
Ord Mantell Datacron Locations

Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It was located near Anobis in the Mid Rim. It was originally settled in 12,000 BBY as an Ordnance/Regional Depot. During the Cold War in 3,653 BBY, a corrupt admiral sold off the local fleet, and so the military all but abandoned the planet, leading to the lawlessness Ord Mantell eventually became known for, and the haven for mercenaries, exiles, murderers and smugglers. After the Treaty of Coruscant, the corrupt local government decided to stay loyal to the republic, however separatist residents attempted to break away. This lead to an armed civil war in an attempt to achieve independence, and a military buildup assisted by local government supported crime syndicates and Galactic Republic forces destabilized the world further. Read more aboutOrd Mantell  here, and check out the Datacron locations below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for…

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Tython Datacron Locations

Tython was a planet located within the Tython system of the Deep Core. It was the planet where the Jedi Orderoriginated, in the form of the first society of Force users in known history, sometime between 36,453 BBY and 25,990 BBY. Tython was cleansed of terentateks by the Great Hunt in 3,994 BBY. In the aftermath of the Great Galactic War, the Jedi Order relocated to Tython following the Sacking of Coruscant in 3,653 BBY. There, they attempted to rebuild their order, despite trouble with a local Twi’lek pilgrim colony and a mysterious influence emanating from the world itself. Read all about Tython here, and check out the datacron locations below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic 9 – [Endurance +2] X,Y: (-33, –101). This Datacron is in a cave on a mountainside that you can see from the trail to the Forward Camp….

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Coruscant Datacron Locations

The Galactic Center of Coruscant (pronounced /’kʊɹəsɑnt/), originally called Notron, also known as Imperial Center or the Queen of the Core, was the political hub of the galaxy for millennia. It was generally agreed that Coruscant was, during most of Galactic history, the most politically important world in the galaxy. At various times, it was the capital of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, briefly the Empire Reborn, the New Republic again, the Yuuzhan Vong Empire occupation, the Galactic Alliance, the Fel Empire and Darth Krayt’s Galactic Empire. These governments, that all controlled Coruscant, controlled the galaxy in the process Read all about Coruscant here, and check out the datacron locations below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic 4 – [Endurance +2] X: -3626 Y:-1293 Z: 151* Behind the large pile of crates and boxes in Graffiti Square (X: -3773,…

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SWTOR List of Slash Commands and Emotes for In-Game

With prelaunch coming, what better time than now to come across this list of slash commands and emotes for in-game SWTOR? Slash Commands: Assuming they are still accurate when the servers go live (which we cannot guarantee at this time), here are some slash commands you can use in-game: Numbers like /0 /1 /2 /3 will represent chat channels /coverbar /date /dismiss /dnd /duel /e /emote /flag /follow /friend /gabdicate /gdisband /general /ginvite /gkick /gquit /gremove /group /grp /guild /hideui /inspect /invite /lag /logout /me /nameplates See the complete list for more slash commands. If you are a veteran MMORPGer, you will probably be familiar with many of these already so a good policy is just to test slash commands you know to have worked in other games in the system of SWTOR and see if they work for you. Chances are, they probably will (if nothing changes on launch)….

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Video Guides & Commentaries

Hello everyone, my names Sheriden and I’m new to swtor-strategies. I’ll be bringing you articles covering a range of entertaining and helpful videos focused on Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have a YouTube channel myself which continues to publish such videos, but you can expect to see videos other than my own. I will make sure to warn you whether each video contains spoilers or not. Just like other MMO’s and games out there, videos guides can be extremely helpful to your experience. World of Warcraft has the famous ‘Tankspot’ website, which provides videos explaining strategies for killing bosses in many of the games raids and instances. While it is certainly fun to try out a boss with no idea what to expect, it can soon become irritating when you struggle to take them down after many attempts. Let alone dangerous to the stability and success of your guild….

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How to Create a SWTOR Guild In-Game

If you will be playing SWTOR with a group of friends, it makes sense to form up your own guild so you can all play together and take advantage of any guild perks and benefits right from the start. There are two basic ways to form a guild in SWTOR. One is only available pre-launch and you have to be sure your guild is registered with‘s guild HQ. This is what we have done for my WoW guild which has many players who will be moving over to SWTOR to play together. For this option, you need to create an account and have at least four people from your guilf who have pre-orders of the game. These pre-orders will only count if they players who purchased them entered their early-access pre-order code. If you purchased the game and did not redeem your code, you have a limited amount of…

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Your guide to this weekend’s beta.

The purpose behind this final weekend beta, is to gauge performance of the game’s current server architecture. Previous betas have had some minor problems with performance, and this test will be the final chance for some meaningful feedback for launch scenarios. So, what can you do to help the most? Attempt to log in AS SOON AS YOU CAN. We want to hammer these servers to hell and back, don’t let up if you have the time to spare. Keep trying to connect if you have problems. Be ruthless. The more performance issues we catch during this beta mean that BioWare will know what to tackle before launch. Don’t start a post on reddit, or the official forums saying “the servers aren’t letting me log in””. Just keep attempting to connect, the server logs they’ll gather will tell them you can’t log in. Severe lag? Log out and use the…

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Complete Datacron Location List

Datacrons are part of the codex system in Star Wars The Old Republic. They are placed throughout the worlds for the players to find, usually in hard to reach places. Although some of these items are hidden from view, spotting other datacrons may be relatively easy. Even with these more visible items, though, reaching the datacron will typically entail extra exploration and navigation problem-solving. As a reward for this exploration ingenuity, if a player successfully reachs and interacts with certain datacrons, one of the player’s character stats will be increased — permanently. Here is the complete list of Datacrons, rdered by codex entry # Datacron Locations by planet Hutta Datacron Locations Coruscant Datacron Locations Tython Datacron Locations Ord Mantell Datacron Locations Korriban Datacron Locations Dromund Kaas Datacron Locations Taris Datacron Locations Balmorra Datacron Locations Nar Shaddar Datacron Locations  Tatooine Datacron Locations Alderaan Datacron Locations Quesh Datacron Locations Hoth Datacron Locations…

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