other starwars games

Star Wars Uprising – Sector Battle Imminent: Burnin Konn

As someone who’s spent 2 months trying to beat Plant the Seed, I’m really getting tired of looking at the Burnin Konn map. It’s reached the point where I skip the daily credits mission for that planet. This week’s Leader Board: Burnin Konn General (Rank #1-5): Commander (Ranks 6-100): Captain (Ranks 101-3000): Begins at: 10 AM PST (Kabam Time) Leader Boards: Burnin Konn General (Rank #1-5): No info Commander (Ranks 6-100): No info Captain (Ranks 101-3000): No info Burnin Konn General (Rank #1-5): 9,135,450+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,462,400+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,338,680+ Burnin Konn General (Rank #1-5): 11,603,700+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 4,870,200+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,068,600+ Hoth General (Rank #1-5): 11,037,400+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,567,250+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,272,100+ Download Star Wars Uprising

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Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Coming This Summer

If you’re a fan of the LEGO Star Wars series like me, then you’re going to love this info that was recently released. We’re getting a new game this summer – on console, PC and portable platforms. Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t see The Force Awakens yet (and what Star Wars fan hasn’t?) then you’re going to want to watch it before getting this game. Disney is working with Warner Bros. and developer TT Games, and together they’re bringing the vision of Lego Star Wars characters to life. That means we get the best you can expect from the parody series with puns and humor galore. There is exclusive content from Episode VI and TFA but per usual, this isn’t canon. This is a hilarious and fun take on the series that only a LEGO Star Wars game could do. You can see the trailer below but if you have the PS4, you can even download…

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EA Announces Next 4 Star Wars Games: 2018 and Beyond

What does the future look like for Star Wars games? Well, it seems it will be very, very bright. As predicted, we’re not going to see the end of Star Wars games any time soon. With movies plotted to release over the next number of years, we’re also going to see new games – four new Star Wars games, to be exact. EA has a plan and they’ve now released at least some information about that plan to us. As a part of this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), we got short glimpses  at each one of these new games. The teases were part of the EA press conference and as we already know, EA has the publishing rights to Star Wars titles for the next 10 years. So what are they doing with it? Well, here’s what we know about the released titles so far: A Star Wars VR…

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Star Wars: Uprising – Patch 3.0 Preview!

The next patch for Star Wars: Uprising  is in the final phases, and the team over at kabam have posted an updating,  giving us a preview of what is around the corner! New Content: – Raids: These rotating End Game missions will pit you against new enemy types and the best of the Imperial forces. These will reward you with the best Gear in the game. – Lando Missions: Complete quests for a familiar face to earn valuable goods that will help fast forward your progression. – New Gear: Multiple new sets of gear added to the game, reaching up to 9 star rarity. Earn these in the new Raids! – New Crew: 18 new Crew members to run missions for you. Quality of life Improvements: – Auto Fill Crew: Help speed up your crew runs with this new feature. – Component Stacking: Save space in your inventory by stacking up like…

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EA Star Wars: A Look Ahead

EA Star Wars has given us a new video that talks about what we can expect in the future from EA regarding the Star Wars franchise. In just about 3 1/2 minutes, we see some great highlights of what is to come, as well as the team behind these amazing games. You’ll hear from representatives of DICE, BioWare, Motive, Visceral Games, Capital Games, and Respawn Entertainment. There’s not really any footage into any of the games, although we do see some brief footage of the design process. We do hear story from people from these teams, what Star Wars means to them, and how they put that passion into the games they create for us, fellow fans. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the video for yourself below, then take a minute and tell us what you think. Take a look at what’s going on with some of…

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EA GM Gives An Update on Upcoming Visceral and Motive ‘Star Wars’ Video Games

It’s been a busy year for EA and I can totally relate since it seems the months are rushing by for me. That said, it’s good to hear from EA about upcoming projects and games. We got an update this weekend from Jade Raymond, the Group General Manager of Motive Studios and Visceral Games. It sounds exciting: “With EA PLAY right around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to update everyone on the world of Motive™ Studios and Visceral Games™.  Let’s get right to the point: we have awesome projects underway at both Motive and Visceral, and we are looking for some more amazing people to join our teams. Last year, I wrote that the only limitation we have as game developers is the team’s imagination.  I have always believed that to be true.  But what’s really hit me since launching Motive last July and growing our…

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Battle Pods Epsisode VII Levels Are Live

As we were told by Arcade Heroes, Namco was developing a new level to be added to their Star Wars Battle Pod arcade game. This is great news for fans of the game. As a big fan of arcade games and Star Wars, I know I was pumped up about it. It’s always great to see more new content added to these types of games. Star Wars Battle Pod is one of my favorite arcade games and it’s a game that people of all ages can get into – literally. So you can imagine how excited I was to see this game was being updated. This week, popular arcade/FEC chain Dave & Busters uploaded two new commercials to Youtube, giving us a brief glimpse of the new level of Star Wars Battle Pod arcade game. Check out this one and see if it doesn’t get you all pumped up to play this game:…

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How To Get A Lightsaber in Star Wars Uprising

We have brought you videos by l0stw0lf before but here is a series that is very useful and we’re sure wasn’t easy for him to create. It’s a 5-part series on how to get a lightsaber in Star Wars Uprising. Lost Wolf Productions has gone above and beyond here to do these missions, record them, and make them available for all of us to see how to do the same. As you can imagine, as he was making the videos, players were anxious for the next one and some had to wait for him to record them but if you are just now tuning in, you’ve got all five of them complete and ready for you. No waiting. So here are all the videos below. You can watch and follow along for missions 1-5 on how to get a lightsaber in Star Wars Uprising. And if you like this, head on over…

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Could There Be a Star Wars RTS in the Works?

When it comes to Star Wars games, we’ve had the really good, the really bad, and everything in between. It’s no surprise then that fans will be both excited and skeptical at the idea of a new Star Wars game. The rumor mill tells us we might be seeing a Star Wars RTS in the future. This is actually a very interesting idea. While there have been Star Wars RTS games in the past, there was never one done by EA so it will be interesting to see what the developer would do with this type of game. The rumor began around a video that was posted to Elise Baldwin’s Vimeo account. Baldwin was audio director for a number of games in the The Sims series. She claims she was audio director for the Star Wars RTS also, which is how she obtained the footage she shared. EA removed the…

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How Powerful Was Starkiller?

This Star Wars Explained video tells us all about Starkiller, a very powerful Force user. Some will call  him one of the most powerful Force user around, but others will disagree. So which is it? What powers does he have? When do we first encounter Starkiller and what do we know about him? Well, this video is going to give you the breakdown in under 8 minutes. Some of this you might already know while other parts might be completely new. The thing about a great Star Wars character is that they need to have depth. You need to care about the character. You need to be able to relate to their struggle. You will be able to feel compassion. The stronger a character is written, the stronger you will feel about them. Even the “bad guys” or villains in a story need a relatable personality and some of the…

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Star Wars Uprising: Sector Battle Imminent: Mataou

Matoua It looks like we have new rewards for planets with the 10+ freedom rating, I will get a screenshot of it when I get the chance. Other news: For those of you that have been locked out of the game on android, if you had trouble with this issue contact support and let them know because there will be some game-wide compensation for those affected. Friday is rebels day, where you are guaranteed to get crew runs to recruit crew members to join the fight against the empire. New Mercenary Contract that you can get from Bev Plar at the Konn-Nevos Spaceport. This missions rewards Tie Fighter Shards and will be available to purchase every Monday! Milestone Rewards This week’s Leader Board: Mataou General (Rank #1-5): Commander (Ranks 6-100): Captain (Ranks 101-3000): Last updated at: 10 AM PST (Kabam Time) Leader Boards: Mataou General (Rank #1-5): 10,485,850 Commander (Ranks…

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LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – New Adventures Trailer

Looking for something fun from LEGO Star Wars? Here’s a trailer that got me excited, since I’m a big fan (so are my kids). This 2-minute trailer will show you just what you can expect from the new adventures. If you love LEGO Star Wars and The Force Awakens, then you’re really going to appreciate this. We knew with the release of the new films and the renewed excitement of Star Wars in mainstream culture that we were going to see many things Star Wars themed. It’s true that unless you’ve been living under a rock on a deserted island, you’ve heard of Star Wars. For some longtime fans, the new popularity of the franchise is annoying. Some feel like every company is just pandering to the popularity that came from the new movie. While not everyone will agree, I am happy about the new popularity of the franchise. You can never…

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Star Wars: Uprising – Sector Battle Imminent: Anoat

So I will be spending this SB grinding it out while binge-watching some Star Wars, anyone else? I can’t think of anything that will change the score too much this week so predictions remain the same, 1.5 M should be a safe captain. This week’s Leader Board: Bespin General (Rank #1-5): Commander (Ranks 6-100): Captain (Ranks 101-3000): Last updated at: 10 AM PST (Kabam Time) Leader Boards: Bespin General (Rank #1-5): 9,135,450+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,462,400+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,338,680+ Burnin Konn General (Rank #1-5): 11,235,750+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,704,450+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,383,000+ Anoat General (Rank #1-5): 11,156,800+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,753,450+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,372,050+

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Respawn (Titanfall) is Working On a New Star Wars Game

Patrick Söderlund, Executive Vice President of EA Studios made a post today on EA.com with some very interesting news. It couldn’t have come at a better time than on Star Wars day, either. The short of it? They are working on a new 3rd person action-adventure Star Wars game. How cool is that? Here’s exactly what the post has to say about it. “At EA right now, we have multiple studios building a variety of great Star Wars games spanning different genres. We are all united by our teams’ passion for Star Wars™ stories, characters, and adventures. Today, I’m thrilled to be able to announce that EA and the talented team at Respawn Entertainment have expanded our relationship to include the development of an all-new 3rd person action adventure game set in the Star Wars universe. They join our other great studios – Visceral Games, DICE, Capital Games, BioWare, Motive…

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Star Wars: Interregnum

Star Wars games and mods are our specialty here. That’s why we wanted to bring you this info about Star Wars: Interregnum. This is an awesome mod for Sins of a Solar Empire and allows you to do more with the game. You can play it just the way you like it. Here’s some info from the site that explains what it’s all about: Star Wars: Interregnum is an upcoming mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion that builds off of the highly successful Enhanced 4X Mod. Fleeing the unknown terror that is chasing the Vasari, the factions of Sins of a Solar Empire stumble on a temporary wormhole that takes them to a galaxy far, far away. The sudden arrival of armadas with trillions of refugees and thousands of warships between the events of Episodes 5 & 6 forever alters the Star Wars universe and plunges the galaxy…

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Star Wars Uprising: Sector Battle Imminent – Bespin

Slow week this week, not sure what to expect in terms of rankings soo, give it your best. Will try to update this half way through with some predictions. Milestone Rewards This week’s Leader Board: Bespin General (Rank #1-5): 9,135,450+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,462,400+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,338,680+ Last updated at: 10 AM PST (Kabam Time) Leader Boards: Burnin Konn General (Rank #1-5): 11,235,750+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,704,450+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,383,000+ Anoat General (Rank #1-5): 11,156,800+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,753,450+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,372,050+ Anoat General (Rank #1-5): 10,942,300 Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,244,500 Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,327,900+

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Star Wars: Uprising – Alternate Approaches to Defeating Lvl 85 Lightside Boss (PPK)

The two methods I know of to defeat the PPK (Light Side Lvl 85 Boss) are: Get 5* Noble Gear so you’re immune to his stun Use Sticky Bomb, Snare, and Intimidate, and kite him to the beginning and back Both work fine (with skill, patience, and some luck). Just for kicks I’ve been testing other approaches. Obviously it takes a long time to test different abilities, so I thought I’d crowd source it. Please let me know if you’ve tried the abilities below and what the result was: Diving Roll Level 1 (He’s gonna harpoon you! Dive!) Diving Roll Level 2 (Grants obscured for a short duration) Diving Roll Level 3 (Grants immune while rolling) Charge Level 3 (Interrupts all enemies hit) Absolve Level 1 (Gain immunity to all negative status effects) Holographic Decoy (Deploys a hologram) Ion Wave Level 1 or 2 (Stuns all droids for a short…

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Star Wars: Uprising – Sector Battle Imminent: Burnin Konn

We give you the next ector Battle. Burnin Konn It has been a while since we have been to BK, nice to have a change of scenery. If you have been doing all your assaults you should have quite a few BP saved up so expect some higher numbers this week. Sector Battle Cartel Points 500 points for the top General 250 points for each other General 50 points for each Commander 10 points for each Captain. This week’s Leader Board: Anoat General (Rank #1-5): Commander (Ranks 6-100): Captain (Ranks 101-3000): Last updated at: 10 AM PST (Kabam Time) Leader Boards: Anoat General (Rank #1-5): 11,156,800+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,753,450+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,372,050+ Anoat General (Rank #1-5): 10,942,300 Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,244,500 Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,327,900+ Bespin General (Rank #1-5): 8,689,200+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,083,000+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,033,050+

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Star Wars: Uprising – Sector Battle Imminent: Anoat

Anoat So not much new today, shouldn’t see too much difference in scores as we have about the same amount of BP and it is a weekday. The maintenance didn’t bring any notable changes but if you notice anything let us know! There are no other changes this week, here are the: Milestone rewards. I made a new leaderboard spreadsheet, there is a tab at the bottom for Imperial Sector Battles as to not confuse them. Sector Battle Cartel Points 500 points for the top General 250 points for each other General 50 points for each Commander 10 points for each Captain. This week’s Leader Board: Anoat General (Rank #1-5): Commander (Ranks 6-100): Captain (Ranks 101-3000): Last updated at: 10 AM PST (Kabam Time) Leader Boards: Anoat General (Rank #1-5): 10,942,300 Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,244,500 Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,327,900+ Bespin General (Rank #1-5): 8,689,200+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,083,000+ Captain (Ranks…

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Here is a full sheet of Abilities/location and cost of for Star Wars: Uprising. THis sheet was original created by Last Shadow Cartel Longstar Marketplace STAR WARS UPRISING FULL ABILITIES SHEET by LastShadow Cartel Ndaya Bodyguard Trainer Abilty Name Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Ability Type Crowd Control 750 5 5 Self Durable 1750 20 20 Combat Passive Grenade 1500 15 15 Targeted Intimidate 1250 10 10 Ultimate Power Cell 750 5 5 Self Main Currency: Trade Marks Scatter Gun 1500 15 15 Directional Onn Iria Smuggler Trainer Abilty Name Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Ability Type Caltrops 2500 15 15 Self Diving Roll Built-in 5 5 Targeted Hold Out Blaster Built-in 5 5 Directional Overcharge 4250 25 25 Combat Passive Streetwise 3250 20 20 Combat Passive Main Currency: Trade Marks Think Fast 1750 10 10 Ultimate Konn-Nevos Spaceport Gurnot Enforcer Trainer Abilty Name Rank 1 Rank 2…

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Star Wars Uprising: Sector Battle Imminent: Anoat

Hey everyone, today’s sector battle will start the Cartel Competition’s 3rd cycle. If you missed the update you can read it here on the forums. Below is listed the points rewarded to your cartel for placing in the Sector Battle. There are no other changes this week, here are the: Milestone rewards. As there was no Imperial battle this week some people will have banked 100+ Battle Plans and as it is the first SB for this Cartel Competition Cycle I would assume we might see some high numbers so be prepared. Sector Battle Cartel Points 500 points for the top General 250 points for each other General 50 points for each Commander 10 points for each Captain. If you have not seen the new rogue one star wars trailer I would recommend watching it cause it looks amazing! #HYPE Rogue One Trailer This week’s Leader board: Anoat General (Rank…

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Star Wars: Uprising – Sector Battle Imminent: Bespin

So the Cartel Competition is over, I assume we will hear something later today or tomorrow after the SB, I will make a post for the 3rd Cartel Competition. Lately Captain minimums have been growing at around 100k~, considering it’s a weekend I assume we will see our first 1.5 minimum. There are no changes this week. Good Luck! This week’s Leader board: Bespin General (Rank #1-5): Commander (Ranks 6-100): Captain (Ranks 101-3000): Last updated at: 9 AM PST (Kabam Time) Previous Leader boards: Hoth General (Rank #1-5): 9,840,300 Commander (Ranks 6-100): 5,393,750 Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,301,450 Hoth General (Rank #1-5): 8,622,000+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 4,590,000+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,152,000+ Bespin General (Rank #1-5): 6,227,350+ Commander (Ranks 6-100): 4,110,710+ Captain (Ranks 101-3000): 1,055,300+ here are the: Milestone rewards. Level VP Requirements Uprising 1 1000 10 Scrips + 1000 Credits 2 3000 10k Material XP 3 6200 10 Scrips + 1000 Credits…

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‘Star Wars: Commander’ Adds Maz Kanata From ‘The Force Awakens’ For A Limited Time

The popular mobile strategy game Star Wars: Commander has a new series of objectives coming for a limited time only. It adds Maz Kanata from The Force Awakens to the game, according to an announcement from Disney this past week. All players at headquarters level four and up will be able to do the new tasks in the game. From Disney: “Today we are excited to unveil new objectives for Star Wars: Commander that feature the Force™-sensitive smuggler from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Maz Kanata. During these special time-limited objectives, Maz Kanata will reach out to players through the game’s InfoNet newspaper and the Planetary View, requesting help in the completion of specific tasks. All players at headquarters level four and up will be able to participate in these new activities with each planet in the galaxy featuring different sets of objectives.” Maz Kanata will appear through the InfoNet newspaper and also the…

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Star Wars Fans Want to Remake Canceled Battlefront III

We know how much some fans want to see Star Wars: Battlefront III. Some want it so bad, in fact, that they want to remake it themselves. The controversial and ill-fated shooter was in development with Free Radical before it was cancelled and many fans were upset by the news. It’s been almost a year since then but Eurogamer has some info that might indicate a reboot. “Now, fans of Free Radical’s effort at Russia-based Frontwire Studios are attempting to remake this version of Battlefront, retitled Galaxy in Turmoil. The project is live now on ModDB. The small developer is also asking via Reddit for anyone else with coding experience to get involved.” As you probably already know, a lot of the gameplay from Battlefront III (or what it would have been) has been leaked online. We are able to see a lot of info about the levels, capabilities and even…

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