other starwars games

Star Wars vs Eve Online

How does Star Wars stack up against Eve Online? Here is a three-part video series that compares the two. It’s actually interesting and can be a lot of fun to think of the different scenarios that could exist, the different ships and how they fare against one another. The first video runs a bit long (about 16 minutes) but it’s worth it and the 2nd and 3rd parts are shorter so go ahead and check it out for yourself. Basically, they set up a story-based scenario where a Star Wars ship is paired with a ship from EVE Online  to see which would win and how they would match up. I find this really interesting and fun because I’ve always loved Star Wars and when I first saw EVE Online, I compared it personally to Star Wars. I couldn’t wait to try out the game myself, fly the ships, and…

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StarWars: Force Arena – 4×4 Blind Card Draw Event

For those who missed the chance to get Padmé Amidala, Captain Typho, Cad Bane, and Auura Sing, we’re bringing them back and some more units in the new 4×4 Blind Draws! The difference now is you will not get a free draw if you draw the 15,000 Credit Square. If you pull 3 identical cards, you will be given another free draw! The 4×4 Blind Draw now contains the following cards: Light Side Card in Draw Quantity Padmé Amidala x1 3 Captain Typho x1 3 Republic Attack Gunship x90 3 Riot Clone Troopers x500 3 Republic Commando x500 3 15,000 Credits 1 Dark Side Card in Draw Quantity Cad Bane x1 3 Aurra Sing x1 3 Droid Gunship x90 3 Umbaran Soldiers x500 3 Magnaguard x500 3 15,000 Credits 1 These cards are available between the following dates: 9/21 06:00~ 9/28 05:59 (UTC+0)  9/20 23:00 ~ 9/27 22:59 (PDT) The…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Content Update 9/20/2017

Here are the  Game Update notes for 9/20/2017. BB-8 ROLLS ONTO THE CANTINA! A skittish but loyal astromech, BB-8 shines as a stellar support for any squad. He is especially potent in Resistance and Droid squads. BB-8’s ability Covert Data Transfer introduces a new buff, Secret Intel, that grants bonus Potency and spreads to allies that use a special ability. This new addition to the Holotable may be small, but rounds out Support in a new and exciting way. Particularly with the first special ability (Covert Data Transfer) that does not require a cooldown. For more information on his abilities and kit, please be sure to check out the Character Strategy post <<HERE>>. BB-8 can be obtained through the upcoming Legendary event, Pieces and Plans detailed below! PIECES AND PLANS LEGENDARY EVENT The First Order seeks the final piece of a lost galactic map held by BB-8. Deploy your forces to…

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Stellaris – Star Wars Mod – Preparing for War #7- 4x RTS

The Empire has joined the Galactic Republic. Here’s the next installment from Intrepid Dawn, #7 of Preparing for War. This series follows the story of an Imperial assault. It plays out like a TV drama and you’ll be excited for the next episode once you get hooked. If you’re familiar with the series, here’s episode 7. If this is your first intro to it, check out the links below and start from episode 1.  Stellaris has new episodes every five days so head on over to YouTube and subscribe if you want to stay up to date on everything that’s coming out. “Stellaris – Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Preparing for War #7. This is an interactive/cinematic Let’s Play with a full Star Wars conversion Mod for Stellaris. Each episode will have a lead in with motion graphics recapping the action and bringing a level of polish to the viewing experience.””…

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Fans are Remastering Star Wars Republic Commando

Speaking of Star Wars games that might see a comeback… who remembers Republic Commando? The game, released in 2005, is a classic to most Star Wars fans. It followed the story of a squad of Clone commandos that fight during the Clone Wars. You saw them go through several conflicts and it was a gritty, meaty change to many other Star Wars games of the time. Sadly, we haven’t seen anything else of Republic Commando since those early days 12 years ago. No updates. No re-releases. No remastering… until now. Some fans have made it their mission to revive the game and we’re definitely going to be following this one to see where it goes. The folks at Blackout Studios have begun crafting assets for Republic Commando in Unreal Engine 4. Check it out: Delta 38: Boss pic.twitter.com/Jr6W3NYj6E — Blackout Studios (@BlackoutGming) May 18, 2017 What do you think? Here…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Content Update 9/6/2017

Here are yesterdays game updates for Star Wars Galaxy of HeroesNEW UNITS & ENVIRONMENTS Characters Veteran Smuggler Han Solo 2 Star Light Side character with the Scoundrel and Attacker roles. Strong single and AoE attacks with crippling debuffs. Potent synergy with Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca. For more information on this character and their abilities, please review their <<Strategy Guide>> Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca 2 Star Light Side character with the Scoundrel and Attacker roles. Punishing heavy attacks & potent synergy with Veteran Smuggler Han. For more information on this character and their abilities, please review their <<Strategy Guide>> Environments: Eravana A baleen-class bulk freighter that serves our Veteran duo in moving cargo. Legal or not. DAYS LIKE THESE MARQUEE EVENTS The latest cargo these smugglers are carrying is attracting some unwelcome attention. Join forces with Veteran Smuggler Han Solo and Chewbacca to confront criminals attacking the Eravana to steal the cargo in these two, four…

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Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast VR with a Gamepad

Who here loved Jedi Knight II: Outcast? I will raise my hand to that, for sure! It was an awesome game. In fact, it has been considered to be one of the best games in the Star Wars franchise history, so I am not alone in my love of it. They just don’t make them like they used to, right? Well, this new game mod let’s you experience the greatness of the game in VR (Raven). Talk about old meeting new! Modder Jochen Leopold has crafted a VR mod for the 2002 classic Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. The mod itself is playable on the Oculus Rift and uses a gamepad for control instead of the Rift’s Oculus Touch controllers. Less than a month ago, the first Jedi Outcast VR version was released, but he’s not going to stop there. He’s still working on it and you can expect there…

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Complete Playthrough of Star Wars Uprising

Did you ever get the chance to play Star Wars Uprising? If you did – or even if you didn’t – we have a great video  series for you. This video series is  from  who has a complete playthrough of Star Wars Uprising. It will bring back memories for those who played, and for those who didn’t, it can be pretty interesting. If you’ve ever wanted to see a complete playthrough of this game, this might even be the only chance you have since the mobile game is now offline. Star Wars: Uprising was an action role-playing game by Kabam and published by Disney Interactive Studios for iOS and Android. It was released on September 9, 2015. Unfortunately, it would have a very short life since it was shut down in November 2016. It was a game that had a lot of potential and came along at a time when…

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This Star Wars Indie Game Looks Amazing – The Galactic Civil War

I really love indie games. My Steam account is full of indie games I’ve purchased over the years. Some are better than others but I always find it worth my time to check them out, and I love supporting the game development community. So, we are happy to tell you about this game: The Galactic Civil War. It has a 9.4 out of 10 community rating on Indiedb.com, which is very good. It has 10/10 and lots of praise, so it’s definitely one you will want to consider if you like Star Wars games. You’re not going to waste your time with this one. Here is a summary from the creator: “The Galactic Civil War is a free, standalone game based on the struggle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Just go ahead and try it. You can take a vessel and fly from ground to space. You…

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EA Announces Exciting New Game: Star Wars Rise to Power

The Game of War fad has brought many popular multiplayer base-building strategy games to the forefront of our minds and now EA will be bringing a Star Wars game to the mix. Welcome Star Wars: Rise to Power. It’s currently in closed pre-alpha testing phase and EA is looking for testers. Registering doesn’t guarantee you’ll get in, but if you want a chance, you better head on over and get signed up. So what IS this game? Here’s what they have to say about it: “Star Wars™: Rise to Power is a mobile strategy game set in the Star Wars™ universe. Still in development, we are inviting Android users on Google Play to join a Closed Pre-Alpha Test where they will have the opportunity to play the game, provide valuable feedback, and help shape the next great EA Star Warsmobile game. In Star Wars: Rise to Power, the war between the Empire and the dawning…

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The Best Star Wars Game Never Made? – Investigating Star Wars 1313

You know how we love Star Wars games around here, and this isn’t the first time a game we were excited about has been cancelled, but Star Wars 1313 was unique in that it had a gritty, darker feel to it than any other Star Wars game to come out before it. It really spoke to an older audience and it was going to be a great 3rd person shooter, even without the Star Wars theme to it. Add that element, that you could be your own bounty hunter, and you can see why it really stood out to a certain class of fans. It was also evolved to look like Boba Fett would be the lead in this game. Either way, it was never meant to be, so we’d never see this come to life. If you want to learn more about the game that would never be, check…

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First Look: Star Wars: Force Arena 2.0

Today we are bringing you some information about our next big update, Star Wars: Force Arena 2.0! This update will open up a new era for the game, the Clone Wars era! Version 2.0 will be bringing the Clone Wars era to Star Wars Force Arena. This update will include characters such as Yoda, Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous and more! As the Clone Wars era is steeped in Star Wars history, there are many posibilities for cards. Here are a few of the cards that will form the backbone to both the Light and Dark Sides of the Arena! Mission and Play Pack Changes 2.0 will see an overhaul to the Mission and Play Pack systems. We are going to introduce the new system as it currently stands. As the systems will be overhauled, we want to inform you that when the update is released, all previous missions and…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Content Update mid-August 2017

Here are the latest game updates for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Enjoy! LUKE SKYWALKER NAME UPDATE With the onset of Commander Luke Skywalker, Luke Skywalker’s name has officially been changed to Luke Skywalker (Farmboy). NEW HOPE REWORK In celebration of the of the highly anticipated Hero’s journey, the required characters have been reworked! For an in depth look at their kits and general strategy, please see the links we shared previous to this update below: Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) Old Ben Kenobi Princess Leia Stormtrooper Han Raid Han (Not part of Hero’s Journey, but still getting a rework) Commander Luke Skywalker HERO’S JOURNEY Retrace the steps of the legendary hero LUKE SKYWALKER from his humble beginnings on Tatooine through his daring escape from the Death Star. Fight alongside Farmboy Luke Skywalker, Stormtrooper Han, Princess Leia, Old Ben Kenobi, and R2-D2 to complete this six mission event and unlock Commander Luke Skywalker….

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Star Wars: Force Arena – 08/02 Balance Update

Star Wars: Force Arena is getting an update with  some rather large changes to the overall gameplay of Star Wars: Force Arena. These changes are quite significant, and the mods will be monitoring the changes carefully. Please note that numbers may change, and we will modify this post to reflect any changes that may happen. Overall Balance Changes Damage Reduction Changes The development team are making some rather large and sweeping changes to all of the leaders in the game. The first of these changes is the Damage Reduction change. At the moment all leaders take 50% damage from cards (except leaders and turrets). We will be increasing the reduction further, so that Leader cards will only take 35% damage from non-Leader cards. This change will allow leaders to get involved in fights for longer. ▶ Reduced the damage done to leaders from all targets except the opponents leader and Turrets from 50% to 35%. Map Balance Map balance plays…

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Star Wars: Force Arena: 07/20 Update Details

Here are the latest update details from Star Wars: Force Arena.  This time  there will be 2 new cards and a host of balance changes! Let’s get straight to it then! 2 New Units Two new units are being added to the game. The Scout Trooper [Galactic Empire] and the Mobile Ray Shield [Rebel Alliance] will be added in this update. Galactic Empire Scout Troopers  Scout troopers are specialized soldiers that excel at reconnaissance and infiltration. Their light armor, superior mobility, and their renowned marksmanship make these troopers extremely effective at dealing with enemy threats. ▶Unlocked from Imperial Tier 7: Bronzium ▶Summons two Scout Troopers ▶Their sophisticated weaponry allows them to slow down attacking units Rebel Alliance Mobile Ray Shield The Mobile Ray Shield was built to be portable and is effective when used in large-scale battles. This mobile shield generator creates a barrier instantly upon deployment and protects allies within…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Game update July 2017

Here are the patch notes for the latest game update for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes BEYOND THE FOREST- EWOK FLASH EVENTS Blink and you’ll miss it- Flash events have returned! If you’re new to Flash events, here’s a quick primer: Flash events last for 1-2 hours and repeat several times over a few days. This time around, your Ewoks answer the call of battle in this multi-tiered event. Power up your Squad and earn gear as you contend with Imperial enemies, Bounty Hunters, and Droids. The true might of your small Squad is tested in the final (and difficult!) BONUS tier, so be sure to be ready! First Flash Event fires off July 22nd ENDOR ESCALATION I & II MARQUEE EVENTS Strange invaders have leveled a nearby village and encroached on Ewok territories! Join forces with the newest Ewoks to join Galaxy of Heroes: PAPLOO and LOGRAY. Earn their respective…

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Star Wars Force Arena: Game Update 7/6/2017

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes wasn’t the only game to get a new game update this week. Here are the patch notes for Star Wars: Force Arena. This game update brings 2 new units, the Talz Marauder Army and the Imperial Sharpshooter Army. These new cards will also be accompanied by a round of balance changes. 2 New Units The Imperial Sharpshooter Army is an elite sniper squad that can be deployed onto the battlefield. These amazing marksmen have pinpoint accuracy. The Imperial Sharpshooter Army is very difficult to approach due to the way that they protect each other on the battlefield. Their effectiveness in battle knows no bounds, and they are capable of ripping down parts of the Rebellion with ease ▶Deploys 3 Imperial Sharpshooters to the field. ▶Effective at long range, taking targets down from a safe distance ▶’Imperial Sharpshooter Army’ is unlocked from Empire Tier 6; ‘Bronzium’  …

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Game Update 7/5/2017

Here are the latest patch notes for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. ENORMOUS EWOK UPDATE & FACTION PASS The Ewoks are ready to make the fur fly with a devastating faction pass! Additionally, be sure to give your Ewok Squad a second look as our art team have taken a quality pass at their character models to be more in line with the Endor Moon warriors we know and love. For more details on the faction passes made to our ferocious friends, please read on. Chief Chirpa Changing Attribute from Intelligence to Strength Increased Protection Special 1: Ancestral Secrets Now reads “All allies recover 10-20% of their Max Health and gain Heal Over Time (10-20%) for 2-3 turns. Ewok allies also gain Retribution for 2 turns and Heal Over Time for 1 additional turn.” Omega: Now adds “+5% Heal” in addition to previous bonus of “Heal Over Time Duration +…

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Star Wars: Force Arena: Optional Update 06/30

Netmarble Games ( The guys behind Star Wars: Force Arena) released an optional update for the game. This update will address the following issues: 1. Fixed an issue with Spawn timers displaying incorrectly in certain situations 2. Fixed an issue with infinite loading times when switching between different apps in training mode. 3. Fixed an issue where switching between different apps on iOS would cause the game to crash. 4. Fixed an issue where switching between different apps would cause the UI to show incorrectly. 5. Fixed an issue where units could be pushed beneath the game terrain in certain situations. In order to download this patch, you will need to go to your relevant store and download the update. This update is optional, however it is recommended that you download the update to avoid these issues. Star Wars: Force Arena is a mobile real-time PvP game/multiplayer online battle arena…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Game Update June 2017

Here are the latest patch notes for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. What’s New • Grand Admiral Thrawn • Grand Admiral Thrawn Legendary Event • New Guild Banners • Bug Fixes Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives in Galaxy of Heroes! It’s zero hour, and the galaxy sees its biggest threat yet! Will you be the architect of your own destruction? Gather your Phoenix Squadron characters to defeat and collect Grand Admiral Thrawn in this very rare multi-tiered event! Start: 06-15-2017 07:00 UTC | End: 06-22-2017 07:00 UTC Each Tier will indicate the required Star Count of the Phoenix Characters CHARACTERS Grand Admiral Thrawn • 5 Star Dark Side character with the Empire and Support roles o The first Empire character who can dispel debuffs on allies and can create a new debuff, Fracture! Basic: Manipulate • Base: Characters: Deal Special damage to target enemy and grant them Speed Up for 1…

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Star Wars: Force arena 1.7 Balance Changes

Star Wars: Force arena comes with a new update that will bring some more balance changes to the game. These balance changes come from player feedback and also match data. Before we jump into the changes, let’s take a quick look at the stats of our newest units, the Imperial Sentry Droid and the Phoenix Squadron. Imperial Sentry Droid Phoenix Squadron Galactic Empire Boba Fett Boba Fett is one of the galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunters. However, his excellence in the battlefield has yet to truly be explored in Force Arena. We are improving his movement speed allowing him to catch his enemies and will also increase the power of his flamethrower. We hope that this will bring more justice to one of the galaxies greatest bounty hunters.  ▷Movement Speed Increased from 2.5→2.8 ▷Flamethrower attack increased damage by 50% Imperial Royal Guards The Imperial Royal Guards are entrusted with defending the…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Game Update 5/23/2017

Here is the latest patch notes for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes: New units: Fulcrum Ahsoka Daily login for June: Grand Moff Tarkin. For more information on his Empire faction pass, please see more below! Happy 40th Anniversary! Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars: A New Hope with Double Drops! These events only last 24 hours, so be sure to make your way throughout the Cantina. For more information, please see the schedule when double drops are going to…well DROP below! 5-25 – Light Side (Normal and Hard) Nodes 5-26 – Dark Side (Normal and Hard) Nodes 5-27 – Galactic War, Mod Battles, and Mod Challenges Nodes 5-28 – Cantina Nodes 5-29 – Light Side (Normal and Hard), Dark Side (Normal and Hard), Galactic War, Mod Battles, Mod Challenges, and Cantina Nodes 40th Anniversary gift> You’ve all been waiting and it’s finally begun. It’s time to prepare for the…

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Star Wars Dominates Mobile Gaming Market by Covering all Bases

Platforms such as Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad) control the bulk of the mobile market. Chances are, you or someone you know owns at least one device powered by one of those two platforms. No matter which platform you play on, there are a few commonly shared traits. More than likely you are playing using the touch screen only (i.e., not using a bulky Bluetooth controller accessory). You have Internet access either via cellular data or via local Wi-Fi. If you are reading this then you are obviously a Star Wars fan. Being a mobile gamer today and a fan of the legacy in a galaxy far, far away is a good thing to be. The question is, has it always been this good for fans of the story George Lucas started? Star Wars fans have some of the widest choices in games to play. From collectible card games…

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Star Wars: Force Arena – 1.55 Update Details

Star Wars: Force Arena added 4 new united from Star Wars: Reels to the game. The units are Hera Syndulla, Chopper, the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother Hera and the Seventh Sister are Leader types, while Chopper and the Fifth Brother are their Squad types. Kessel was also added as a new map was also,  and the 2 vs. 2 map has been re-balanced with the final turret placement. Check out the announcement below: Squad Leaders, The balancing has finally being completed, and we can finally reveal the new Leader and Unique Cards which will be released in an upcoming server patch. There is also a few small changes to the balance of certain cards, as well as a map change in 2vs2. Check out all the details below! All numbers and screenshots in this notice are subject to change, and if there is a change, you will be notified….

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