The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes team, just informed the community that players will recieve a free three star Character – K-2SO – in celebration of ROGUE ONE, Check it out below: In partnership with Google, Android users have been receiving a free three star Character – K-2SO – in celebration of ROGUE ONE: A Star Wars Story! This is a limited time, Google promotion, so it only applies to Android players. Also included in this pack are Crystals, Credits, Training Droids, and Ability Materials to level up K-2SO. There has been buzz that there may be a bug as they can only see one to two packs instead of all three. Please note that while all Android players will get one pack, any additional packs are based on the players spend level. Further details below: Starter Pack – unlocks for all players Player’s Pack -unlocks when you spend more than…
other starwars games
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: GAME UPDATE 12/1/2016
Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes received a large game update last week, with new ship modes and more, but it seems like there is more for us. Here is the latest patch notes for Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes: Building and advancement materials have been added to the following locations: Cantina Nodes: Starting from Stage 5, 1 Energy spend gives 100 Building Materials PVE Light: Starting from Stage 7, 1 Energy spend gives 50 Building Materials PVE Dark: Starting from Stage 7, 1 Energy spend gives 50 Building Materials Cantina Nodes: Starting from Stage 5, 1 Energy spend gives 1 One-Star XP Droid PVE Light: Starting from Stage 7, 2 Energy spend gives 1 One-Star XP Droid PVE Dark: Starting from Stage 7, 2 Energy spend gives 1 One-Star XP Droid BUGS Resistance Pilot crew shards now cost 400 Fleet Arena Tokens in the Fleet Shipments as do all the…
Star Wars: Commander Rogue One Expansion trailer
Star Wars: Commander just released an trailer for it’s new expansion now available for download. WHAT’S NEW New content inspired by Rogue One™: A Star Wars™ Story! Collect valuable new Weapons Research Crates to earn rewards in a LIMITED-TIME event, including: ● New Mercenaries: Security Droid/Drabatan Saboteur ○ These powerful units utilize sonic grenades to weaken enemy defenses for a short period of time, leaving them vulnerable to attack. ● New Starfighters: TIE Striker/Fang Fighter ○ These specialized ships can be used to devastating effect against vehicle targets. 4.6.1: Optimizations Star Wars: Commander Rogue One Expansion #2 The second wave of new Rogue One content for Star Wars: Commander is now available with new mercenaries & starships!
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – Ships Trailer
Galaxy of Heroes just got a new trailer for its new Ships mode. The trailer shows us the new mode coming with next update, as well as some space combat action and a battle sequence between no other then Rey and Kylo Ren. Check it out below: Download Now: Collect your favorite heroes and ships from the entire Star Wars™ universe and form powerful teams to dominate the competition.
Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes – Full ships and crew list
Ships will be arriving to Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes next week. Here is the full rundown of what to expect: Greetings Holotable Heroes, Ships will be arriving NEXT WEEK! We’re planning on rolling out the update across November 22nd and 23rd. Some players will be able to manually update their game client on November 22nd, but everyone will be required to update to the latest game version on the 23rd. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours before the update is available in your region. Now, we aren’t going to leave you with just the date of when you can expect Ships, we’re also going to share the entire list of Ships and their crew that will be available at launch! Ships and Crew: Slave I and Boba Fett Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Star Fighter and Ahsoka Tano Imperial TIE Fighter and TIE Fighter Pilot Umbaran Starfighter…
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – Ships Preview
Here are some news on the “Ships mode” in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes we mentioned the other day. The devs posted an update focusing on the Crew portion of the mode. Check it out below: Greetings Holotable Heroes, A few weeks back, I let you know that the team has been hard at work on our next major feature: Ships! In advance of its upcoming release, we wanted to start sharing information about this new part of the game so you can start preparing for its launch. This new feature offers an exciting new mode of gameplay, with new rewards, new activities, new things to collect, new goals to pursue, new strategies to craft and more! The Ships feature is a major update – our biggest one to date – and so over the coming days and weeks we will be sharing information about different parts of the release. The first idea…
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes talkes Shoretrooper Event Return & Leaderboards
Here is the latest from Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes: Return of Shoretrooper event The Shoretrooper Squad Tournament is returning for its second appearance! We recently made some changes to the ways that tournaments function, including the way Ally Points are now used to refresh your characters. Tournaments now use ALLY POINTS for squad refresh instead of Crystals! Battle your opponents, earn points and climb the leaderboard to earn prizes including “The Pit” Raid Prize Boxes, Credits, Omega Ability Materials, and shards for the Rogue One Shoretrooper. Don’t forget There will be a 5000 Ally Point gift to get you started! To mitigate an unintended behavior, the defensive squad can only be set once per Tournament and matchmaking has been improved. To further minimize a group of players attacking each others squads for an easy win, any opponent that the player has earned points from will not appear in matchmaking…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Ships Preview Post
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Community manager Jesse Anderson. took on the forums to inform about a new features coming to the game: Ships!. Check it out: Greetings Holotable Heroes, A few weeks back, I let you know that the team has been hard at work on our next major feature: Ships! In advance of its upcoming release, we wanted to start sharing information about this new part of the game so you can start preparing for its launch. This new feature offers an exciting new mode of gameplay, with new rewards, new activities, new things to collect, new goals to pursue, new strategies to craft and more! The Ships feature is a major update – our biggest one to date – and so over the coming days and weeks we will be sharing information about different parts of the release. The first idea we wanted to get in front of…
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – Game Update 10/11/2016
Here is the latest patch notes for Galaxy of Heroes: I’m jazzed to share this weeks update notes for 10/11/2016 WHAT’S NEW- Level cap increase Are you once again ready to make your heroes more powerful than ever before? Let the training begin – the maximum level is being raised to LEVEL 85! In celebration of the level cap increasing to 85, double drops will be active in Galactic War until Friday, October 14th at 2:00pm PDT) While you’re partying on, please peruse the changes below: Cantina battles Stage 8 unlocks at player level 83 Character gear adjustments have been made for the new 81-85 level cap 81+ gear has been added to Shipments (Please note this will not be seen until players reach level 81 on their account) New 80+ gear ingredients have been added to various locations of the game New challenges are available Campaign battles have a…
Battlefront III Legacy Mod New Features
If you’ve been following the news and development of Battlefront III Legacy, you might already know that the Battlefront II mod using Battlefront III assets has now released a new video showing more cool stuff. It’s going to have ground-to-space flight as well as Star Destroyer docking. How awesome is that? As we told you recently, the mod will be entering beta soon so for those interested in trying this themselves, the time is near. If you want to learn more about the mod and what features it will have, now is the time as well. There’s now a new video so show you more that this mod plans to deliver. It showcases the flying of a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle into a Star Destroyer. It also shows a bit of other ships like the TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber and TIE Fighter. It’s actually a pretty decent video so what you what the…
Jesse Harlin Talks Star Wars 1313 and More
PC Gamer’s Joe Donnelly talks with Mafia 3’s composer about Star Wars 1313, the blues, mariachi bands in Monkey Island and much more. The interview is really interesting and it’s well worth the time for you to head on over and read it in full for yourself. If you’re not familiar with Jesse Harlin, chances are you are familiar with his work and you might not even know it. He composed the music for Star Wars: Republic Commando, Battlefront 2, and The Old Republic. Some of his hard work was also slashed when 1313 was tossed in the reject bin, Sadly, just like the game itself, this is something we may never get to hear. In his interview, he says this of the score: “The Massive Attack-meets-Star Wars song is sadly totally resigned to the history books,” says Harlin. “I don’t have a copy of it, it’s sitting somewhere on an…
Battlefront II Mod from Battlefront III Assets Coming to Open Beta
A mod for Battlefront II titled “Battlefront III Legacy” will go into an open beta soon. If you’re into Battlefront II, you might be interested in checking this out for yourself. This mod will allow you to get the Battlefront III feel to your game. You can learn more about this mod here: The mods made a post explaining it and stating that the Open Beta will be coming soon. Here’s part of that post: Now…something you all have been requesting since the beginning: A playable Beta. Me and Anakin decided to release an open beta containing a cut off of the current content in this mod. because it’s a beta we won’t release the entire work (yet). The beta will include two (or maybe three) playable game-modes, the full map to explore, Clone Wars only as well as only two, playable heroes/villains (at all). You will also be forced…
Unreleased Battlefront 3 PC Footage
In another case of the Little Game That Never Would Be, Battlefront 3 is one that fans were excited about but that was cancelled back in 2008. It seemed it was never going to take off as a project and didn’t seem to get too far in development, like some other Star Wars games that were announced but cancelled. However, there has been some leaked footage that makes its way out over the years and we see some of that cropping up now and again. It gives you a glimpse into what the game might have been. There were a lot of fans who were disappointed that this game was cancelled. If you’ve never seen this footage before, you should check it out and let us know what you think in the comments. Star Wars Battlefront 3: Training (Pt.1) Unfinished alpha version of the training mission. Gotta clarify that this was recorded…
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Game Update 9/28/2016
Here is the latest game update for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Hiya! I’m excited to share this weeks update notes for 9/28/2016 Please note it may take up to 24 hours before you see the update on Google Play or the App Store. DOUBLE NOTE: Not all of these changes will be visible in game until all players are on the same version on 9/29. Players who have not updated to the latest game version will have their game automatically updated with the client restart on 9/29. What’s New: The Geonosian spy is now available in Cantina Battles Stage 4 Mission D Achievements have been added for completing Cantina Battle stages TIE Fighter Pilot is the new daily login character for the month of October We have added MK 5 CEC Fusion Furnace and the MK 6 Nubian Design Tech to PVE shipments Features: New Event Type, Squad Tournaments, allow…
Star Wars: Uprising shutting down in November
The mobile game Star Wars: Uprising has been pulled from app stores and is no longer possible to download. The game will officially shut down on November 17 at 9 a.m. PT The news was shared through an official blog post on the developer’s website. According to the team, Star Wars: Uprising simply wasn’t popular enough to maintain further support, which sadly led to the decision to take the servers offline altogether. Dear Player, Despite the best efforts of our team here at Kabam, unfortunately, Star Wars: Uprising will soon be decommissioned. On November 17th, 2016, all Star Wars: Uprising servers will be shutting down permanently. As part of this shut down we will be discontinuing down payments on November 17th, 2016 to prevent additional payments from occurring. We hope enjoyed Star Wars: Uprising, and would like to invite you to check out Kabam’s other mobile games, listed below. Finally,…
Star Wars Uprising: ector Battle Imminent: Burnin Konn
Sector Battle reports will continue from here on out as usual For the Rebellion! This week’s Leader Board: Burnin Konn General (Rank #1-5): Commander (Ranks 6-100): Captain (Ranks 101-3000): Begins at: 10 AM PST (Kabam Time) Leader Boards: Hoth General (Rank #1-5): 9,434,540+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 4,144,850+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 806,600+ Hoth General (Rank #1-5): 9,218,100+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 4,288,500+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 784,350+ Hoth General (Rank #1-5): 10,332,600+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 4,282,350+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 821,770+
The Sarlacc Pit in Halo 5 – new unofficial Star Wars map
Star Wars fans have created a awesome map for Halo 5. Here is your chance to to jump in and frag your friends in a Big Team Battle map centered around the Sarlacc Pit. You can bookmark and download the map by logging into Halo Waypoint here. check out the trailer for the map below: Forged by our Founder, TyGoss, we are proud to introduce you to the last custom map you’ll ever need to get! Bookmark here: -= Forger =- TyGoss -= Editing =- TyGoss -= Music =- Episode VI – The Return of the Jedi – John Williams;London Symphony Orchestra Sony Music Entertainment
Obsidian Create Stunning Star Wars Environments
Pillars of Eternity developer Obsidian have a soft spot for Star Wars, or at least some of their artists do, who – reportedly in their spare time – put their skills and the power of the Unreal 4 engine to use, creating some superb Star Wars environments, which aren’t matched details-wise by any of the movies or games of the Star Wars universe. Considering the level of detail and image quality achieved by some of Star Wars: Battlefront’s incarnations, that is quite a statement to make, but it holds true nonetheless. The said environments are rendered in real time and they can actually be downloaded and explored. Obviously though, one does need a powerful computer to do that. Also involved in the project – besides other members of the Obsidian development team – was senior environment artist Jason Lewis, who did not shy away from going into all sorts of…
Amy Hennig Talks Upcoming Star Wars Game Development
During PAX West, Amy Hennig who is currently working at Visceral Games on a completely new Star Wars action-adventure game, gave some interesting insights into the development of Star Wars games. So we’re working really close, and I’ve been blessed to be working really close with the Lucasfilm story group and Doug Chang, who is their Art Director and Senior Creative Director over there, and that whole team, to say “what is Authentic Star Wars and how do we make more?” Because our project is an original story.” “You need guides, that have done it for a while and are also looking at everything else, because we’re part of the same sort of emerging track of properties that, like obviously seven, eight and nine, is evolving that story further, but films like Rogue One and the Han Solo one that is coming, even shows like Rebels and stuff like that… A lot…
EA Tries to Schedule Star Wars Games Aligned with Upcoming Movies
EA says it will do its best to align some of its Star Wars games and content with the upcoming Star Wars movies. Honestly, is that really surprising to anyone anyway? It will definitely be in their benefit to do so as this will increase the popularity of the games and the number of people who sign on to play them. At this year’s Star Wars fan experience, Star Wars Celebration 2016, the Rogue One DLC for Star Wars Battlefront was announced. This DLC seems to be entwined with the release of the Rogue One movie. Again, not a surprise at all. This is just smart business. When something’s hot, you want to take full advantage of it from a business perspective. During the company’s most recent earnings call, Wilson was asked about the breadth of the platform and possible marketing opportunity: More broadly thinking about the Star Wars franchise,…
Star Wars: Uprising: Patch 3.0 is live!
Patch 3.0 is Came out last week, and you can jump right into the new Lando missions. Download Star Wars: Uprising for free here. Patch Notes: Raid Feature: New End Game content for high end players! The first raids will go live on Monday, 7/18. Stay tuned for a walkthrough. Lando Feature: Find this iconic character in the Konn Nevos Spaceport to run side missions appropriate to your character level. Additons and Upgrades: Single Player Revamp – All new cinematics, levels and polish on Storyline Missions. New Monsters, New Bosses: Get ready to face the toughest foes yet. New Gear: New Vanity Sets, as well as 8 and 9 Star Tier II gear in Raids! Crew Run Upgrade – Crew runs will now highlight compatible crew, and the auto fill button will select crew for you. 18 New Crew Members – 12 new 5 Star uniques to be rolled out…
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens Review Roundup
We’ve been talking about Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens because the newest installment in the Lego Star Wars series has Star Wars and Lego fans alike excited. Since its recent release, the game has been selling well and getting pretty decent reviews overall. It’s especially popular in the UK, even topping Overwatch in sales. So if you’re still trying to decide for yourself if you want to shell out the cash to experience the game, let’s take a look at what a few gaming experts are saying about it. What are people saying so far about LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Here’s a fun review roundup for you to get some varied opinions: In a galaxy far, far, away (…okay, actually, right here in this galaxy), there was a video game series that turned beloved franchises into blocky satirical versions of themselves… and everyone loved it. The latest installment of this series is LEGO…
Harrison Ford Makes His Video Game Debut
At 73 years old, Harrison Ford is now a video game star. According to People magazine, the 73-year old actor recorded original dialogue featured in the game, which allows fans to play out the storylines from the famous film. If you’re a fan of Han Solo and The Force Awakens, you’re going to love this. Many of us who are video game fans know how it can be disappointing when a movie-based video game cannot get the same voice actor to play an iconic part. With a role like Han Solo, anyone other than Ford just wouldn’t cut it. Here’s a trailer from the Daily Mail if you want to see for yourself: Harrison Ford makes his appearance in the new popular LEGO game with his longtime pal and sidekick, Chewbacca. If you have not played the game yet, it closely follows the story from the film The Force Awakens so major spoilers if you haven’t…
‘Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Tops UK Sales Charts
Just how well is Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens doing since its release? Well, pretty darn good. It’s even topping the charts in the UK. Gamespot is reporting that for it’s debut week, which ended July 2nd, Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens shot to the top of the United Kingdom’s sale charts. It came in over big titles such as Overwatch, Doom, and FIFA 16. Stats also show that it is the fourth largest Lego video game launch ever. It comes in behind Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Marvel Superheroes and Lego Batman. So these are some pretty awesome stats for the game already. It’s been out about a week and seems to be performing well globally. I am a fan of the Lego series of games and of course being a Star Wars fan, I also like the Lego Star Wars series. As soon as I knew they were making a…