About a month ago, Bioware admitted that the Smuggler’s Gambit slot machine wasn’t part of Constable Stronghold’s pack. To make up for the bug, Bioware’s community manager, Eric Musco, promised to rectify the issue by offering the before-mentioned item for purchase in-game for only 1 credit.
We only had to wait for a month for Mr.Musco’s promise to become reality. Patch 2.10.2 notes were recently released and among other things specify that the slot machine is available for purchase through the Binary Star Reputation Vendor. In specific:
2.10.2 Patch NotesHighlights
- 16-Player Operations have returned to Group Finder! We have made behind-the-scenes improvement to prevent the performance issues that we encountered when the system was initially made available. Check out the Group Finder to enjoy the faster queues and better rewards of 16-Player Story Mode Operations!
- Imperial Crate (Single), Imperial Crate (Stacked), Republic Crate (Single), and Republic Crate (Stacked) have been added to the Galactic Starfighter and Warzone Decoration Vendors.
- Numerous art fixes to The Legacy of the Rakata Flashpoint.
- The Decoration “Slot Machine: Smuggler’s Gambit” is now available for 1c from the Binary Star Reputation Vendor.
It’s also worth noting that the patch won’t be released today Tuesday (10/21/2014). According to Eric Musco the patch will become available for download tomorrow (10/22).