If you are a current or returning player of SWTOR and find your authenticator doesn’t work, your first though might be to panic. But don’t worry- there is a process you can go through to get your authenticator reset or replaced, if needed. You will be able to get back into your game once you prove who you are. Here are the basic steps to take when your authenticator will not work: Go to the official website. Select ‘Login’. Fill in your Display Name and Password. Leave the Security Key Field empty. Next, press [LogIn]. You will get an error screen. There will be a link that reads “Lost your security key?” Click that link and follow the instructions. You will then get an email that prompts you to reset your security key.
Author: Lisa Clark
“Star Wars: The Old Republic – Revan” – Fan Film Project
If you’re a fan of Revan, you’re going to want to keep updated on this project. This is a fan film in the works and you can be a part of helping to make it happen. They have full permissions from BioWare and Lucas Arts to use storyline in the way that they will for their film so it’s completely legit and on the up. It’s existing to know that this sort of thing is possible and easier today than ever before and that you can help be a part of it when you donate. And of course, if you donate, there are different prizes based on how much you contribute. So you can get a little something to remember your contribution. So far it has 29 backers and counting and halfway to their goal of $5,000 minimum. Visit them on Kickstarter to learn more about this fan film project:…
Petco’s Star Wars Pet Fans Collection Released September 1st
PetCo and Star Wars fans will be extremely happy to see the Star Wars Pet Collection. Over the past week at select PetCo locations, they had several events to help celebrate this cool new pet collection.
PTS Server Known Issues
Amber Green posted to the official PTS forums the current list of known issues on the public test server. If you currently have characters on the test realms or plan to in the future, you’ll benefit from giving this a read over or at least bookmarking it so that you know what the known issues are. This update came after problems with the servers that also caused the servers to be brought down for a time. There is no reason to continue to report these known issues but if you encounter any bugs or problems other that are not on this list while on PTS, then you should report those. Public Test Server Known IssuesThe following are those issues known to exist on the current 2.4 build on the PTS: Operations General Players are unable to join an Operations Group that is in progress if the group has defeated a…
Original Darth Vader Doesn’t Like Recent Star Wars Prequels
It seems there are many who don’t like the recent Star Wars prequels but would you be surprised to learn that you can add one of the most iconic figures of the original films to the list? Dave Prowse, who played the original Darth Vader, says the Star Wars prequels are “really bad movies”. Ouch! Dave Prowse was a British actor, and any Star Wars nerds who have heard the unedited audio from the original films will know that he also sounded quite British. But you wouldn’t have known it when he donned his Vader mask to become the ultimate movie bad guy. Prowse played the deadly Sith Lord onscreen for Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983) but it seems he was not a bit impressed with the latter movies in the series. He told the Hull Daily Mail, “I didn’t like…
More Datatmining 2.4PTS – Modeldump
As we await Game Update 2.4, we now have some more datamined updates from swtor_miner to share. Here’s a link to my latest Datamining post on 2.4PTS I’m still working on a method for automatically reconstructing ingame models. It’s going to be a long road for that though. But, this morning I went through the weapon/vehicle models from the last few PTS builds and matched them up with their textures. Now, this is by no means exactly how they will appear ingame. As, most models have a bump/displacement map that adds most of the detail to an item, and I’m not loading that. Then, there’s the scrolling UVs which are present on some of these items, that again I couldn’t load. I’m also ignoring the material (how shiny/matte a texture is). Which led to me turning of shading in some models that were too dark, and led to slightly comical…
Cool New Star Wars Game: iOS Card Battling Game
There’s a new Star Wars game on the way and this one sounds pretty interesting for those who like card battling games. Konami just announced a brand new Star Wars-centric card battling game called Star Wars: Force Collection for iOS. “It will have more than 230 heroes, villains, and vehicles from all six episodes” which will be used to build decks to complete quests, participate in “massive battle events,” and more. They said there will even be a light and dark side system. Details are still vague at this time but there is a bullet list with some details on the game’s website. It will be interesting to see how this game will develop over time. iPhone users have been asking for a new Star Wars game for some time now. What do you think- does this sound like a game you would want to try or will you leave…
Datadump 2.4PTS 8/28/13
“Here we have it friends, another datadump from the ever-loyal swtor_miner who regularly takes to Reddit to give us details of SWTOR so we can speculate on what might be coming in a future update. We really have a lot of fun with these data dumps and it’s a good pastime to try to figure out what it all means. Before you start reading, keep in mind always that this is not official from Bioware and we don’t even know if any of this stuff will end up in a live version of the game. So take it with a grain of salt. This recent datadump brings us the follow info (warning: spoilers ahead): “Removed GOM entries compared to last pts build Added GOM entries compared to last pts build The class ability changes appear to be bugfixes, I dumped out the entire tree for the Consular Telekinetic Throw, and…
Star Wars Insider Features 10th KOTOR Anniversary
The newest issue of the Star Wars Insider has an article on the 10th anniversary of Knights of the Old Republic and the Star Wars and SWTOR community is buzzing about it this week. It’s actually a really good read and as always, it’s great to see some of our favorite games getting recognition that they deserve. Unless you purchase the digital download, there is no online copy of the article but someone did post some screenshots to an imgur album so you can read it and see the images so big thanks for that! If you look closely at the images, diehard KOTOR fans will notice a slight discrepancy with one of them. It’s on the last page- can you spot what it is? So in honor of this story and recognition of the anniversary of KOTOR, shout out in the comments and let us know what you love…
MMO Boys Heat Up SWTOR and Other MMOs
If you’re looking for some spice to your night, or just some good-natured adult fun, you might want to check out MMO Boys. But first be warned: This site is NOT safe for work. Don’t open it with children in the room either. This Tumblr features male MMO characters in skimpy armor, undies and sometimes nothing at all. The featured picture here with this post is one of the tamer images on the blog. They have many SWTOR characters but also screenies from other MMOs like Saints Row, Skyrim, There’s also a Guild Boy Calendar. Nope, I’m not kidding… These photo manipulations are actually pretty darn good quality and some of them are downright funny (I mean, if you can’t have a giggle at cartoon video game penises, you’re not human, right?) but I have to applaud the talent and creativity involved as well. He also takes requests and there…
Majestic Planets of SWTOR- Cool Art
There are few things I love more than fan art. Here we have art made around the 20 planets that currently exist in SWTOR. And we just might see it grow when there are more planets added! It’s really a cool concept and I love how he chose to implement it. From LordXidiin on Deviant Art, we have the Majestic Planets of SWTOR. Here is the description telling us more about this design: Inspired by a similar League of Legends montage of the champion profile pictures: kamekpwns.deviantart.com/art/L…, I present to you the cavalcade of planets in Star Wars The Old Republic. These are the worlds of our lives in TOR. From left to right, the 20 planets are: Balmorra, Hutta, Corellia, Coruscant, Quesh, Tython, CZ-198, Ord Mantell, Belsavis, Dromund Kaas Oricon, Nar Shaddaa, Makeb, Tatooine, Korriban, Ilum, Taris, Voss, Alderaan, Hoth “Go then, there are other worlds than these…” “”You must…
Germany Cantina Tour Thumbdrive Assets
The latest Cantina Tour just happened in Germany and like the others, they gave out some awesome thumbdrive assets once again. The great thing about following these events is that we seen things at one event that might not have been revealed at another so it’s an extra little sneak peek into what is coming up soon.
EA Wants to Create Jaw Dropping Star Wars Games
According to recent stories, EA wants to refresh the Star Wars game license and create games that will make “your jaw drop”. For Star Wars game fans, this is good news but will they really pull off this hefty goal? One can only hope, right? “The most important thing for me is that we take the Star Wars license and come up with games where peoples’ jaws drop,” said Patrick Soderlund of EA games to Polygon. “We need to do with this what [Batman: Arkham Asylum] did for the Batman license.” The first game they are set to work with is Star Wars: Battlefront, a game that many fans have been waiting a very long time to see happen. Soderlund says the DICE team will have access to this work. While they could not tell Polygon much about the game, it’s still great news to know it is in development and…
Female SWTOR Characters Got Bustier?
There’s no denying that female video game characters often have large breasts. The reasons why have long been debated. Perhaps it’s a throwback to comic book culture and early feminine heroines. Or maybe it’s because many early video game developers were men and they liked these busty characters. Or maybe it just looks good in video animation. Whatever the reason, we do see more busty females than flat-chested ones in video games. As for me, I don’t really mind. In fact, as a female gamer who most always plays female characters, I usually make mine very large breasted. In games that have a slider on character creation, I slide that sucker all the way automatically and make those puppies as big as they’ll go. Then if it looks odd, I’ll adjust as needed until I like the way my girl looks. But 99% of the time, I leave those boobs…
Oricon on PTS
Lots of good stuff still to come in the Summer of SWTOR. For example, Oricon is now on the PTS. This means we all get to see a touch of what this new area is going to be like. This will be an actual zone, with quests and new story. This is a welcome surprise for many players who may have been growing a little bored with the current game content. Fresh content is always a good thing, right? Oricon is where you confront the Dread Masters at the end of the planet story/weekly. The two operations “Dread Fortress” and “Dread Palace” are based here. In the first operation, you kill Dread Master Brontes. Second operation, you kill the other four Dread Masters and Dread Council. It’s supposed to be coming with 2.4, probably in October but we don’t know for sure exactly when this game update will launch. Here…
Data Dump Patch 2.3.1
More good stuff from swtor_miner today and here’s a forewarning: It might contain spoilers. We have another Data Dump of details from Patch 2.3.1. As always, there is no guarantee that these things will end up in the live game. We also don’t know completely what all this data means when we see it. Well I wasn’t really expecting this, and I can’t separate some of the 2.4 stuff out of my stored files. But, I ran some straight dumps of 2.3 and 2.3.1 and compared them. This is what got changed or added: GOM Dump – Includes ids for items, abilities, phases, etc. Note the Rakghoul event entries. Item Name and Description Dump – If an existing item appears here, they added a new variant or applied a bugfix. And, all the Cartel stuff that they put on the PTS last week. Edit: I’ll see about doing a more complete teardown later…
Sneak Peek at 2.4 from the PTS – What To Expect
If you’re looking for info on what to expect from game update 2.4, and if you’re not on the PTS, you’re in luck because there is some great info coming out from those who are. swtor_miner is bringing us some great updates as follows: I got a tip that a new patch went up on the PTS. I’ll have to look at more thoroughly after I get some sleep. But, here’s a preview. Arenas, oricon, and Ranked Season 1 are a go. Respec’ing is disabled during and while queued for pvp matches. As are combat rezzes and normal rezzes. Strike Team Oricon/The Dread Executioners are the new rep faction. Master of Dread, Scare Bear, Judged Dread, Dread War Veteran are new legacy titles. Warzone Annihilator, Deadly Contender are new titles. The Droid and Mecha-Rancor from the Community Cantina keychain are SPOILERS HERE- see on Reddit Varactyl mounts are there, as well…
Republic CZ-198 Jump Guide
Are you looking for instructions on how to do the new daily area CZ-198? Well, ask and you shall receive! I never cease to be amazed by how awesome SWTOR players and fans are. Here we have an excellent guide on imgur that walks us through this area. The game has several platforming puzzles where you do get a reward and then others like this that are just for fun. But for many players, the reward is just completing it.
Do you want the opportunity to share how you really feel about SWTOR, the classes and the storyline? Would you like to see stats on what real players think of the game versus the stats that BioWare gives out? Well, now is your chance! From the post on Reddit: PLEASE UPVOTE FOR VISIBILITY, SELF POSTS YIELD NO KARMA, RESULTS MUST BE THOROUGH FOR IT TO BE A PROPER SURVEY https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-h14ZOP1vEPO-3G-SNqnCNm1T521qaTShAUB-AcM_fQ/viewform PLEASE FILL OUT ALL QUESTIONS, AND WHEN SPEAKING OF SPEC E.G. DARKNESS OR MADNESS, USE EMPIRE VERSION, SO NO RESULTS ARE DUPLICATES. Results will be posted next sunday. This survey is set up via Google Docs so it’s really easy to complete and submit the questions. You can take your time and answer at your own pace but be sure to get it in before the deadline if you want it to count torward the results that will be read…
Bounty Hunt Event with Same Sex Flirting
If you’ve been waiting to see some same sex flirting in the game of SWTOR, then we have a scene for you. Here in this Bounty Hunt event, you will see some same sex flirting. In fact, if you did it before already, you might have been surprised when you hit that flirt option that it wasn’t for the female but was actually some male-on-male flirtation. See it here yourself: In the Makeb quest line, there is also some male flirt options between the male Sith Juggernaut and male NPC Sith Lord. Have you experienced some other same sex flirting in the game’s story as of late?
BioWare Writer Quits Due to Death Threats to Family: Exaggeration
UK website Metro wrote a controversial post yesterday titled BioWare writer quits after death threats to family. If all the facts within the article were true, it would be pretty astonishing news. Unfortunately, while true, it was more of an exaggeration with some facts withheld. But before we go into this, let me say that I believe the fact that people are so willing to accept the story at face value says a lot about the gaming industry today and the state of people on the internet. Trolls and bullies run rampant and the gaming world is no exception. It’s up to those of us who have been a part of this culture for a long time, and who truly love and care for it, to push out the bullies and trolls and show them they are not welcome on our playground.
SWTOR Developer Update: Warzone Arenas
There was a BIG update from the SWTOR developer blog today. It’s all about PvP- and we’re excited to share this with you today. Here are the highlights: Arena PvP play is coming with deathmatch-style gameplay, where the only objective is to defeat the enemy players first. The setup will feature 4v4 where the best out of three rounds wins. Three Arenas currently exist: Corellia, Tatooine, and an Orbital Station There will be a deterrent for those who try to stalemate a match in the form of a poison gas cloud. Ranked Arenas will feature both a Solo and Group queue in Game Update 2.4. They’re getting rid of 8v8 Warzone The target testing date for PTS is August 16th so those on the test realms won’t have to wait long to see it. And while all of this is pretty exciting, here’s the real highlight of the update: But…
Movie Defense Force Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Escapist Magazine has something fun for fans of Star Wars: Episode 1. Star Wars week happened to fall on a week in which Movie Defense Force was not scheduled. May God have mercy on Jim Sterling’s soul, for Star Wars fans have none to spare. For even more Jim check out Jimquisition. Follow Jim on twitter for a chance to win Twitter updates from Jim: @JimSterling Don’t forget to get to watch Jim with Yahtzee in their Rhymedown Spectacular. New episodes of Movie Defense Force appear every other Thursday only on The Escapist. Do you remember the first time you saw Star Wars: Episode? Where were you? Did you like it? How many times have you seen it? Was it different each time? The Escapist : Movie Defense Force : Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
BioWare Easter Egg in SWTOR
Just when you feel like game developers have lost their spirit of fun, a group like the team at BioWare comes along and does something neat. In this case, it’s a hidden “Easter egg” in SWTOR’s macrobinocular missions. Old school gamers will get a kick out of this one if you haven’t seen it already. The mission “All The Pieces” has a part you have to jump across moving garbage vehicles and speeders. If you felt some déjà vu going on during this part, there might be a good reason for it. If this part of the quest feels strangely familiar to you, it’s not just you. The mission is actually a reference to the Ord Mantell Junkyard mission in the old N64 game Shadows of the Empire! Here’s a clip of what we’re talking about: And if you missed it in SWTOR, here’s a video of the actual mission:…