What Is Star Wars Galaxies Legends?

What is SWG Legends? Where did it come from? And how does it compare to other Star Wars Galaxies emulators and the original game? All of those questions and more are answered in the video below.

If you were a fan of Star Wars Galaxies (SWG), or if you’ve heard a lot about it and want to try it out for yourself, then you’re going to want to pay attention. This is also a great way to pass the time if you’re spending more time at home than usual lately.

See the video here:

What Is Star Wars Galaxies Legends?

There’s your basic overview, in just about 10 minutes. It will answer a lot of questions that you might have about SWG Legends, game emulators, and more.

Technically, emulators are not legal. They are a copyright infringement – so it’s important to know this before going in. That said, it’s highly unlikely, at least at this point, that LucasArts would come after these emulators and shut them down.

SWG Legends has been out about 4 years now, and SWG Emu was out before SWG even officially closed. They know this, and they’ve not done anything to try to take these servers down at this time. The assumption is that as long as they remain not-for-profit and just a space for hardcore fans of SWG to continue enjoying the game, they won’t see a need to take action.

SWG closed down in Dec 2011, just five days before SWTOR released. Many fans were angered by this, and saddened by this, which is what led to more private emulator projects to keep the game alive for the fans, some of who had been playing since 2003 when the game first released.

Are you a fan of SWG? Do you currently play on Legends or another emulator?

Lisa Clark

Lisa has been an avid gamer since she was old enough to hold her first controller and a game writer for more than a decade. A child of the Nintendo generation, she believes they just don’t make games like they used to but sometimes, they make them even better! While consoles will always be her first love, Lisa spends most of her gaming time on the PC these days- on MMOs and first-person shooters in particular.