KOTOR has long been ranked as one of the best Star Wars games ever made. If you were a fan, then we don’t have to explain why. Even if you never played it yourself, you’ve had to have heard about it here and there. We post about the KOTOR series often here on the site and there is still content and info coming out about it, despite its age, because that’s how much the Star Wars community loves it. So with that in mind, here’s another cool video we found with some useful information in it. It’s a bit long but it definitely has some interesting information about this subject. It’s part of a series from Xuul so you can follow their channel for more and to keep up with anything new they put out. Here’s an interesting video about the M4-78. It covers a history of the project and also why…
Is BioWare Rebooting KOTOR?
There are few Star Wars games (if any) acclaimed as high as KOTOR. Knights of the Old Republic is a huge favorite in the Star Wars gaming scene and for good reason. It was an excellent game, beautifully designed, with a wonderful story. Players have been wanting a new KOTOR game for a long time now. We hear of a rumor that says BioWare might actually be working on exactly that! The rumor originates with gaming journalist Liam Robertson, who discussed the topic recently on his Patreon page. He doesn’t cite his sources which makes this hearsay but it’s an interesting enough rumor that we’ll go ahead and pass it on to you. Again, this is JUST rumor at this point and we can’t do more than speculate but with how much everyone wants to see a new KOTOR game, it can be fun to speculate that this rumor is true. Here’s…
A Look Back At KOTOR 2
In the Star Wars universe, we usually find it easy to see the difference between the Dark Side and the Light Side. Lightsaber colors, clothing choices, and other factors make it clear which side a character is on. This battle for balance between the Dark and Light is part of the point of the Star Wars story. If you played KOTOR 2, however, you start to see for the first time in a Star Wars game that there is grey area. Sometimes it’s not so easy to block a character into one side of the other. KOTOR 2 is the perfect example of this. In this game, the villain is not always so easy to spot. Sometimes the lines between “good” and “bad” are blurred, or difficult to spot. This is something that adds a new, creative, and more interesting element to KOTOR 2, versus KOTOR 1. Sometimes characters are…
KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2: which is better? This is no easy question to answer, since both have developed very loyal followings. YouTuber nerdSlayer has attempted to answer this question in his video, simply titled “KOTOR 1 vs KOTOR 2.” He breaks down his analysis along the lines of four different criteria: graphics (how the games look), ambience (the feel and immersion of the game), story (strength of the plot and the characters), and gameplay (the mechanics of how the game works). In terms of graphics, nerdSlayer considers how KOTOR 1 ( Download it free with Amazon Underground here) for has a neutral color scheme. The planets all have a different look but no scenes are overbearing to the eye. KOTOR 2 is much darker by comparison and its colors are muted. That same darkness present in KOTOR 2 heavily influences its ambience, which is all around darker. KOTOR 1…
Obsidian Says they’d Love to Make KOTOR III
Obsidian Entertainment, the developers of the very popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II announced this week that they’d love to make a KOTOR III. During a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ (AMA) session held earlier, they also said that they would enjoy returning to work on the Fallout Series. Many fans of both franchises would likely love to see them return to make the great content they do so well. But just because they’d be up for doing it and fans would likely appreciate it, doesn’t mean they’re going to get the chance. As social media manger Mikey Dowling said, “The title is out of our hands as EA has the license for the games. We’d love to return to the galaxy far, far away if we had the chance!” Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart said, “If you could pitch EA on that for us, I’d be your friend for life.”…
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Netflix TV Series Movement
What’s better than Star Wars on Netflix? What about The Old Republic era Star Wars on Netflix ? If you’re thinking that’s as awesome as we are, then you will want to watch this video because there’s a chance it might be happening. There’s a petition going around (find it here) and see why over 100,000 other people have already signed up to make this happen. From the petition: “Why Netflix was chosen was because of the wealth of great content they have produced over the years, such as Narcos, House of Cards, and especially everything that Marvel has done and is still currently working on. Not only that, but Netflix can serve as a platform to tell these stories as they were meant to be portrayed: dark, foreboding, and a touch on the mature side. This can also give us fans our healthy dose of Star Wars while we’re waiting on the new…
What about Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 3?
Here is a great video from GVMERS, you don’t see videos of this quality scale about a specific game often, especially for games as old as Knights of the Old Republic. I don’t think we’ll get Kotor 3, but we will likely get a game (or series hopefully) that is a spiritual successor/love letter to fans, and that is very similar to Kotor, perhaps still in the Old Republic era, or a different one. Thanks for joining us on another episode of GVMERS. Today we’ll be taking a look at the beloved Knights of the Old Republic series of role-playing games from LucasArts. While the first two RPGs in the acclaimed franchise provided memorable, dynamic storylines for players to enjoy, LucasArts canned the third single-player release in favor of other projects. Since then, BioWare’s massively multiplayer online spin-off “The Old Republic” seems to have eclipsed the Knights of the Old…
Fan Made KOTOR Remake is Making Progress
Remember when we told you about the remake of Knights of the Old Republic by a group of fans? Well, there is good news that the project is still going and we can see updates as indicated by their Twitter. Apeiron Game is working hard to make this dream a reality for fans just like themselves and it’s coming along nicely. They even have openings for volunteers if you want to help out. You can contact volunteer@apeirongame.com with “Volunteer” in the subject line. They’re not accepting anymore voice actors or writers at this time, however. You can see for yourself here in this Twitter update: Working on the 3rd person cam angle, with our derpy placeholder model. #Kotor #Apeiron. pic.twitter.com/jwjVwAp9z2 — Apeiron Game (@apeiron_kotor) May 28, 2016 And if you follow them on Twitter, you’ll never miss any notices or updates so you’ll always know where they are at in the process. Of course,…
Gameplay Footage of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Unreal Engine 4 Mod
If you have not seen it already, here is the first ever gameplay footage of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Unreal Engine 4 remake by Apeiron. One thing I really like that he also points out in the video is that it’s from a first person view. I love first person in games like this and I’m very glad they went in that direction with it. They did say it will also be 3rd person so for those who don’t like the first-person view, you’re good too. They do a great job at staying true to the original and it looks like a solid game so far, while of course it’s still in a very alpha development stage. I think from the looks of this very first gameplay footage, it looks very promising. Upper City Taris and Tatooine look great. In the footage, you can even see the…
Star Wars Humble Bundle II
Here is your chance to get KOTOR 1 and 2 if you hvae not already, and there are some other great awesome games. I wrote before about the last Star Wars Humble Bundle and I’ve expressed before how much I love this service. You get great games at discounted prices, you get to support charity and support the developers. I’ve gotten some awesome indie games from here that I never would have heard about otherwise, too. But anyway, back to Star Wars! Get the Star Wars Humble Bundle here before it goes away. As of the time of writing this, you have 3 days left to snag your bundle. It includes: The Star Wars Bundle strikes back. It is a bright time for Star Wars fans. Hot on the heels of the new movie, we’ve combined forces with Disney Interactive to create a bundle filled with classic games! Pay what…
Is Star Wars Rebels Making Old Republic Canon?
Since the Disney buyout of Star Wars, there is one thing that’s been bothering fans and that is the direction of the story line. Many Star Wars stories have just been thrown out completely. Some of the real classic stories are still around under Legends but so many good stories are just gone. There’s so much more that could be done with Star Wars and it seems like Disney isn’t interested in changing that. There is one exception to this rule, however: Star Wars Rebels. It looks like Rebels might be bringing back the most beloved EU story canon – Knights of the Old Republic. Nerd Union has written a great piece about this. Here’s a few of the reasons they give: The ships in the holo when Princess Leia brought supplies They Keep Developing the Mandalorians The Great Scourge of Malachor For the full reasoning behind these hints, read the full article,…
KOTOR is Getting a Fan Made HD Unreal Engine 4 Reboot
Attention fans of KOTOR: you are going to love this! For how long have fans been saying they want KOTOR back or a KOTOR 2? Well, you’re getting something along those lines with this KOTOR reboot. Wait, can they even do that? Actually, they can and here they explain why and how: “Engine refresh of games has been around since the 80’s and some have become very sucessful. Games like Black Mesa did it with Half Life and Renegade X rebuilt Command and Conquer in the Unreal Engine 3. This is a full conversion refresh, that being said you will have to own a copy of the orginal game in order to play Apeiron since we are using the orginal audio and music. At it’s core Apeiron is the most instense KotOR modification ever.” Apeiron is a reboot of the Knights of the old Republic that was released in 2003. Apeiron…
Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber and KOTOR – Is There a Link?
If you’ve seen the new film already (and if you haven’t, how are you avoiding the spoilers?!) then you may have even picked up on this already, especially if you were a big KOTOR player/fan. Some are saying there is a possible link between Kylo Ren’s lightsaber in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the old beloved Star Wars video game, Knights of the Old Republic. If this link is true, it could bring things around in terms of Star Wars film canon. Eurogamer.net takes a look at this theory: There’s a believable link between Kylo Ren’s crossguard Lightsaber and, specifically, Knights of the Old Republic 2, although KOTOR1 and Star Wars: The Old Republic have to be included because of their shared timeline and, particularly, main character Revan. The link regards the origins of Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber, and a revelatory paragraph in a “Visual Dictionary” book accompanying the film….
The Old Republic: Rescue Mission – (2015) Short Film
What if the only way to be a hero was to become a villain? This short fan film from Torrm Productions will answer that question for you. It’s a fantastic film that really defines true Star Wars fans. The effects, the sounds and the music (featuring KOTOR themes) was all superb. It officially released on October 18th and already many fans are asking for a sequel. The film runs a little over 20 minutes in length so it’s a good quickie you can watch after work or while taking a break. It’s well-acted, the story is on point, and it’s also shot very well. The special effects work is decent too. All in all, it’s a high quality film for what they had to work with. If you have not seen it yet, you absolutely should make some time in your schedule to do so. As far as fan films…
The Old Republic: Rescue Mission – (2015) Short Film
Many fans of Star Wars think that the best Star Wars game that was ever made it Knights of the Old Republic, and some will disagree. There is a new Australian fan film that has been between the events of the Drew Karpyshyn’s novel and the KOTOR game, and it’s actually quite good. It’s not just good for a fan made film, but it’s actually really good. It stinks that the expanded universe stuff has all been voted as non-canon during the wake of the upcoming movies. However, in a strange way it puts all of the half-decent fan-fiction on an even level with things like the game. In other words, it seems to make it easier for certain people to have great fun with the Star Wars world. No matter what, this is actually a high quality production and it features great acting and perfect outfits. It’s definitely worth…
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 Official Update
After 10 years and seemingly out of nowhere, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 got a large update on Steam. It incorporated support for controllers, widescreen display support, 5K resolution and Steam Cloud saves. Then on October 18th, it happened again. While not as big as the update from earlier in the year, it still contained many significant changes. See an overview here: Thanks to everyone who submitted achievements for this update! User generated content is loads of fun for us, and we hope everyone out there enjoys them. Universal Changes: – Added 20 user-generated achievements (see pinned thread for details) – Fixed an issue with Pet Rock achievement not unlocking in TSLRCM – Fixed a crash when adding more than five mods – Fixed two issues tied to Mouse Look – Fixed an issue with the controller menu appearing on top of dialog screens – Fixed an…
Rumor Says Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is Being Remade for Xbox One and PS4
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is one of the most popular Star Wars games to ever be. We’ve talked about it a great deal here on the site and we are very excited about a rumor that suggests there might be a remake being created for XBox One and PS4. It’s still just a rumor so take it for what it’s worth but we are excited at the possibility that this might happen. Cinelinx reports on the rumor: One of the most popular and critically acclaimed Star Wars games ever released is over a decade old now, and for the last few years many fans have been clamoring for an updated version of the game for current consoles…Well guys it looks like next year you’ll be getting your wish. Come inside to learn more! Before I get into this scoop too much, I want to clarify something….
New Update For Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic II
Fans of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords, which was released in 2004, is receiving an official update with new features and fixes. This new update covers Linux, Mac, and Windows versions of the game when purchased through Steam. It’s introducing a variety of new features, like widescreen resolutions of up to 4K and 5K, 37 more achievements, Steam Workshop integration, and controller support. The last feature is really awesome because it allows anyone to have access and install user-created add-ons for the game inside of Steam client. One item that is available already is the KotoOR II’s popular “Restored Content Mod,” and it repairs a variety of bugs and introduces new story content that was made for but not originally included in the game. Developer Obsidian Entertainment has been working under the gun for the last months of the games developments. This is…
Massivelyop: swtors upcoming expansion builds on the legacy of KOTOR
Recently, Massivelyop.com sat down with BioWare at E3 to talk about the new Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. They were also lucky enough to see some of it in action. So, what is Fallen Empire you might ask? It’s much more than just an expansion, it’s a return to BioWare’s amazing storytelling adventure in the Star Wars galaxy. The best part of all is that Knights of the Fallen Empire is only the very beginning. The new expansion is called a season because there are more seasons on the way. In Knights of the Fallen Empire, you will see that every choice and decision you make, matters. There have been many choices in SWTOR but they didn’t really have much of an effect. When your character makes a choice in Knights of the Fallen Empire, it has immediate consequences and long-term ones as well. One choice that they…
KOTOR Mod: The Jedi Masters
You can get the new, non-beta version of the KOTOR mod, The Jedi Masters from their website now. This is a story converstion mod for Kotor 2 :The Sith Lords. See the website at www.the-jedi-masters.com for full details. You can learn more at the official Wiki. Here are some good sections to start with: Characters Main Quests (walkthrough) Sub-quests You can see the trailer here to learn more about The Jedi Masters, if you’re not already familiar.
Revenge of Revan Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II Mod
Here’s something really cool that’s ready (in beta) for you to download now and check it out. RevengeofRevan.com Developer Blog asks, “Can a mod be created that won’t disrupt KOTOR canon and still allow players to continue their stories from KOTOR1 and KOTOR2? Ever since the MMO was announced along with the Revan book, this has been on my mind. The short answer is: yes, it can be done. But the next part is, how you can do this without putting yourself in a corner and hurting your creative freedom?”” Revenge of Revan (RoR) does exactlly that. It will allow fans to continue their story based on the choices they make in the last two games so they can continue while still fitting the KoTOR canon. Even with the non-strict canon choice the story for the mod will still fit nicely between KOTOR2 and SWTOR in the large grand scheme of…
Knights of the Old Republic: Broken Souls – A Fan Film
A Darth Revan vs Darth Nihilus fan film! What more do you need?! You know how we love cool videos here, especially fan created and submitted stuff. So here we have Knights of the Old Republic: Broken Souls – A Fan Film. Here’s a little info from the description: Darth Revan and his Sith general Meetra Surik, hunt down a monster that threatens the newly established Sith Empire. Winner of the 2015 Best Visual Effects Star Wars Fan Film Award. Darth Revan has long since reclaimed his mantle as Dark Lord of the Sith. But a greater evil has emerged and if the Sith are to survive, Revan must lead an attack against this new threat. “The Lord of Hunger”“. The following film is a work of Non-Canon fan fiction. It is inspired by the alternate Dark Side Ending storyline as seen at the end of Knights of the Old Republic….
KotOR 3 or KotOR Remaster!
Do you ever wish that you could bring back your favorite game? Do you ever want to find a way to express your needs for a remaster or reboot of an old classic? Video game companies are listeing today. The developers understand the importance of keeping the gamers happy. Without the fans, they have nothing. So this is why this little petition over at ipetitions.com might actually gain some ground. What could we possibly do as a community to make BioWare, Disney, EA, pretty much anybody acknowledge how much we want a KotOR 3 or KotOR remaster. Its been 12 years since the game we love so much was released, not to mention 10 since KotOR 2. Battlefront 3 is coming, but still, no mention of our beloved KotOR. Don’t they see how many people want this? Plus the amount of money they would make…hype it up with good promotions…
Making KOTOR 2 Beautiful
You know how I just love to share really awesome things the fans do. Well, here we have something very interesting. This is a collection of images from KOTOR 2 making Peragus/KOTOR more beautiful. You can check it out for yourself below. A description from the creator: “Welcome to my collection of heavily modded kotor 2 playthrough part 1. I am currently suffering a game breaking bug at the end of Peragus but as soon as that’s fixed I’ll put up some screenshots of the rest of the playthough if there is any interest in them! I will post the mod list as soon as I can. There is lots of amazing work being showed here and they all deserve all the credit in the world.” Peragus in HD So there you have it in high definition. We think it’s pretty awesome. If you were a KOTOR fan, let us…