Complete Datacron Location List

Datacrons are part of the codex system in Star Wars The Old Republic. They are placed throughout the worlds for the players to find, usually in hard to reach places. Although some of these items are hidden from view, spotting other datacrons may be relatively easy. Even with these more visible items, though, reaching the datacron will typically entail extra exploration and navigation problem-solving.

As a reward for this exploration ingenuity, if a player successfully reachs and interacts with certain datacrons, one of the player’s character stats will be increased — permanently. Here is the complete list of Datacrons, rdered by codex entry #


datacon empire

Datacron Locations by planet

Datacrons on the fleets:
Currently there are two known datacron not located on planets. These two give +10 to all attributes and are located on the Imperial and the republic fleet. Check them out below: 

How to use the matrix shards

FAQs About Datacrons in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)

Datacrons are special, collectible items in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) that provide permanent boosts to your character’s stats and unlock lore entries. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you understand and find these valuable items.

1. What are Datacrons?

Datacrons are hidden objects scattered throughout the worlds of SWTOR. Collecting them grants your character permanent stat boosts and unlocks codex entries that provide background lore about the Star Wars universe.

2. Where can I find Datacrons?

Datacrons can be found on almost every planet in SWTOR. Each planet typically has multiple Datacrons, and their locations vary in difficulty to reach. Some Datacrons are in plain sight but require solving jumping puzzles or other challenges to access.

3. Do Datacrons benefit all my characters?

Yes, Datacrons now benefit all characters in your Legacy. This means once you collect a Datacron on one character, its benefits apply to all characters on your account within the same server. This change saves players from having to find the same Datacron on multiple characters​.

4. What types of boosts do Datacrons provide?

Datacrons typically provide boosts to primary stats like Endurance, Presence, or Mastery. Some Datacrons also offer Matrix Shards, which can be used to create powerful relics​.

5. How do I know if I’m near a Datacron?

Datacrons emit a distinctive, sparkling sound that can be heard when you are nearby. Additionally, many guides and maps are available online to help you pinpoint their exact locations.

6. Are there any special requirements to collect Datacrons?

Some Datacrons require special items or a group to access. For instance, the Fleet Datacron typically requires coordination with other players. Additionally, certain Datacrons are faction-specific, meaning only Republic or Empire players can collect them depending on their location​..

7. What are Matrix Shards and how are they used?

Matrix Shards are a type of Datacron reward that can be used to create powerful relics. Unlike other Datacron benefits, Matrix Shards are collected per character, meaning you must gather them separately for each character that needs the relics​.

8. Can I get help to find Datacrons?

Yes, there are numerous guides and community resources available. Websites like Swtorista and Vulkk provide comprehensive guides and maps to help you locate every Datacron in the game. These guides include detailed instructions and tips for reaching each Datacron.

By following these FAQs and utilizing available resources, you can efficiently collect Datacrons and enhance your SWTOR gaming experience. Happy hunting!