Author: Soeren Kamper

Final Blood Of The Empire Webcomic Online

The final webisode of The Old Republic webcomic Blood of the Empire is now online at Issue 12 (aka Act 3: Burn the Future Chapter 4) brings us the final 7 pages of the exciting story, written by Alexander Freed, with art by Dave Ross. Blood of the Empire reaches its twelfth and final issue, and Teneb Kel must face the aftermath of his actions. Exal Kressh is defeated, but the Emperor and the Dark Council will have further plans for their servant. What fate is Teneb prepared to carve for himself? And what will he do about Maggot? check it out here… This webcomic will be part of Dark Horse Comics’ Star Wars: The Old Republic # 6, to be published on December 1, 2010. Teneb Kel is only steps behind his prey, the emperor’s apprentice, when light is finally shed on her dark plans. The foundling Sith…

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Bounty Hunter Gameplay Compilation

The guys over at Red Rancore put together another incredible gameplay compilatin. This time the Bounty hunter gets some love. I know it’s been a while, but I finally have the third installation of the Gameplay Compilation series completed.  This time, I’ve chosen to display the Bounty Hunter in action, with selected gameplay footage from all officially released video thus far in pre-beta.  I’ve also added in a bit more detail to the abilities now that some are confirmed from reporting done at GamesCom and PAX.  As always, I’m open to critique, comments, and any wanted additions to my videos.  Without any further ado:

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Star Wars Rarities: The Making of Star Wars as told by C-3PO and R2-D2 (1977)

Originally released to the home video market in 1979 by the then-fledgling Magnetic Video corporation, this is the rarest of Star Wars material on video.   I spent the better part of a year and a half looking for this original video at a reasonable price and I finally recently found it! This is the original version as it was aired on ABC-TV in 1978 with Robert Conrad as narrator and not the 1995 version that was re-dubbed with a different narrator’s voice and broadcasted on the Sci-Fi channel. It’s also the first piece of Star Wars material, predating even the VHS release of Episode IV: A New Hope, by two years. (Lucasfilm and Fox would not officially Originally aired on ABC in 1977, this special features behind-the-scenes footage from the sets, the visual effects, interviews with the cast and creators of the legendary film. Interviews with Mark Hamill, Carrie…

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Planets of Star Wars the old republic: Corellia

Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. It was also the birthplace of smuggler and New Republic General Han Solo as well as Rogue Squadron pilot and New Republic hero Wedge Antilles, along with many other humans who played important roles in the histories of the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Galactic Alliance. Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the “Eldest Brother” or the “Eldest.” Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believed that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant. Geographic features Corellia’s surface was extremely temperate, dominated by rolling hills such as those of Bindreg, thick forests, lush farmland, golden beaches, and large seas. Snow-covered…

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Star Wars Rarities: 30 Years of Star Wars

Since 1977, Todd Stanton has always been a fan of Star Wars. From his youthful days of trading cards to his adult years of DVDs, the 6 films has always been a part of his life. 30 Years of Star Wars is his documentary of a lifelong franchise some have called “this generation’s Beatles””. Come join Todd Stanton, along with many of his friends, to a galaxy far, far away and re-experience his journey of the last three decades through an amazing collection of multimedia history.

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Hasbro confirms The Old Republic action figures

Lucasfilm isn’t shy about diving deeply into Star Wars lore to churn out plastic toys based on the people, starships and beasts of George Lucas’ universe(s). But what about turning those Star Wars video games into action figures? Sounds like two upcoming video games could be ripe for Lucas exploitation. According to the September 17 episode of The ForceCast, answers from an interview with Hasbro’s Derryl DePriest confirmed the plans: 0:44:00 – And as we look at 2012, that’s really where we think we’re going to look at The Force Unleashed II and The Old Republic. We have to work in some of those great characters. Of the many, many Star Wars video games, how many of them have been rendered in plastic 3 3/4″ form? As a lapsed Star Wars action figure collector, I’m asking you, hoping for an answer.

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Developer Dispatch: Designing the Light Side

It’s a full Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Friday this week and along with the usual updates with fan art and forum fun there is also a very cool Developer’s Corner that shares a bit about ship design. Anyone who has every wondered how concept art is created needs to check this one out. This week the Art Team is pleased to share a step-by-step demonstration of how a piece of concept art is created for The Old Republic. Senior Concept Artist, Ryan Dening, will give us a break-down of the process involved and some of the thinking that went into this particular concept. Even as cool as that update is, it still isn’t the star of this show! Also released today is a video Developer Dispatch that discusses how the team designed SWTOR for the Jedi. Learn more about the Jedi classes and what it takes to make…

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Clone Wars Adventures is Now Live!

Clone Wars Adventures, a free-to-play, action packed virtual world for fans of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series, is now live and ready to play! If you are beginning your adventure for the first time, it is easy to get started. All you have to do is create an account and make your character. After creating your character you can explore the Jedi Temple, duel with lightsabers, race speeder bikes, decorate your house, fly a starfighter, use the Force, battle droids and much more! Features include: Extend the Fantasy: Kids no longer have to wait until the next exciting episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV series to continue exploring and enjoying the Star Wars universe. With Clone Wars Adventures, kids can go online to experience exciting thrills as you duel iconic adversaries with your own custom lightsaber, speed through the galaxy in your starfighter,…

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How Stuff Works: Spice

Spice was slang for various mind-altering drugs. Varieties included ryll and the strongest (and most expensive), glitterstim. The planet Kessel was rich with these spices, which were harvested from dangerous mines, at one point in history by slave labor. Sevarcos II, Rori, Ryloth, and Troiken were other sources of spice. The word could also refer to non-narcotic herbs and minerals used to give foods or drinks flavor. History Spice was mined on Kessel by criminals. Since Kessel lay within the Maw Cluster, if a prisoner were to escape (very unlikely under Imperial rule) they would not likely go far because of the black holes. The spice found on Kessel was glitterstim, one of the most prized spices in the galaxy. This particular spice was created by a species of energy spiders that would spin the spice into webs. Any unlucky miner that came into contact with one of these creatures…

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The “Find Your Ideal Guild” Quiz – Featuring 43+ Guilds, 34 Questions

The ‘Find Your Ideal Guild’ quiz is now live! Read on for more information, or go directly to the quiz:…eal-guild-quiz What is it? This quiz will ask you 34 questions, and recommend a guild to you based on your answers. As of Sept 2010, this quiz contains 44 guilds, meaning 44 different potential results… and will only grow as it is maintained. The results are based off of every guild leader’s own direct input, meaning each match is straight from the horse’s mouth, and not a matter of opinion. Why take it? Finding a guild can appear deceivingly simple, with so much selection to choose from. Unfortunately, far too many people realize too late that they’ve failed to ask the right questions – and that’s where the typical ‘guild drama’ stems from; disagreement over fundamental issues that you should have known about before you joined. Taking the time to…

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Boba Feta Quiche!

Star Wars fan Alicia Policia is celebrating her 30th birthday alongside The Empire Strikes Back’s 30th anniversary in geektastic food, drinks and party favors! We’ve already reported about her Wampa Cake and now here’s her awesome Boba Feta Quiche! The green is the spinach of the quiche, the brownish purpley black the kalamata olive tapenade, the red is chopped red peppers and the white is grated cheese.

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May the schwartz be with you: Wampa Cake!

Star Wars fan Alicia Policia is celebrating her 30th birthday alongside The Empire Strikes Back’s 30th anniversary in geektastic style with this awesome Wampa Cake! Alicia writes: This week I’ll be posting pictures of my spectacular The Empire Strikes Back themed 30th birthday celebration for grown-ups and all of the homemade crafty, nerdy goodness that made it so. That’s right, Monday to Friday — all Empire – Mynocks to Fett comma Boba. Made with my mom’s classic sour cream pound cake recipe shaped into an Alicia style Wampa, buttercream icing, and one very forgiving decorating style — I’m tempted to make only shaggy monster cakes from now on. Read more about it here: An Empire Strikes Back Birthday: Episode I — Wampa Cake

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Wookiees won’t be a playable species

Daniel Erickson has made a post on the official forums with some clarification. Apparently, in a conversation with a fan at PAX, he said something like (when speaking about what species players will be able to play): “If you can’t imagine it making out with Princess Leia, you probably won’t be able to play it.” People got confused over that since a lot of people tend to have a pretty strong imagination and can imagine all kinds of things making out with Princess Leia . So Daniel posted: Hey Folks, Sorry for the confusion. Booth chat is, let’s be clear, not an official information release. What you got was one line of an extended conversation that was had between me and one of the players at the booth. We started talking about what made a hero in Star Wars and then, once that was clear, there were some jokes about…

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SWTOR Friday Update: Highlight on Corellia

This week’s Star Wars: The Old Republic update takes a closer look at the planet of Corellia. As a pivotal part of the Republic’s strength, the planet may be a consistent target for the Imperial struggle for dominance. Home to some of the Republic’s most influential leaders, the notoriously independent world of Corellia is of critical strategic significance. It’s been a symbol of personal and economic freedom since the Republic’s earliest days, and it’s become the center of all the Republic’s industry and enterprise. Despite long-standing evidence of corruption in Corellian government, the citizens have always been staunchly loyal to the Republic. Losing contact with the planet and receiving images of destruction has caused grave concern in the Senate for what may be happening on the ground in Corellia’s capital. Read more on Corellia via the updated Holonet. While you are checking that out, also be sure to catch the…

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Star Wars Retroperspektive: Rare 1977 Harrison Ford Interview Emerges

Yesterday, the New York Times posted a story about a rare 1977 Harrison Ford video interview conducted by a Dallas-Fort Worth news channel reporter just as Star Wars (A New Hope) was making waves across the country during its initial release: Wearing lapels as wide as the Millennium Falcon itself, Mr. Ford actually seems gracious about the budding fantasy franchise and complimentary to its creator, George Lucas, telling his interviewer that though he doesn’t regard himself as the Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon type, the film works because “it’s finally about people and not finally about science, so the energy of the movie goes towards exploring these human relationships.” The interview, which apparently had first been posted to the original reporter’s website back in July (and contains scores of other filmed interviews), presents a rare peek at the actor on the brink of super-stardom in 1977. Check out the…

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Community Manager Sean Dahlberg Departs Bioware

What began today as a rumor, has now been officially confirmed: Sean “AshenTemper” Dahlberg has departed Bioware. Sean served as Community Manager for the Star Wars: The Old Republic community, and this story originally began as a simple rumor posted to the official SW:TOR forums this morning. The rumor asserted that, according to “various sources” Sean had left the company. The post’s author, “Lauren”, pointed to Mr. Dahlberg’s Twitter account, which no longer reflected his position at Bioware, to reinforce their claim. Earlier tonight, Bioware’s Senior Community Coordinator Joanne Laroche confirmed the report, explaining that Sean had indeed left the company: Hi Everyone – Sean Dahlberg has recently left BioWare. We would like to thank Sean for doing a great job building the TOR Community and we wish him well in his future endeavors! Best, The Star Wars: The Old Republic Team Sean himself confirmed it on his own blog…

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Midichlorian Rhapsody

How do you make Star Wars prequels better… or at least more tolerable? Shorten them to six minutes altogether and put it behind a parody of “Bohemian Rhapsody”. – In the very, very small pantheon of acceptable “Bohemian Rhapsody” covers and parodies, I think we have to include this Anakin-themed version, titled “Midichlorian Rhapsody.” I don’t even want to tell you how much I laughed at “Mama Shmi-oh.” Thanks to Doogz and everyone else who sent this in for the tip. In other news, really? 2100 fucking entries? You bastards. You bastards.

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