Author: Soeren Kamper

EA changes Origin EULA

Gamers have been ticked off since the news got around that EA’s Origin basically contained spyware. GameSpot reports that EA has now changed the Original EULA. But is this enough for some people? According to the GameSpot report: “Earlier this week, Electronic Arts became a subject of controversy after customers took exception to the end-user license agreement in the publisher’s Origin downloadable game service. While EA did not return requests for comment at the time, it did amend the EULA in question in ways that may address some of the users’ concerns.” The current agreement now says that “EA would never sell your personally identifiable information to anyone, nor would it ever use spyware or install spyware on users’ machines. We and agents acting on our behalf do not share information that personally identifies you without your consent, except in rare instances where disclosure is required by law or to…

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SWTOR Weapons List

If you’re curious about what weapons will be in SWTOR (like many of us are) then there is a great list put up by The Old Republic or Die that lists the ones that are currently known about. The list has been gathered from around the Internet, various posts and playtime that people have written about. It is not complete yet but they say they will be adding to it as information comes in. It’s worth the time to head over there and see the list and be sure to add more if you know of weapons that are not listed. The current list is as follows: Sith Swords Lightsaber Double-bladed lightsaber Forked lightsaber Lightsaber staff Blaster Blaster rifle Blaster Shot Gun Heavy Blaster Cannon Dual Pistols Dual Wield Guns Slugthrower (rifle) Slugthrower (pistol) Grenades Sniper Rifle Staff Double-bladed sword Sword Flamethrower Vibrosword Double-bladed vibrosword Vibroknucklers Stun baton Axe Disruptor…

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Tim Bertram added to Team has added Tim Bertram to their team. Tim is an aspiring author, with one completed novel already under his belt and he is writing a fan-fiction novel based on the Republic Trooper exclusively for their site! The title of the novel is “Lost Tales of the Old Republic”””. They already have the first two chapters from him – over 20,000 words, and each Monday they will posting a new portion of the story. The first portion of Chapter 1 can be found here. It begins: The entire craft shook so hard that you could hear the teeth of the assembled troopers chattering together, causing several of them to insert mouth guards as they finalized last minute preparations before decent. Staff Sergeant Jarrek Gageiz; Gage to his friends and fellow Non Commissioned Officers, and Staff Sergeant ‘G’ to his troopers held on tightly to a handhold along with several other…

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PAX Prime 2011: SWTOR panel

I know we are late with this story, but it has been hard finding decent footage of the SWTOR Panel from Sunday. Luckily Dustin from Guild Vendetta got a recording from the panel were it actually possible to understand what is been said. As we all know lot’s of new interesting stuff was revealed, like the Beta weekend and open battlefields. Thanks to Dustin for sending this over. Check it out below:

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The Guild Sphere: Guild Vendetta

Little later then normal this fine Monday we present to you this weeks first guild feature. This time Vendetta,   A republic guild aiming ti explore both PVE, PVP and RP is in the spotlight. Where did your guilds name come from? The name Vendetta was picked agreed on since it sounded cool, short, and tells people we are a PvP guild. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentence description of your guild? Vendetta is going to be slightly different from any guild out there. We plan on being a hardcore style guild that demands quality players, but with an undertone of casualness. What I mean by an undertone of casualness is that even though quality will be the demanding factor to be a guild member, maintaining a schedules of 40+ hrs a week of game time and things of that nature are not a requirement for the guild. How did…

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Republic Trooper checks in from PAX is at PAX Prime and they are updating their site with exciting first impressions from the events. First up is a great article of the Trooper class based on their hands-on experience of the game at PAX. If you’re interested in playing a Trooper, learning more about the Trooper or just learning more about the game, then this is worth the read and then some. Highlights: “From the beginning Bioware has gone with what it has calls “stylized realism” for the overall art style of the game. While parallels can be drawn between the feel of the TOR’s graphics and that of other titles already on the market, I believe that those run more in the vein of color palette than actual art style. The game clearly has its own unique and brilliantly clean look about it.” Oooo, this is the kind of stuff we like to hear. Don’t…

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Let’s Blame Walt Disney For the Inferior Star Wars Prequel Trilogy!

It seems we have Walt Disney, or more appropriate his corporation to blame for the relative poorness of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy thanks to their forceful backing of a 1998 change in copyrighting law that saw the period of copyright protection extended to “the lifetime of the author plus 70 years” (having originally been just 28 years). Because of that change, George Lucas was able to continue his vice like grip on the Star Wars universe, like a beardy Darth Vader, only with more success in the taking-over-the-galaxy stakes. According to the excellent, enigmatic CP Grey: George Lucas was completely within his rights to make those movies into the sterile, toy-marketing vehicles they were. He owned Darth Vader and could tell the origin story as he wished – and that’s the only version you’ll ever get to see. He goes on to muse about what fantasy world delights would…

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PAX Prime 2011: Open World PvP Announced

Another big announcement from the BioWare Sunday panel at PAX was Open World PvP on the ice planet Ilum featuring a war torn battlefield where players take down turrets to invade the enemy base. While is has been mention before that there would be some kind of open world PvP, it’s the first time it was addressed by BioWare officially. Here is a rundown: Open world pvp: Ilum first. Objectives, bases to capture. Players can take over turrets Side that gets control will get Valor and other things. Ask A Jedi uploaded a video of the big reveal:

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Game testing weekends begin next week – September 2nd!

You properly already head it, but BioWare revealed that the Beta Testing Weekends are beginning on September 2nd for a select few who registered on the game’s website. This news was announced earlier today at PAX Prime, including the fact that even those who didn’t pre-order can have an equal chance to participate. That’s next weekend guys! Senior Live Producer Blaine Christine told the crowd that they will be adding a brand new testing server and inviting a whole new group of people, who haven’t been testing before. He also mentioned that if you don’t get in next weekend “you should be getting in very soon.” Ask a Jedi Uploaded a movie with the announcement:

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Another Update on the Star Wars Collection Blu-Ray

The release date is now so close I can almost taste it, and following last week’s revelations surrounding the specifics of the Blu-ray extras, we now have a little more detail as to what we will be getting when the collection arrives on shelves next month. So, here’s a handy list of stuff we now know, thanks to TheDigitalBits and The image size has been increased According to TheDigitalBits, the original DVDs of the Prequel Trilogy used a reduced frame size thanks to the limitations of technology at the time, and that has now been addressed, as the images below indicate. The first is of the DVD image, and the second of the new Blu-ray: the size difference may not be huge, but it is definitely noticeable. 2. The image quality of the Prequels will naturally be bettered thanks to improvements in the technology of transferring from the source….

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PAX Prime 2011: Gabe Amatangelo interview

The Totally Rad Show has uploaded an interview with with Lead PVP and Endgame Content Producer Gabe Amatangelo (My god he has a long title these days). The interview contains a lot reconfirming stuff, but also has some new info on social mechanics in the game, that BioWare is working on right now. Basically we can expect to see stuff like Space Station Hubs to gather your team before you jump into Flashpoints or Operations. Not a bad idea that I actually like  rather than LFG+Teleport type approaches many other MMORPG’s use. Though he did mention they may look at queuing if needed after launch Seasoned WoW player Alex Albrecht reviews the upcoming Star Wars MMORPG, The Old Republic. But what we really are interested in is the specially-created endgame content, and we’ve got all the details!

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SWTOR vs. WoW – How They’re Similar, and How They’re Not (Infographic)

We often compare SWTOR With World of Warcraft. Some might ague that this is wrong as it is two different games in two different settings. While I agree with that argument, it’s only fair to say that World of Warcraft is the dominating MMORPG in the world and there for the only game to compare against when we talk new MMO’s, and there is no question that these two games will come head-to-head in the MMO battle of the decade. has put together this chart showing some prevalent features and which of the two titles possess them. Check it out:

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Pax Prime 2011: Sith Sorceror PvP Gameplay

Darthhater captured some Alderaan Warzone PvP action showing some Sith Sorceror PvP Gameplay in SWTOR. If you pay attention to the movie, it looks like he only use the same two skills over and over. This is not the case though – He uses every skill that’s available to him. It’s just that they all have some kind of lightning animation, so they all look the same. Madness spec almost gets worse higher up in the talent tree. A lot of people will just spam Force Lightning (3s channel, dd/snare,power return, two hand anim) and then a bunch of instants when they are up. I still think it looks fun, especially with Corruption hybrid spec. Check it out below:

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Jedi Knight Vs Sith Inquisitor Video = EPIC!

The boys over at TGN.TV are hard at work making SWTOR videos pre-launch. They just released their first installment of the new “Versus” series in which Advanced Classes get compared side by side in a “Deadliest Warrior” type of format. The graphics were made from scratch by the team at Red Rancor (a fellow SWTOR Fansite) and the intro music was custom made by Music Drake. I hope that they make one of these videos for every advanced class, especially Smuggler and Imperial Agent 🙂 Let us know in the comments below what classes you want to see pitted against each other in the future episodes. Do you think that the Guardian would easily take down the Sorcerer 1v1? It is hard to tell pre-launch, but sure is fun to speculate. Enjoy the video below friends!

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Dr. Ray Muzyka: We are Beta Testing the crap out of SWTOR spoke to Bioware co-founder Dr. Ray Muzyka at Gamescom this year about Bioware’s impressive lineup of upcoming games. Apparently BioWare are “testing the crap” out of Star Wars: The Old Republic, trying to squash every bug and glitch that they can find in TOR’s enormous world before it’s eventually released. Send over a few Beta test and we will be happy to help out:) Checfk out the full interview below:

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Intergalactic Intel: Community

Looking for Friends! Rafe is a 20 year old, who lives in Tennessee. He plays complex characters and always challenges people to do their best. Zach is a college senior in digital animation, from California, his nick name Heal-bitch-2000. Gene is single mother of three. She spends her time in Stormwind recruiting for her guild while working full time. What do these people have in common? Every week we’re willing to sit down in front of a computer The key to having fun with any MMO, or any game for that matter, is community. Everyone starts off with the one real life friend on their buddy list. Maybe one or two people they’ve been introduced with. But usually they are on their own. While not a bad way to start an MMO, but when I tell people you should try an MMO. I really mean is gather a group of…

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PAX Prime 2011: Alderaan Warzone PVP Videos

Pax has been on for a day now, and the first videos has hit youtube. TORWARS, have been really active already and uploaded 3 movies showing different battles from the Alderaan Warzone. The first one, uploaded 20 min ago, shows Commando vs Mercenary pvp combat: This next one showes s Jedi Sentinel vs s Marauder, and later fighting a Sith Juggernaut: And finally this video shows a Trooper vs an Assassin:

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BioWare: The Old Republic will be “one of the biggest launches ever in the history of gaming”

Eurogamer explains how EA is waiting to make the announcement of a release date for when they are sure the game is ready to “pull the trigger” after they spoke with them at Gamescon last week. BioWare co-founder Dr. Greg Zeschuk explained that it was vital from day one – whenever that may be – to ensure the game was “available, reliable, [and] really solid”. He said: “We’re doing our very best to get it out as fast as we can. With a game like this, getting it all right, getting all the server stuff right is just as important as getting the game right.”” Thousands of people are waiting to play the game and while we are all super excited to finally have it for ourselves, we share the sentiments that we don’t want a launch until it’s properly prepped and ready to go. But just how much longer…

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Classes, Advanced Classes and Roles

We stumbled across this great photo from Star Wars MMO Leveling Guide that shows the classes, advances classes and roles. It’s a great visual although we don’t really agree with the class popularity and faction popularity though. As this photo shows, there is the complete breakdown for each class, including what their role is and the weapons that they get and more. If you still were not sure what you wanted to play, this little guide rocks for helping you get the perfect visual and helping you to figure out what class is the best choice for your needs. So what do you think? Does this change what you had in mind to play or solidify the choice you had already made?

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No same sex relationships with companions in SWTOR

SWTOR won’t have same sex relationships with its “companions”, but what’s the big deal? To some people, it is a very big deal. This piece on discusses the topic in full detail. The big news came from Gamescon and some fans were not too happy about it at all where others were asking “What’s the big deal anyway?” For some people, it was a very big deal indeed. Here is a portion of the article: “I won’t go into the reasons BioWare has for not including this option (did they give one?), but I’d like to comment on why it’s such a big deal in the first place. I’m straight, not narrow. And while there wasn’t (that I know of) any same-sex relations in either trilogy, I’m willing to bet there have been a few instances of such things in the bazillion books which have been written. Is there…

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Friday Update: Eternity Vault Developer Walkthrough

Today’s Friday update comes in the form of a developer walk throug of the Eternity Vault. Once again Dallas Dickinson is the host – this time of a high level Operation in Star Wars: The old Republic. During this video Dallas Dickinson provides commentary on the encounters players will face in this large endgame Raid. Throughout the video we see multiple class abilities, from the Bounty Hunter firing rockets, to what seem to be combat rez. A prison discovered buried in the ice on Belsavis is thought to house an ancient and deadly evil that could threaten the galaxy. To counter this threat, General Threnoldt dispatches Imperial forces to investigate the prison and confront the dangers within. Watch as a group of players work their way towards the prison gates in the opening section of the Eternity Vault, one of the high-level Operations in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Check…

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