Flashpoints of SWTOR: Assault on Tython

Flashpoints of SWTOR: Assault on Tython

Assault on Tython is a Flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the Star Wars universe. The Flashpoint is designed for groups of four players and is located on the planet Tython, the birthplace of the Jedi Order.

The storyline of Assault on Tython revolves around a group of Sith who have invaded the Jedi Temple on Tython with the intent of stealing a powerful artifact. Players are tasked with stopping the Sith and preventing them from acquiring the artifact, which is rumored to have the power to turn the tide of the ongoing war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic.

The Flashpoint is divided into several stages, each with its own set of challenges and enemies. Players must navigate through the ruins of the Jedi Temple, fighting off waves of Sith soldiers and powerful bosses, including the Sith Lord Nefarid and his apprentice, Calphy.

One of the most memorable parts of the Assault on Tython Flashpoint is the final boss encounter, which takes place on a floating platform above the planet’s surface. Players must battle a massive droid known as the Apex Vanguard, which has been infused with the power of the stolen artifact.

Throughout the Flashpoint, players will have the opportunity to make choices that can affect the outcome of the mission and their relationships with the other players in the group. As with all Flashpoints in Star Wars: The Old Republic, Assault on Tython offers a challenging and engaging cooperative experience for players looking to delve deeper into the game’s story and lore.

One of the most exciting flashpoints is “Assault on Tython,” which takes place on the Jedi homeworld and pits players against the forces of the Sith Empire. In this article, we’ll provide a guide to the bosses you’ll face in “Assault on Tython” and give you some tips on how to defeat them.

Boss #1: Major Imos / Major Travik

The first boss you’ll face in “Assault on Tython” is either Major Imos or Major Travik, depending on the difficulty level you choose. These bosses are fairly straightforward, and you can use similar strategies to defeat them.

The first thing you’ll want to do is focus on killing the boss’s adds as quickly as possible. These adds are weaker enemies that the boss will summon throughout the fight, and they can be quite dangerous if you don’t take care of them.

Once the adds are down, you can focus on the boss. Keep in mind that the boss will periodically activate a shield that makes him invulnerable to damage. When this happens, focus on the adds until the shield wears off.

Boss #2: Master Liam Dentiri / Lieutenant Kreshin

The second boss you’ll face in “Assault on Tython” is either Master Liam Dentiri or Lieutenant Kreshin. Again, the strategy for defeating these bosses is similar.

The first thing you’ll want to do is split your group into two. One group should focus on the boss, while the other group should take care of the adds. The adds in this fight are more dangerous than in the previous fight, so it’s important to take them down quickly.

Once the adds are down, you can focus on the boss. Keep in mind that the boss will periodically teleport around the room, so be prepared to move quickly.

Boss #3: Master Oric Traless / Lord Goh

The final boss you’ll face in “Assault on Tython” is either Master Oric Traless or Lord Goh. This is the toughest fight in the flashpoint, so be prepared for a challenge.

The first thing you’ll want to do is split your group into three. One group should focus on the boss, while the other two groups should take care of the adds. The adds in this fight are extremely dangerous, so it’s important to take them down quickly.

Once the adds are down, you can focus on the boss. Keep in mind that the boss will periodically activate a shield that makes him invulnerable to damage. When this happens, focus on the adds until the shield wears off.

In addition to his shield, the boss will also periodically create a force field around himself that makes him immune to all attacks. When this happens, you’ll need to use the consoles around the room to deactivate the force field. The consoles are guarded by adds, so make sure your group takes them down quickly.


“Assault on Tython” is a challenging flashpoint that requires coordination and teamwork to complete. By following these strategies, you should be able to defeat the bosses and emerge victorious. Remember to focus on the adds, be prepared to move quickly, and use the consoles to deactivate the force field. Good luck, and may the Force be with you!