fan video

Star Wars Fan Film Awards 2015

We are so excited to tell you all that after taking three years off, the Lucasfilm Star Wars Fan Film Awards will be returning to us this year. Lucasfilm has officially released the nominees for this year and you can go vote in the Audience Choice category. We think that the winners will probably be announced during the Star Wars celebration happening next month. The Star Wars Fan Film Awards, a celebration of fan creativity inspired by a galaxy far, far away, are back! In this trailer, revisit past winners and entries ranging from animation to live-action comedy, and get an important tip from Lucasfilm’s Pablo Hidalgo. Entrants can submit their films now through January 16, 2015. The best selections in the categories of Animation, Non-Fiction, Comedy, Spirit of Fandom, Visual Effects, Audience Choice, and Filmmaker Select — chosen by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy — will screen in a special…

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Star Wars Fan Film: Retribution

It’ll be a while until the next Star Wars movie hits theaters, so in the meantime Star Wars fans can watch a half-hour movie created by… a college football player. Called Retribution, the film was written and directed by Georgia University student Chris Conley, who started work on the short video last November. While Retribution doesn’t have the same cast and budget of actual Star Wars movies, it’s actually quite good, even though it was filmed in Conley’s University surroundings. With a simple plot, decent sound and visual effects as well as plenty of shooting and fighting (light saber action included), Retribution shows what can be done with the right amount of Star Wars passion and proper gear. Published on YouTube on Saturday, Retribution has already passed 200,000 views and it’s likely the number will go up as more Star Wars fans discover it. You can watch the fan-made flick…

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Fan Film: Ruins and Reckoning

Lightsaber duels, planets in ruins, the force… this Star Wars fan film has it all! In a galaxy far far away, a descending belt-wave has threatened life on our featured planet. While Republic armies are desperately trying to aid in evacuating the planet, one misguided Jedi, a general of the Republic, will not bend the law to allow prisoners the same favored fate as those fortunate enough to escape. Our rival Jedi, who has a deep affinity with one of the prisoners has little restraint in expressing his objection against his fellow Jedi. Ruins and Reckoning is a not for profit Star Wars fan-film produced in Atlanta GA

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SWToR Streams and vids

We’re back with version of Streams and Vids! The last two weeks of September proved to be very busy for all SWToR streamers and, in general, content creators. Maybe it was the full release of Galactic Strongholds to preferred members or maybe it is the anticipation of Patch 3.0 and the new expansion. Either ways, SWToR fans as well as Bioware hit Twitch and streamed their latest work.

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Fan Film: STAR WARS The Old Republic: The Pit

Today we have another episode of Really Awesome Fan Stuff! This is the trailer for a fan film from Blind Wave Productions. While it is clearly a low budget production, we think they’ve done a fantastic job of what we can see so far. The trailer is interesting, has some great choreography and we can’t wait to see the full length film. This is what it’s really all about- fans getting into something and taking it to that next level. The trailer for the first of a series of fan films set in the STAR WARS universe, during the time of THE OLD REPUBLIC, created by the award winning Lightsaber Choreography team of Blind Wave Productions. Scum and Villainy travel from all over the galaxy to spectate and bet on the deadly gladiator battles inside the arena known only as The Pit. After months of capture and imprisonment, Jedi Knight…

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“Dark Resurrection” Team Crowd Funded $150,000

We are very happy to bring you another update from the “Dark Resurrection”“. The Italian Filmmakers became an Internet sensation in 2007 and launched volume 2 just recently, which we told you about back in December. Now they’re hoping to complete the series with their third and final installment by 2015. Now they are looking to raise $150,000 to make this next and final film happen. Hollywood Reporter gives us more info on the story: Now writer-director Angelo Licata hopes to see the final chapter of his story told. The tale takes place several centuries after the events of Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, and centers on one dark Jedi’s obsessive quest to find a legendary temple believed to give those who open its seal unimaginable knowledge. True to Star Wars form, there are good guys standing in his way. Licita says he would like to shoot this year, with an…

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Project Revan is Fully Funded

We brought you the story of Project Revan on Kickstarter and we’re very happy to announce they are fully funded! With 64 backers, the fundraiser was a success and the project will now move forward. We couldn’t be happier about this so you can bet we’ll keep you updated as the project progresses. What is Project Revan? Project Revan is the combined efforts of a group of serious and talented adults, creating the (unofficial) Star Wars independent film based off the book, Star Wars – The Old Republic: Revan by Drew Karpyshyn. Learn more and keep up to date on the project: Website! : YouTube Channel: We have an official YouTube channel for the project, in which you can subscribe here, and check out the latest teaser trailer and B-roll (Behind the Scenes) footage of our movie! Twitter and Instagram: You can keep up with the project by following us on Twitter by clicking here, and checking us out on Instagram (projectrevan)! Facebook Page: Like our page on…

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Star Wars Fan Film: SMUGGLER’S RUN

Here is a brand new Star Wars Fan film by Director Oliver Thompson. The fan film project is named Star Wars: Smuggler’s Run and it’s available to view right now. Check it out below: STAR WARS SMUGGLER’S RUN from Oliver Thompson on Vimeo. Star Wars Smuggler’s Run is a 22 minute fan film, that has been filmed on location at the original sets in Tunisia. The story is set between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. Director Oliver Thompson has written an original story set within the Star Wars Universe. They used guerilla filmmaking techniques to make this movie and edited (video and SPFX) the project on a single Mac Book Pro. The music was composed by Gary Gibbons of World Worm Studios. The short film stars Warren Laker, Rodney Wong, James Gitsham and Kim Haslam, it features the voice talents of Russell Wait, Phil Bagshaw and James Gitsham….

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Impressive Amateur Darth Malgus Cosplay

In a display that many might call too amazing to be “cosplay” we have an impressive Darth Malgus costume test. The nearly 4-minute video uploaded to YouTube shows us the process in fast motion as well as some great Darth Malgus posting with additional CGI rendering. It looks like something right out of a movie promo, honestly. “This is the first full test try on for a Darth Malgus costume. Made entirely from scratch by myself at our workshop in Ireland and filmed on a ‘Red MX’ camera by my good friend Kamil Krawczak. These film services are available from Please contact Kamil for a quote” And if you think that’s cool, you’ll have fun watching the leg test video: But this isn’t the only costume he’s made. In fact, he has several and looks like he makes a full time hobby/career of this in his workshops in Ireland….

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TOR TV: Tribute to the relaxed Jumpsuit!

Another SWToR-based fan video has surfaced recently that specifically highlights one the newly-released Cartel Market items – the relaxed jumpsuit. The 2 1/2 minute video was made by Youtube user ResidentPenguin and showcases some of the latest cartel market items in addition to the before-mentioned item. The whole recording ties in perfectly with the selected soundtrack and really puts the relaxed jumpsuit in a new spotlight!

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What are we fighting for?

Image by F0rmaldehyde Yes we here at SWTORStrategies know, Valentine’s Day is over. But that Hallmark/Nestle money making day has no ownership over love! Love exists throughout the entire year, at every hour, boundless, at the whim of our collective hearts. True lovers don’t need a special day to love. So too does this video which came out the day after Valentine’s. You’ll love it regardless of what day of the year it is. It’s a story of lovers, with in the empire, who dare ask the question: “What are we fighting for?” Thanks King Théoden, for your work. It was awesome.

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SWTOR Harlem Shake

You all knew it was coming, so here it is baby. The Harlem Shake has come to SWTOR!!! A few have tried, but this first video does it perfect! The second video comes real close. They just didn’t get the beginning done right. Which is supposed to show only one person dancing while every one is minding their own. But it’s still a superb job, and the beginning is still pretty cool. I’m sure many more are on their way, so keep an eye out for them! Con lo Terrori[s]ta! Don’t forget to set it at 1080p for best audio and video quality. If you have audio enhancers, set them for total chaos! Props and respect to Logan and DkSharktooth for doing a great job!

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Star Wars Fan film: Star Wars Armies of the Fallen

Star Wars: Armies of the Fallen

If you are a follower of our blog, you know we are huge fans of Star Wars: fan movies. Back in the summer of 2010 we featured a movie by Martin Klekner called “Star Wars: Shadows of the Past” Now he is back, and deserves a tone of support for the awesome job his is doing. Check out his Concept Teaser for his upcomming star wars fan film Star Wars: Armies of the Fallen. Plot: Several years have passed since the end of Shadows of the Past. War has been raging ever since. Fallen’s revolution changed the whole Empire, it turned the Master’s realm to shreds. Fallen’s armies, though weak and unorganized at the beginning, were forged into a deadly and unstoppable weapon. Now all that’s left is to strike a final blow and confront Master directly. Created by: Martin Klekner Music by: Tomas Zemler Voiceover by: Austin McComb

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Knights of the Old Republic: Shadows of Corruption

Seaichfilms new psychological Star Wars fan film “Shadows of Corruption””. The film is based off the expanded Star Wars Universe of the game series Knights of the Old Republic. Darth Revan continues his rule of tyranny in the galaxy. Conquering system after system the Sith Lord comes across the discovery of an ancient Sith artifact. He swiftly aims his resources to recover it in hopes to gain the advantage in the ever growing war. Republic intelligence catches wind of the artifacts existence and head to the planet Syres to try and recover it. The long awaited live action Knights of the Old Republic film is finally here in its entirety! Part 1 has also been remastered and reinserted into the film. Seaichfilms is proud to release the complete “Shadows of Corruption” fan film to the public. “”Shadows of Corruption” is a new kind of ‘Fan Film’‘. Yes folks, a fan…

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TOR TV: Star Wars The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer – Hope – In real life.

A bunch of French fans did the “Hope” trailer In Real Life! Not only is this movie awesome, It also shows the dedication of Die Hard Star Wars fans. I went sith warrior because vette is such an awesome companion but every time I watch the hope trailer I want to go back to my trooper even though he is on a deserted server! Watching this movie was like watching 10 hope trailers at once. Say what you will about the prequel trilogy… but you have to admit the new sound effects it introduced to the SW universe are awesome. One thing I’ve never understood about “Hope” is they have a great ambush position on a ridge and they all jump down Now you’re probably asking why they got a dude to play Satele Shan, but in the youtube comments, they state that they got some breack dance famous guy to play “her”,…

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TOR TV: Tony Hawk’s Pro SWTOR

This litle gem of a SWTOR / Tony Hawk’s pro skating mashup was made by youtube user hardataq. The song alone brought back so much nostalgia, and I’m sure Tony Hawk would be proud, If he weren’t busy making bank off a career he had in the nineties. I pretend my speeder is like a skateboard too, ramping off stuff and grinding rails usually when I’m on the Republic Fleet waiting for my mates to get ready to head off (they’re so slow). There’s a cool little edge on the wall next to the GTN kiosks that I treat like a quarter pipe! Check it out below:

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Warning! Cannot be Unseen: Francis Awaits SWTOR Access

It’s day two of pre-launch for SWTOR and while several waves have gone out already, not everyone who preordered has gotten in yet. In fact, a great number of players still have not gotten into the game and some are not too happy about that at all. If you’re feeling bummed out as you wait for your early access, here’s someone who can relate. Francis called in sick for work, prepped his lightsabers and probably stocked up on loads of gamer snackages as he awaited the early access he was “guaranteed” to get on day 1 of the pre-launch. See what happens as he waits to get in… But be warned: once you’ve seen this, it cannot be unseen. Watch at your own risk (don’t say we didn’t warn you!) Francis is Upset about No Early Access to Star Wars the Old Republic

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Goofy grrl is At it Again with Another Video

This time she says “TOR will suck” and she’s opting not to play. I know that some of you may be completely broken-hearted at this news but I assure you, there will be plenty of similar lonely souls looking to grace the game of SWTOR. If you don’t remember GoofyGrrl, here’s a reminder from her Goodbye SWG video. So now she’s back with a brand new video telling us how she doesn’t want to play TOR and why. She says her desire to not play SWTOR has nothing to do with the game “killing” her beloved Star Wars Galaxies but that she has her own totally unrelated, legitimate reasons for why she is not interested in SWTOR. She’s been really busy lately and she invites us to “like if we agree and if we don’t, that’s fine” because we have our opinion and she has hers (even if hers sounds…

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Smuggler Walkthru Video

Awall from TGN has put together a Smuggler Edition in his “Ultimate Walkthru Series””. In the video he cover all of the confirmed facts about the smuggler class in 25+ minutes. This includes all of the pics, videos, gameplay, story, abilities, companion, starship, scoundrel, gunslinger, trailers, etc. Personally I think this is one of his best episode yet. So check it out below:

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A Light in the Darkness Completed

Great news Star Wars fans: The Star Wars fan film we told you about last year is now completed and available for your viewing online. This is an excellent film that I enjoyed very much. I don’t want to give away spoilers but you really need to see the full thing for yourself. I’m not the only one who was impressed. Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge 2011 – A Light in the Darkness (Part One) won two awards from in 2011 for “Best Fan Fiction” and “Audience Choice.” Renovation Film Festival – Best Fan Film 2011 This film was created for the love of filmmaking and also for the love of Star Wars. It was a volunteer effort by cast and crew and is an excellent high quality, low budget film that faced many challenges to create but came out on top. It’s well worth your time to see…

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