
Knights Of The Old Republic And Another Voice-Acting Win

If you’re not familiar with one of the most popular Star Wars games of all time, you may not know that Knights of the Old Republic, fondly known as KOTOR, was very well-known for its voice-acting. Here’s something you might not have known: IL HK-47 was not written to be a comedic character. So, if you’ve played the game, you might be going “what?” right now. Kotaku has a piece that explains how this happened. It’s from the Boss Fight Books series, written by journalist Alex Kane. Here’s the full story on how he became a funny character: Darragh O’Farrell was the go-to voice-over (VO) director for Star Wars video game projects, in the LucasArts era and beyond. It was O’Farrell who had the idea to do the full voice-acted recording for the whole game. “It was one of the most ambitious projects that LucasArts or BioWare had ever attempted,”…

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The Philosophy of Kreia: A Critical Examination of Star Wars

If you have been a Star Wars fan for a long time, or if you’d what you call a “hardcore” fan, then you’ve probably at some point discussed the philosophies behind the Stars Wars universe. There is more to it than Light Side vs. Dark Side and lightsaber battles. And who determines what is “good” and what is “bad”? Here’s a great film that breaks down the philosophy of Kreia, a popular Star Wars figure from KOTOR 2. Personally, I loved her and I know a lot of other players did as well. This is long, but well worth the watch. The character Kreia from the game Knights of the Old Republic 2 is arguably one of the greatest female characters in gaming. However, despite her fame, much of her philosophy has been misunderstood due to the puzzling manner in which the game presents her backstory and motives. This video…

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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Remake Could Be in Development

There are few Star Wars games that fans across the board love as much as Knights of the Old Republic. KOTOR is also one of the most requested remakes from fans. In short, we loved KOTOR and we want to see more of it. The latest rumor mill on the Star Wars scene says that might even be possible for us. A new project is underway at EA and it looks to, “integrate elements from the first two games in order to bring certain things into the current Star Wars canon. Cinelinx reports two sources that claim to have knowledge of the rumored return of this beloved franchise. The first source says a remake of the 2003 classic is in development, while the second expands and says it “wasn’t so much a remake, but a ‘sequel’ of sorts.” The new project says it will take elements from the first KOTOR and…

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How the Jedi Order Created GRAY Jedi – The Fall of Jolee Bindo Explained

Here we have another fun video for you. If you love Star Wars, you have to love Star Wars history and lore. This is a really interesting video about how the Jedi Order created Gray Jedi. The Non-Canon Expert looks at the sad and tragic fall of Jolee Bindo from Jedi Padawan to Jedi exile who rejected the teachings of the Jedi Order to follow a path that walked the line between the light and dark sides, explaining how it was the Jedi High Council’s failure that would push Jolee down this path. This is a Legends story for Jolee Bindo with information primarily found in the “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic” video game, the “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide,” and the Legends novel “Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan.” I hope that you enjoy it! Check it out here:

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The Amazing Voice Acting of KOTOR

We can sing the praises of KOTOR all day long. Seriously, it’s been said here before and will likely be said here again – Knights of the Old Republic is one of the best Star Wars games of all time. One thing that made this game so unique and loved by so many was the amazing voice acting talent that covered the entire, vast script of the game. When Bioware made the decision to hire voice actors for the entire script, it was a big one. That story is told in the latest entry in the Boss Fight Books series, written by journalist Alex Kane and available if you want to follow it all. It is absolutely an interesting story for anyone who loves KOTOR, Star Wars, and video game history. In it, we learn all about what made the casting and sound departments of LucasArts unique, and how the process…

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A Fan-Made KOTOR II Mobile Port is on the Way

Who wants to play some KOTOR II? I know a lot of our readers are big KOTOR fans like myself and I am excited to tell you about this really cool project that’s on the way soon – a mobile KOTOR II port, fan-made, already in Alpha and releasing soon. How does it work? Here are details from the project summary: This project is meant to attempt to port all content from Star Wars: KOTOR II TSL into Star Wars KOTOR 1 Mobile (for Android / IOS), resulting into a partially / fully playable mobile version of KOTOR II TSL for IOS / Android. The game will be installed and ran as a Total Conversion Mod over the mobile KOTOR 1 version. The mod development will consist in the following stages: – 1. Converting all files from the PC version of KOTOR II, to work with the older KOTOR 1…

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Obsidian’s Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3

Knights of the Old Republic, KOTOR, is one of the most popular Star Wars games to date. Fans of the series have been waiting for a KOTOR 3 that sadly, will never be. Once KOTOR 2 was wrapped up, Obsidian was all set to make a third game in the franchise, but it never came to pass. Speaking to Chris Avellone at Reboot Develop, Kirk McKeand from vg247.com asked if Obsidian ever had a story planned for Knights of The Old Republic 3, and it did. Here’s the basic premise, in Avellone’s words: “When we finished the second one we were all trying to restore our lives back to sanity,” Avellone remembers. “We did start working on the third game pitch, because we always imagined the trilogy. Even when working on the second game, we [tried] to foreshadow what Darth Revan was doing in the second game, and he wasn’t…

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Star Wars: EA Reportedly Will Not Let BioWare Make KOTOR Games

Star Wars EA Reportedly Will Not Let BioWare Make KOTOR Games

How long have KOTOR fans been talking about a new game? Over the years, we’ve heard a lot of talk of BioWare making a new KOTOR game the fans would love to see it happen. But now, EA has the contract on all Star Wars games and it doesn’t seem like its in the cards. BioWare has supposedly asked EA multiple times for permission to make a new KOTOR game. “They’ve tried to make it happen, more than once from what I’ve heard,” says Kotaku’s Jason Schreier on Twitter in response to a question about BioWare making another KOTOR game. “No luck.” Ugh, shot down again! That seems to be par for the course when it comes to a new KOTOR, but is there more to this tweet? There’s a story on DenofGeek about it that breaks it all down for us. “On its own, there’s not much information there, but there is more…

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SWTOR Shadow of Revan and Rise of Hutt is now free to play Until Nov 1

Due to Revan has been released in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, the devs over at Bioware Austine has made the two SWTOR expansions, Shadow of Revan and Rise of Hutt Cartel, free until Nov 1. So if you haven’t yet tried them, now is your chance! Below is the official news: The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ team is excited to celebrate the release of classic KOTOR characters in the acclaimed Star Wars™ mobile game – Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes. In Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, players can unlock and play as beloved KOTOR companions, including the devoted Bastila Shan, the cynical Jolee Bindo and now the Savior of the Republic… Jedi Knight Revan! Join us in celebrating KOTOR’s legacy in both games: Star Wars: The Old Republic – Play the Shadow of Revan Expansion for free* and uncover the fate of Revan! Now through November 1, 2018 at 11:59PM PDT / November 2,…

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KOTOR Remake Project is Officially Canceled

Remember how excited we all were to hear that Poem Studios was making a KOTOR remake?Apeiron  was a fan-made remake of the full KOTOR game with the Unreal engine. We shared images and video demos with you here before on the site and now we have the very sad news of telling you that the Disney banhammer has hit the makers of Aperion. Disney has now forced Poem Studios to shut down their beloved project. They shared the letter they have from Lucasfilm and their decision to back down, as they don’t have the resources to fight it: It’s with a great sadness that I’m posting today; I recently received a letter from Lucasfilm instructing Poem to end production on Apeiron. After a few days, I’ve exhausted my options to keep it afloat; we knew this day was a possibility. I’m sorry and may the force be with you pic.twitter.com/OCRmMIjwGT —…

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Knights Of The Old Republic Is STILL The Best Star Wars Game

Are you a fellow fan of Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR)? If you’ve been around our blog for a while, you know that we have regularly posted about this game and I’ve said myself how it is one of the best, if not THE best Star Wars game to date. Well, I’m not alone in this opinion. The Star Wars franchise is not putting out as many games these days as they once were, and there is a higher quality demand being placed on the games that do come out. But how do they measure up against a classic like KOTOR? This is a question that ScreenRant takes head-on in this piece that says KOTOR is STILL the best Star Wars game. The author, Derek Stauffer says: Knights of the Old Republic was one of the first Star Wars stories of its kind. It ignored all mention of the Skywalker family…

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The Lord Of Pain Darth Sion: A Star Wars Story

Here’s another Star Wars story from The Scoundrel’s Cantina. It was first published back in Dec of 2016, but if you missed it back then, you can still give it a watch. We highly recommend any of these videos from the Scoundrel’s Cantina. They really know their Star Wars stuff, and the videos are well made. They’re entertaining, and very informative as you are sure to learn something new in every one you watch, even if you’re already a super fan. This one is all about another famous Darth – the Lord of Pain Darth Sion. He’s not as well known to your layperson as far as Darths go, but he has an interesting and deep history that is explored fully in this video. They use a mix of both the Expanded Universe and the “Official” Star Wars Canon. He was a human who became a Sith Maurader in the war. Rather than…

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KOTOR Apeiron Gameplay

Remember when we told you about KOTOR Apeiron? It’s the fanmade remake of KOTOR that allows you to enjoy the game still today, like you did back in its heydey. Well, the gang from Apeiron have a Twitch account here where you can see some videos of their gameplay. The game really looks like it’s come along nicely and whether you were a fan of the original KOTOR, or a younger Star Wars game fan just getting in on the action now, this is one you may want to check out. If you’re not sure if the game is for you, take a look at the gameplay videos below to see it for yourself. This will give you a better idea of whether or not this is something you want to try out. You can also follow them on Twitch and then you’ll be alerted each time they stream so you…

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The Lord Of Hunger Darth Nihilus: A Star Wars Story

Here’s another Star Wars Story video from The Scoundrel’s Cantina. This one is from late 2016 so you may have seen it before. If not, you’re in for a treat and we’re happy we’ve dug it up for you. These guys make some of the greatest videos and if you love Star Wars and ever wanted to learn more about it, or more about specific characters from Star Wars, this is for you. In this video, they talk about the Lord of Hunger himself, Darth Nihilus. Again, these videos are all about the story of the person named. If you want to learn more about this Darth Lord and his timeline in the Star Wars universe, then this video is for you. Check it out for yourself below: In this video we are mixing both the Expanded Universe and the “Official” Star Wars Canon. This is the way we look at…

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Vandar Tokare: A Star Wars Story

Here are again with another Star Wars Story film. These videos are a lot of fun and teach you a lot about Star Wars lore and specific characters. If you’re not familiar with them, they have an entire series and we’ve linked some of the videos below. This is Vandar Tokare: A Star Wars Story from The Scoundrel’s Cantina. Learn more about Vandar Tokare. Who was he? Where did he come from? His species was originally unknown, but later found to be the Yoda species, although still no one seems to know where this species came from. Learn about his powers and abilities, what kind of lightsaber he had and more from this great video breakdown. See the video to learn a very interesting story:  Vandar Tokare: A Star Wars Story! In this video we are mixing both the Expanded Universe and the “Official” Star Wars Canon. This is the…

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KotOR I & II Soundtrack Remix!

Here’s a fan who has edited and rearranged the OST of both games KOTOR I and II into a “Dark Symphony”. In reminiscence of the wonderful musical score for Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 (KotOR I, II). Here’s an awesome soundtrack remix from the best of KOTOR I and II (arguably the best Star Wars games ever). The first half is very dark and slow, so if you are looking for action you can just go straight to the third movement, where it really kicks off. From the creator: “In reminiscence of the wonderful musical score for Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 (KotOR I, II) I have edited, rearranged, combined, and transposed titles from both OST to create a Dark Star Wars Symphony that will make you worry about the quality of future Star Wars movies, channel your inner Sith Lord, inquire more about the tragedy…

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How The Lord Of Hunger DARTH NIHILUS – The Force Draining Sith Lord Came To Be

Who is your favorite Darth? There’s a conversation we’ve had here a few times before. There are some great Sith to choose from and one popular Darth on many fans’ list is Darth Nihilus. How much do you really know about him? Where was he from? How did he turn to the Dark side and what made him so popular? If you want to learn more about Darth Nihilus, here’s a great video that will break it all down for you. It’s short – under 7 minutes – and very thorough and interesting. In this recently posted video from 20-BitWill, you can learn how the Lord of Hunger, Darth Nihilus came to be. See for yourself here:  The Darth Nihilus Story – A Brief Explanation Of How Darth Nihilus Came To Be (Star Wars) 👽Well here we are discussing the powerful Darth Nihilus. In this video you will learn about…

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Darth Malak: A Star Wars Story

“You made a mistake coming here, Revan. The Star Forge fuels my command of the dark side. You are no match for me here. And this time you will not escape!“―Darth Malak, to Revan Are you looking to learn more about Darth Malak? Learning the origin stories is a lot of fun for fans and we really love the Star Wars Story series of videos from The Scoundrel’s Cantina for this very reason. Malak, born Alek, was a human male who reigned as a Dark Lord during the Jedi Civil war. Before he was a Sith Lord, however, he was born on the planet Quelii in the Outer Rim Territories. But Mandalorians attacked his homeland and he escaped to the Galactic Republic. He was first trained by the Jedi Order but his story would take a turn to the Dark Side. This video will give you all the basics you need to know and then…

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Bastila Shan: A Star Wars Story

Here’s another great Star Wars Story video from The Scoundrel’s Cantina. I’m a huge fan of Bastila Shan so I was actually really excited to see what they were going to do with this one. It was a pleasant watch, like all of their Star Wars Story videos. It’s about five minutes long, so really a short watch but they pack a lot of info in that five minutes. Grab a snack and give it a watch! Not familiar with Bastila? Bastila Shan was a Human female who served as a Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. Born on the planet Talravin to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order, believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Bastila Shan: A Star Wars Story!  From The Scoundrel’s Cantina: “In this video we are mixing both the Expanded Universe and the “Official” Star Wars Canon. This is the way we look…

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How Powerful Was Revan Really?

Revan has long been one of my favorite characters from Star Wars. This powerful, complex character just has so much backstory, so much growth, and had such a huge impact in so many important aspects of Star Wars, I find it hard not to like him. But even if you’re not a fangirl like me, you probably still find it hard not to respect Revan when you learn all about him. It’s not just that he has an interesting story, or that he had the unique history of playing both sides – as a Jedi and as Sith – but also because he was so incredibly powerful. “Revan had many Masters, Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae before Kae left for the Wars. Toward the end of his training, he sought out many to learn techniques. It is said that he returned to his first Master at the end of his training,…

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Celebrating the legacy of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

BioWare is celebrating the re-release of KOTOR on Xbox One with goodies for all. Play the Revan expansion for free, and grap a new speeders for your collection: The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ team is excited to celebrate Microsoft’s release of the original Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ coming tomorrow, October 24th, to Xbox One. From gripping dark side and light side choices to legendary characters like Revan, the profound legacy of Knights of the Old Republic lives on in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Now through November 6th, join us in celebrating this legacy: Play Shadow of Revan Expansion for free*: For the first time, we’re offering all players a chance to play the Shadow of Revan Expansion for free. Prepare to face Revan and his fanatical followers! “REVANRETURNS” Visit www.swtor.com/redeem-code and enter the shareable code above. This code offers you access to the first two story expansions, Rise of the Hutt…

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Indie Developer Remaking KOTOR, the Best Star Wars Game Ever

We talk about a lot of Star Wars games here – the good, the bad, and the in between. There are so many Star Wars games that have been released since the very first one in 1982. If you love gaming and you love Star Wars, it can be hard to pick a favorite. For many of us, however, there is one game to rule them all. There is one Star Wars game that consistently reigns supreme as one of the best Star Wars games of all time. Knights of the Old Republic Now, we might see this game return. As Lucasfilm plans the future of Star Wars, there is an indie development studio based in Atlanta, called Poem Games, that is looking to rebuild KOTOR. It is a labor of love that is already ten years in the making. It’s called Apeiron and you can learn more about it…

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TOR TV: SWTOR Gameplay With The KOTOR Interface

If you loved KOTOR and you’re currently playing SWTOR, have you ever wondered what it would be like to play SWTOR with the KOTOR interface? Well, now someone on the internet is going to make it possible for you. Or at least, they will make it possible for you to see what it’s like to play the game with the KOTOR interface – you can decide if you want to do it, too. Everything isn’t going to line up perfectly, of course, because the skills are different in the different games. That said, he’s able to get it really close and if you like the way it looks, you’ll want to check out his video that shows you how to do it. On request by Kid Lee, he’s playing the game with the KOTOR interface. The video is a bit over 10 minutes long and it shows you what it looks…

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KOTOR ULTIMATE Taris Upper City!! Kotor Mod Showcase

Xuul has a new episode of the KOTOR mod showcase and we think you will really like it. It’s great to see that players are still supporting the KOTOR community, especially so many years after the game has been out. When many games would just die off, the fans have kept KOTOR alive and well. Mods are one way that this happens, since it brings new content and experience to the game, no matter how old it is and despite the fact that the original publisher is no longer updating the game. In this video, Xuul goes over another module from the ULTIMATE 2.0 series. This module covers the Taris Upper City. It’s the new series of the KOTOR texture pack and it keeps a close artistic feel and look of the original. Basically, it’s like the original but updated to look better and have more detail. It’s shinier and sharper but it…

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