There have been many Star Wars games before SWTOR- seriously, there have been TONS. But there is one Star Wars game that comes to mind first for those old enough to remember, the 1983 Atari game Star Wars. This was the first time a Star Wars game had been created. I was only a year old when it released and I would not see the game or an Atari for quite some time but I did have the privilege of playing it once at a friend’s, more than a decade after its release. Kotaku reminds us of the game on Star Wars Day: The game made its debut during “The Video Game Challenge,” a short-lived television program from the 80’s. Just like the force, this Star Wars game will be with you… always. Actually, considering how regularly I still think about that game…that’s true! Does anyone reading remember that…
SWTOR on the Rise and More Incoming PvP and Endgame Content
Is SWTOR seeing its last days? According to who you ask, the answer might be yes but I am not fully convinced it’s time to weep for the death of the game just yet. In fact, I think there is reason to believe that its popularity is really just getting started. For those who have heard the rumors that SWTOR is dying, here’s some evidence that it’s not. Daniel Erickson, BioWare’s lead designer on the project said that rumors of the game’s demise are incredibly premature — and outright wrong. Massively has some info straight from Erickson himself: Following Update 1.2 and the Rakghoul Outbreak live event, Erickson reports that player activity in the game is increasing. He said that the studio is working hard to keep its customers happy: “The community has generally been excited about the direction the game is going as we finish up our last must-have…
Mtsbwy: Sith Cat
This cat really doens’t want to play with this dog and has an unfair advantage when fighting it away, coz who dares challenge DARTH KITTIOUS? Try as they might, the cat refused to go to the Bark Side. Thank you… thank you.. I will be here all night.. Anyways.. This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week:
TOR TV: The Juggernaut of your dreams
Aoakampfer made this extremely funny shortfilm of a Juggernaut getting ready for war zone. For those of you who don’t know, the song is Mars – The Bringer of War by Gustav Holst. When I looked it up, I thought it was some kind of quasi Eastern European thing (based on the name) and the lyrics – ‘Daddy’s home’.
TOR TV: SWTOR Explained: Revan Part 2 (Jedi Civil War)
xZeroTolerence55x is back with part two of his Revan tales. this time he is picking up where the last video ended now explaining the Jedi Civil War. If you missed out the first video, you can check it out here.
Companion Gifts Calculator
Do you ever wish there was a more organized way to keep track of your companions and companion gifts? While some gamers go at things haphazardly, there are others (like myself) who like to go into it with a plan. I am not ashamed to admit that I often do quite a bit of planning and analyzing in my games. And in a game like SWTOR with the story element, there is also planning into your character’s personality and characteristics. Would she really do that? Would she kill him or let him go? Should I take the money or decline the reward? So many decisions to make- all part of the fun of the game. So this companion gifts calculator is another great tool to add to the things of things that make planning in the game more efficient. And it’s just fun! Check out the Google Doc Spreadsheet which…
Star Wars Battlefront 3 & 4 Were In Development
Were you waiting on Star Wars Battlefront 3, 4 and more? Well, you’re not the only fan who was anxiously awaiting more games in this series but according to recent news, you might be waiting a little longer than you’d hoped. Gaming Union brings us this report: It’s been revealed that Star Wars Battlefront 3 and Star Wars Battlefront 4 were in development at British development studio, Free Radical, before the studio collapsed. Steve Ellis, who co-founded the studio, broke the news while giving an interview on behalf of his new company, Crash Labs. “They [LucasArts] were big fans of our work, they liked our take on making games, they liked the way we work and they wanted to do this project,” he said. “It was a big thing, we were very excited and for a long time it was going very well.” Making video games is hard work. It…
SWTOR Sith Inquisitor Assassin PVP Build For 1.2
Hey guys, We have another build here from the guys over at and this one is a good one! It is a build from the new collection of PVP builds for patch 1.2. If you have been trying to figure out the changes in patch 1.2 and what it means to your toon or if you are just getting owned in the warzones then this build will help you out. This build is for the Sith Inquisitor and the advanced class we are dealing with here is the Assassin. First of all here is the build for you: So when you are level 10 all you need to do is follow the video above and it will guide you through for the right point allocation. Also as there are not really any rotations when you are PVP’ing I thought I would give you some that you can use but…
Intergalactic Intel: Patch 1.2 Review
I sat down at the table attempting to finish writing an e-mail to my professor. My phone lit up. “Dude did you see it?” Before I could reply another text from another friend appeared on my phone. “Dual spec!!!!!” A smile began emerging on my face. Another text confirmed my suspicions. “My trooper is gonna have baller ass purple armor!” Patch 1.2 is here. Welcome back to another Intergalactic Intel! A little while ago patch 1.2 hit. With so many big changes coming we can only be excited, but let’s take a closer look at each of the new features that have arrived. Legacy system: Since the beta we’ve had very little idea about what the legacy system actually does. At the guild summit we learned that characters across both factions are apart of a single legacy, which in turn gives various benefits for people leveling classes and races…
Do You Ever Wonder How Lightsabers Got their Famous Sound?
Well now you can hear the story as Ben Burtt talks about creating the sounds for the lightsabers in Star Wars. As he worked on “A New Hope”, Burtt probably wasn’t aware that he was inventing modern sound design. This is a really cool video to help you learn more about lightsabers came to have this distinct sound that we all know and recognize from the movies, games and even toy lightsabers (yes, I own a few of those). Check out the awesome video to learn more. Also remember to check our old “How stuff works” post on Lightsabers. Who knows, you might learn something 🙂
Do MMORPGs Create Serial Killers and Mass Murderers?
We’ve probably all heard the stories of horrible things happening to gamers or to the loved ones of gamers- a kid who binged for so long he died at his computer playing his favorite game or maybe the mother who neglected her children and forgets to feed her baby because she is so consumed with a video game. Of all the games that get a bad rap, MMORPGs often rank near the top. I’ve always believed this is due to the nature of the game and not the genre itself. MMORPGs require a certain amount of time and energy investment. Non-gamers have a hard time understanding how someone could want to sit there for hours running around an imaginary world with the avatars of other people. But for those of us who play, it’s more than just a game. The communities that form around an MMORPG are like little subcultures….
Cross genre knowledge
“Why do you play MOBAs?” I was taken back by the question. “They’re fun I guess…” I didn’t know how to reply to my friend. “What’s so fun about a bunch of kids nerd raging at you?” I can honestly say that part of MOBAs was not fun.” “You learn a lot…About game design, about player reaction, and a lot of the skills are interchangeable.” As many of you know I’m a big fan of the MOBA genre of games. MOBAs, or Massive Online Battle Arenas, are games such as Defense of the Ancients 2, DotA 2, League of Legends, LoL, and Heroes of Newerth, HoN. Each time has five players, with teach player controlling their own hero. The basic goal of all three games is to destroy the enemy team’s “throne” to win. It’s more complex, but that’s the basic idea behind MOBA games. While MOBAs and MMOs are very different they both…
TOR TV: Dont GO !
Last week we featured the movie a movie Moves like Twilek from the German artist groundhouse. Today we have another music video from this guy featuring a guy dancing in a robot suite 😉
Defender 410, A Sweet Star Wars: The Old Republic Case Mod is showcasing a phenomenal case mod inspired by Star Wars: The Old Republic. The casemod Was Showcased at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas by iBuyPower. The inspiration for this case mod was the Corellian Defender-Class Light Corvette from Star Wars: The Old Republic. Check it our over at tomshardware, and let us know what you think below.
The Rakghoul Outbreak is Here
We told you about the in-game event going on in SWTOR right now. If you have yet to try it out yourself, it’s a lot of fun. And there is an additional bonus- you get an in-game pet. There is a mission to earn a Rakghoul pet on completion. This is fantastic for anyone who loves collecting non-combat pets (like myself). There is also a fun video to go along with it. This from SWTOR news today: “Visit the in-game News Terminal, located on Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock, to discover the mystery behind the spreading plague and begin the mission to earn a Rakghoul Pet!”
Guardian Angel: 1.2 Updates
Now that patch 1.2 is out, we can start adjusting our Guardian Tank game play accordingly. This patch did not have a ton as far as Defense Guardians go, but it changed enough for us to re-examine a few elements in the Guardian’s build. Defense Guardian Changes: Guardian slash was the ability affected the most by this recent patch. Command took a nerf, which now makes it a worthless talent in PvE, and the tree as a whole got slimmed down. It now takes less skill points put into the Defense tree to get all of the relevant tank skills. Master Strike also received a buff in both damage and channel-ability. The attack can no longer be interrupted. This makes it more relevant in the Tank Guardian’s priority line, since more damage means more threat. Master Focus also adds to Master Strike damage and Single Saber Mastery now works in…
TOR TV – SWTOR Explained: Sith Emperor Backstory
xZeroTolerence55x returns with another SWTOR backstory and this 7 ½ minute story is well worth a listen. Watch the video to get some great slides as well. This story is spoiler-free so you can watch with confidence that it won’t ruin any storyline for you either. ZeroTolerence55 says: “If you have any requests for any backstories or storylines, let me know and I will be happy to make videos for them.” So if you want to hear a backstory of your favorite character, head on over and let him know!
Patch notes: Game Update 1.2 – Legacy
Warning. Wall of text crits you infinity Highlights Players can now unlock a wide variety of rewards by leveling characters and reaching new Legacy levels, including buffs for your characters, unlocking additional Species choices for every class, and upgrades for your personal Starship. Build your own Legacy with the new Family Tree! Lost Island, a new Flashpoint, is available for play! Having uncovered the sources of the Rakghoul plague outbreak in the Tion Hegemony, players must travel to Ord Mantell and confront Dr. Lorrick, the mad scientist who engineered this horrific biological weapon. Explosive Conflict, a new Operation, is available for play! The Trandoshan mercenary warlord Kephess has seized the planet Denova, a world rich in resources valuable to the war effort. Players must assault his war camp, situated atop a mountain in densely-wooded terrain, fighting Imperial defectors and heavy war machines along the way. 8- and 16-player Story and…
Help Fight the Boycott on SWTOR
Non profit organization All Out want to help fight the boycott on SWTOR. They posted this message on their website: April 6, 2012 Electronic Arts (EA) — one of the largest video game makers in the world – is the target of a hateful boycott campaign. Why? Because they approved a gay romance story in one of their partner BioWare’s most popular games: Star Wars: The Old Republic. Anti-gay letters are flooding Electronic Arts headquarters, calling for a boycott. Without our help the company, its staff and more than 100 million registered players could be pushed to the dark side if the forces of hate get the last word. Master Yoda wants to make sure Electronic Arts knows anti-gay haters don’t win the game. Add your name to Yoda’s letter urging the company to stay away from the dark side. Yoda himself will deliver the message directly to the headquarters…
The Guild sphere: Army of Yonuss
This week I sat down with Jono from “Army of Yonuss”, for a quick question and answer session about The guild. Army of Yonuss plays SITH on the Tarro Blood server, and currently recruiting. Check out the interview below, while you are downloading patch 1.2 🙂 Where did your guilds name come from? Our guild is named after the username our good friend used to use for every one of his RPG characters, Yonuss. He passed away just before TOR was released, but was very active in beta. He had been planning to co-found the guild with us for months, so when he passed away we decided it would be a nice way to honor him. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Army of Yonuss is laid back and open to members of all sorts, however we are still very organized. We run weekly…
SWTOR Patch 1.2 Coming On 12th April 2012 Make Sure You Get An Updated Guide!
In this post we are finally able to announce that the patch everyone has been waiting for is here soon! SWTOR Patch 1.2 officially Is released on the 12th April 2012 and is one of the largest patches seen in a MMORG. Further to the point the server downtime will be about 8 hours looking at the official announcement on the forums. Of course there will be the new improved Legacy system, UI Customisation and gear updates. For the actual content the biggest changes will be a new warzone, Flashpoint and Operation in the game that will keep all you raiders and PVP’ers happy for a while. There will also be a new Warzone ranking system to get to grips with as well. Throughout this blog we have given you quite a few free builds from and if you really want to get to grips with the game fast…
PaxEast Day 3 Q&A Transcript & Audio
Dulfy has done it again and taken the time to map out the info that many of us might have missed while we were busy working, at school or doing whatever it is that we do. She posts on Reddit: Hey, sorry this is a bit late but for those of you who have not listened to the audio for day 3 Q&A at Darth Hater, here is a transcript of the Q&A. The main points at this Q&A were operation diffculty/itemization/bugs (especially Soa), class balance (especially tank threats), and Jawa 2015. Transcripts: Both links have same content, just pick one you like or not blocked at work 🙂 I will post the contents below for those who can’t view it at work:) And so there we have it. Highlights and transcripts from the Q&A and all the great info that Darth Hater brought us fans as well. Thank…
Husband how to get back together with your ex
With patch 1.2 not far off, everyone is preparing for what changes this might be to their played class. For the Jedi Guardian, a lot of changing are incoming. Most, however, are not aimed at the Defense Guardian. A few key changes are on the horizon that may help the Guardian, as a whole, in the long run, including a brand new ability. Relevant 1.2 Patch Notes: Added Focused Defense, a new ability that allows the Guardian to spend Focus to lower threat. While active, one point of Focus is spent each time damage is taken to heal the Guardian for a small amount. This ability is usable while stunned and is not limited by the global cool down. Defense Blade Barrier is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree. Blade Storm no longer consumes stacks of Courage while the “Momentum” buff is active. Command no longer…
Interview: Gabe Amatangelo on PvP & Operations
Darth Hater interviewed Gabe Amatangelo on PvP & Operations and as usual, he had some interesting things to say. It is well worth the read if you haven’t already. Thanks Darth Hater! Why did you choose a quasi-Domination objective for the new Warzone? Gabe Amatangelo: Huttball comes at a close second, but overall Domination is the most popular one. Obviously we’re really proud and excited about Huttball being a close second because it is a new take on an existing type of mode. How does Novare Coast differ? I mean, how does Domination differ from game to game? Level design has something to do with it. I’m sure people that are on the PTS already know the specifics of mechanics. It is a majority one, so you have to have two out of three to at least start accruing some points or doing some damage to the enemy base. Also,…