Star Wars: Battlefront has sold over 12 million units and with the hit movie, The Force Awakens still killing it in the box office, it’s probably going to make the sales of Star Wars video games only go up even more. While Star Wars: Battlefront has gotten some less-than-stellar reviews, that hasn’t stopped tons of people from buying it and wanting to try it for themselves. Since its release in November, it’s sold around 12-13 million units, and with its price tag of $55 on average, that means around $660 million in revenue. According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, Electronic Arts EA -0.64% sold approximately 6 million Star Wars Battlefront games in November and an additional 6 million in December. Battlefront doesn’t directly tie into the movie The Force Awakens as far as timeline and content goes but the sheer popularity of the movie could definitely create more people who are interested in playing…
other starwars games
30 Years of Hoth in Battle
For as long as I’ve been alive, developers have been trying to get the planet of Hoth right in video games. Here, Kotaku takes a look at Hoth in Video Games: A 30 Year Battle and explores games that got it right and those that got it not quite right, and everything in between. It all began in 1982 (the year I was born) with Atari’s “The Empire Strikes Back”“. For the time and the Atari 2600, this was a fine looking game. There was then a 1983 arcade version and in 1985, a follow-up to that arcade version, also for the Atari. 10 years after the original, Nintendo gave us a game featuring Hoth for the NES. “The Empire Strikes Back” again made a presence in the video game console world. Hoth was looking pretty good by this version. I recall playing this one at a friend’s house but…
Insider Look at the Cancelled Darth Maul Game
A game starring Darth Maul, the popular Sith Lord who debuted in Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace… it sounded fantastic. So what happened? Many fans were left disappointed to hear that the Darth Maul Star Wars game would never be. Austin-based developer Red Fly Studio wanted to give a new experience and perspective to the Star Wars story. They wanted to show a dark coming-of-age tale, where players would witness and experience Maul as a young boy being forced into the Sith hierarchy. “We wanted people to see him as a kid kidnapped by emperor Palpatine and tortured – physically, mentally, and emotionally – becoming this powerful Sith Lord,” says a developer who worked on the project but wishes to remain anonymous. “You got angry, you got frustrated, and you made the same mistakes he did. No one has ever seen Sith training up close. No one has ever seen…
Will Next Star Wars Game Be Open World RPG?
Shut up and take my money! It’s all but confirmed at this point but it would seem the world is getting another Star Wars game (squee!) In a job listing for a senior game designer posted through EA developer Visceral Games, more information has been revealed about the next title and we’re excited. Leading up the project we have Ubisoft producer Jade Raymond and Uncharted writer Amy Hennig. From the job listing: THE CHALLENGE AHEAD: BRING YOUR SYSTEM GAME DESIGN SKILLS AND SAVVY AND YOUR LOVE OF STAR WARS TO VISCERAL GAMES, EMBRACING AND CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROJECT VISION IN AREAS OF HERO CONTROL/MECHANICS, AI BEHAVIORS, COMBAT/WEAPONS, CLASS DESIGN, SKILLS/PROGRESSION, ENEMY DESIGN, STORY AND BOSS ENCOUNTERS. If that doesn’t get you excited, we don’t know what will. Basically, the job description confirms that this will be an open world action RPG. With a great team behind the project and an awesome idea in…
Still Hope for Star Wars 1313
While it might seem that Star Wars 1313 is shelved forever, there might still be hope for the game. In an interview with Slashfilm, head of Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy, told the site that Lucasfilm is still looking at George Lucas’ live action Star Wars TV show, as well as Star Wars 1313. This is good news for fans of Star Wars games (like us!) who have feared the third-person action adventure was dead forever. Speaking of the TV show and the game, Kennedy said there is still hope. “We don’t want to throw any of that stuff away,” Kennedy told Slashfilm. “It’s gold. And it’s something we’re spending a lot of time looking at, pouring through, discussing, and we may very well develop those things further. We definitely want to.” The game was originally announced just before E3 in 2012, and some of you might remember us telling you about it. Then they showed…
I Played 13 Star Wars Mobile Games. Here are the Best.
Over the past couple years, we’ve seen a lot of new Star Wars games, just not where you might expect them: on your phone. There have been tons of new mobile games that have come out since Disney took over the franchise, from Rebels-themed kids’ games and puzzlers to tower defense and shooters. But are any of them any good? Do they stand up to the classics, like Rogue Squadron and Shadows of the Empire? I had to find out, so I sat down and played 13 of them. It took me a while, but here’s what I found out. The Best: Knights of the Old Republic It’s getting old now, but this game has translated remarkably well to mobile platforms. The controls are really easy to use, the gameplay is intuitive, and the story is a classic one that stands the test of time. The graphics are what you’d expect for a game that’s…
Star Wars Card Game: A Story from Memory Lane
Ah, card games… an interesting little pastime that has grown in popularity since Wizards of the Coast put out Magic: The Gathering in 1993. I was still young then and it would be a few years more before I started playing but I still play MTG today. I played a lot of card games over the years, none in as much depth as MTG (except maybe Pokemon – don’t judge). However, there is one card game I really wish I had played more of. My friend came to school with a deck one day and we were very much enthralled. It was the Star Wars Card Game. To play, you needed a 60-card deck with your characters, locations and effects. It was pricey to build a deck, especially if you were particular about playing your favorite Star Wars characters or scenes. Just like most card games, they were sold in individual packs…
Disney Star Wars Arcade
Looking to get your Star Wars game fix while you await the big movie reveal? If you have not yet visited the Star Wars Arcade from Disney, you need to check this out. When you first visit the website, it will take you on a little tour of the site, starting with your Star Wars Room. Inside, you get to name your room. Then you can decorate your room to personalize it a bit. You are then given some arcade tokens. The tokens allow you to buy different backgrounds and decor in your room. From your room you can see trophies earned from playing games as well. You can play games like Star Wars Rebels, Yoda’s Jedi Training, Team Tactics, Rebel Strike, Ghost Raid, Live Fire, Sharpshooter – Clone Training, Racer Rush, Jawa Junkyard, Galactic Spy and Agent P. Rebel Spy. They are often adding new games to their arcade…
Footage from Cancelled Star Wars Game Revealed
We’ve talked before here about the many cancelled Star Wars games. Between those that have been shut down and those that never made it to production, it’s enough to make a Star Wars fan’s heart break. This is why many of us get so hopeful when a new game is released. Star Wars First Assault was a FPS that was shut down back in 2012. Now and again we hear rumors about this but for the most part, we assume that any real evidence of this game has gone the way of the dodo. That was until… some footage mysteriously appeared online. Leave it to the Internet to uncover the obscure. An extended gameplay video surfaced earlier this month and shows the multiplayer aspect of the game. No actual combat is shown but we get a good look at a base in Tatooine, the would-be weapons and a decent look…
Star Wars: Republic Commando – The Darkest Star Wars FPS
If you remember Star Wars Republic Commando, you know that it’s not only one of the most amazing Star Wars FPS games but it was also the darkest. There are two things that have occurred in the last couple of months to give us a reminder that Star Wars Republic Commando was one of the most influential Star Wars shooter games ever. First off, there is now Halo 5 Guardians and its brand new feature, squad commands, which owes quite a bit to Republic Commando’s gameplay. And this month , Star Wars Battlefront was released, which is the franchise’s first FPS since 2005. When Republic Commando was released it dished out one of the darkest storylines that has been told in Star Wars. Republic Commando was put on shelves for fans to enjoy at an interesting time during LucasArts history. When The Force Unleased was put out in 2004 it became…
Yoda could have been the main character in the force unleashed 2
When The Force Unleashed 2 brought back the character that is Starkiller, most fans were confused, even more so when the story turned out to be quite short. This story was not always the plan and the original ideas for the game would have had new characters and a completely different story. When a writer for Cinelinx had a conversation with the former LucasArts creative director, Haden Blackman, they became enlightened. The ending to the first Force Unleashed game, we saw Starkiller kill himself on Death Star during the battle against Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. His sacrifice allowed his friends to have a chance to escape and they went on to become the Rebellion as we know it today, until this was wiped out by the new canon. Once LucasArts let everyone know that Starkiller would be coming back for the sequel, many fans where very confused. The game…
Bespin Is Finally Unlocked in Star Wars: Uprising
Ever since Star Wars: Uprising was released on Android and iOS electronics around two months ago, it’s certainly gotten a loyal fan base of people who just want to free the Galaxy from Imperial enslavement. Of course they also want to collect all of the items, upgrade their crew and characters, and earn a ton of credits while they play. When the game was released it had five playable planets and they are Burnin Konn, Hoth, Anoat, Mataou, and Bespin. However, the fifth planet, Bespin, stayed out of every players reach. The game lets players have the chance to push the boundaries of where the story will go next. Every player has the opportunity to play five assault missions every day. When you repeatedly attack imperial settlements for a few days, the bar for “sector battles” will rise on each planet that is being attacked. Once the bar reaches its…
Ten of the best Star Wars apps and games
No matter if you want to roleplay as a Jedi warrior or record your very own Star Wars scene, the app stores will always provide. There are Star Wars fans all around the world that are hoping that the new film The Force Awakens will be as good as its promotional clip makes it look. The sales for early tickets suggests that there is quite a bit of optimism at this point. With less than two months to go until the new movie hits theaters, how can you possibly fill the time? There are plenty of Star Wars themed apps for that. Actually, Star Wars has generated an entire mini-industry of mobile games and apps in its very own right. The following is a list of 10 of the best apps to fuel your Force and anywhere you see “IAP”, it means in-app purchases. Star Wars: Free Android/iOS There are…
The Force Unleashed 3: What Might Have Been
Have you ever thought about what might have been if the developers ever got the chance to finish making The Force Unleashed 3? It’s a realistic question for fans, especially fans of the series, and now we might have a few answers to our speculations. Former LucastArts Creative Director Haden Blackman spoke with about the games and also what could be in store for the franchise in the future. Here is a snippet from the initial post by cinelinx: The Force Unleashed games were a big deal, and became multi-media endeavors for Lucasfilm, serving as a “canonical” tale set just before the events of the original trilogy. While that’s since been changed, the games are still something fans think about, mostly because of the way it told a new Star Wars story. While many fans weren’t pleased with the rushed and too short The Force Unleashed II, many have wondered what…
Star Wars: a short history in video games
Star Wars fans are getting more anxious with each passing day, as we get closer to December when The Force Awakens is released. However, for avid gamers the franchise has never disappeared. From the early day of arcade gaming to recreating Star Wars movies in Lego form, Star Wars is definitely here to stay. Let’s take a look at the history of Star Wars gaming. Star Wars 1983 A widely popular arcade game that used the 3D color vector graphics to show off Luke’s attack on the Death Star in an X-wing fighter is always a beloved classic. Super Star Wars 1992 This beloved SNES title was a 2D running and gunning, equipped with platforming sections and includes piloting vehicles. It had many different playable characters with different actions and abilities. Star Wars: TIE Fighter 1994 This is a MAC and PC sequel to the previous Star Wars: X-Wing. It…
Best Star Wars Games Of The 16-Bit Generation: Do You Agree?
Anyone who has read my posts here knows that I am a Star Wars games fan. I think most of us can say the same, that’s why you’re here reading this. What you might not know is that I am also a big fan of the 16-bit generation. I was born in the 80s and I grew up in the heyday of the Super Nintendo and SEGA Genesis generations. has written a post featuring the best Star Wars games of the 16-bit generation and I gotta say, the nostalgia is strong! After looking over their list, I have to say that I agree with most of them. Here are the games that made their list. You can read the full post to see why they chose each one. Star Wars: X-Wing As a girl, I dreamed of being a pilot. Flight simulator games have long been a favorite of…
StarWars Uprising: Gear Types and Stats
There is a great post in the Uprising Subreddit that gives you all the info you need to know about gear types and stats. It has since been added to the game guides section so you can find it along with other great tools to help you in Star Wars: Uprising. Here is an overview: All the gear in the game has 3 primary stats, and 0 to 3 secondary stats. All of those stats can belong to one of 3 main categories: Offensive, Defensive and Utility. Please note that only Offensive and Defensive stats matter for PR, while Utility has more intangible advantages. At the moment precise correlation between the stats in the PR formula is unknown; it is clear that there’s no simple arithmetic addition or even multiplication, there’s more behind the curtain, but at least it’s clear that the addition of more stat usually gives more PR than comparison…
The Force Awakens First Order Hints In Star Wars: Uprising?
In this previous September, the Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens campaign began. This came along with a lot of brand new comics, books, and more clues that have started piecing together the 30 years that happens between Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. The new mobile game called Star Wars: Uprising was released with the rest of the above. The game follows a smuggler who helps the Rebels when one part of the Empire creates a blockade around the Anoat sector. This then sections off Hoth and Bespin from the other areas of the galaxy. The game will only be remembered as a way for players to be a smuggler, but it has plenty of hints in it about the future of Star Wars. One of these hints was initially found by a MakingStarWars reader, Shi, and this inspired others to…
Star Wars Uprising: Salvaging for Crystals? Here’s a Chart to Help
You know how we love to bring you tips, hints, tools, advice and other goodies related to Star Wars games. So here’s a neat chart to help you with Uprising. I have put together, What I belive is a really helpful reference chart to help if you are salvaging for crystals in Star Wars Uprising. He explains what he has done here: Here’s a flow chart I’ve put together from my own observations as a quick reference for anyone who is struggling to understand where to get what crystal as a means of upgrading their gear, weapons or crew. You can see that the chart is detailed and includes the things you need to know about searching for crystals. You can see where you get the crystals you need, the ranked rewards, sector battles and more. Now you can keep this handy in case you find yourself looking for specific crystals,…
Video: How Star Wars: Uprising connects Return of Jedi to Force Awakens
Star Wars games have a long history. While some have been a hit, others haven’t been. Some of the games capture the rich universe perfectly and makes it even enriched further. Others have used Star Wars to make a quick buck off of the fans and some should have probably known better when they purchased Kinect Star Wars. Star Wars: Uprising is a free mobile game and it connects some of the dots between Return of the Jedi and the upcoming installment of the Force Awakens. How much of the intervening period will it reveal? You have to play for a little while to find out or you can watch a video that this page is linked to at the bottom. The video is from Ian and he shows off some of the story’s opening scenes. Uprising is a type of Diablo dungeon crawler and its main focus is on…
Star Wars Battlefront Feels Like a PS2 Game
This week the Star Wars Battlefront beta made it to the scene and players are experiencing and analyzing it, as well as offering their first impressions. If you’ve tried it already, we want to know what you think in the comments. So, Star Wars Battlefront is available on the PlayStation 4, the PC, and the XBox One. We also want to know what platform you’re playing it on. EA is expecting to sell 9-10 million copies of this game. Yes, that’s 9-10 MILLION! Crazy, huh? When it comes to first impressions, we think one write-up from Polygon staff is pretty interesting. They had the chance to play the beta on each of the three platforms and took time to write up some initial thoughts and opinions. It’s well worth the entire read because you’ll see why he says the things he says but the closing statement sums it all up…
Former SWTOR Lead Writer Daniel Erickson Working on Chapter 2 for SW: Uprising
Curious what former Lead Writer for SWTOR Daniel Erickson has been up to lately? Well, his recent Tweet will set the record straight (sort of): Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Deep in dev on Chapter 2. Which is literally more than 150% the size of the entire present game. — Daniel Erickson (@DanielAErickson) September 26, 2015 The former Bioware writer is now Director of Star Wars: Uprising and like those of us here, a BIG Star Wars nerd. I don’t know about you but I love seeing people who are truly passionate about games work on games. Being a writer myself, I also have a special kind of love for game writers. It’s why I was such a fangirl over meeting Erickson and Alexander Freed. These guys are not in it for the money or for fame (so many don’t even recognize their names). They are in it…
A Starter Guide for Star Wars: Uprising
The newest mobile Star Wars game is from Kabam and it’s an online RPG called Star Wars: Uprising. We are sure that most of you have heard of this new mobile game by now but we are going to give you some great tips and strategies to use in the game. The games set is that you are a smuggler who is trying to earn money and work off his debt while the Empire strengthens its grasp on the galaxy with an “iron blockade.” Read on to learn some useful tips to take over Star Wars: Uprising. Your roll move is the best asset with enemies Star Wars: Uprising gives players access to a great roll move that will send you rolling away from enemies and danger when you are in a tight spot. All you need to do is double-tap on an area on the map and you will…
Star Wars: Uprising Review: The Mild Side of the Force
December is getting closer and we are all getting anxious and ready to visit the galaxy far, far away. The months that remain will not have any mercy on Star Wars fans that are shaking as they await more news about the upcoming Star Wars movie. The one thing that is making this wait even worse is that Disney has not been too shy about giving us supplementary merchandise that is based on the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie. For example, you can play Star Wars: Uprising, which is a mobile MMOG that seems to be running parallel with the upcoming movie’s events. At least, it mainly is the same but there are some moments when the game does not intersect with the new movie releasing in December. However, you should not worry because you will not ruin anything or cause any spoilers. That’s actually kind of hard to…