
SWTOR 3.1 Flashpoint GUIDE: COMMANDER MOKAN – HM Battle of Rishi Bonus Boss

This is Vulkk’s Video Guide on the Bonus Boss in Battel of Rishi Hard Mode Flashpoint. In this relatively short fight we have quite a few mechanics, which are all simple, yet very deadly if not performed 100% correctly. Commander Mokan is one of the best boss encounters inside a Flashpoint Bioware have designed since the first and original version of Lost Island in early 2012. If  you have different tactics or suggestions for players, who have not yet done this, share them in the comments below. The boss is not something unseen, but is a fresh and interesting encounter compared to all the other tank and spank opponents. It can be done in many different class combinations and is one of the few very well designed and balanced fights. It may not have an awesome 100% loot drop, but is worth doing just for the achievement and the good feeling…

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SWTOR: Complete KEYBINDING Guide and UI Tips

Keyboard keybinding is very personal and every player should edit and adjust their abilities to their own taste. With that said, in the linked video Vulkk shows us his personal bindings for both keyboard and mouse as well as various tips, tricks and reasons why certain skills should be located in certain spots and what is the logic behind each and every bound ability. The video examples the Jedi Sentinel keybinds, but the guide is made to be valid for all advanced classes. The ideal system is when all keybinds are the same or very similar for all of our alts, which makes remembering key press combinations a lot easier and saves us time.

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SWToR Community delivers once more; Sniper’s PVE guide!

It’s always great to see certain members of the SWToR community coming forward and sharing their knowledge of the game. The latest example is, SWToR forum member “DieGhostDie” who posted a very interesting PVE Marksmanship guide for the Imperial Sniper. He is currently part of the 8-man progression group in the Intrepid guild of the Harbinger server and he decided to share his experience and expertise with the rest of the community. Even though he admits the guide is work in progress, his work starts with the basics, and expands to key abilities and rotations among other things.

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SWTOR Tips for Small Guilds Doing Conquests

The Conquest system within SWTOR is a pretty good one in many ways. It’s also a good way to get back into some of that older content and see it all again (or for the first time). However, if you have a small guild, you may have found that it’s just not as easy to do the conquests. Some players feel like guilds with smaller numbers don’t have a chance to compete for the Top 10. Well, here are a couple of things to know. First, even if you don’t make it in the top 10, doing these conquests is a great way to build guild unity. Secondly, depending on your server, you might have more of a chance than you think at moving up the ranks if you just get a good solid group of people together to commit. So with that in mind, if you want to try…

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GSH Master Artisan Guide Compendium

If you’d like to know more about SWTOR crafting, we have a fantastic guide for you. From Lowku, we have a 3-part guide on 2.9 Galactic Strongholds crafting, as well as some basics in crafting in general. As we have mentioned here, 2.9 is bringing a lot of (hopefully good) changes to crafting. Some items that were once considered useful junk will now be highly sought after. Gathering lists, items and other crafting supplies now might be a good idea if you plan to do any 2.9 crafting. He tells us a little of what you can expect in these guides: “To help myself prepare, I’ve compiled my old gathering list, my credit guide, and all the new crafting information for the Fabrication Kits traded for decorations and War Supplies. What’s left is an absolutely massive amount of information that I had to break up into different parts just to get it…

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SWTOR Galactic Starfighter: Engine Components Comparisons Guide

Understanding the different engine components will help you understand your ship’s engines better. The more you know about the engines, the better you can prepare for battle because you know what your ship is capable of doing. This guide is designed to give you a basic idea of what each of the Galactic Starfighter Ships engines are capable of, to help you decide which ones suit your gaming style the best. It focuses on the default engine components. Engine Maneuvers               Engines have different abilities that determine which maneuvers they’re capable of performing. In this section, you’ll learn which maneuvers each ship has and what it does along with the upgrade options for each one. The Rycer & Starguard, the Sting & Flashfire, the Ocula & Skybolt and the Gladiator & Enforcer all have Koiogran Turn as the default maneuver. This maneuver allows you to make a vertical 180-degree turn,…

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SWTOR Galactic Starfighter Ships Companion Guide

Companions play an important role in Star Wars: The Old Republic and they do make the game more enjoyable. This guide focuses on the default companions assigned specifically to fill the crew positions for the Galactic Starfighter ships. Each faction will start out with a set of four default companions that are exclusive to the ships but you’re not limited to only using these. The assigned positions for the default companions and their names are below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic Empire Offense- MZ-12 Tactical- Salana Rok Engineering- Aven Geth Defense- Writch Hurley Republic Offense- B-3G9 Tactical- Kendra Novar Engineering- Ashy Defense- Oro Wogawa After choosing your starfighter ship, you’ll pick out your crew. You’ll start by choosing your co-pilot from one of the four default companions listed above for your faction. After choosing your co-pilot, you can fill each…

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SWTOR Galactic Starfighter New Player Guide

This guide explains the basic information needed to choose and fly a Galactic Starfighter ship. After reading, you should have a general idea of what to expect before you play, so you can learn to use the controls a little faster and easier. Even if you’ve been playing for awhile, you may still find some of the information useful. We’ll start with a quick overview of the ships so you’ll have an idea of which one you would like to try first. Galactic Starfighter Ships The Scout, Strike Fighter, Gunships and Bombers are the four classes of ships available. You’ll find three ships listed under each class except for the gunships and you’ll start the game with two ships unlocked. As you play and earn Fleet Requisitions, you can unlock the remaining ships or you can buy them with Cartel Coins. You can view the components of any unlocked ship…

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SWTOR Galactic Starfighter Components Comparisons Weapons Guide

The components are what separate the Starfighter from other types of ships. Each one of the ships will have five major components and four minor ones. Major components are responsible for providing the ships with their weapons and they determine how the ships perform during active combat. The minor components allow passive boosts that affect different statistic depending on which weapons the ship is equipped with. Each one of the Starfighter ships will have one default component in each one of the slot category. The type of ship will determine what type of components can be used and how many different options can be unlocked. All components have between three and five upgrade tiers from which you can purchase upgrades with requisition. You can earn requisition when you take part in and complete battles. This comparisons guide compares the weapons components. The shields, engines and sensors will be covered at…

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SWTOR Galactic Starfighter Overview Guide

The second digital expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic included four different classes of Galactic Starfighter ships. They are the Scout, Strike Fighters, Gunship and Bombers. This guide is designed to give you a quick overview of the Galactic Starfighter ships for each class, in order to give you a better idea of how each one operates. While it may not cover every aspect of the ships, it should provide you with enough information to help you choose the ship from each class that suits your particular style of play the best. The Scout Ships The Scout Starfighters all have strong maneuverability and speed combined with boost ability. They’re also equipped with blaster cannons and rocket pods. There are three types of scout ships for both factions. S-12 Blackbolt and NovaDive Ships The Empire S-12 Blackbolt Scout ships are fast and easy to maneuver. The sensors and communications systems…

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SWTOR Galactic Starfighter Guide to Flashfire / Sting

You will notice that there is a big difference between the Flashfire/Sting and the default scout such as how much damage you can do. You can usually live longer in them but you won’t be able to travel as fast. The Flashfire/ Sting variant is a cross between the default scout and the strike fighter. You may find the extra maneuverability will help you get the edge in a fight. Dulfy has a calculator you can use to see what you can get from your ship and to help you know what you need and what it does for you. Strategy to Succeed So now you know a little more about Flashfire, let’s look at strategies to succeed. These are general tips but they will help you make the most of your Flashfire/Sting. Face a Gunship properly- The key to winning against a gunship is speed. You won’t last long…

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SWTOR Life Day Event Guide

Here is a short and simple guide to help you complete SWTOR Life Day event. First, you need to go to the Galactic Trade Market area in the fleet. Look for a Master of Ceremonies NPC. He will be near the GTN. He sells several items but you’ll want to buy Life Day Snowball Bomb to start. It’s an ability that you put on your hotbar. This will let you throw snowballs at other players and at NPCs. The ability has a 15s cooldown. Now you’re going to be trying to get snow-covered parcels, which are the currency for this event and will allow you to trade it for cool rewards, specific to this SWTOR event only. So you need to throw snowballs at other players to get the Snow-Covered Parcels. You can get parcels from other players even if they have the debuff. You can also manually click your…

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SWTOR Guide: How to Build a Blackbolt/NovaDive Galactic Scout Starfighter

This SWTOR guide is designed to give you a general idea of how to build a Blackbolt/NovaDive Galactic Scout Starfighter. You can use different components when building your Scout but this will give you a general idea of how to get started. Each of the following components are discussed below: Engine, shields, sensors, thruster, systems, capacitor, armor, primary and secondary weapons. Engine Maneuvers You can choose between the four different engine maneuvers listed below. All of them have 15 second recharge on use and when activated, they will all evade lock-on missiles. They also help you elude direct blaster fire by up to 30 percent for three seconds. The Barrel Roll– Allows you to roll the ship 360-degrees forward, which helps move you forward a long distance but you do need enough space to execute the roll so you don’t hit anything during the move and self-destruct. This maneuver is…

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SWTOR Guide: The Galactic Starfighter Pike/Quell Battle Strategies

The Pike/Quell starfighter is designed to do maximum damage when you use missiles and torpedoes. The starfighter can be equipped with two types of missiles or secondary weapons that make it possible for you to use a variety of strategies when in battle. Most of the strategies used with the Pike/Quell are long-range combat oriented with some dogfighting capabilities. You can equip the Pike/Quell with loadouts that will make it difficult for your enemies to counter your attacks and there is a missile for all types of situations. Since it’s hard to get requisition, it’s a good idea to know what type of components you want for your Pike/Quell in advance. Knowing a little about the ship and what it has to offer will help you make the best decisions and that is what this guide has to offer. Pike/Quell Basic Weapons Strategies As you get accustomed to flying your…

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Master SWTOR Galactic Starfighter: A Guide

Now that we have the new expansion Galactic Starfighter, SWTOR players old and new are looking for ways to survive in this fast-paced and hectic game environment. You want to succeed in your challenging battles and progress forward so you might need a few tips. You don’t want to end up as that pilot who dies all the time so here are some tips to help you master SWTOR Galactic Starfighter: Know your ship- this is first and foremost one of the most important things you will be able to do. Your ship is your tool, inside GSF. You need to know it inside and out. A lot of this will come with practice and just playing a lot. But you need to know the basics of the ships. So take time to examine your ship for abilities and components. You need to know everything you can about your ship’s…

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Things you wish you knew when starting out in SWTOR

This is just a helping hand for new players. It might also be usefull if you are a returning player, since most of this will be obvious. When doing group content tell people if it’s your first time. People will often expect you to know quite indirect paths to follow which avoids combat and will therefore run ahead. You’ll end up pulling, getting killed and (more often than not) wiping the group. Try to establish how quickly your group wants to do a flashpoint – people will start raging if you’re not pressing spacebar (to skip cutscenes) at the same rate as them. The default price you get when you put something on the GTN (auction house) is often ridiculous – I think the price it suggests for molecular stabilisers is 5% or less of the usual selling price. Similarly, the price you can get from selling to vendors is…

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Guide to Maximize Ultimate Commendations (w/o doing HM 55 Operations)

This has probably been figured out by some, but I haven’t seen it written down anywhere. This is a guide to maximize your Ultimate Commendations per week. This guide does not assume you are doing Hard Mode 55 Operations. First, your Weekly Quests. Group Finder Weekly (12 Ultimate Comms) Complete 1 Classic Op (12 Ultimate Comms) Next, do Operations on 16 Man Story, but leave up the last boss in SnV and TFB. Scum and Villainy 16 man Story (4 per boss + 12 for Weekly) Terror from Beyond 16 man Story (4 per boss +12 for Weekly) Toborro’s Courtyard 16 man Story (4 Ultimate Comms + 6 for Weekly) Finally, finish up the last boss in each SnV and TFB through Groupfinder. Make sure you do this on different days, as Group Finder bonuses are per day. Scum and Villainy (10 Ultimate comms) Terror from Beyond (10 Ultimate Comms)…

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SWTOR Coruscant Kingpin Bounty Contract Guide

If you want to do the SWTOR Coruscant Kingpin Bounty Contract as quickly and efficiently as possible, you might need a little help. Here’s a pretty simple walkthrough First, this one happens in the Justicar Territory, Coruscant. First, talk to Tam Daral at Senate Plaza, Coruscant Spaceport. Then release Bounty Seeker Probes in Justicar Territory. You will find them and scan, and then at the end you will have to lure out and fight Samovan Bann. You will either kill him or capture him. Remember that for your first time through you will receive points towards Crime Lord Legacy Achievements. Depending on how you do it you will receive points into one of these three: Wanted: Dead or Alive Bring ‘em All In Take ‘em All Down When you find him he will land and kill some Justicars on the platform. He has two main attacks that you need to…

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SWTOR Tatooine Kingpin Bounty Contract Guide

The SWTOR Tatooine Kingpin Bounty Contract is one of many daily bounty missions you can undertake. Working these bounties gives you achievements, which can ultimately net you some Cartel Coins. This bounty takes place on Tatooine in Jundland. Much like the other bounty missions you will be talking to a contact, releasing bounty probes to find your target and ultimately capturing or killing them. The target for this mission is Kreegan Ramar. To start out you will want to find Meerko. Depending on what side you play for will depend on where you can find them: Republic players can find Meerko in Anchorhead Market at Anchorhead Empire players can find Meerko in an area west of the cantina at Mos Ila Once you’ve found your contact you will need to speak to them to receive the next part. You will receive a mail from your Tatooine Bounty Target. Now it’s…

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SWTOR Voss Kingpin Bounty Contract Guide

To do the SWTOR Voss Kingpin Bounty Contract you are going to need to head to the planet Voss where you will be hunting Eryn Talosa. In this bounty you will be given information from your contract, probes to track your target and information on where to release those probes. Eryn Talosa will either need to be killed or captured to complete the contract. You will find your contact, Sama Zo, on the bridge in Voss-Ka. Talk with Sama and then you will receive your mail containing the bounty target. You will want to release your probes near the bridge (there are a lot of trees so it’s going to be difficult to track) as this is the best chance of getting a clear shot. You will need to get the Priceless Voss Cultural Artifact from inside the Tower of Prophecy. To “borrow” the artifact you will need to interact…

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Guide to SWTOR Bounty Contract Week

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic Coming soon is Bounty Hunter Contract Week! With Patch 2.3 on August 13th we get a new cool, recurring event. After August, the event will happen for one week every month so if you miss the first one, you’ll have to wait for September for the next one. Bounty Contract missions will scale to your level, beginning at level 15. The most difficult bounties will take place on the high-level planets so you want to be at least level 40 before the event begins if you want to have the best shot at getting all of the achievements done. All you have to do to begin is to look for the Captured Bounties that are scattered around the fleet station. Then pick one and you will find your way to the mission terminals around the…

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SWTOR Guide: Making the Most of Your Companions

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic Having a companion by your side when on missions can greatly enhance the overall experience and make playing Star Wars: The Old Republic even more exciting. They can be very useful when it comes to gameplay by getting you out of some tough situations and they help to keep things interesting. However, it can be very difficult trying to decide which companion to take along on each mission, especially if you are not used to having a helper. Choosing the right one can greatly enhance gameplay but choosing the wrong one can make things more difficult than it should be. In order to get the most from your companions, here are a few things you should know. Update Your Companions Gear One of the biggest mistakes new players make is not updating their companions gear….

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Rise of the Hutt Cartel Preparation and Guide

Are you ready for the Rise of the Hutt Cartel? Whether you waiting until the last minute to start preparing or if you’re ready and rearing to begin right now, you’re going to love the new, fresh content. In order to ensure you get the maximum benefit from the experience, we have some tips and guidelines to follow. There are many guides and tips already available so when appropriate, we might make a link or referral to an external site as a resource. It’s all about getting you the best info as quickly as possible. Prelaunch So here are some things you can do/should do as preparation before the launch: Get more experience boosts- whether minor or major, these boost will help you as you are leveling up. Using the exp boosts, you can get the max level as quickly as possible. Do some dailies and weeklies- you’re waiting anyway,…

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