Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Character Unlock Guide

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Character Unlock Guide

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga offers a vast roster of characters from all nine movies in the Star Wars saga. Each character comes with unique abilities, making them essential for completing various puzzles and challenges throughout the game. This comprehensive guide will help you unlock all characters, highlight the best ones for different abilities and puzzles, and provide tips for using these abilities effectively.

How to Unlock All Characters in the Game

In Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, characters are unlocked in a variety of ways, including progressing through the story, completing specific challenges, and purchasing them with in-game currency. Here’s how you can unlock every character in the game.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  1. Qui-Gon Jinn: Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Negotiations.”
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Negotiations.”
  3. Jar Jar Binks: Unlocked during the mission “Invasion of Naboo.
  4. Queen Amidala: Unlocked during the mission “Retake Theed Palace.
  5. Anakin Skywalker (Boy): Unlocked during the mission “Escape from Naboo.”
  6. Darth Maul: Defeat Darth Maul during the mission “Duel of the Fates.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  1. Anakin Skywalker (Padawan): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Bounty Hunter Pursuit.”
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master): Unlocked during the mission “Discovery on Kamino.”
  3. Padmé Amidala: Unlocked during the mission “Droid Factory Frenzy.”
  4. Jango Fett: Defeat Jango Fett during the mission “Petranaki Panic.”
  5. Mace Windu: Unlocked during the mission “Petranaki Panic.
  6. Count Dooku: Defeat Count Dooku during the mission “Dooku’s Demise.”

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  1. Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Knight): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Battle Over Coruscant.”
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge of the Sith): Unlocked during the mission “So Uncivilized.”
  3. General Grievous: Defeat General Grievous during the mission “So Uncivilized.”
  4. Yoda: Unlocked during the mission “The Jedi Path.”
  5. Emperor Palpatine: Defeat Emperor Palpatine during the mission “Senate Showdown.”
  6. Darth Vader: Unlocked after completing the mission “The High Ground.”

Episode IV: A New Hope

  1. Luke Skywalker (Farm Boy): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Secret Plans.”
  2. Princess Leia: Unlocked during the mission “Rescue the Princess.
  3. Han Solo: Unlocked during the mission “Rescue the Princess.”
  4. Chewbacca: Unlocked during the mission “Rescue the Princess.”
  5. Darth Vader: Defeat Darth Vader during the mission “Rebel Attack.”
  6. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben): Unlocked after completing the mission “Rebel Attack.”

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  1. Luke Skywalker (Hoth): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Hoth Battle.”
  2. Han Solo (Hoth): Unlocked during the mission “Escape from Echo Base.”
  3. Princess Leia (Hoth): Unlocked during the mission “Escape from Echo Base.”
  4. Lando Calrissian: Unlocked during the mission “Cloud City Trap.”
  5. Boba Fett: Defeat Boba Fett during the mission “Cloud City Trap.”
  6. Darth Vader: Defeat Darth Vader during the mission “Revelation.”

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  1. Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Jabba’s Palace.”
  2. Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise): Unlocked during the mission “Jabba’s Palace.”
  3. Han Solo (Skiff Guard): Unlocked during the mission “The Great Pit of Carkoon.”
  4. Chewbacca (Skiff Guard): Unlocked during the mission “The Great Pit of Carkoon.”
  5. Emperor Palpatine: Defeat Emperor Palpatine during the mission “Fulfill Your Destiny.”
  6. Darth Vader: Unlocked after completing the mission “Fulfill Your Destiny.”

Episode VII: The Force Awakens

  1. Rey (Scavenger): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Assault on Jakku.”
  2. Finn (FN-2187): Unlocked during the mission “Escape from the Finalizer.”
  3. Poe Dameron: Unlocked during the mission “Escape from the Finalizer.”
  4. Kylo Ren: Defeat Kylo Ren during the mission “Starkiller Showdown.”
  5. Han Solo (Old): Unlocked during the mission “Starkiller Sabotage.”
  6. Leia Organa (General): Unlocked after completing the mission “Destroy Starkiller Base.”

Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

  1. Rey (Jedi Training): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Ahch-To Island.”
  2. Luke Skywalker (Old Hermit): Unlocked during the mission “Master Codebreaker.”
  3. Finn (Canto Bight): Unlocked during the mission “Canto Bight Escape.
  4. Rose Tico: Unlocked during the mission “Canto Bight Escape.
  5. Poe Dameron (Jacket): Unlocked during the mission “Battle of Crait.”
  6. Kylo Ren (Supreme Leader): Defeat Kylo Ren during the mission “Battle of Crait.”

Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

  1. Rey (Skywalker): Automatically unlocked during the first mission, “Ajan Kloss.”
  2. Finn (Resistance Hero): Unlocked during the mission “Ajan Kloss.”
  3. Poe Dameron (Resistance Hero): Unlocked during the mission “Ajan Kloss.”
  4. Kylo Ren (Redeemed): Unlocked during the mission “Exegol Showdown.”
  5. Emperor Palpatine (Reborn): Defeat Emperor Palpatine during the mission “Exegol Showdown.”
  6. Lando Calrissian (General): Unlocked after completing the mission “Battle of Exegol.”

Unlocking Characters through Challenges and Side Quests

In addition to story progression, many characters can be unlocked by completing side quests and challenges scattered throughout the game’s hub worlds. These quests often involve helping out NPCs, finding hidden items, or completing time-based challenges. Some examples include:

  1. BB-8: Complete the side quest “Droid Rescue” on Jakku.
  2. Ahsoka Tano: Finish the side quest “Jedi Knight’s Task” on Coruscant.
  3. Captain Rex: Complete the “Clone Captain’s Challenge” on Kamino.
  4. Bo-Katan Kryze: Finish the “Mandalorian Assistance” quest on Mandalore.

Purchasing Characters with Studs

Certain characters can also be purchased using in-game currency (studs). These characters usually become available for purchase after you encounter them in the story or complete a specific challenge. To purchase a character, go to the character selection menu, find the character you wish to unlock, and spend the required number of studs.

Best Characters for Different Abilities and Puzzles

Each character in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has unique abilities that make them suited for specific tasks and puzzles. Below is a breakdown of the best characters for various abilities and situations.

Jedi and Sith

Jedi and Sith characters are essential for solving puzzles that require the Force, cutting through specific barriers, and engaging in lightsaber combat.

  1. Luke Skywalker: Versatile in both Force abilities and lightsaber combat.
  2. Darth Vader: Powerful in combat and can use the dark side of the Force to manipulate objects.
  3. Yoda: Small size allows him to access tight spaces, and he is strong in the Force.


Scavenger characters can use special tools like the Glider, Net Launcher, and Breaker Blaster to reach otherwise inaccessible areas.

  1. Rey: Excellent all-around scavenger with access to all scavenger tools.
  2. Ewok Warrior: Can use scavenger tools and is small enough to fit through tight spaces.
  3. Tusken Raider: Strong in combat and can use scavenger tools effectively.

Bounty Hunters

Bounty Hunters are required for accessing certain terminals and can use explosives to break through silver barriers.

  1. Boba Fett: Equipped with a jetpack for high jumps and has strong combat abilities.
  2. Jango Fett: Similar to Boba Fett but with dual blasters for rapid fire.
  3. Zam Wesell: Can disguise herself to bypass certain security measures.

Protocol Droids

Protocol droids are essential for interacting with certain terminals and translating alien languages.

  1. C-3PO: The quintessential protocol droid, required for many language-based puzzles.
  2. K-2SO: A more combat-ready protocol droid with strong hacking abilities.
  3. TC-14: Similar to C-3PO but with a more combat-oriented skillset.

Astromech Droids

Astromech droids can access unique terminals, unlock doors, and provide electrical charges to certain systems.

  1. R2-D2: The most versatile astromech droid, essential for many puzzles.
  2. BB-8: Small and agile, can access tight spaces and provide electric shocks.
  3. Chopper: Similar to R2-D2 but with a more aggressive approach.

Tips for Using Character Abilities Effectively

Understanding how to use each character’s abilities effectively is key to mastering Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your characters’ unique skills.

General Tips

  1. Switch Characters Often: Don’t hesitate to switch characters to use their unique abilities for solving puzzles and defeating enemies.
  2. Upgrade Abilities: Use Kyber Bricks to upgrade character abilities, making them more effective and versatile.
  3. Explore Thoroughly: Many puzzles and hidden items require specific character abilities to access. Be sure to explore each area thoroughly with different characters.

Jedi and Sith Abilities

  1. Force Powers: Use the Force to manipulate objects, move obstacles, and solve puzzles. Jedi can use the light side to build and heal, while Sith can use the dark side to destroy and manipulate.
  2. Lightsabers: Use lightsabers to cut through barriers, deflect blaster bolts, and engage in melee combat.
  3. Double-Jumping: Jedi and Sith characters can double-jump to reach high platforms and avoid obstacles.

Scavenger Abilities

  1. Glider: Use the Glider to cross large gaps and reach distant platforms.
  2. Net Launcher: Use the Net Launcher to create climbable surfaces on specific walls.
  3. Breaker Blaster: Use the Breaker Blaster to destroy cracked walls and access hidden areas.

Bounty Hunter Abilities

  1. Explosives: Use explosives to break through silver barriers and destroy tough enemies.
  2. Jetpack: Use the jetpack to reach high platforms and avoid ground obstacles.
  3. Rapid Fire: Bounty Hunters with dual blasters can provide rapid fire to take down multiple enemies quickly.

Protocol Droid Abilities

  1. Translation: Use protocol droids to translate alien languages and access specific terminals.
  2. Hacking: Protocol droids can hack into terminals to unlock doors and disable security systems.
  3. Disassembly: Certain protocol droids can disassemble themselves to access tight spaces.

Astromech Droid Abilities

  1. Hacking: Astromech droids can hack into unique terminals to unlock doors and control systems.
  2. Electrical Charges: Use astromech droids to provide electrical charges to activate certain devices.
  3. Tight Spaces: Astromech droids can access tight spaces and pathways that larger characters cannot.

Character Combos

  1. Jedi and Astromech: Use a Jedi to clear obstacles and an astromech droid to hack terminals.
  2. Scavenger and Bounty Hunter: Use a scavenger to reach high platforms and a bounty hunter to destroy barriers.
  3. Protocol Droid and Jedi: Use a protocol droid to translate and a Jedi to manipulate objects with the Force.

Unlocking Special Characters and Secrets

In addition to the main roster, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga includes several special characters and secrets that can be unlocked through specific actions and hidden challenges.

Special Characters

  1. Darth Maul (Sith Infiltrator): Complete the side quest “Sith Secrets” on Tatooine.
  2. General Grievous (Wheel Bike): Finish the side quest “General’s Grievance” on Utapau.
  3. Ahsoka Tano (Mandalore): Complete the side quest “Mandalorian Mission” on Mandalore.
  4. Captain Rex (Rebellion): Finish the side quest “Clone Rebellion” on Endor.

Hidden Secrets

  1. Secret Areas: Many levels and hub worlds contain hidden areas that can only be accessed by solving specific puzzles or using certain characters.
  2. Easter Eggs: Look for hidden Easter eggs referencing other Lego games, Star Wars lore, and pop culture.
  3. Cheat Codes: Some Datacards unlock cheat codes that provide fun effects, such as big head mode or invincibility.

Advanced Strategies for Mastering the Game

For those looking to truly master Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, here are some advanced strategies to help you on your journey.

Maximizing Stud Collection

  1. Stud Multipliers: Unlock and activate stud multipliers to significantly increase your stud collection rate.
  2. Exploration: Thoroughly explore each level and hub world to find hidden studs and secret areas.
  3. Combos: Perform combat combos to earn bonus studs during battles.

Completing Challenges

  1. Side Quests: Complete all side quests in each hub world to unlock additional characters and collectibles.
  2. Achievements: Aim for 100% completion by achieving all in-game achievements and milestones.
  3. Replay Levels: Replay levels with different characters to access all areas and collectibles.

Character Synergy

  1. Team Composition: Create a balanced team with characters that complement each other’s abilities.
  2. Ability Rotation: Rotate through characters to use their abilities efficiently during puzzles and combat.
  3. Upgrade Priorities: Focus on upgrading key abilities that will help you access more areas and complete challenges faster.


Unlocking all characters and mastering their abilities in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a rewarding challenge that enhances the gameplay experience. By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to find and unlock every character, solve complex puzzles, and make the most of each character’s unique abilities. Whether you’re a Jedi Knight, a Sith Lord, a cunning bounty hunter, or a resourceful scavenger, may the Force be with you on your adventure through the galaxy!