How Stuff Works: Ryyk Blade

A weapon that finds its origin on Kashyyyk, the ryyk blade is the traditional melee weapon carried by a Wookiee. Ryyk blades can vary in design based on their specific origin, but generally consist of sharpened blades with hide-wrapped grips. A Wookiee’s ryyk blade is considered, much like a bowcaster, a prized possession and weapon. It is often brandished with Wookiee writing, sometimes depicting great adventures that happened with the ryyk blades. A Wookiee who is able to successfully carry out a hunt with only a ryyk blade is held with high respect among his peers and clan members. The average ryyk blade weighs about thirty-three pounds, although this is nothing to a Wookiee, who is able to wield the weapon with blinding speed and agility. Traditional Wookiee combat styles emphasize brute force over finesse, although Wookiees use the weapons with great precision, wasting no energy or motion, making them…

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Faction lore: Czerka Corporation

Czerka Corporation, founded as Czerka Mining and Industrial, was a galaxy-spanning business. It controlled interests on Korriban, Kashyyyk, Taris, Tatooine, Telos IV, and countless other planets. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II—The Sith Lords, although not the primary villain, Czerka is presented as an amoral entity; not only they are allied with the Sith but frequently use underground means for their ends, such as stealing from rivals, having financial motivation for everything, using violence and slavery, hiring mercenaries, smuggling of weapons, etc. They will often ask the player some jobs which are generally “dirty.” In general, Czerka are the secondary villains, and the player follows the Czerka quests if he chooses the dark side options. However, that doesn’t mean that Czerka is a representative of the Dark Side or her employees are inherently evil: the Tatooine quests are the…

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How Stuff Works: The Star Forge

The Star Forge was a dark side artifact that was created by the Infinite Empire of the Rakata in 30,000 BBY, five thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Republic. A giant automated shipyard, the Star Forge drew energy, heat, and matter from a nearby star which, when combined with the power of the dark side, was capable of creating an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war material. It was constructed through the use of slaves from many subject worlds including, but not necessarily limited to, Corellia, Coruscant, Dantooine, Drall, Duro, Kashyyyk, Korriban, Manaan, Selonia, Sleheyron, Tatooine, and Ziost. It fed on the Force, drawing particularly from the cruel Rakata, corrupting it into an artifact of the dark side, and often times its user as well, which is why Darth Revan limited his contact with the Star Forge, lest it control him as it did the Rakata….

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The Old Republic vs. Knights of the Old Republic 3

The first Knights of the Old Republic game in 2003 was, as a few people may already know, the first thing that really got me into Star Wars; to this day I still remember the amazed feeling of awe I had when I first set foot on Taris and looked at the beautiful city landscape, the shining sun in the game adding to the mood of the setting. The feeling was really cinched when I reached the ultimate twist in the game; that you are in fact Darth Revan, the apparently dead Sith Lord who was betrayed by his (or her) Apprentice, Darth Malak. There’s never been anything that’s really been able to replicate the epicness of this game – even the sequel, penned by game company Obsidian, wasn’t quite as good. I’m one of the few people who thought that The Sith Lords was actually a great game; sure,…

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Species of Starwars: Wookies

The Wookiees, whose name for themselves translated to the People of the Trees, were a species of hairy bipedal humanoids that were inhabitants of the planet Kashyyyk. Biology and appearance The Wookiees’ natural habitat was the dense forests of the planet Kashyyyk (though one source does contend that they were immigrants to this planet). Kashyyyk was covered with massive wroshyr trees, in which the Wookiees constructed their homes and cities. Reportedly, Wookiees were descended from tree-climbing mammals. They had the ability to easily learn most languages. However, Wookiees lacked the vocal structure to speak anything other than their own languages. Adult Wookiees were tall, in excess of two meters in height, and were covered with a uniform, mid-length coat of thick hair in various shades of brown. Although albino Wookiees were rare, they were not unheard of. However, such a birth was generally held to be a bad omen, as…

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Planets of Star Wars the old republic: Corellia

Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. It was also the birthplace of smuggler and New Republic General Han Solo as well as Rogue Squadron pilot and New Republic hero Wedge Antilles, along with many other humans who played important roles in the histories of the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Galactic Alliance. Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the “Eldest Brother” or the “Eldest.” Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believed that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant. Geographic features Corellia’s surface was extremely temperate, dominated by rolling hills such as those of Bindreg, thick forests, lush farmland, golden beaches, and large seas. Snow-covered…

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Know your lore: Ebon Hawk

The Ebon Hawk was a Dynamic-class freighter and a smuggler ship that rose to fame due to its use around the time of the Jedi Civil War. It was well-known throughout the galaxy as a ship associated with the Exchange, and it passed through many hands before coming into the ownership of the amnesiac Jedi Revan. The ship then became instrumental in Revan’s search for the Star Forge. After Revan left known space, the ship eventually fell into the hands of the Jedi Exile, who used it on her quest to stop the Sith Triumvirate. The ship was heavily modified over the course of its life, to the point that it was difficult to determine its origins. With its extremely powerful hyperdrive, the ship was believed to be the fastest in the galaxy during its time. Description The interior of the ship was designed to accommodate a small crew, a…

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Species of Starwars: Trandoshan

Bioware just released a bunch of new screenshots for their Inhabitants section. The first one that caught My Eye was the above  screenshot of a Trandoshan. I personally used to play this race in Star Wars galaxies, so I thought it would be natural for us to cover this Species in this weeks “Species of Starwars“. Trandoshans (T’doshok in their language) were large, bipedal reptilian humanoids from the planet Trandosha (or Dosha). They had super-sensitive eyes that could see into the infrared range and the ability to regenerate lost limbs, although very slowly, and were anatomically built heavier and stronger than most humanoids, including Humans. They would also periodically shed their skin. Unlike some other reptilian humanoids such as the Barabels and the Ssi-ruuk, Trandoshans had no tails. The Trandoshans were a warlike species who allied early with the Empire, taking Wookiees as slaves. As a species, they were renowned…

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Know your lore: Jolee Bindo

Jolee Bindo is one of the most intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe, particularly for fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) video game series. A former Jedi who walked away from the Order, Jolee embodies a blend of wisdom, wit, and moral ambiguity that makes him a fan favorite. His journey from a disillusioned Jedi to a critical ally in the fight against the Sith is rich with complexity and depth. Let’s explore the character of Jolee Bindo across the old Legends continuity and the Disney canon. Introduction: The Complex Legacy of Jolee Bindo Jolee Bindo is a character who defies simple categorization, making him one of the most intriguing figures in the Star Wars universe. His journey from a rebellious Jedi to a wise hermit on Kashyyyk offers a deep exploration of the Force, personal growth, and the complexities of morality. This article delves into…

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Know your lore: Zaalbar

Know your lore: Zaalbar

Zaalbar, the towering and loyal Wookiee, is one of the most memorable characters from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). Known for his strength, sense of honor, and unwavering loyalty, Zaalbar plays a significant role in the journey of Revan and his companions. This article will explore Zaalbar’s origins, his role in KOTOR, and his impact on the broader Star Wars lore, while also delving into how his character is remembered in modern Star Wars media. Chapter 1: The Origins of Zaalbar A Wookiee from Kashyyyk Zaalbar, or “Big Z” as his friends fondly call him, hails from the lush and wild planet of Kashyyyk, a world that’s as dangerous as it is beautiful. Imagine living in a place where the trees are so tall that the sunlight barely reaches the ground, and the wildlife isn’t just wild—it’s downright terrifying. But for Zaalbar, this dense, towering forest was…

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Battles of the Star Wars Universe 3

This is a slideshow video of some of the many battles that take place throughout the expanded Star Wars universe and as well as battles that are seen in the Star Wars movies. I have used photos taken from comics, movies, novels, tv shows, and video games. The music used in this video includes: -Throne Room & End Title The battles featured in this video include: Galactic Civil War – 7 ABY – Battle of Tantive V Galactic Civil War – 7.5 ABY – Battle of Selaggis Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – – 9 ABY – Battle of Obroa-skai Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – 9 ABY – Battle of Sluis Van Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – 9 ABY – Battle for the Katana fleet Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – 9 ABY – Third Battle of Coruscant Galactic Civil War – 10 ABY – Fourth Battle of…

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Star Wars: Wrath of the Mandalorian

Driven by revenge, Boba Fett has helped The Empire hunt down and destroy the last of the known Jedi Knights. But with his prize close at hand, the final truth will lead him to an ultimate showdown with the darkest power in the Galaxy This Star Wars fan film has been on out for a while, but I hadn’t seen it until now — it’s pretty impressive for a fan film. Not only does it throw in Walkers and TIE Fighters flying over a forest as Jedis take cover I noticed even the wipes between scenes were done in a style identical to the actual movies, a nice detail touch. And it has Bob Fett in it! Years after the Clone Wars end, Darth Vader sends bounty hunter Boba Fett to Kashyyyk to track down the last of the Jedi. Fett, motivated by revenge for his father’s death, proves effective…

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Battles of the Star Wars Universe 2

This is a slideshow video of some of the many battles that take place throughout the expanded Star Wars universe and as well as battles that are seen in the Star Wars movies. We have used photos taken from comics, movies, novels, tv shows, and video games. The music used in this video includes (in order): Battle of the Heroes The Imperial March The Force Theme Duel of the Fates Watch in higher quality The battles features in this video include (note: The name of the battles are set in the conflict, year, battle and/or sub conflict): Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Kashyyyk Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Coruscant Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Utapau Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Mygeeto Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Felucia Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Second Battle…

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Star Wars Rarities: The Star Wars Holiday Special

The Star Wars Holiday Special is a two-hour television special (including commercials) set in the Star Wars galaxy. It was the first official Star Wars spinoff produced. It was directed by Steve Binder. It was broadcast in its entirety in the United States only once, on Friday, November 17, 1978 on CBS-TV from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST). In the story, Chewbacca and Han Solo visit Kashyyyk, Chewbacca’s home world, to celebrate Life Day. Along the way, they are pursued by agents of the Galactic Empire who are searching for rebels on the planet. The special introduces three members of Chewbacca’s family: his father Attichitcuk, his wife Mallatobuck, and his son Lumpawarrump. The main storyline of the film, which occurs two years after the Battle of Yavin (2 ABY), takes place on Kashyyyk. During the film, scenes also take place in outer space and in spacecraft…

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