Nine years ago today, the galaxy got just a little bit grittier, and a whole lot more fun. On March 22, 2016, the Outer Rim expansion was released for Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass holders. It was the first DLC to drop for the 2015 reboot, and it delivered exactly what you’d expect from a galaxy’s sketchiest neighborhood: tight corridors, dirty cantinas, lava pits, and, of course, Greedo. Yes, that Greedo. A Quick Breakdown: What Was in the Outer Rim DLC? As the first major content drop for DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront, the Outer Rim DLC was the testbed for what future expansions would bring. And to its credit, it packed quite a punch. Here’s what players got back in March 2016: It was gritty, fast-paced, and just a little chaotic. And honestly, that was kind of the point. Why the Outer Rim Expansion Mattered The Outer Rim wasn’t just…
Star Wars: Battlefront DLC
Battlefront II’s Age of Rebellion Update: Celebrating 5 Years of Galactic War
On This Day in Battlefront: The Age of Rebellion Update Turns 5! Five years ago, the galaxy far, far away became even more immersive with the release of the Age of Rebellion Update in Star Wars Battlefront II. This major content drop brought new weapons, characters, and co-op gameplay options, giving the game a much-needed infusion of excitement. Even today, the update remains one of the most celebrated expansions in the game’s history, showcasing the power of post-launch support and community-driven improvements. A Blast(er) from the Past The update introduced four new blasters, each offering unique gameplay advantages and challenges: Each of these weapons added new depth to Battlefront II’s already robust arsenal, providing more variety for different playstyles. Players found themselves experimenting with different loadouts to optimize their strategies, from suppressing fire to deadly sniper shots. The addition of these weapons further cemented the game’s identity as a shooter…
Star Wars: Battelfront Rogue One DLC is free for everyone this weekend.
Star Wars: Battlefront Rogue One DLC will be free to play this weekend. So if you didn’t buy the season pass, your decision payed off 🙂 In Rogue One: Scarif, players will battle across four new maps, including the beaches of Scarif, and two new playable heroes will be included: Jyn Erso and Orson Krennic. Scarif’s added the ew modes, Infiltration to the game, witchis another multi-stage operation like the Death Star expansion’s Battle Station mode. Rebels and Imperials clash in ship-to-ship combat above Scarif (featuring the new U-Wing fighter/transport) and eventually make their way down to the climactic beach assault that you’ve probably seen in all those Star Wars: Rogue One trailers.
Star Wars Battlefront Patch 9/28 Update and Patch Notes (PS4, PC, X1)
Dice posted a note yesterday regarding a server-side patch that was applied to the game: Early this morning our team applied a patch update for PlayStation 4, Xbox one and PC. The update focuses on game server specific changes and will not / did not require a download. Players may have experienced longer load times to join matches during the upgrade process. Patch Notes: Health tweaks to Star Destroyer Force Cards – Bowcaster – Cut the damage against AT-AT’s by 75% Stability improvements
Star Wars: Battlefront – Bespin – New Weapons & Star Cards
The Bespin digital expansion is on its way and we now have news about what you can expect. Namely, new weapons and star cards. So how about we take a look at just what you can get? As the official website explains: X-8 Night Sniper The X-8 Night Sniper is a blaster pistol with decent damage, cooling power, and range. It stands out due to its enhanced scope with heat thermal vision, capable of revealing humanoids in most weather and different times of day. The X-8 Night Sniper was the first blaster we agreed on building for Bespin, since it was wielded by Lando Calrissian in Star Wars™ Rebels™ and provided us with unique game play opportunities. It has a slick look, befitting for the clean and shiny polished levels of Bespin, and the heat vision scope provides it with a unique edge over the other primary blasters. Developer Pro…
Star Wars: Battlefront – Bespin – New Hero Deep Dive
Dice and EA posted an updated regarding the new heroes that comes with the Bespin DLC. Lando Calrissian and bounty hunter Dengar is nothing to mess with I tell you. Check out what they have to say below. Defining Dengar was similar to our work on Greedo. Since his appearance in Star Wars™: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back™ is limited, we took references from both Star Wars™: The Clone Wars™ and one of the latest Marvel comic book arcs “Vol 2. Showdown on the Smuggler’s Moon”. He is a very strong and tough fighter who can take on even the biggest foes. We wanted to reflect those combat skills in the character and made Dengar a villain that thrives on being in a fight. Dengar has wielded different weapons through his appearances and we decided to give him his most iconic weapon, the DLT-19, making him our only Heavy…
Battlefront: YouTuber goes 159 and 0 as Greedo
Have you ever seen a 159-0 kill streak as Greedo in Star Wars: Battlefront? If not, then you’re going to want to watch this video because a YouTuber not only did it, but did it and recorded it. This is pretty awesome, actually. He gets 80 kills in 5 minutes. It’s a 159 killstreak caught on film. Not only is it cool that he went 159-0, but he also avoided taking even a single point of damage for more than seven minutes in the video. It would appear that he is quite overpowered when compared to his enemies. He one-shots most of them before they even get a chance to do any damage to him. From the uploader: “New personal best. Could have gotten more had I not flanked during the first phase and messed around in the Ewok village in second phase.” While some people think it’s cool, others…
Some Great Outer Rim Easter Eggs and Canon-tributes
The first expansion pack to DICE’s popular Star Wars: Battlefront, Outer Rim, was sure to be a major hit with players, some of whom had decried a certain lack of depth plaguing the original release. Meant to address just that issue, Outer Rim brought tons of new content, including new locations like Jabba the Hutt’s palace and the factories of Sullust. The game has always done a great job in the authenticity department, placing players smack in the middle of the Star Wars universe, and through Outer Rim, that has been taken to a new level. In addition to graphical perfection, the creators of the game have been extremely keen on details, strewing several canon-references over the new locations. Jabba the Hutt’s throne-room is rife with such artifacts. In fact, the room itself is a rather iconic presence in this respect. Jabba’s throne is the centerpiece, but the rancor pit…
Star Wars Battlefront Devs Update Outer Rim but Quiet on Bespin DLC
So now that Outer Rim is here, the devs at Star Wars Battlefront are already teasing more new content. We know there are additional private match changes coming in the future but we’re not hearing much of anything (or anything at all) about the next upcoming DLC: Bespin. Bespin is set to release this summer sometime and Design & Trend via DICE lead designer Dennis Brännvall said a few words about upcoming content but none of them were about Bespin. Design & Trend reported on these updates from the devs recently: Since many gamers love playing “Star Wars Battlefront” with their friends, private matches are always a hot topic. In fact, we posted an article earlier this week that mentioned the possibility of two-person skirmishes and battles in the new Outer Rim DLC maps and modes. Since then, however, there have been a couple more developments to share. Namely, it appears that Brännvall’s…
Does ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’s’ Outer Rim Bring the End Game?
Star Wars: Battelfront: Outer Rim is here and it’s time we start seeing reviews and opinions about the additional downloadable content so you can decide for yourself if you’re interested in playing it. Or maybe you’re already playing and you just want to see what others have to say about it. Well, we already know that the Outer Rim has increased the level cap to 60. What else do we know about it? Todd Kenreck, contributor to says it brings a much need end game. His summary: “The maps are richly detailed, the weapons fill some key gaps and the new heroes are a massive surprise. I give Star Wars: Battlefront’s Outer Rim an 8 out 10.” That’s a pretty good rating. So what are some reasons he likes the new content so much? Well, we’re hearing some of the same things from others who are playing. Extraction as a…
First Battlefront DLC Lands, Plenty More to Look Forward To
Star Wars: Battlefront’s eagerly awaited first DLC, Outer Rim, has landed earlier this month, for those who have Season Pass, and indeed, it hit the nail right on the head: it expanded a universe often derided for its shallowness, it added new game modes and overall, it addressed one of the most easily identifiable shortcomings of the original title. Obviously, there’s still plenty of room for improvement depth-wise in the game, but Outer Rim does represent a massive step in the right direction. How massive? The DLC is about 8 GB big, so for those on slower connections, it may cause a few headaches, but it is a must. It expands the game world and it brings so many new goodies, it completely revamps the title. Above and beyond all that though, you will need it because none of the future DLCs already in the works apparently, will work without…
Outer Rim DLC Price and Release Date
EA and DICE have finally confirmed some specific Star Wars Battlefront DLC release details and we know that it will cost $15 ($14.99 US) and that it will be available on March 22nd for Season Pass holders and on April 5th for everyone else. So there are the big questions out of the way. You can see it up for sale on Gamestop with the dates and pricing info now available. Mat Everett did say on Twitter that the company cannot confirm that the Gamestop release date is accurate. This is common practice for game developers but Gamestop has been historically accurate with their launch dates since they get this info from the companies themselves. So we’ll just say it’s as close to official as you can get before actually being official right now. When they announced the Season Pass, EA and DICE also promised new weapons, vehicles, Star Cards for…
Star Wars Battlefront: What’s Coming This Year
More content is on the way for Star Wars Battlefront, starting tomorrow January 27th. This is great news for the many players who have been itching for more content from Battlefront. There will be free new maps as well as more info on the season pass as well. Expansion packs that are included in the season pass will add new areas of Bespin and Death Star but we still don’t know much about other heroes, modes or maps that could be included with the pass. Here is what you can expect tomorrow: The Tatooine Survival map (called Raider Camp) will support Blast, Droid Run, Drop Zone, Hero Hunt, and Heroes vs. Villains modes Hoth outfits for Luke and Han (previously unlocked upon completion of the Heroes’ Holiday community mission) The ability to create private matches Daily Challenges and Community Events General weapon and mode balancing tweaks. Next month (Feb) we…
Will We See Yoda in a Battlefront DLC?
While it’s true that we feel like they’d do anything to sell Star Wars: Battlefront and the subsequent DLCs, we still find it interesting that we just might see an appearance by Yoda in a future content release. It’s also expected that Kylo Ren will be in the game and we think this is pretty cool as well. It makes sense as we know EA is going to try to play on the popularity of the release of The Force Awakens to try to sell more DLC too. See above What does this mean? Well, it might mean next to nothing. Just because we see Yoda’s voice actor listed on IMDb doesn’t mean it’s accurate (although usually it is) and it doesn’t mean we’re going to see Yoda in the game. Perhaps it’s just a voice-over? He could appear as just a hologram giving you some game advice. It really could be anything…
New Battle of Jakku Trailer for Star Wars Battlefront Released
The free DLC pack is set to come out tomorrow and with this, DICE and EA have just released a new trailer for the Battle of Jakku! All gamers who pre-ordered Star Wars: Battlefront will be the very first ones to enjoy the Battle of Jakku. The Battle of Jakku was the pivotal time when the New Republic confronted certain Imperial holdouts on a desert planet, located on the Outer Rim. This takes place during the time after the Rebel’s one in the Battle of Endor, gamers get to experience the key events that made the huge, battle-scared landscape of Jakku that is seen in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Gamers that pre-ordered Star Wars: Battlefront can participate in the battle one week before others, starting on December 1st. All of the others will be able to get access on December 8th. Star Wars: Battlefront lets fans and gamers live…
New Star Wars Battlefront Video Shows Boba Fett, Leia, Han Solo in Action
A brand new video of gameplay for Star Wars: Battlefront has been released online. The video has not been released by publisher EA officially yet, but instead it’s a series of clips that someone has taken from the Star Wars Battlefront website and they have all been pieced together. Not only do you get to see hero characters like Boba Fett, Han Solo, Leia, and the Emperor in battle, but you also get to see different looks from different locations of the game. These areas include Endor, Sullust, Tatooine, and Hoth, where the Empire and Rebels are seen fighting it out not only on land but also in the sky. Star Wars: Battlefront will be released on November 17th on all platforms and this is around a month before Disney releases, The Force Awakens. EA has stated that it believes that Star Wars: Battlefront will be drawing in younger gamers…
Star Wars Battlefront: ‘The Battle of Jakku’ DLC Teaser
Electronic Arts and DICE have just released a small teaser for the first DLC pack for the upcoming video game Star Wars Battlefront, “The Battle of Jakku“. Apparently Jakku is the desert planet seen in The Force Awakens trailer and players will be able to play out the battle which took before The Force Awakens. In the end of the teaser, we see the Star Destroyer from the trailer chrash. Check out the teaser below, Pre-order and play early: Learn More Be among the first players to experience the Battle of Jakku*, the pivotal moment when the New Republic confronted key Imperial holdouts on a remote desert planet. Taking place in the aftermath of the Rebel victory in the Battle of Endor, players will experience the events that created the massive, battle-scarred landscape of Jakku shown in Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™.