
Free to Play SWTOR Weekend Again!

Have your friends tried SWTOR yet? Got any family members who want to try it out? Now you get the chance once again! I love anything free and that’s why I was so happy to see another free weekend for the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Weekend Pass Free Trial.  I have a lot of friends and family who still want to try out the game and now they will get another chance. According to the SWTOR website newsletter, “We want to thank everyone who has taken part in the program so far, and we want to continue allowing those of you who are curious about the game to have the chance to try The Old Republic™….” You can read the full article here: Free to Play SWTOR Weekend Again. The trial period for the The Old Republic™ starts on Thursday April 5, 2012 and goes on until Monday April…

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SWTOR 2012 Guild Summit Panels

BioWare have uploaded all the recorded Panel discussions from last month Guild Summit. If you missed the live stream, you now have the chance to watch it now or watch ig again if you, like me seat by the computer and watched it live. Check it out below: STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit Operations Panel: STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit PvP Panel: STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit Legacy Panel STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit Economy Panel STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit Roleplaying Panel STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit Guilds Panel STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit User Interface Panel STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Guild Summit “The Rest” Panel

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SWTOR Trooper Vanguard PVP Build To Help You In Warzones!

SWTOR Trooper Vanguard PVP Build

Today we have another build from www.swtorsavior.com and this will probably be one of the last ones until we update them all for the 1.2 patch. This build is for the Trooper Vanguard and this actual class makes for a good Tank/DPS player on the warzone. The most effective way to play is to lure enemies to attack you taking the attention from the healers and the DPS and then ideally the heavy hitters will finish them off. So for all intents and purposes this class makes a good support class on the warzones. If you have no idea how your build should look then here is a level 10-50 build you can use: SWTOR Trooper Vanguard PVP Build: A couple of things to note with this build and how to use it: You should use Storm to closer the distance between you and the enemy and then follow it with…

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Intergalactic Intel: Community Events

Intergalactic Intel: Community Events “Do you remember back in raganrok online when we used to hold events?” I had to stop and think. We did throw a lot of them, most of them ending in disaster. “Yeah I do why do you ask?” Welcome back to another Intergalactic Intel! Today we’re talking about community created events. For those of you have joined the MMO genre in the last six years, community created events are a rare thing. In older MMOs communities held events all the time. These events ranged from pvp tournaments, to hide and seek, and scavenger hunts. They allowed players to experience the game in ways they may have not thought of.  Back in my day of MMOs developers were not the only one’s responsible for the player’s experience in the game. Community events were part of the experience and helped strengthen server communities. So why bring up…

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SWTOR Trooper Commando Build For PVP – Works With Patch 1.2!

SWTOR Trooper Commando PVP Build

Today we have another build from www.swtorsavior.com and this one is a PVP build for the Trooper Commando. It is a DPS build and you can actually play as either DPS or healing as a Trooper but we are told that a healing build will follow shortly! Here is the build: SWTOR Trooper Commando Build: The Trooper Commando has a respectable amount of utility and damage output when it comes to DPSing in PvP. The mainstay of your damage output will come from Grav Round and Demolition Round, which will also help out the rest of your team by lowering the armor of your target. You’re going to want to be using Armor-piercing Cell as your weapon buff, so make sure that it is always on. Layer a Hammer Shot in between each skill to manage your cells and maximize your dps. Mortar Volley and Hail of Bolts should only ever…

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Guardian Angel: Statting and Itemization

So far, with the Jedi Guardian we’ve only covered the very basics, including leveling, builds, rotations, and tactics. Now it’s time for itemization. Note that for the current build, 1.1.x, end game itemization is greatly limited by the amount of gear available from the tier system. There is only one tank set for Tionese, Columi, and Rakata gear, as well as Centurian, Champion, and Battlemaster gear. Though you may not be able to itemize as you choose now, familiarity with the system and how you can manipulate it will help you for later builds, such as the upcoming 1.2 patch. The only stat I will not cover in this article is armor, which is a stat that you have virtually no control over. We will start with the most basic stats. Strength and Endurance: As far as primary stats go, even in 1.2, your ability to manipulate these will be…

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SWTOR Pre-Launch Waves Daily Update Thread: 8 Waves Today

Are you still waiting for your pre-launch email? At least one went out already today and Senior Online Community Manager Stephen Reid is updating everyone on the status on today’s SWTOR Pre-Launch Waves Daily Update Thread on the official forums. His original post this morning: “Morning everyone! We’re starting to send out more invites for today. Here’s the good news: overnight we decided to send out more invites than we had originally planned. However, we’ll be spacing those invites out, which means we’ll have more ‘waves’ than the previous four-per-day. We are inviting more people today than we did during yesterday. I’ll update this thread as we send invites. As a reminder, we’re also updating our official Twitter accounts (@SWTOR, @SWTOR_FR and @SWTOR_DE) with the invites as they sent; that’ll be more up-to-the-minute than this post. For anyone who’s not yet been invited, remember to have the email address no-reply@bioware.swtor.com…

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Jedi Knight Vs Sith Inquisitor Video = EPIC!

The boys over at TGN.TV are hard at work making SWTOR videos pre-launch. They just released their first installment of the new “Versus” series in which Advanced Classes get compared side by side in a “Deadliest Warrior” type of format. The graphics were made from scratch by the team at Red Rancor (a fellow SWTOR Fansite) and the intro music was custom made by Music Drake. I hope that they make one of these videos for every advanced class, especially Smuggler and Imperial Agent 🙂 Let us know in the comments below what classes you want to see pitted against each other in the future episodes. Do you think that the Guardian would easily take down the Sorcerer 1v1? It is hard to tell pre-launch, but sure is fun to speculate. Enjoy the video below friends!

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Star Wars The Old Republic Release Date

Well, it’s official- at least for now… The May 2011 issue of PC Gamer states the release date of SW:TOR will be “Autumn 2011”. While not an exact date, it’s a pretty narrowed down timeframe and well, that’s good enough for me. The cover of this upcoming issue promises to reveal a lot about the much-anticipated MMO from Bioware and EA, Star Wars: The Old Republic. Of course we all know that things could change as the game goes on in production. There are always potential holdups and delays, which is why they are holding back on giving us a definite date for release. But Autumn timeframe being officially announce in PCGamer as well as the hands-on event at London recently shows us that they are pretty darn close to being ready for a release. There’s still no official word on if or when there will be a beta but…

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SWTOR Open Beta closing in!!! … Not!

For 12 long hours I was so psyched! TorWars pointed me to a great interview  GameInformer.com did with Dr. Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk from Bioware. The Interview was original about Mass Effect 3, but the interviewer also had some interesting questions on the chance of an upcoming Star Wars: The old Republic Beta. On this the good doctors answered in the a more possitive way then ever: “You’ll have to watch our website and see. At this point we’re still in more of a closed beta period. We’re definitely making great progress on it. The feedback’s been great. There’s always lots to do, but it’s really really shaping up. Before too long you guys will get a little crack at it. Keep an eye out for that.” What was that? Wait a second. You said what? Did I here that right? What was that again? Before too long you…

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Jedi Knight Character Progression

In most MMOGs, you earn skills and get new gear to progress as you level. But as a Jedi in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), you get to do it with a lightsaber! This week’s update from BioWare is all about advancement as a Jedi Knight. The video shows off some of the skills and gear that you can get while leveling up in SWTOR. Check out the full video after the break.

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Podcast Results & Sorrowful Apologies

TOROCAST IS YOUR WINNER!!!! Darth Hater came in a close second with The Republic snatching up third place. There seems to be some misunderstandings with the voting procedures.  New Years affected us all the next couple of days, MrWarlock the UK blogger of SWTOR believed that their was a voting travesty, but things are now squared away.  Let him explain the details personally. http://swtor-uk.blogspot.com/2011/01/burn-witch.html

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Star Wars: The Old Republic wins the Best Role Playing Game from the Game Critics Awards – Best of E3

In other news. Sean Dahlberg informs the SW:TOR community that Star Wars: The Old Republic won the Best RPG category on the Game Critics Awards: Best of E3 list: Quote: Game Critics Awards – Best of E3 2010 The 31 voting publications for the Game Critics Awards: Best of E3 are proud to announce the following winners for 2010: And if you look down to Best Role Playing Game you will see Star Wars: The Old Republic! This is definitely an honor and a privilege for us to be on the list and to win the award for Best Role Playing Game is amazing! You can view the full list of winners at:  http://www.gamecriticsawards.com/winners.html Congratulations to BioWare and LucasArts for a shiny new award to put up on the shelves

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G4 The Old Republic Exclusive Three-Part Demo

Last night G4tv broadcasted live interview with Dallas Dickinson from e3. This gave some great new insights into Star Wars: The Old Republic. Here is a snip from their blog, and some kick ass video footage. I could go on and on about what BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic looks and plays like, but that wouldn’t be nearly as exciting or visually stimulating as seeing it in action for yourselves. Well, thanks to the kind folks at BioWare, you can now feast your Empire-hating eyes on this exclusive three-part video demo of the game in action. Force-push play now!

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Peace for the Republic?

It’s Friday again and that means it’s time for our weekly fix of Star Wars: The Old Republic content. This week, Master Gnost-Dural voiced by Lance (The Man) Henriksen returns with another HoloNet chronicle video telling of peace, betrayal, and Sith Infiltrators in the Jedi Order. BTC 103 – More than a century before the Sacking of Coruscant, two Jedi scholars embarked on a journey which became one of most inexplicable mysteries of its time. Young Jedi Knight Eison Gynt joined his Master in a mission to investigate the Ancient Sith Temple of Yavin 4. On Yavin, the pair was attacked by the native Massassi and driven into the Tomb of Naga Sadow where a powerful force of darkness emerged. Gynt’s Master returned to Coruscant wounded and half-insane, remorseful that young Eison Gynt had been killed in the chaos. Years later, however, Gynt returned from Yavin on his own and…

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Target Launch Spring 2011 Confirmed

I just got an email from Sean Dahlberg, Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Manager, with the following text: While we have not announced a specific date, we can confirm that we are targeting a spring 2011 release for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We’ve got a lot of exciting updates and reveals planned throughout 2010, including the first-ever hands-on testing for the game. It’s not too late to sign up to be a game tester, so go to www.swtor.com/tester and sign up today. We can’t wait to share more about the game with you as we progress through the year, so make sure you stay tuned to the official website for details. You can also read the update on the official forums. Thanks Sean. Note that this is a target; they might miss their target it if they run into problems or such. This isn’t an official release date…

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