Old Republic update 1.1 being tested, adds New Bosses and a Raid

Last week BioWare released this week’s patch notes for the Old Republic test servers, which shows several exciting features in update 1.1 like a new Flashpoint and anti-aliasing. The new Flashpoint, “Koan Under Siege,” is designed for your standard four players at level 50. In addition to the new instance, four more bosses are being added to “Operation: Karagga’s Palace.” Other cool new features in 1.1 is anti-aliasing added  to the game, an option previously unavailable, PVP has been adjusted, as well. Level 50 players now get their own, exclusive, warzone bracket. Fear not, however, level 49 players will still be available to murder you horribly. “”High priority” bug fixes are also being looked at, spanning various skills, companions, and that incredibly annoying healing aura. Check the official site for the complete list. Star Wars: The Old Republic – Game Update 1.1 General Anti-aliasing is now available and can be…

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New Player Progression Guides in SWTOR

We wrote just last week about the emails going out from BioWare at level 10 and some reported getting them at other intervals throughout their leveling process as well. Now we know a bit more about what BioWare is calling “Progression Guides” and what their intended purpose is. They seem to be to help mark the first milestone of reaching level 10 in the game. This is when you first choose your Advanced Class so it’s a very important milestone. If players get confused at this point, it could also hurt their ability to enjoy the game going forward. BioWare is helping the player and also themselves by showing good customer service with the new player progression guides. Personally, I’ve taken three characters past level 10 so far and have not gotten one so I’m not sure who’s getting the emails or how that works but you can use the…

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Beta Patch notes: 0.742.27 ( Build Date: 2011.12.01)

BioWare just pushed out a new build for the SWTOR beta today. Here are the patch notes of what was changed. For the first time we are trying to include tooltips from Torhead. Please give us a heads up how it works for you as we are not sure if we should keep them yet. Anyways.. Here are the latest patch notes: General Experience gains on Origin Worlds have been adjusted to help solo players reach level 10 more easily. Improved the overall performance of vanity pets. Using the /stuck command will no longer kill the player unless a safe location cannot be determined. Players can now only use /stuck every 120 seconds. Moving to a new planet instance no longer uses the player’s Quick Travel cooldown. Classes and Combat General Further improved and balanced all class content above level 30. Slightly increased mouse targeting distance. Implemented improvements that increase…

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After the NDA: video extravaganza

The NDA is gone, and we can finally start posting ingame videos without getting daily “greeting cards” from the EA law department. Now  all the people whit out guts are posting vidoes like crazy men. One of them is Awall from tgn.tv who have posted ( with commentary) more then 3 hours of beta footage. Check out some “Boom Sucka!” below: Boom Sucka!” 1 – PvP Commentary, Hutball, Bounty Hunter Powertech ft. Awall! Jedi Knight Playthrough #1, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #2, ft Hengest! “Boom Sucka!” 2 – PvP Commentary, Hutball, Powertech, Sorceror ft. Awall + MBD! Bounty Hunter Playthrough #1, ft. Ned! – WAY Jedi Knight Playthrough #3, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #4, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #5, ft Hengest! Jedi Knight Playthrough #6, ft Hengest! Related Posts BioWare Asks for Star Wars Costume PicturesSpecies of Starwars: NeimoidianIs BioWare Scrambling to Keep Players in the Game?EA Claims Star…

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Beta client is now available to download!

The Beta client for next weekends beta testing is now available for download. If you haven’t gotten the mail yet, you can go to www.swtor.com/tester and get it. Some people have experienced a problem with the client, as the orange bar below downloading, fills up immediately. This orange bar tracks the total download, the bar above it tracks the download of each piece. So there’s a chance that – if it’s going wrong – it can fill up for a second time before the actual process is done. Restarting the launcher a few times seems to Fix this. If it fills up right away and you leave it be thinking you can come back in a day to the downloaded client you could actually come back to find it redownloading itself for the third time without actually installing. Another issue is that people “down under” get an error message along…

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Intergalctic Intel: Sith Warrior

Intergalactic Intel: Sith Warrior My brother had an unusual sense of pride that should have been mine.“They loved it.” “They hated it.” We were both right.“What because some people don’t understand that the defintion of stealth doesn’t mean going invisible? Would they prefer you used the word…surreptitiousness?”“You just looked that up on thesaurus.com!” “Don’t let it get to you. You have 6 more classes to do.”“5.” I corrected him. “Sith Warrior comes out this week.” Welcome back to Intergalactic Intel. As always remember to take this with a truck load of salt, as this is still beta and much can change from now till release. Also remember these reviews are from levels 1-16, so the classes aren’t fully fleshed out as a whole yet. Without further ado, The Sith Warrior. Story: As the Sith Warrior you start on the Sith Home planet of Korriban. Home to the Sith Academy, a…

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The WoW Gamer’s Guide to Star Wars the Old Republic Characters

As if you’re not tired of the comparisons between SWTOR and WoW, we have a real winner for you. The folks over at The Old Republicordie have given us a complete Wow Gamer’s Guide to SWTOR characters. If you want to know how the characters in SWTOR are similar to those in WoW or if you’re just looking for a good way to explain the game to a WoW-gamer friend that you’re trying to convert, this guide will really rock it for you. An overview of the breakdowns: WoW Warrior = Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior WoW Priest = Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor WoW Death Knight= Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight WoW Hunter= Smuggler Gunslinger and Imperial Agent WoW Druid = Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor WoW Mage = Jedi Consular: Sage and Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer WoW Paladin = Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior WoW Rogue = Imperial Agent…

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Random gameplay videos

Surfing Youtube at my lunch break, I came across a few decent gameplay videos of SWTOR. Most of them are only a few weeks old, so we get to se some of the newer gameplay. Check it out below: http://www.megavideo.com/?d=H6GLKZL9 – Sith Warrior Gameplay part 2 http://www.megavideo.com/?v=VQKV6IYT – Unlocking Vette Companion http://www.megavideo.com/?v=8PEIOG0P – Unlocking Khem Val Companion – (betafootage) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OJ4EJ0MY – Dromund Kaas Fly-by Class Intro Videos Dead link – Jedi Consular – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EPMPC3JQ – Jedi Knight – (Trevyn) Dead link – Smuggler – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WB0HD0BI – Trooper – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X7L4GU73 – Bounty Hunter – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L1DSGE77 – Imperial Agent – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SY2ZFN6K – Sith Inquisitor – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2M9U5SD0 – Sith Warrior – (Trevyn) ShipWalkthrough http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C8N9ZDHC – Bounty Hunter – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AZERELB9 – Jedi – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7MN4L5I1 – Smuggler – (Trevyn) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0ANOH7L5 – Trooper – (Trevyn) http://www.megavideo.com/?v=EI40PQA3 – Sith Esseles Flashpoint http://multiupload.com/82NT5CXOUO http://multiupload.com/Y2UWSYSZ1I http://multiupload.com/68CAUF8B3F http://multiupload.com/OFH1MC69J4 http://multiupload.com/8L2JS8W4XC http://multiupload.com/3UX7MU9QB3 http://multiupload.com/7DRQ3LRBE5 Black…

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Newest Swtor Beta Patch Notes

Here are the latest patch notes. What struck me was that the cover system has been altered and that there has been multiple improvements to chat and UI, including dick-to-tell and item hyperlinks. Check it out below: Welcome If you encounter any issues while using the patcher, please exit and restart it. For more information on the test, view the Test Details. To discuss this with other testers, access the Game Tester Forums. Note that you may need to log into the website to view the above links properly. If you encounter any issues that prevent you from playing the game, please e-mail testing&swtor.com and we will do our best to address your concern quickly and efficiently. May the Force be with you! Latest News SW:TOR, it is more important than ever to get your feedback on the game. A number of very significant changes have gone into the latest…

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Hall Hood and Chris Collins interview

Swedish website bobafett.se had the chance to talk to  Hall Hood and Chris Collins, when the guys was in Stockholm for the Nordic Immersion Day Event a few weeks ago. The website is in Swedish but the interview is in English, so it’s definitely worth checking out. Here is a snip: I have to ask about the story itself, what is your favourite story ingame?Hall Hood: I cant choose. I know all the stories and they are great. The reality is our game is such that every class has it’s own unique story. It fulfills its own different fantasy of the Star Wars setting and fills a different niche. So a lot for me depends on what mood I am in on any given day what story I want to play through. That said, I am a smuggler guy. so that is what I want, that is what I enjoy. If push comes to shove I want…

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Know your Lore: Zayne Carrick

Since it was announced last weekend that Zayne Carrick would return in the KOTOR comics, we thought it would be time to do a “Know your lore” Piece on this interesting character. Many fans have speculated about Zayne’s future. If the Jedi Masters’ fears turn out to be accurate, there is a possibility that Zayne could become one of the characters from the Knights of the Old Republic games. In particular, many fans predict that Zayne may become the Jedi Exile. Others theorize that Zayne may be Darth Nihilus, judging by the “destroyer of worlds” prophecy. Non of these theories came through though, but we might see him or notes about him when the game comes out. Zayne Carrick was a young Padawan learner in the Jedi Order during the Mandalorian Wars who wielded a yellow lightsaber. He was brought to the Jedi Order when he was several years old, coming from a…

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Intergalactic Intel: First Thoughts

Intergalactic Intel: First thoughts Intergalactic Intel: First thoughts   “I heard you got into the beta.”“You’ve heard correctly…”“So what’s it like?”“…” I smiled. “Nothing I had expected.” Now with the press NDA lifted, we here at SWTOR strategies can begin talking about the specifics of The Old Republic. For the next few weeks I’ll be giving you my experience from levels 1-16, (as much as the press NDA allows). Let’s begin with one of the biggest things Bioware has been promoting is the full voice acted game. The install time is ridiculous. I literally started installing one morning at 6am, and it was not finished until 4pm that evening. It’s a lot to download, and lot of patching, but overall well worth the wait. Originally I was a skeptic thinking it would not change my experience as an MMO player. It did. The voice acting is superb for every single…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan

Random House has a good chunk of the first chapter of Drew Karpyshyn new novel Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan up on its site. Critics haven’t been nice on the book so far but so far they have all be unofficial reviews. Any ways, here is a chance to check it our for yourself: LORD SCOURGE RAISED the hood of his cloak as he stepped off the shuttle, a shield against the wind and pelting rain. Storms were common here on Dromund Kaas; dark clouds perpetually blocked out the sun, rendering terms like day and night meaningless. The only natural illumination came from the frequent bursts of lightning arcing across the sky, but the glow from the spaceport and nearby Kaas City provided more than enough light to see where he was going. The powerful electrical storms were a physical manifestation of the dark side power that engulfed the entire…

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NY Comic Con: Star Wars Guests & Events

A few weeks ago we reported that BioWare will have two Panels At NYCC’11. Now – Thanks to theforce.net the full program of this years big event in the big apple has been revealed. Star Wars Guests Mark Hamill – do you really need an explanation? Ashley Eckstein – Ashoka Tano voice on TCW Peter Mayhew – OT and PT Chewbacca Katie Cook – SW artist Spencer Brinkerhoff – SW artist More artist, comic and entertainment guests can be viewed here and many are also noted in the event schedule below. Star Wars Events and Panels Star Wars: The Blueprints by J.W. Rinzler Date: Friday, October 14 10:45 am – 11:45 am Location: 1A03 Description: New York Times best-selling author and Lucasfilm Executive Editor J.W. Rinzler (author of The Making of Star Wars) discusses his latest book–about the unsung heroes of the Star Wars movies: the production designers, set dressers,…

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SWTOR Patch Notes 8/16/2011

Yesterday a user over on Reddit posted SWTOR Patch Notes (with possible spoilers) for readers to enjoy. It’s pretty interesting and something you won’t see unless you’re in the beta (or have a friend inside) but it gives us some good little tidbits about the game. The post reads as follows: Welcome to Star Wars: The Old RepublicEvent 8/18: Space CombatOn Thursday at 7:00PM CDT, head to your personal starship and try out Space Combat! Watch for in-game Sever Admin messages during the event for further instructions. We’re looking forward to your Space Combat feedback on the Testing Forums! Notice: This server is now a PvP Server.Weekly Focus This week, we’re looking for specific feedback regarding: Companion roles and UI Space CombatPatch Notes 8/16/2011 General Several server and area stability improvements have been implemented. Classes and Combat  Alacrity rating now properly decreases activation and channeling times. This is reflected on…

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The Guild Sphere: Sentinels of the Light

European PVE guild Sentinels of the Light took some time to answer our questions this week Where did your guilds name come from? The name was originally created by myself and Myphos long before SWTOR was announced. The name was based on our love of the Sentinel class in KotOR. A guild was created on World of Warcraft for our little cohort of friends to play, mingle and socialise while tackling a few of the end game features. We eventually decided to make an addition of “of the Light” to reflect our Lightside loyalty (or good in the case of WoW). This name then followed through with the knowledge of a future Star Wars MMO. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? A European based, casual guild that is all about fun, maturity and taking our time, while still aiming to tackle the end-game content…

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(Amateur) Statistical Analysis: Class/Faction Popularity by Amount of Discussion on Official Forums

Here is an interesting post we found on Reddit where an amateur statistic analysis is done based on class and faction popularity according to discussion from the official forums. A lot of people have been talking about who will play which side and which classes as well as how this will affect the balance of the game. Here are the highlights from his findings:   OVERALL Republic classes are being discussed more than Sith classes. On average, the Jedi Knight is the most discussed class (though the Bounty Hunter technically has the most # of threads). The Imperial Agent is the least discussed class. AMONG REPUBLIC CLASSES: Jedi Knight is the most discussed. Smuggler is the least discussed. AMONG SITH CLASSES: Bounty Hunter is the most discussed. Imperial Agent is least discussed. Check it all out for yourself and let us know if you think he’s on the right track…

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The Guild Sphere: The Crescent Rose

This week I sat down with one of the admissions officials with the The Crescent Rose, a republic RP guild guild focusing on PvE and some PvP. These guys has really thought over everything, so enjoy: Where did your guilds name come from? In every game, we spend time finding a new guild backstory to suit the lore, and we take a name that will suit that backstory. It’s more work, but it gives us a chance to look at the world, and also self-examine every so often. Here, our background writers looked at a few things: The idea that the Republic and Empire aren’t in open conflict, but in a cold war, the thought that Force classes are likely going to be very popular, concepts of secrecy, and we started playing with words and images that would fit those ideas. The word “Subrosa,” or “Under the rose,” got thrown…

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Faction lore: Galactic Republic

The Republic itself was formed in 25,053 BBY when the first “Galactic Constitution” was signed on Coruscant, after the Corellian Hyperdrive connected many worlds in the Galactic Core. Whether this means that Coruscant was the original homeworld of humans or simply the most powerful world at the time is still up for debate, and there has been little said about the event other than that it occurred. The Republic was made up of several hundred thousand worlds. The Republic, led by a Supreme Chancellor, had a supposedly democratic government that was able to sustain itself for over twenty-five thousand years. It is said that its complete history would “fill a thousand libraries”. In its latest years, it was a benevolent – though ineffectual – government tied up in layers of bureaucracy. History The Human Core around which the Republic was formed Formation The Republic was born with the signing of…

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Birth and Evolution of the Lightsaber

We previously brought you a story about how lightsabers work but when it comes to filmmaking history, you probably have no idea how far the light saber has really evolved. It’s really interesting to look at the birth of the lightsaber and how it evolved into what we know it as today. In this article by Rianne Hill Soriana, we see an explanation of the lightsaber concept: “According to filmmaker George Lucas, “Star Wars” had influences from early pirate, adventure, and romantic films of the 1940s. With its basic premise centering on a romantic fantasy, it was inspired by the great romantic traditions in the mythology of “King Arthur” and the adventurous spirit of “Robin Hood.”” She goes on to describe the look of the lightsaber itself and how this look was pulled off in film technology, even many years ago, helping to create the legend that is Star Wars…

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Know your lore: Uthar Wynn

Uthar Wynn was a Sith Master and the leader of the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. His Sith Apprentice was Yuthura Ban. Uthar Wynn was created as a villain for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Wynn was voiced by veteran voice actor Tom Kane. Wynn later received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was released in 2008. There are multiple choices for the player to make in Knights of the Old Republic regarding Uthar Wynn’s fate. Revan could side with Ban and kill Wynn. Once completed, Ban would turn on Revan. After her defeat, Ban would plead for mercy and Revan would spare her life and allow her to assume the position of the Academy Headmaster. A second choice involves Revan not allying with either Wynn or Ban; both Wynn and Ban attack him and are killed. A third option has…

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SWTOR Releases a New Advanced Classes Page

If you’ve been wondering about the Advanced Classes in SWTOR and what they will be like, you don’t have to wonder any more. Just after the interview with MMORPG.com about Advanced Classes, SWTOR.com releases the news today of their new Advanced Classes page. This redesigned page gives you more information about Advanced Classes and the unique skills and abilities that your character will have that allow you to customize your character to your very own unique playstyle. You can use this new page to learn more about each of the Advanced Classes more in-depth than ever before to help you make a decision about which you want to play. You can use this new page to find out about the different skill sets that will be available to your class as you level up in SWTOR. Choose from: Sith Warrior Bounty Hunter Sith Inquisitor Imperial Agent Jedi Knight Trooper Jedi…

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BioWare’s Zoeller: In-Depth Advanced Classes Reveal

For fans wanting to know more about advanced classes in SWTOR, Bioware’s Gerog Zoeller is giving more details in an interview with MMORPG.com. This is exciting news as the interview contains exclusive, in-depth coverage and reveals of the advanced classes that has not been previously revealed. In the interview, MMORPG.com asks Zoeller the following questions: How will players get to the advanced classes system? Once unlocked, how much customization will players find within the advanced class they choose? The Sith Warrior can become the Juggernaut or the Marauder, can you give us some examples of skills that make up these two advanced classes? The Bounty Hunter has a similar design with the Mercenary and Powertech, can you tell us about skills that define the offense and defense of these two specializations? The Jedi Knight offers players the Sentinel and Guardian, what are the main differences when playing these classes? What…

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Know your lore: Dustil Onasi

Dustil Onasi was a member of the Onasi family, and son of the war veteran Carth Onasi who served the Galactic Republic Navy during the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War and aftermath at the Battle of Telos IV. Dustil was born on Telos IV and raised mostly by his mother due to his father being of the soldiery. During the bombardment and destruction of Telos IV’s surface during the Jedi Civil War, his mother was killed and Dustil was assumed dead, but in fact he survived and gained dislike for the Galactic Republic and his father for their inability to save Telos IV. He, as a Force-sensitive, trained in the Dreshdae colony of Korriban at the Sith Academy to become a Dark Jedi. However, he was discovered by his father and Revan and convinced to return to the light. He also convinced several of his friends to turn from the…

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