Here is some great footage of Star Wars the Force Unleashed 3 from a prototype. Credit goes to Corra_Ashu for uploading the original footage although we are not sure where that person originally got it either. It’s still pretty cool to look at and it really gives us an idea of what this game could have been. As we’ve written about plenty of times here, the Star Wars universe is no stranger to cancelled projects, especially when it comes to games. We have seen so many cancelled Star Wars games, it’s almost difficult to count. One project that was unfortunately killed was the third installment of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This is a game that fans of the series were definitely looking forward to so it was a bit letdown when they announced it was cancelled. Really, it never even got as far off the ground as some other cancelled…
other starwars games
A History of Cancelled Star Wars Games
““Star Wars is one of the most popular settings in all of video games, so it’s no surprise that its owners are continually looking to create new bestselling games in the galaxy far, far away. But for every smash-hit like the Jedi Knight series, Battlefront, and Knights of the Old Republic, there are several games that never see the light of day. Games are cancelled for any of a number of reasons. But whether it’s the publisher canning the game late in development or an early concept that never gets fleshed out, it’s always disappointing to see games with huge potential left on the cutting room floor.” How many times have we written about a cancelled Star Wars game here? Even worse is when we tell you about a new game in the making that we’re really excited for, only to find out later, it’s been cut. We hate bringing…
Star Wars: Force Arena 1.5 Preview!
Star Wars Force Arena will receive its 1.5 update is comming closer. This update will include some rather drastic changes, and since these changes are going to impact the game on every level, the devs did a preview for us to enjoy. Check out the details and let us know what you think below. Faction Based Rating Points In the next update, we will be separating your ranking points by faction, rather than having them share a rating. We are hoping that this will allow players to unlock the other 50% of the game, as they can swap factions without risking their main ranking points. The points you have already attained will be calculated into your new ratings points. Based on the ratings points on the end of the season before the update, your main faction will receive the exact same rating points that you have. Your lesser faction will receive points in relation…
Star Wars Gaming Interactive Timeline
Star Wars video games go back to 1982 (a year I am also fond of because it brought me to the world). Some readers may not be old enough to remember the earliest Star Wars games but it’s safe to say any Star Wars fan knows that there have been many more than just the recent surge in games. What if there was a way to see them all in one place? What if you could literally track Star Wars gaming back to 1982? Well, you can. Of course you can. This is the internet and the internet has everything. Huge thanks to Josh Bush (who goes by the name of “Cheese”) who has made this a possibility via an interactive timeline. The timeline covers basically every Star Wars game released, from the Empire Strike Back title published for the Atari 2600 in 1982 to Force Arena, which arrived to mobile platforms just…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Upcoming Quality of Life game improvements – part 1
Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes is getting some combat options improvements with the upcoming patch. Check it out: Greetings holotable heroes, This week we’re going to be highlighting features from our upcoming quality of life update. These features are meant to improve your play experiences and provide some other nifty improvements. Today we’re to talk about two new features, Saving Squad Configurations and Speeding Up Combat! Saving Squad Configurations: Preset Squad Configurations can now be saved and selected in the squad selection screen. This feature is very robust allowing squads to be grouped into tabs (ex. AAT Squads) and rearranged/deleted. Speed Up Combat: Combat speed can now be modified between three settings (1x, 2x, 4x). These speeds are independent of Auto or manual battle allowing increased speed while retaining manual strategy. To see these new improvements in action be sure to check out the video from MobileGamer over on his…
Star Wars The Force Unleashed now free on Xbox One and Xbox 360 thanks to Xbox Games With Gold
Xbox Live Gold members can now download Star Wars: The Force Unleashed at no extra cost! The game usually costs £11.99 to download, but for the next two weeks, its free! All who hold a valid Xbox Live Gold subscription can get free access to everything that The Force Unleashed holds until Feb. 27. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed features an original story set between the third and fourth Star Wars films and stars Sam Witwer as a new apprentice to Darth Vader. Here’s the official game description: The Star Wars saga continues in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed! Take on the role of Darth Vader’s “Secret Apprentice” in a new chapter of the saga set during the largely unexplored era between Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Unleash over-the-top Force powers and devastating attack combos on enemies with unique…
Darth Nihilus now available in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes
Yesterdays game update for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes saw the arrival of Darth Nihilus as a support character “that can instantly defeat enemies by draining cooldowns”. Together with Darth Nihilus comes two other support characters: Sith Trooper– Sith Tank who Taunts and ignores enemy Protection Sith Assassin– Elusive Sith Attacker with Stealth synergy You can read the rest of the patch notes below: WHATS NEW Peace is a lie. This February embrace your passion. Through passion you gain strength. Through strength you gain power, and with that power, the dark side will rise victorious. Characters: New Sith characters make their way to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes for our Lord of Hunger event. For more information on the event, please see @EA_Jesse event Information post. For a sneak peek on these new Sith, read on! Darth Nihilus- Sith Support that can instantly defeat enemies by draining cooldowns Sith Trooper- Sith…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Sith Faction Pass
The mobile game Galaxy of Heroes will a lot of changes to the Sith faction with this upcomming game update. The update was planned for yesterday, but due to technical issues it has been delayed untill futher notice. February 14, 2017 7:39PM edited February 14 Hey Everyone, We’re working on getting the update out today, but are currently running into a few issues. The update may be delayed 1 day to address these issues. We’ll share any updates we have here in the forums. In the meantime, we wanted to share with you the changes we’re making to the Sith faction with this update. We hope you’re all as excited about these changes as we are! SITH FACTION PASS Count Dooku Basic: Hindering Press Can now debuff non-Jedi, and chance to debuff Jedi is increased. Omega: Can’t be Countered in addition to +15% Damage. Special: Force Lightning Chance to debuff increased….
Star Wars: Force Arena – New Cards and Special Mission
With the patch update the other day, the Force Arena team released a small content update with new cards. Check it out: [Notice] New Cards and Special Mission CM Simon | 2017/02/09 11:37 1. 2 New Units Added Rebel Alliance Meet the peaceful herbivore, Bantha, in Force Arena’s Battlefield. The Bantha is a very versatile animal. It’s fur, leather, meat, and bones are all useful! Even it’s feces can be used as fuel! Such an amazing resource! It also has Blue Milk which is amazing if you haven’t tried it! However, in Force Arena we have no use for such things. We need to tame the beast and weaponize it to strike fear into our enemies! -The Bantha (Not the Rider) is an animal which will move its heavy feet to attack structures. -The Bantha will be able to take an insane amount of damage, but its focus remains on structures….
Star Wars Games Bootlegs and Hacks
We’ve seen many Star Wars games: some good, some bad, some never released, but how about the hacks? YouTuber SpaceHamster gives us the rundown of some comically bad hacks bearing the Star Wars name. Some of these hacks are low effort ventures: Escape from Hoth inserts a tiny, pixelated Millennium Falcon into the Atari game Asteroids, for instance. There’s also a hack that inserts the name of iconic Star Wars characters into the NES game Baseball Stars but is otherwise identical to the original game. Other hacks are hilarious for the scenarios they generate. A fine example is a Battle City hack that puts Luke in the Death Star with an assault rifle. Another is the Yoda Bros., a minimalist, one-level hack of Super Mario Bros. Some hacks don’t even pretend to make much sense. Star Wars: Jedy (yes, that’s how it’s actually spelled) hacks the Sega Genesis game Wolfchild…
Star Wars Force Arena | Boba Fett Overview Gameplay + Tips & Tricks!
Star Wars Force Arena is a mobile real-time PVP game from Lucasfilm Ltd. and Korean app company Netmarble Games. You might have seen us talk about it here on the site before. It’s a multiplayer online battle area game that lets you pit iconic Star Wars characters against one another. You can also choose a dream team to battle it out for bragging rights of the best of the best. It’s a lot of fun if you love Star Wars games and it’s also a great mobile game to give you something to do on the go. If you’re bored on the bus or train, waiting at an appointment, or just looking to pass some downtime, this is a great game to goof off with. So, as we said, you can play as all of the iconic Star Wars characters. It features characters, location, and technology from the Star Wars…
Star: Wars Force Arena | Bossk Overview Gameplay + Tips & Tricks!
Star Wars Force Arena is a mobile real-time PVP game from Lucasfilm Ltd. and Korean app company Netmarble Games. We’ve covered it here on the site before and you may have seen it written about elsewhere also. It’s a multiplayer online battle area game that lets you pit iconic Star Wars characters against one another. Imagine Darth Vader, Princess Leia and all of your other favorites having mini battles. It’s great! You can also build your own dream team to battle it out and you can play against your friends. It’s a fun little mobile game to give you something to do on your phone when you’re just passing the time, or to play regularly if you really get into it. You can play as all of the iconic Star Wars characters. It features characters, location, and technology from the Star Wars saga up to Star Wars Rebels and also Rogue…
How New Technologies Will Change the Face of Star Wars Games
The last few decades have seen video game technologies develop at an incredible rate, going from milestone to milestone in a matter of years. As the world became increasingly interconnected in the 2000s, video games too have allowed people to instantly connect with one another across continents in real time with online gaming. The seminal Star Wars: Battlefront was released for this generation of consoles and allowed players to control a single soldier as part of a much larger army – pitting two teams against each other. Now in 2017, an embryonic technology is emerging in the form of virtual reality and the first few releases are likely to completely revolutionise the gaming experience. Where home consoles put games in players’ living rooms and handheld consoles brought them into our hands, virtual reality instead immerses the player fully inside the game. New downloadable content for the Star Wars Battlefront: Rogue…
Star Wars: Force Arena Balance Update Details (Will be applied 1/20)
Tomorrow will see it’s first game update and servers will be going down for maintenance for about three hours between 7 and 10 a.m. UTC (11 p.m.-2 a.m. PT / 2-5 a.m. ET). Here are the details: Commanders! Welcome to our first balance update since the Global Release! Our developers have been pouring over the data we’ve received from you guys, from in-game data and the communities, and have decided to do a little balance update to help keep the game in a healthy state. We are working hard to make sure that there is a good level of balance in the game, and even if there are times where it is not perfect, we will actively be looking at how to improve it. This balance patch will be focused primarily on balancing Leaders and the early tier Empire Cards. There will also be a few changes made to the…
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3 – Everything We Know About The Cancelled Star Wars Game
Were you one of many fans let down when Star Wars: The Force Unleashed III was cancelled? You are not alone as this was one of the most highly anticipated Star Wars games ever and many people were disappointed when it was cancelled. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was incredibly popular but Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II did not fare so well. It was a big burn for the sequel to one of the best and fastest selling Star Wars games of all time. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II is an action-adventure platform video game developed and published by LucasArts. It is the second installment of the The Force Unleashed multimedia project, and the sequel to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed III was supposed to be the third installment in the franchise but sadly, this game would never be. Like many other Star Wars projects to…
Top 10 Star Wars Mods for Your Favorite Games
When you have the Star Wars itch but current games are not sufficient, try these mods: for Mount & Blade Warband, X3, Interstellar, Men of War, etc. You can get Star Wars into your favorite games that you’re playing already. Leave it to Star Wars fans to create some of the best and coolest Star Wars content available. We’ve always said how the Star Wars community really gets into what they love and creates some of the best fan films, stories and shorts, and of course, game mods as well. You can see that for yourself in this video below that showcases some of the top Star Wars mods available for the games you might already be playing today. Most of these mods add things like weapons, skins, ships, star systems and more. Some of them also add additional game modes, graphical updates, and other fun features. In the video,…
Star Wars Dark Forces DOS PC Game Review
Here we have a Star Wars: Dark Forces DOS PC game review. Kyle Katarn is The Original Rogue One. Forget Jyn Erso! Dark Forces is the first Star Wars FPS, one of the standout old Star Wars games from the DOS era. This is a great retro PC game and if you were lucky enough to get to play it back then, you know that there were not a lot of other games out there like this and there were none like it in the Star Wars name yet. This game definitely paved the way for the many games like it that would come after. So let’s take a look at this great video from The Game Show that reviews the game while also giving us a little blast from the past into retro PC Star Wars gaming. Transcript: In the opening cutscene of Dark Forces, we see Mon Mothma hire a…
Concept Art Revealed from Cancelled Darth Maul Video Game
Do you remember that Darth Maul video game that was being developed by Red Fly Studios a few years ago? Many fans were sad to see it put on ice after Lucas sold the Star Wars license over to Disney. Alas, it was yet another canned Star Wars games and since Darth Maul had a pretty big following among fans, the disappointment was definitely real. If you didn’t hear about this game back then, it really sounded cool. Since the game was cancelled, we have seen some concept art appear here and there, showing us what might have been. Now, conceptual artist Thomas A. Szakolczay has updated his website with even more concept art from the defunct game. “Back in 2011, I was fortunate enough to work with Lucas Arts and Red Fly Studios to help develop the look direction for a new Star Wars IP that centered around Darth…
Gaming History : Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast – “The Jedi Simulator”
Back before the Disney Era, back before Electronic Arts was the only company allowed to make Star Wars games, there was a series named Star Wars Dark Forces Jedi Knight, staring the bearded wonder himself, Kyle Katarn. And though his age has long passed, let us remember that one day, long ago, there existed something called a Jedi Sim. GaminGHD has a great video that takes us back in time to enjoy a bit of nostalgic video game and Star Wars history. Here’s a great blast from the past, especially as we look at new Star Wars games coming out today and lament the many cancelled Star Wars games that will sadly never see the light of the day. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 was a first and third-person action game set in the Star Wars: Jedi Knight series. It was available for Windows, the Xbox, and the GameCube and released in 2002….
Cancelled TIE Fighter vs X-Wing 2 Gameplay
What could be better than a Star Wars flight sim? Like most of you, I love Star Wars. I grew up loving Star Wars. There are so many things to love about the films, the characters, the story, and the universe. However, one thing that I loved more than anything else was the flying. As a little girl growing up, I wanted to be a pilot. I worshiped Top Gun and I used to love going to my friend’s house to play Microsoft Flight Simulator. So of course, when I watched Star Wars, I adored the flight scenes. From TIE Fighters to X-Wings to ships made from piles of junk and massive Star Destroyers, I loved them all. I loved in-space fights, races, and even just the typical “boring” flights from one planet to another. You can imagine then, that nothing would make me happier than a Star Wars game…
What is Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds?
Star Wars Battlegrounds is a Classic RTS title that plays like a reskinned Age of Empires title.. and thats ok! CaptainShack jumps into this 2001 RTS and remembers the good old days of PC Gaming. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds is a real-time strategy video game set in the Star Wars universe. It was developed by Age of Empires and Halo Wars developer Ensemble Studios and LucasArts, who also published the game in North America. This Star Wars themed real-time strategy game came out in 2001 for Windows and Mac computers. It was an officially licensed Star Wars game. You can also find it on Steam today if you’re a collector of Steam games (like me). It’s also pretty cheap now. It’s basically a re-skin of Age of Empires so if you’re a fan of those games and also Star Wars, you’ll like it. It also has some mods to help…
Quick Review: Star Wars: Force Arena
Star Wars: Force Arena isn’t available in the US yet but YodasNews had the great, exclusive opportunity to review it before the North American release and they’ve shared their initial thoughts with the rest of us. As they explain: “We were selected to play Star Wars: Force Arena a few weeks before it comes out in North America. It’s a real-time PvP card game where players build powerful teams from an impressive roster of more than 80 characters from the legendary franchise. In Star Wars: Force Arena, players battle by selecting character cards each with their own distinct skills and abilities.”” I love card games so I can’t wait to have the chance to see this one for myself. It has some really great art, including cards for some of the new characters of Rogue One. It also has several different ways that you can play. You can participate in battles, collect…
Star Wars: Force Arena Coming 2017
The New Year is here and with it, we get a new Star Wars game. This one’s looking to be fun. “Star Wars: Force Arena” is a mobile strategy game under development by South Korea’s Netmarble Games. The leading development studio and subsidiary Netmarble Monster, best known as the creator of the globally famous mobile role-playing game “Marvel: Future Fight” wants to bring in Star Wars fans in addition to mobile game enthusiasts with this hot new title. The game is supposed to be launching in 154 countries in 2017, including the US, Japan, and China in 2017 but we don’t yet know the exact launch dates. You’ll have to stay tuned if you want to find out when it’s available in your country. So what is this new Star wars game all about? As we said, it’s a mobile strategy game. You get to choose from 1v1 or 2v2 tournaments…
Star Wars: X-Wing Getting a Remake
Who remembers the 1993 version of Star Wars: X-Wing? It was one of my favorite games to play as a kid. This was one of the first video games that put you in the driver’s seat of a starfighter. It was a game that would go down in history, especially for Star Wars fans. So what would you do if you could play it again? Well, we’re not the only fans who would like this opportunity and that’s why it’s getting a remake. X-Wing enthusiast and hobby game developer David Esparza Guerrero wants to make that dream come true for all of us. He’s been working on a project for more than two years that brings Star Wars: X-Wing back to us. It’s called “XWVM Prototype” and is marketed as a community mod that does require a full paid version of the game to play. It’s a mod that will…