
Guild HQ Update Coming Today

SWTOR tweeted this weekend, “Eager to find out what server your #SWTOR Guild will be placed on? Your Guild HQ update is coming on Monday!” So we’re all awaiting the news but boy are they cutting it close on this one! Since early access is supposed to begin on Tuesday, this is cutting it really close for guild leaders to get the info and organize things with their guild. However, it doesn’t really matter since as soon as you log in your character that is signed up with that guild, you will gain access to wherever the guild is at. Your guild will be assigned to a server, not the player so when you log in to the server (and faction) your guild belongs to, you will be automatically in the guild. You are still free to make alts and place them on any server you choose. SWTOR Twitter feed…

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How to Create a SWTOR Guild In-Game

If you will be playing SWTOR with a group of friends, it makes sense to form up your own guild so you can all play together and take advantage of any guild perks and benefits right from the start. There are two basic ways to form a guild in SWTOR. One is only available pre-launch and you have to be sure your guild is registered with‘s guild HQ. This is what we have done for my WoW guild which has many players who will be moving over to SWTOR to play together. For this option, you need to create an account and have at least four people from your guilf who have pre-orders of the game. These pre-orders will only count if they players who purchased them entered their early-access pre-order code. If you purchased the game and did not redeem your code, you have a limited amount of…

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Last Chance to Finalize Your SWTOR Guild

This is your last opportunity to finalize your SWTOR guild before Early Game Access begins! Phase 3 of our Pre-Launch Guild Program had begun a few weeks ago and according to the news reminder from the official SWTOR site, you are running out of time to finalize your guild. If you are a guild leader, now is the time to make sure you have everything in order for launch. If you have at least 4 members of your guild who have preorderd the game and you want to get guild early access, you will need to finalize the last details of the guild before it is too late. This is your last chance to: Make any changes to your guild Ensure your guild meets requirements for deployment into the game Designate your guild’s Allies and Adversaries Review and accept pending guild applications So what do you have to do? “It’s…

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It’s Time to Finalize Your Guild

There was an important update to SWTOR news today, especially for guild leaders. They’re letting us know that it’s time to finalize your guild before it’s too late. From Official SWTOR news: Last month we expanded our Pre-Launch Guild Program with the implementation of Phase 2: Alignment, where guilds could designate other guilds as allies or adversaries. Now, as Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ moves ever-closer to launch, we are excited to announce that we have initiated the first part of Phase 3: Deployment! Phase 3: Deployment will see any guild that meets the pre-designated criteria be transferred into the game for launch. Before we begin this process, though, we want to give all of you who are in guilds the opportunity to make sure your guild meets the following requirement for transfer: ·         Four members of the guild must have pre-ordered the game and redeemed their Pre-Order Code at…

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SWTOR Guild Ranking and Progressions

Is your guild registered for SWTOR? Do you know what you will be playing? What type of server will you be on? Will servers be faction balanced? These are all great questions for anyone looking to play SWTOR. With less than 2 months to launch, we can expect to learn a lot of the data that is out now and how that will change once release comes. A lot of people are still decided on what they are going to play so the hopes are that the sides and the classes will balance themselves out more post-launch. However, early figures we have seen from multiple sources are showing a clear imbalance on sides and there is a website set up that shows this perfectly. There are some interesting statistics found on SWTOR Progress about guilds and who will be playing what. World stats show 39,370 people as “Undecided Empire” and…

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Clever SWTOR Guild Names

Do you think your guild has the coolest name for SWTOR? Is your guild name clever, a play on words, a Star Wars pun or something else you deem awesome? Anexxia over at Inquisitor’s Roadhouse says: “Every so often, as you are traveling about in a game world, you come upon a guild name that makes you giggle, or even laugh out loud. Inevitably, if I am able to quickly stop and do so, I tweet out the cool guild name and then go about my business.” To this, I wholeheartedly agree but just like Anexxia, I also agree that Tweets get lost in time and it’s a much better idea to have all of your great SWTOR guild names in one list in one location so you can see, gloat, laugh and admire them all at once. And that is exactly what Anexxia has done in this blog post….

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Guild Alignment Begins- SWTOR News

In other news today, BioWare announced that official Guild Alignment begins on their news page.   The important bits: “With Phase 2: Alignment, we are introducing new features which allow guilds to set their allegiance with other guilds in The Old Republic. Now a guild leader, along with members who have the proper permissions, can select up to three guilds as either Allies or Adversaries, depending on their faction affiliation. Qualifying guilds that are marked as Allies and Adversaries of other guilds will have the highest chance of being placed in the game together, allowing these guilds to coexist on the same server. Another feature being implemented with Phase 2 is the ability for guild leaders and members with the proper permissions to invite friends to join their guild via email. You can start recruiting new members today!” So there you have it. If you’re a guild owner like me,…

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Christian SWTOR Guild Takes Issue with Profanity in Game

A screenshot was released of the beta forums and a particular complaint being made by a member of a self-professed Christian guild regarding profanity filters in the game. This has started a debate, as most things relating to religion will do, but I think it’s worthy of being discussed here. Here’s a screencap of the post that supposedly started it all: Would it have been such a big issue if the player wasn’t part of a Christian guild? Is the real issue with his opinions of profanity filters in the game or the guild that he is a member of? The guild, Saints of the Old Republic, is more than 350 members strong and has been around for more than two years. They received a guild beta invite and are entitled to their opinions on the game just like anyone else. However, those opinions will not come without ridicule. Ridicule…

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The Guild Sphere: Sons of Anarchy

It’s Thursday and time for a new guild feature. This time “Sons of Anarchy” some old school star wars fanboys playing for the Sith empire took some time to answer our questions. Check it it out below: Where did your guilds name come from? I’m an avid fan of the show Sons of Anarchy, as I was watching the last season and following the Old Republic I began thinking how to incorporate the two. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Sons of Anarchy is a guild with something for everyone; the founding members of Sons of Anarchy have over a decade combine MMO experience, in PVP as well as end gaming raiding and leadership. We know that there many potential members out there that can’t play at the drop of a hat, we understand that. That’s why we have general open membership; no level requirements just a strong…

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The Guild Testing Program Details

First of all I would like apologize for the lack of updates on our website the last couple of days. Currently I’m with my family on vacation in an area of Denmark were internet haven’t been invented yet. At the same time Lisa is on holiday with her family, so she is also having a hard time finding time to write. I found a place 75 km from our holiday home were internet can be found though, so I will be driving there each day to keep you updated! Here is a quick one before we start posting Gamescom stuff: If you want to join the SWTOR Guild Testing Program, make sure your guild has at least 10 registered members. Guilds are then selected at random to participate. Currently European guilds are not eligible as the EU Guild Testing program has not yet begun, but will soon. For more information about the SWTOR Guild Testing Program,…

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TOR Guild Statistics- Which Faction Will Rule?

As guilds gear up and get ready for the anticipated release of SWTOR, we notice some interesting statistics. While it’s all early info, there are some patterns taking place in the guild stats. “mlgoss” posted these observations which have us thinking, which faction will rule TOR? Here are some stats of guilds will 100+ members (based on those registered thus far): PvP guilds – 12 Empire, 4 Republic PvE guilds – 4 Empire, 13 Republic RP guilds – 4 Empire, 4 Republic And here are the member counts: 110,887 members total 49,468 Republic members 61,419 Empire members So it looks like the Empire is dominating right now. While all of the numbers are very preliminary and do not account for many people who have not signed up/joined a guild yet, they can serve to give us an idea of what the game makeup might be like. If you’re a guild…

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The Guild Sphere: The Order of the Sith Lords

This week I sat down with some awesome people from The Order of the Sith Lords, a RPPvE guild that looks to be a lot of fun, hope you all enjoy.   Where did your guilds name come from? Well Vandin and I as huge SW fans took the name from Bane’s Sith legacy. A lot of people started to make fun of when we first started but hey, we are still here haha.   Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Our guild mainly wants to focus on the PVE aspect of the game, we have a lot of members with a past when it comes to raiding. On the other hand we are also HUGE nerds and we will be doing a lot of RP events with other guilds.   How did your guild come about? Vandin and I had been following SWTOR…

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The Guild Sphere: KAempire

This week I sat down with Keyaindis and Semyaza from KAempire, a newer Sith guild looking to master all aspects of of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Where did your guilds name come from? When we (Keyaindis and Semyaza) first looked at SWTOR we instantly wanted to create a guild, at the time the movie Kick Ass was on, and the idea just popped up. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? After spending the last 5 years playing in guilds in World of Warcraft that have failed to meet the standards of a “decent” guild (not implying that all guilds in wow were a failure just the ones we’ve seen), we feel that KAempire should be entertaining and maintain a balance of gameplay, as well as organization of events which was a re-occurring problem in wow. We also feel that the pressure of having…

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The Guild Sphere – Prime Defense

This week I sat down with some of the leadership from Prime Defense, a PvE focused Republic guild with close ties to their guildies. Hope you enjoy the Interview. Where did your guilds name come from? Our guild name consists of two words. Prime as in top quality, best or perfection and defense as in defenders of the galaxy. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Prime Defense is an active and tight knit community filled with members from around the world. We strive to provide a relaxed environment where members can hang out and get to know each other while still retaining a serious attitude in game while running PVE instances or participating in tactics based PVP. How did your guild come about? Our guild was born from another community that went under the name The Royal Echani. During the summer of 09, the…

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The Ideal Guild Quiz Helps You Find the Right SWTOR Guild

The newest version of the Ideal Guild Quiz has been released and if you’re a guild leader who has not signed up yet, it’s time to get your name in the hat. There are about 32 guilds registered as of the last time I searched so those looking for a guild will be a little limited at first until more guilds sign up. However, it’s also important to note that those who are already getting into this are those who are truly serious about playing and advancing in SWTOR. So what is this quiz exactly and how does it work? If you’ve ever had to try to find a good guild in a very popular game (Think, World of Warcraft here), then you are familiar with the frustration of sifting through thousands of guilds to try to discover that perfect one for you. It is equally frustrating for a recruiting…

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The Guild Sphere: Browncoats

Today I sat down with the leader of the Browncoats, a Republic guild that has an interesting commonality binding them all together, and had a very entertaining interview with her, yes guys a female guild leader and look out, she really knows her stuff, read on for the rest of the interview. Q) Where did your guilds name come from? Firefly (TV show). Browncoats fought for the Independents against the Alliance. “Browncoat” also means you are an avid fan of Firefly / Serenity. Q) Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentence description of your guild? “Tell you, we get a mechanic, get her up and runnin‘ again, hire a good pilot, maybe a cook. Live like real people. Small crew, them as feel the need to be free, take jobs as they come. Ain’t never have to be under the heel of nobody ever again.” — Captain Malcolm Reynolds,…

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The Guild Sphere Returns

I am very proud to announce the return of the guild sphere, a weekly column featuring some of the more prominent guilds for Star Wars: The old Republic. With so many new guilds popping up on the forums I felt it would be good to showcase some of the guilds for those that haven’t found their perfect guild yet, or are looking for some guilds to ally with. Some guidelines though, please be sure your guild is at least 4 months old, no Vapor guilds please. Please be sure to include a link to your guilds website if you have one and/or your guilds page on the SW TOR forums, as well as your guilds current thread. Please send info to with Guild Sphere in the subject line. A little about myself, started getting serious into gaming shortly after joining the military, since then competed and won a few…

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Pre-Launch Guild Program

We may not have a launch date for Star Wars: The old Republic yet, but many fans are alrady their guild relations. Guild sites have been popping up all over the place, and many big guilds from other MMORPG’s have launched SWTOR sections. To help out non established guilds, BioWare have now unveiled the Pre-Launch Guild Program, that allows players to reserve guild names and establish or join a group with similar interests. As long as your guild meets certain criteria, it will be imported directly into the game at launch. In addition, every guild will get its own mini-site on the official SW:TOR site, complete with guild information, recruitment status and forums. This is a system I have I have missed in many other games and great development in this type of games if you ask me. Its all a simple process, all you have to do is head…

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Mysterious Transmission From Faint Old Republic Signal

Few days ago I got a mail about a Incoming Transmission from a faint signal. I deleted it as I thought it was random spam, but apparently I was wrong. It seems like many people on the official forums plus some of the other Swtor fan sites also got the same mail The message reads as follows: Subject: ## Incoming Transmission from a faint signal… Message Body: ## Incoming Transmission from an old Republic signal… ## Initiating trace ## Signal cannot be located! ## Receiving transmission burst… “where it all began…in a Violent display, lIght meets dark…GrEat power still remaiNs hERE” YMESCJMFXZWTGYEUSGMUHLWTARYVIEMFKLSBGC ## End Transmission ## Signal lost! ## Attempting reconnect… ## Searching… ## Searching… ## Would you like to continue searching for the signal…?_ swtor-life wrote the following about it: There is a cipher that decodes the upper cryptic sequence of characters. To help you out right away, the…

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The “Find Your Ideal Guild” Quiz – Featuring 43+ Guilds, 34 Questions

The ‘Find Your Ideal Guild’ quiz is now live! Read on for more information, or go directly to the quiz:…eal-guild-quiz What is it? This quiz will ask you 34 questions, and recommend a guild to you based on your answers. As of Sept 2010, this quiz contains 44 guilds, meaning 44 different potential results… and will only grow as it is maintained. The results are based off of every guild leader’s own direct input, meaning each match is straight from the horse’s mouth, and not a matter of opinion. Why take it? Finding a guild can appear deceivingly simple, with so much selection to choose from. Unfortunately, far too many people realize too late that they’ve failed to ask the right questions – and that’s where the typical ‘guild drama’ stems from; disagreement over fundamental issues that you should have known about before you joined. Taking the time to…

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The Guild – Star Wars Fun

Hey everyone! Okay, last week I promised that I’d look into some more guild related stuff, but as it so happens, I’m one of those special breeds called “lazy”, and as such, I didn’t really get it done in time. So I’ll postpone it untill next week. I did, however, find time to post a few funny movies I’ve enjoyed several times, and I hope you will as well. Some of them you might already know, but I think most of these are worth more than one view! Luke getting yelled at by Vader Vader being a smartass What if Obi Wan had used force run? Vader feels blue Dramatic star wars chipmunk If you find yourself holding on to some information you’d like to spread around, or if you simply have to get something off your chest – don’t hesitate, send me that e-mail right away! All subjects concering…

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Soccer Wars!

Welcome back to ”The Guild”! This week I’ll be paying attention to some ideas, well one idea mainly, brought to my attention by Danny Jarzebowski, a reader who contacted me. (Okay I admit it, what you are about to read is something I completely stole from DJ!) Now I know that when you read about the idea, it might seem a bit, well, insane at first, but actually it might be doable and that with success. This is basically what I talked with DJ about. (remarks in () are by the oppressor Peter) “Hey I got an intresting idea! I’d love to play soccer in SWToR, you know like battlegrounds and stuff like that but you get skills like Sprint or Pass and play with your character in game!” “I think a lot of people would enjoy that, I sure would!” At first I thought- Dude, we’re still playing the…

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The guild – New column

Hi. This is Peter writing to you. I’ll be overseeing and writing a new weekly column here om called “The Guild” where YOU can share your thoughts on the coming Star Wars: The old republic. Do you know something about the game we don’t? Do you have any special plans or thoughts about the guild system, the combat system or even the payment system? Send me an email, and I might contact you for further information and bring an exclusive interview with you here on this column! No thoughts are too small or too big to be important on this column! Now – a little about myself. My name is Peter (As I already mentioned) and I’ve played mmorpgs since DAoC, and before that, I did a few years of mud’ing. I went on to play SW:G where I led a really large flora empire with a friend of…

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Preventing knee-jerk ragequitting through marketing machinations? Sean “Dragons” Stalzer explains.

In D-Mail #1, The Syndicate Guildmaster and CEO Sean “Dragons” Stalzer explained his passion for building strong online communities and reasoned that these communities and the “business brains” behind online games have many of the same interests at heart. This week, in D-Mail #2: Knee Jerk Reactions, Sean looks at how game developers can slow down ragequit-prone guildmates before they do something rash, and do it through, of all things, clever marketing gimmicks? Sean explains: In the real world we weigh the pros and cons of a decision more carefully than many players do in the virtual world. So we can often see examples of ill-conceived decisions or solutions to a perceived issue that were not well thought-out. It is in those moments that communities can tear themselves apart and, once destroyed, the developer and the player suffers the results. So when I read the recent news from Bioware, it was…

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