SWTOR The Black Talon

Flashpoints of SWTOR: “The Black Talon”

The Black Talon flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is a challenging and exciting storyline that pits players against the forces of the Sith Empire. Set in the aftermath of the Great War, this flashpoint follows the story of a group of Republic soldiers as they try to infiltrate a Sith-occupied ship in order to gather crucial intelligence.

Players must navigate their way through the ship, fighting off hordes of Imperial soldiers and powerful Sith lords, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the Empire’s deadly security measures. Along the way, they’ll encounter a number of memorable characters, including the ruthless Sith Lord Vindican and the mysterious Twi’lek Zash.

One of the highlights of the Black Talon flashpoint is its fast-paced combat. Players will need to stay on their toes in order to survive the constant onslaught of enemy soldiers and Sith agents. The flashpoint also features a number of challenging boss fights, including a thrilling duel with Vindican himself.

In addition to its intense combat, the Black Talon flashpoint also offers players the chance to make some difficult moral choices. As they progress through the ship, they’ll be forced to decide whether to help certain characters or leave them to their fate. These choices can have far-reaching consequences, affecting the outcome of the flashpoint and the overall story of SWTOR.

One of the most memorable moments of the Black Talon flashpoint comes at the end, when players are faced with a choice that could change the course of the war. With the fate of the Republic at stake, players must decide whether to destroy the ship and its valuable intelligence, or to let it fall into the hands of the Sith.

Overall, the Black Talon flashpoint is a must-play for fans of SWTOR. Its intense combat, interesting characters, and moral dilemmas make it a thrilling and satisfying experience. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran of the game or a newcomer looking to try out some of its more challenging content, the Black Talon flashpoint is definitely worth checking out.


What is the recommended gear level for The Black Talon?

The recommended gear level for The Black Talon Flashpoint is around level 8-13. This ensures your team can handle the early encounters and mechanics effectively.

What strategy should be used to defeat Lieutenant Isric in The Black Talon?

Lieutenant Isric leads the “Republic Boarding Team” fight if you choose the light side option and spare the ship’s captain. Focus on taking out the healer S1-M0 “Doc Simon” first to prevent him from healing the other adds. After that, target the DPS adds, Private “Crosshairs” Keemos and Corporal Hattak, before focusing on Isric himself.

How do I navigate the hazardous areas in The Black Talon?

Navigating hazardous areas in The Black Talon involves careful movement to avoid traps and enemy groups. Utilize crowd control to manage large groups of enemies effectively and stay alert for environmental hazards like explosive barrels.

What is the best approach for handling the GXR-5 Sabotage Droid in this Flashpoint?

The GXR-5 Sabotage Droid is a tank-and-spank fight. Occasionally, it will summon probe droids that explode after a few seconds. Kite the boss around to keep melee players away from the probe droids, and focus on quickly eliminating any adds to minimize damage.

How do I manage the adds during the fight with Commander Ghulil in The Black Talon?

Commander Ghulil spawns two adds and drops fire canisters on the ground. Focus on killing the adds first and avoid standing in the fire canisters to reduce damage. Once the adds are down, this becomes a straightforward tank-and-spank fight​.

What are the key loot rewards from The Black Talon Flashpoint?

The Black Talon Flashpoint offers valuable gear upgrades, including early-level armor pieces and weapons. Completing the Flashpoint can significantly enhance your character’s gear, providing a solid foundation for future encounters.

What is the significance of the story in The Black Talon?

The story in The Black Talon involves an Imperial mission to intercept a Republic cruiser carrying a defector with critical Imperial secrets. Players must board the Republic ship, overcome its defenses, and confront the defector, adding depth to the SWTOR lore and providing an engaging introduction to Flashpoints for Imperial players.

Are there any special achievements associated with The Black Talon?

Yes, The Black Talon features several achievements for completing specific objectives within the Flashpoint, such as defeating bosses within a certain timeframe or avoiding particular mechanics. Check your achievements tab in the game for a complete list and details.