flashpoint Guide: The Foundry

The Foundry is the Imperial equivalent to the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint and you can access it after completing the Dorin’s Sky/Boarding Party Flashpoint. The Foundry is an ancient weapon with the ability to create mass destruction. After a high level Republic master Jedi prisoner escaped and made his way to the Foundry, it’s your job to track him down, defeat him and claim the Foundry for the Empire. It’s recommended that everyone in your group be at least a level 35 or above before tackling this flashpoint. You’ll encounter 3 bosses and 2 mini-bosses throughout this instance. First Boss: The Foundry Guardian The first boss fight happens right at the beginning of this instance when you encounter The Foundry Guardian. He is a large droid with 71K HP but don’t be intimidated by his size. This is the standard tank and spank battle. However, he does have a channeled ability…

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Flashpoint Guide: Hammer Station

Flashpoint Guide: Hammer Station

The second Flashpoint to open up in Star Wars: The Old Republic is Hammer Station. You only have to be a level 15 to go through this Flashpoint and for the most part, it’s rather easy. You’ll encounter 3 bosses with the last one being the most challenging. The main thing that you need to know before getting started is that you will face lots of droids. For this reason, you must have someone on your team that can CC droids are you’ll run into a lot of problems. When you first begin your mission, you have the option of going into the room at the end of the first long hallway you come to, if a member of your team has Bioanalysis. Otherwise, it would be pointless to go here because you’ll need to use Bioanalysis on the barrels to acquire the Detoxifying Fiber. If you do acquire this…

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Flashpoint Guide: Maelstrom Prison

Flashpoint Guide: Maelstrom Prison

Maelstrom Prison is a Flashpoint for Republic only and it’s a continuation of Taral V but expect the battles to be harder than the ones you fought in that one. This Flashpoint is the equivalent to the Imperial Flashpoint The Foundry. Maelstrom is an enormous green cloud, which is made of raw energy and charged space dust that interferes with navigation computers and coordinates. This was a very important place during the Great Galactic War because this is where the Sith Empire hid a space station where Revan was held prisoner. To be a part of this Flashpoint, you don’t need to complete the quest Jedi Prisoner but you do need to be on it. You’ll encounter 3 bosses, a couple of mini-bosses and you’ll have the opportunity to fight a bonus boss. First Boss: X-37 Oppressor Droid The first boss you come across is the X-37 Oppressor Droid. He’s…

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Flashpoint Guide: Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky

Boarding Party

The Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky is one of the longest Flashpoints in Star Wars: The Old Republic where you’ll encounter 3 main bosses and 3 mini-bosses. Some of the bosses that you encounter are very easy and you’ll breeze through without any problem but some of others will be very difficult. All of the players on your team should be at least a level 33 but your healer will have a hard time keeping up. Therefore, you may want this player on your team to have a higher level. Once you’ve assembled your team, you’re ready to head out and tackle the first boss. First Boss: HXI-54 Juggernaut The very first boss is HXI-54 Juggernaut with 56K HP and he has three mechanics you need to be aware of when fighting him. One of the mechanics will drop circles in different places on the ground. As long as you stay…

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SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: Athiss

SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: Athis

Your team has been called together to travel to the planet Athiss and investigate a distress signal sent back from a Republic survey team. It’s possible that during their dig they uncovered something that should not have been disturbed. After all, this planet used to be the home of an ancient and unstable Sith Lord. Your mission is to discover what they unleashed and put it to rest again. Out of all the Flashpoints in Star Wars: The Old Republic, Athiss is one of the easiest for both Republic and Empire factions but you still need to be prepared to go up against 3 bosses. You can get the most out this flashpoint if you have an archaeologist and someone with Bioanalysis of 75 or more on your team. Upon arriving on the planet, this level 20 Flashpoint begins in a valley surrounding by tombs. You’ll hear a message over…

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SWTOR Legacy Perks Guide

Star Wars: The Old Republic introduced players to the Legacy System when the Patch 1.2 went live. The Legacy system opened up a variety of upgrades on a global scale that you can unlock simply by playing more. For example, you can unlock a character’s race when you reach level 50 and it affects all characters on that particular account and server. This helped to make the game even more interesting. To unlock the Legacy System you need to complete Act one of your first characters storyline. This usually happens somewhere around levels 32 to 34. Once you accomplish this, you’ll be prompted to create a legacy or Star Wars Surname. You’ll also gain access to the Legacy UI, which is found on the top toolbar. This gives you access to your family tree and it will show you which class, race, and purchasable unlocks are available to you. The…

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Flashpoint Guide: Mandalorian Raiders

Flashpoint Guide: Mandalorian Raiders

Allusis, the Republic warship was stolen by a rogue faction of Mandalorian Raiders under the Clan Varad banner. They are attacking and inflicting mayhem on the defenseless Outer Rim worlds. Strike teams have been assembled and sent out to seize control of the Allusis and end these brutal and senseless attacks. It’s recommended that each member of your team, whether Empire or Republic, be at least a level 25 before undertaking this mission. After choosing your team, prepare to face off with 3 bosses and gain control of that warship. Upon Arrival When you first arrive on board the Allusis, you’ll be greeted by a challenge from Mavrix Varad. He will make this announcement using the ships loudspeaker system. “This is the chieftain of Clan Varad. Whoever you are, you’ve challenged the wrong ship.” For now, just ignore him and move on to the first room of the ship. You’ll…

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SWTOR Augment Slot Guide

One thing that most Star Wars: The Old Republic players have in common is a desire to have the very best gear possible. Building up your character is part of the fun and there are several items available to help you reach your goal. You have the option of modifying gear by using Augments but before you can use them, your gear must have Augment Slots. This Augment Slot guide will show you how to acquire Augmentation Kits, so you can upgrade your character’s gear. Understanding Augments Augments increase the stats of your character to maximize your gear. You can get Augments by using the “slicing crew skill” or you can buy them at the Galactic Trade Network. The type of Augment you use will determine which stats are increased. Here are some examples: Defense – redoubt augments Aim – Reflex augments Strength – might augments Endurance – fortitude augments…

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The big list of free SWTOR guides

Sine the launch of Star Wars: The old republic almost one year ago, we have steadily updated our website with new game guides. Now one year later, it has become increasingly hard to find the the guide you might be looking for. There for are we creating this list for a better overview. This will be a work in progress and we will do our best to keep the list updates. If there is something you feel you need a guide on, let us know in the comments below, and we will see if we can help out. Raiding/Flashpoints Guides: The False Emperor The Esseles The Streets of Cademimu The Colicoid War Game Directive 7 Taral V Mandalorian Raiders Athiss Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky Maelstrom Prison Hammer Station The Foundry The Black Talon The Lost Island Flashpoint Guide Battle of Ilum Kaon Under Siege Scum and Villainy SWTOR World Boss Guides…

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Flashpoint Guide: The False Emperor

Flashpoint Guide: The False Emperor

The Battle of Ilum has ended and the threat is gone but a new battle is on the way. You’ve learned of the splinter faction leader’s location aboard the stolen Sith Battlecruiser and your squad must fight your way onto the ship. However, this is not going to be an easy task. The Battlecruiser has an army of battle droids ready to go to any length to defend their leader all in the name of the new Empire. The environment on the Battlecruiser is a very unstable one where you’ll go up against 6 bosses. It’s recommended that all of your squad members are at least a level 50 because some of these battles are going to be tough. Tregg the Destroyer The first boss is Tregg the Destroyer and he has two MoBs with him. It’s easier to take out the two MoBs if the tank pulls Tregg into…

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SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: Directive 7

Flashpoint Guide: Directive 7

Recommended Level: 48-50Faction: Republic & EmpireBosses: 6 (3 mini-bosses) Directive 7 is the name given to a group of renegade droids who have joined together as one identity with one mission, which is to go through the galaxy exterminating all biological life forms. Both the Republic and the Empire have suffered at the hands of these renegade droids so both factions have a common interest in taking down Directive 7. Fortunately, for both factions, one of the Directives disagrees with the exterminating of all other life forms and offers them valuable information that will help put an end to this rebellion. Your mission is to travel with your squad of level 50 players to the small moon called Zadd, where you’ll go up against these 6 bosses in addition to one bonus boss. Here’s a vid of the Flashpoint in action: Detector Detector is the first mini boss you’ll encounter when you arrive…

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Flashpoint Guide: Taral V

If you’re looking to do the Flashpoint Taral V, it helps to know just what you’re getting into before you get started. It begins when you and your team travel to the Imperial held planet of Taral V and steal the star charts that will lead you to the space station. The recommended level for this Flashpoint is 33 and there are 6 bosses plus a bonus boss (optional). Many of the trash mobs can be skipped if you are looking to do a quick run but killing them for the extra experience and chance of loot is great if you have the time. Now let’s take a look at those bosses: Handler Gattan As his name suggests, the handler has pets- two Vinecats that you will have to fight during this battle. Gattan’s cats will attack random party members and they are immune to crowd control. The technique is…

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SWTOR World Boss Guides

World bosses are a big part of any MMO and Star Wars: The Old Republic is no exception. You’ll need a full raid party to beat these bosses so be prepared to work together as a team. Throughout the galaxy, you’ll encounter several planets with these raid level bosses and they do yield some nice loot and a codex entry. After taking down a boss the reset timer usually last around two to three hours for each. All of the bosses in SWTOR have what is called a “Terrifying buff” that will yield any companions incapacitate as soon as you initiate the fight. For the most part the bosses will be stronger as you move up in levels. For this reason, if you’re having trouble with the lower level ones, you may need to build up more before tackling the higher-level raid bosses. Here are the planets in STWOR where…

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Free to Play Tips and Tricks

Since many new players are joining the game with the free to play launch, they’re going to be looking for answers on how to play and enjoy the game. Seasoned vets of SWTOR know their way around things but what they may not know is how things have changed since the free to play model launched. Sometimes we also forget that the things that seem common to us may be confusing or unknown to a new player. We all were new once and it pays to take the time to help someone out. You never know who you might meet in one act of kindness and besides, we just think it’s good gaming karma. F2p players get only 5 self-revives total and once you run out, you will need to buy more from the store or rez at a med center. This is a good reason for f2p gamers to…

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Guide to HK 51

The HK-51 companion is finally here and this guide will explain what you need to do to acquire one. Some of the tasks are fairly easy but others will be very difficult so be prepared to spend some time on this quest. Before you can acquire your HK-51 companion, you’ll need to gather up a few components and there are seven of them altogether. Scanning for Components You’ll have to scan for four of the seven components. These are the HK Chassis, HK AI Regulator, HK Power Core and the HK Motivator. In Taris, look for the downed Endar Spire. Just north of it, you’ll find the HK Chassis. As you approach the area near the end of the Endar Spire, you’ll notice it starts to gradually close in. This is where you need to start scanning until you find the component. In Hoth, search for the HK Power Core…

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SWTOR Guide to Lightsaber Crystals

Star Wars: The Old Republic has many interesting features like the rare crystals that make your lightsaber different colors. These are fun to collect and some of them can be a real challenge. Here’s a guide to some of the color crystals in the game. Remember that these can change at any time. We will try to update the guide accordingly. Remember to check out this post on Light saber hilts. Common Crystals You can find the blue, green, red and yellow crystals in Artifice. These are the most common gems so they are the easiest to locate. You can also find them in the vendor sabers gear. The orange color gems are “high level artifice” that can be reached at level 400. In Alderaan, the orange crystals drop from Ulgo Siegebreaker, Corusant Worldboss and Nar Shadda Worldboss. Black Core Colors There are four black core colors in the game. You can…

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SWTOR Scapper Smuggler PvP Guide- Understanding Stealth

If you’ve played a stealth character in other MMOs, expect things to be a little different in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The main difference is in the way you engage your target and in the stealth detection. At first, it may seem a little awkward and harder but once you understand the concept, you’ll probably enjoy the gameplay even more, especially if you like a real challenge. Engaging Your Target The way you engage your target is much different from what you’re probably used to. When you engage a single target and they die, you can restealth immediately as long as you have not attacked another target and no one else has attacked you. In this scenario, you’re considered “out of combat” when you send out the deadly blow. However, if you engage someone else or if anyone else engages you before the cool down period is up, you’re…

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TOR TV: Key Binding Guide For All Classes

Having trouble setting up your key binds? Have no fear, elpoetaenmiuq  is hear to help. This guys has made a great video guide on how to setup your abilites effectively. Keybinding things to keys on your keyboard instead of clicking them increases your ability to react to certain situations faster than manually moving your mouse to click on abilities. Some people don’t mind clicking and are faster that way others like myself it is easier to keybind your abilites.

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Guide to End Game Stuff

I just can’t say enough how appreciative I am of Dulfy from and all the great game content she brings us for SWTOR. So she does all the things I want to do but don’t have the time to. And now, she’s done it again with a great list if leveling heroics, bonus series and their associated rewards. Empire list: Republic list: She also explains as follows: For every quest there are 1) Torhead tooltips for the mission so you can see the steps or get more details. 2) Name of the NPC to start the quest (first name recorded only) 3) Location of the NPC (Both the area and the exact coordinates) 4) General and class specific rewards. As you can see, this is a very useful resource so bookmark the URL that applies to you (or both if you play both sides) and refer to…

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How to get the Orokeet Orobird – a guide

This guide have been up on our forum for a while, but they are not being used that much which is a shame, and the Formatting sucked. Now I am posting it again in blog format. Hope you enjoy! As you may or may not know Bioware implemented a few new non-combat pets, such as the Taunta. One in particular is named the Orobird/Orokeet, as you can see below In this guide I will show you how to get the Orobird egg, AND how to hatch it. However please note that the egg has a 4-8 hour respawn time. To start off you will fly your Starship to Alderaan, and then take a speeder to a town you have discovered in the KAAMOS TERRITORY. Then make your way to where my character is below on the map You will see on your map and minimap that you have discovered a…

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