SWTOR Screenshot challenge 2022

SWTOR Screenshot challenge 2022

The Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Screenshot Contest is a fun and exciting way for fans of the game to showcase their creativity and win prizes. The contest, which is hosted by the game’s developer, BioWare, is open to players from all over the world.

To participate in the contest, players must take a screenshot of their favorite moment from the game and submit it to the contest website. The screenshot can be from any part of the game, including in-game locations, character poses, and epic battles.

The contest judges will review all of the submitted screenshots and choose the best ones based on creativity, composition, and overall quality.

The contest is a great way for players to show off their love for the game and their artistic skills. It’s also a great opportunity to connect with other fans and share their passion for SWTOR.

you can see all the winners over at the official website, but here is our favorite of the Star Forge by Iokath: