Knights of the Old Republic, which holds the title as being both one of the greatest Star Wars games and one of the greatest games in general, is now finally available on Android. The game have been Available for well over a year on iOS, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was developed by Bioware, the company responsible for every great western RPG of the last fifteen years. Released in 2003, it was the prequel saga we both needed and deserved. Set four thousand years before the fall of Anakin Skywalker and rise of the Galactic Empire. Jedi are so ubiquitous that no one is even impressed with them anymore. The game puts you into a pivotal role during the great Jedi / Sith war which would shape the galaxy for millennia to come. The developer notes that because the game hasn’t been “slimmed down” in anyway, the file…
LEGO Star Wars Sith Fighter Knights of the Old Republic
There is a really cool project over on LEGO Ideas that we want to tell you about. STAR WARS – Sith Fighter – Knights of the Old Republic is a project we very much want to see happen. It currently has 16 days left and nearly 700 supporters at the time we write this. Here is some info from the description: The Sith fighter was a starfighter that formed the bulk of Darth Revan and Darth Malak‘s space forces during the Jedi Civil War, as portrayed in the videogame STAR WARS – Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), nearly 4000 years before Darth Vader’s rising to power. Revan (soon to be included in this set has a minifig) is the main protagonist of Knights of the Old Republic. As the Dark Lord of the Sith and Master of Darth Malak, Revan was led into a trap where a Jedi strike…
Being evil in Knights of The Old Republic
For a game that has been out for 11 years the Knights of the Old Republic (KoTOR) is still getting a lot of attention. Maybe it was the release of Star Wars the Old Republic that reminded us of how amazing the original game was. Maybe it was last years’ release of KoTOR for iOS that reminded us that a great game remains great regardless of the platform. Or maybe it’s just the realization that the original game remains a benchmark for all RPG games.
List of KotOR I and KotOR II Armors Currently in Game/Coming Soon
If you’re interested in of KotOR I and KotOR II armor in SWTOR, then here is a post you do not want to miss. User LtGeneralGezlin on the official SWTOR forums has done a lot of heavy work for us and compiled a HUGE list of armors in game and armors coming soon or not yet available. You can check it out in full here but we’re going to cover snippets of it today. This guide is huge and ongoing and has been updated since last year so rather than compete and try to create our own, we want to link you to the one that is already done and done well. Here’s a snippet of it: **The KotOR I Ebon Hawk Crew** #1 Carth Onasi’s armor set #2 Bastila Shan’s Jedi robes #3 Jolee Bindo’s outfit #4 Darth Revan’s armor set (Say what you may about it, but it is a KotOR armor regardless.) #5…
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Anniversary Edition?
How much would you like to see a KOTOR Anniversary Edition? If you answered high, you are not alone. There are many fans out there who are anxiously awaiting word that we might see an Anniversary Edition for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. And word has it, Microsoft executive Phil Spencer thinks this sounds like a good idea. Responding to a fan on Twitter, Spencer revealed KOTOR was one of his top 5 RPGs, alongside Ultima Online, The Bard’s Tale, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Fallout and Baldur’s Gate. He was then asked if we would see an Anniversary Edition of the game, as we have done with both Fable and Halo. While he acknowledged potential difficulties centered around developments since then, he also said he would discuss it internally to see if Microsoft could make it happen. @JacobTaylorN7 I like the idea. No idea how the rights would…
KOTOR 3 Fan Game In Development
KOTOR is still today one of the most popular Star Wars games ever made and the irony of it is that when it was first announced, many people questioned the fact that Star Wars would make an RPG and that it would be any good. Imagine the surprise once fans got to check out this amazing game?
KOTOR Machinima Film – Episode 2
Hello KOTOR fans! We have something really cool to share with you from a loyal reader and talented Star Wars/ KOTOR fan. Kevin Smets’ KOTOR machinima film – Episode 2 is getting a screening on the big screen at this upcoming MAGFest (a videogames and music festival in January). You can see the main MAGFest site in the coming weeks for the exact show time and we will keep you posted on news and updates as the time gets closer. Here’s the official movie poster for Episode II: The wait is almost over… it’s been three years since the release of Episode 1, and now, the Veil of the Dark Side is about to fall! Enjoy the official theatrical trailer for “Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic Episode II: Veil of the Dark Side. KOTOR Episode II is **not** made for money, it is a NON PROFIT project. It…
KOTR for iPad Reviews and Purchase Info
If you are an Apple iPad user and you love KOTOR you will be happy to know about the release of KOTOR for iPad. Released on May 30th by Aspyr Media, this game now comes on the iPad and gives you many great features and story to enjoy. It’s available in the iTunes Store and it’s a real must-have for KOTOR and Star Wars fans. KOTOR remains one of the best Star Wars games ever to launch so there is really no question about whether or not you should play it. The main question, however, is whether or not it’s playable on the iPad. While the controls are a little clumsy, it’s a great solid game and with it, you can take the Force with you wherever you go! See reviews of KOTOR for the iPad: IGN Review of KOTOR for iPad Eurogamer Review of KOTOR for the iPad MacWorld…
KOTOR is 10 Years Old- SWTOR and Bioware Celebrate
July 15th marks the 10-year anniversary for Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™ (KOTOR™). Bioware and fans across the globe are celebrating today and we want to bring you a roundup of some of the great posts, stories and interviews of the big day. The Game Agent Blog brings us 10 Years of KOTOR: An Interview with Lead Designer James Ohlen which interviews KOTOR Lead Designer James Ohlen from BioWare about his experience on KOTOR. Here is a snippet: Jon Carr: Can you introduce yourself to our readers and explain the role you had in creating Knights Of The Old Republic? James Ohlen: My name is James Ohlen. Currently I’m a VP/Studio Creative Director at EA/Bioware. I’ve worked as Game Director on Star Wars: The Old Republic as well as lead designer on Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age: Origins. I was the lead designer on Star Wars:…
Celebrate KOTOR’s 10 Year Anniversary in SWTOR
It was hinted at more than once previously that we would have the chance to celebrate KOTOR’s 10th Anniversary in some way in SWTOR. Well today we have an official announcement of what this will include. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me and I’m actually glad to see Bioware using this opportunity to celebrate KOTOR in SWTOR. However, these planned events are one-day-only so it sucks if you’re going to be away on summer vacation or something. Take a look at the timelines for the celebration and see if you can check in. Maybe fire up your laptop on the hotel WiFi and grab your brand new title. Or hop on over to Facebook page and try to snag some free Cartel Coins in the giveaway. This news article was shared this evening: Celebrate KOTOR’s 10 Year Anniversary We are happy to announce that on July 15th we…
KOTOR and SWTOR Combine for 10th Anniversary
Those who know me know that I love social media, and for good reason, as it connects us in ways that could never be possible before. It’s a great tool for extending your gaming connections as well. And it also helps us remain in contact with our favorite game updates and staff. Which brings us to a little tidbit from Twitter and Cory Butler this week. A couple of days ago a conversation happened that many might have missed. It’s such a small thing, yet says so much, especially for fans of SWTOR and KotOR. @AlexDGeslin asked @BlazeofCory Hey, I was wonder, are there any plans celebrate KotOR 1’s 10th anniversary on the #cartelmarket ? #swtorfamily BioWare Producer Cory Butler answered Alex Geslin’s question on Twitter and this would spark more questions about just what his answer meant and what we might all expect to see from SWTOR for the 10th anniversary….
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic: Number One On iPad Ap Charts
As we mentioned yesterday, Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic is now available on Ipad. Today we learned that KOTOR is Number One On iPad Ap Charts. So… Did you guys get the game yet?
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic now on iPad
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic can now be acquired now from Apple’s App Store for a penny shy of seven pounds. That’s expensive for an app, but gets you the entire game, and many hours of gameplay. If you haven’t already played it, you should definitely get it now. You can also get the game for the low price of $9.99 for the Steam version. The game itself is a turn-based role-playing game that drops you into the Old Republic Because the iPad has no physical controls, developer Aspyr has bolted on some touch controls, that see you dragging your finger around the screen to make your character run around. Gaming site IGN has reviewed the game already and says that the movement controls are a little clunky, though because combat involves tapping on-screen buttons to key up attacks, the action sequences work well with the touchscreen. The bad news is that Apple’s site says you’ll need…
Global SWTOR Cosplay Swag
What’s up everyone out in the Star Wars diaspora! We here at SWTORStrategies have previously brought to your attention some epic SWTOR Cosplay models bringing the vision of SWTOR to real life, with menacing smiles, banging blasters and deadly lightsabers! Legendary SWTOR journalist Lisa Mason, wrote these previous articles on two cosplay masters, who brought excellent renditions of Grand Master Satele Shan to planet Earth. Shanoa Abby Dark-Star But these aren’t the only two who did the work for costume design, photo shoots and even some post image production effects. Today, we’re going to share some of those masterpieces which come from numerous countries like Spain, France, New Zealand, the United States and the Netherlands. I’m going to have to look deeper into Japan’s Cosplay movement, because I know I missed some of their work. Though I don’t believe SWTOR was ever released in Japanese. If you find yourself impressed,…
TOR TV: SWTOR Explained #8: Meetra Surik Part 1
xZeroTolerence55x is back with a new video telling the back story ( lore) of Star Wars: The old republic. Finishing off the story of Revan we now see the story of the Jedi Exile which is the person you play in Knight of the Old republic 2. This is an awesome movie to check out if you haven’t played KOTOR 2 yet.
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II Restored Content Mod
Many SWTOR players were fans of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and if you’re missing the game, there is now a new, fun option for you. One of the greatest Star Wars video games ever made is back, 8 years after its release. LucasArts is releasing a combo package called Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Collection, Now fans can experience the Jedi role playing game from BioWare along with the Obsidian-developed sequel, both of which set the stage for Star Wars: The Old Republic as we know it today. Obsidian’s sequel Knights of the Old Republic II—The Sith Lords was well known as being a disappointing letdown to excited fans who waited for it and then got a buggy, basically unplayable game. It had a rushed development and launched with far too many flaws in place. So players, fans and modders set out to fix it the way they…
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Collection Coming This Summer
LucasArts is about to re-release the KOTOR series to stores. GameStop and Amazon have listed Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Collection as a bundle pack for the two single-player role-playing games. It’s only weeks from release, too. The compilation has appeared on GameStop’s internal system and is listed as a PC exclusive carrying a $20 price tag. The first game in the series (developed by BioWare) was released to critical acclaim in July 2003 for Xbox, and later for PC. KOTOR came to Mac via Steam just a few months ago. Obsidian developed the game’s sequel, which launched on Xbox in December 2004. They are both excellent games, that I recoment you try out, if you haven’t played them yet. After all, they are the prequels to Star Wars: The old republic. If you can’t wait until the games are re-realeased, you can check out the first part…
TOR TV: The KOTOR Song (time to rumble)
i will be your doo doo, i will be your doom! I never thought I would hear an autotuned wookie…I was wrong. This was awesome. All the SWTOR hype got me wanting to replay KOTOR. And replaying KOTOR got me wanting to remix KOTOR. The instrumental music was all done by me with Logic Pro. Game footage was recorded with Fraps. The video editing was done with Sony Vegas. I usually use Final Cut but I was too lazy to convert the fraps video files to mp4 and move them to the OSX partition of my computer. Maybe someday I’ll be a Machinima director. That would be awesome. But I hope you peeps like this video.
KOTOR: Now widescreen with new content and customizable robes!
Thinking about trying out KOTOR before SWTOR comes out? Sure you do – if not, your missing out. If you already played it, you know how awesome it is – but here is a chance to make it even more cool. JAG from fileplanet has created a list of mods that will make the game even more mind blowing then it was the first time you played it. Here is a short run down of the most important: Widescreen Modification by Widescreengaming: The original game lacks widescreen support that brings those lovely Twi’lek females up to date. Using this file, you will be able to boost the resolution to modern wide-screen monitors. Make sure your game is patched and Steam versions follow this guide¨.. Power Overwhelming Mod by Niuhaka: Now that the game is looking good, it’s time to make your character into the gorgeous badass he should be. This amazing modification will replaces the third male Asian head…
Know your Lore: Yuthura Ban
Yuthura Ban was the Twi’lek apprentice of the Sith Master Uthar Wynn, the head of the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. Even though she herself was an apprentice, Yuthura was also a lead instructor and mentor at the Sith Academy. She respected initiative and cunning in her students and was not short of either herself. Like most of the Force-sensitives at the academy, she wore the uniform of a Sith officer as opposed to robes. Originally from Sleheyron, Yuthura was a slave to Omeesh the Hutt, a cruel Master who tortured his slaves regularly. Craving vengeance and determined not to simply be “nothing,” Yuthura maneuvered herself into a position to strike out at her master, slitting “the drunken worm”‘s throat while in his bedchamber. As she fled Sleheyron by stowing aboard a cargo ship, it was inevitable that she would be discovered by the crew. They…
Know your lore: Uthar Wynn
Uthar Wynn was a Sith Master and the leader of the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. His Sith Apprentice was Yuthura Ban. Uthar Wynn was created as a villain for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Wynn was voiced by veteran voice actor Tom Kane. Wynn later received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was released in 2008. There are multiple choices for the player to make in Knights of the Old Republic regarding Uthar Wynn’s fate. Revan could side with Ban and kill Wynn. Once completed, Ban would turn on Revan. After her defeat, Ban would plead for mercy and Revan would spare her life and allow her to assume the position of the Academy Headmaster. A second choice involves Revan not allying with either Wynn or Ban; both Wynn and Ban attack him and are killed. A third option has…
Know your lore: Dustil Onasi
Dustil Onasi was a member of the Onasi family, and son of the war veteran Carth Onasi who served the Galactic Republic Navy during the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War and aftermath at the Battle of Telos IV. Dustil was born on Telos IV and raised mostly by his mother due to his father being of the soldiery. During the bombardment and destruction of Telos IV’s surface during the Jedi Civil War, his mother was killed and Dustil was assumed dead, but in fact he survived and gained dislike for the Galactic Republic and his father for their inability to save Telos IV. He, as a Force-sensitive, trained in the Dreshdae colony of Korriban at the Sith Academy to become a Dark Jedi. However, he was discovered by his father and Revan and convinced to return to the light. He also convinced several of his friends to turn from the…
Drew Karpyshyn Discusses “Revan”
One of the most anticipated novels for SWTOR fans this year must be the Revan by Drew Karpyshyn. The books will be out later this year and should give some answers to what happened to one of the all time biggest force users. If you are like me must have been wondering what has happen to the guys, but also how strong his force powers actually is. In Drew Karpyshyn latest blog posts he addresses this issue. Apparently a book about me playing video games – being the ultimate pownzor – won’t work in books. Karpyshyn states that video games and novels works in different ways and “are meant to convey different experiences and the two representations of the character simply cannot be laid on top of each other.” – witch is kind off dull really, and might be the main reason why I play way more videos games then read books. To…
Know your Lore: Chodo Habat
Chodo Habat was a male Ithorian Force Adept, and leader of the herd that oversaw the Telosian Restoration Project after the Bombing of Telos IV. He was a respected spiritual leader among his people because of his ability to feel the Force. He helped the Jedi Exile regain some of her own Force-sensitivity in exchange for her help in dealing with Czerka Corporation and local Exchange boss Loppak Slusk, whose combined action of sabotage had brought the Restoration project to a halt. Eventually, his efforts made the planet’s atmosphere suitable for life again, after it had been turned into acidic vapor by the Sith bombardment. Twenty other worlds would benefit from his success. If the player sides with Jana Lorso, then Chodo and Moza will refuse to speak with them. It is possible, however, to work for Chodo yet still smuggle some of his possessions to Samhan Dobo, the Exchange…