The Legacy of Alderaan

Ever wonder what happened on Alderaan before the Death Star reduced it to an asteroid field? Now you can see it for yourself! We are excited to announce Alderaan – a planet famed for its natural beauty – as the next playable planet in The Old Republic™! For thousands of years this planet has been a shining example of peace and diplomacy, but now a bloody civil war threatens the legacy, and the very future of Alderaan. Access the HoloNet records to research the history of Alderaan, and find out about the civil war consuming the planet! Be sure to check out the Media section for never-before-seen screenshots, concept art, and wallpapers of this beautiful planet of snow-capped mountains and lush green forests!

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Core World Map

The Core Worlds (also known as the Galactic Core and, during the Imperial era, the Imperial Core) were some of the most prestigious, well-developed, well-known, and heavily populated planets in the galaxy. In astrophysical terms, the Core denoted the central area of the galaxy, and in broad terms this was true enough, but the precise usage of the term was sometimes more complex. The major Rimward hyperlanes radiated outwards around little more than half the galactic disk, and the Core Worlds occupied a C-shaped region of space around the Deep Core, the heart of the astrophysical core, which was considered as a separate outlier area, facing in the opposite direction, and extending outwards towards the Unknown Regions. 25,053 BBY, the Galactic Republic was born with the signing of the Galactic Constitution in the aftermath of the Unification Wars. Its founders were a number of key Core Worlds known collectively as…

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Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Tython

It is Wednesday and we continue our look at the planets in The Old Republic. Last time we look at the capital of Hutt Space – Nal Hutta. Today we will look at the first planet that was revealed by Bioware – Tython Tython was a planet located within the Tython system of the Deep Core. It was the planet where the Jedi Order originated, in the form of the first society of Force users in known history, sometime between 36,453 BBY and 25,990 BBY. Pre-Republic It was on this world that the brightest and best philosophers, priests, scientists and warriors came together in 36,453 BBY to discuss their discoveries involving the enigmatic, mystical Ashla. Dissidents who used the Bogan eventually arose around 25,793 BBY, sparking the Force Wars of Tython. From the ashes of these wars arose the early Jedi, whose Jedi Forge initiation ceremony led to the invention…

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Breaking News: Final SWTOR classes revealed: Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor

Fans of BioWare’s much-anticipated MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic received some good news today with a reveal of the game’s final two classes: the Jedi Consular and the Sith Inquisitor. A Jedi Consular (also called a Jedi seer) is, like all Jedi, skilled in battle, but rarely entered combat, preferring to study the mysteries of the Force. In Star Wars: The old republic the Jedi Consular is a support class specialized in healing, but with ranged offensive capabilities as well.   The Sith Inquisitor is a secret division of Imperial Intelligence consisting of dark side Force-sensitive agents known as Inquisitors (sometimes also as Inquisitioners), or “truth officers”. not surprisingly in Star Wars: The Old republic it is primarily a damage dealer. It seems the first word of the Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor classes came from a fan translation at Star Wars of the German magazine “PC Games”….

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Don’t Be Surprised If You’re Expected To Play Alts has a great article about alts in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Assuming the feature is even implemented, I have more faith in BioWare than that. Indeed, we’ve already seen a “legacy character” system from BioWare previously in Mass Effect. ME handled the “legacy character” concept with the introduction of bonus talents. After playing your first character long enough to unlock some achievements for power use, subsequent characters could select one of the talents unlocked through those achievements for their character. As this system provides no additional talent points to spend on your new character, it’s a far cry from the power-stacking nightmare that concerned so many. If anything, the system provides an ambiguous power increase by allowing power combinations otherwise impossible by the class talent lists, but spreading talent points thinly could hamper a character as easily as it helps it. While any “legacy character” system in TOR…

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Know your lore: Bastila Shan

Bastila Shan is one of the most intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe, particularly for fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) series. With her powerful abilities, complex personality, and crucial role in some of the galaxy’s most pivotal moments, Bastila has cemented herself as a fan-favorite. In this article, we’ll dive into her origins, her connection to Revan, her journey through the events of KOTOR, and her lasting legacy in the Star Wars lore.  Chapter 1: The Origins of Bastila Shan A Force-Sensitive Beginning Every great Jedi has to start somewhere, and for Bastila Shan, that somewhere was the rather unassuming planet of Talravin. Born into a galaxy already steeped in conflict, Bastila didn’t have the most peaceful childhood. But, as with many Force-sensitive beings, her destiny was far from ordinary. Even as a young girl, it was clear that Bastila was something special. Imagine being…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Dark Resurrection

Dark Resurrection is an Italian Star Wars fanfilm (with english subtitles) written and directed by Angelo Licata and produced by Davide Bigazzi and Licata. It consists of two episodes, each 60 minutes long. The first episode was released in 2007 and the second episode is still in production. Movie scenes were shot in Italy and further enhanced by special effects. The story begins a few centuries after Episode VI, telling about a young Jedi apprentice who lives in a period of great changes in the balance of the force and galaxy. Even if it has been realized with limited means and with a very low budget (approximately 7000 Euro) the LucasFilm itself, after having watched the trailer, defined it “Truly Amazing”. Result of both digital technology and creator’s passion, this project has attracted the attention of the most important italian magazines (Ciak, Jack, XL, Panorama etc etc). The cast is…

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Threat of Peace, Issue #20

The twentieth issue of Threat of Peace™ catches Lord Angral aboard his battle cruiser. After receiving a tip from his criminal partner, Angral turns back to Korriban to confront the traitorous Lord Baras. At the same time, Jedi Master Orgus Din surprises the Bounty Hunter Braden in a Nar Shaddaa cantina and demands to know who was responsible for the attack on Coruscant. Check out the latest issue of Threat of Peace now.

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Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta (Glorious Jewel in Huttese) was the capital of Hutt Space and was located in the Y’Toub system. It was formerly known as Evocar and was the original home world of the Evocii, who were ousted by the Hutts in 15,000 BBY, who migrated from their original home world of Varl along with their servants the t’landa Til. It was sometimes referred to simply as Hutta at around 4000-3000 BBY. The planet was controlled by the ancient ruling Hutt families, who also ruled its moon Nar Shaddaa from Nal Hutta. Geography and Culture Nal Hutta, or as it was originally known, Evocar, was a very large planet, however it lacked natural heavy metals meaning its density was less than that of most worlds. The planet was originally a lush jungle world, though the Hutts eventually transformed it into a polluted and barren wasteland. Once it became known as Nal…

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I’d Actually Play An Imperial Agent, And Here’s Why

As much as I’ve always liked Star Wars, I’ve certainly developed a wary attitude toward the over-saturation of certain, erm, iconic figures in that universe. If you were ever to compile all of the fan-made Star Wars costumes that exist today on the internet, I guarantee you that the breakdown would be something like this: 23% Darth Vader 22% Boba Fett 54% Princess Leia in a Gold Bikini 1% Misc. Bikini Leia and her stunt double nap in the Tatooine sunshine It’s not that I don’t think that Vader and Fett aren’t cool; they are, for various reasons mainly relating to their outfits. But their popularity is way, way out of proportion to what they’ve actually done to earn it. Pop culture and fandom is funny that way. We fixate on something that looks cool and might have been cool, 20 years ago, and elevate it to infallible worship. This…

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Know your lore: Kreia

Kreia is one of the most complex and fascinating characters in the Star Wars universe, standing out not just for her deep philosophical insights but also for her intricate ties to key events and characters across the galaxy. From her mysterious origins in the Old Republic era to her enduring influence in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Kreia remains a character shrouded in both mystery and wisdom. In this article, we’ll explore the lore surrounding Kreia, her connections to Revan, her pivotal role in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KOTOR II), and her lasting impact on the Star Wars universe, including more recent appearances in comics and books. Chapter 1: Kreia’s Origins and Early Life Let’s talk about Kreia—because when it comes to mysterious backstories in the Star Wars universe, she’s got one of the best (or most frustrating, depending on how you look at it)….

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Star Wars Reign of the Fallen

Reign of the Fallen is a Star Wars fanfilm directed and written by David McLeavy, and originally released in March 2006. In the times since great wars laid waste to Prias, its people have learned to embrace a simple life, away from the perils of technology and war. As the mighty Sith army spreads across the galaxy, subjugating every planet in its path, all the people of Prias can do is wait, their world protected by an energy planetary shield held in place by ancient towers. While the people wait in fear, one Jedi trained by Master Oram Bren will be chosen to be the future leader of Prias, a title decided by a vote of the entire population of the planet. But little do they know that one Jedi’s dark secret could spell their doom. Reign of the Fallen is an independently produced film based on the Star Wars…

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Did Eurogamer Jump The Gun On TOR’s Latest Class?

6 days ago Eurogamer reported that TOR’s new Sith class is the Imperial Agent: BioWare and LucasArts have revealed the sixth of eight character classes in their Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic: the Imperial Agent. This rogue-style class on the Empire side specialises in subterfuge, infiltration and assassination, doing the Empire’s dirty work behind the scenes. Imperial Agents’ skills will be based around the use of high-tech gadgetary. They will show you “the underbelly of the Empire in a way never before seen,” producer Blaine Christine told press at an EA event earlier this week.. Seeing as how BioWare just announced the Jedi Knight last week and has yet to make the Agent an official announcement, methinks there’s something hinky going on in the state of Eurogamer.

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Darth Hater potcast

A day ago Darth Hater crew made their weekly podcast, during which they jawed about Dragon Age, Imperial Agents, and what class Jabba the Hutt would be. Well, they didn’t talk about the last one, but really — Gangster? Slug Supreme? Whatever he’d be, I’d play him, even if my run speed would be two feet per day. So if you feel inclined, you can listen to the podcast here!

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senior writer talks about writing the Jedi Knight

Drew Karpyshyn is the senior writer for the Star Wars: The Old Republic team with plenty of experience writing characters from the dark side, but now he’s stepping out of his comfort zone to take a walk on the Jedi side. The fun he’s having writing the Jedi Knight class comes through clearly in Friday’s developer blog entry: “Nothing says Star Wars like a brown-robed figure brandishing a shimmering energy blade of righteous destruction. Exploring the Jedi Knight class meant delving the Jedi Code and how it works in theory vs. how it works in practice. What happens when you take that code and mix in a hefty dose of “what if?” is a recipe for all kinds of possibilities, and Karpyshyn is having a great time exploring them. His experience writing the dark side gives his version of “what if” a little edge, exploring thoughts of renegade Jedi Knights…

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Ok I’m no Carebear, but I do like some fluff. In WoW, I like my little Mechanical Yeti, or My Disgusting Oozling. In WAR I love my Red Demon Horse, and the fact I can dye my armor, which like DAOC I spent a vast fortune on. In some upcoming games, and current games, I thought of some fluff I may want, and thought I would share. Today’s game will be….. Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pets/Companions That little black Tonka Truck Droid, that beeps at Chewbacca on the Death Star. Couldn’t find a pic, but ya know the little toaster on wheels. My Own Salicious Crumb, to laugh at all my bad jokes. Me Jabba No Wanka… HAHAHAHAHAAA A Twi’lek Dancing Girl. Hot Chick with Head Thingies…Nuff said. My Own Gamoreean Guard…How cool to have a Pig Man following you around. Last but not least I want a Jawa…….

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Know your lore: Canderous Ordo

Canderous Ordo is one of those characters in the Star Wars universe who embodies the warrior spirit of the Mandalorians, with a bit of grizzled wisdom and a no-nonsense attitude that makes him both formidable and oddly endearing. From his days as a battle-hardened warrior in the Mandalorian Wars to his pivotal role alongside Revan in Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), Canderous has carved out a lasting legacy in the galaxy far, far away. In this article, we’ll explore the life and legacy of Canderous Ordo, tracing his journey from the chaos of war to his rise as Mandalore, the leader of the Mandalorian clans. Chapter 1: The Origins of Canderous Ordo – A Warrior’s Beginning Canderous Ordo is not your average Mandalorian. Imagine being raised in a culture where battle isn’t just a way of life—it’s practically a hobby. Forget knitting or stamp collecting; in Mandalorian society, if…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Star Wars – Revelations

Star Wars: Revelations is a fan film released on April 17 2005, created by fans of George Lucas’s Star Wars saga. As Lucasfilm has generally turned a blind eye to the creation of many not-for-profit derivative works, Revelations is one of many fan-produced Star Wars creations. (See The Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards for further examples.) Revelations is noteworthy for being both significantly longer (with a running time of 47 minutes, 13 seconds) and substantially more expensive than the average fan film, with a final budget ranging somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000. It takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The film intended to give a reason for why the Jedi Order was extinct in the original trilogy.   Summary The destruction of the Jedi Temple was devastating. Accusing the now-defunct Confederacy of Independent Systems of the attack, Emperor Palpatine declares martial law on Coruscant….

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Threat of Peace, Issue #19

The nineteenth issue of Threat of Peace™ marks the start of the third chapter in the story, beginning with the Bounty Hunter Braden returning from his visit to Coruscant. Reporting in, Braden gets further orders from Nok Drayen, and an insightful question. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Tavus meets Jedi Knight Fortris Gall in the ruins of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. The truth about the recent attacks begins to unfold. Fans of the series will be pleased to know that the Star Wars: The Old Republic: Threat of Peace webcomic will be published as a graphic novel by Dark Horse Comics in Spring of 2010. The book will comprise all issues of Threat of Peace as well as all new, previously unreleased content. Additional materials will include all-new cover art and previously unseen sketches from the comic as well as concept art from the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game. Liner…

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The Old Republic reveals Imperial Agent its newest class

We’ve got Trooper, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter, Sith Warrior, and now Imperial Agent. BioWare revealed the sixth class for Star Wars: The Old Republic today on their forums. This news comes as absolutely no surprise to those who attended the EA Press Tour earlier this week — they enjoyed advance information from producer Blaine Christine. Imperial Agents are a rogue class of sorts, doing their work for the Empire with high-tech tools to help them infiltrate the republic and assassinate enemies of the Sith Empire. The announcement from Sean Dahlberg says that Imperial Agents are “heavily inspired by several classic Star Wars characters such as Zam Wessel and Grand Moff Tarkin. […] Players who choose to be Imperial Agents in The Old Republic (TOR) will see the underbelly of the Empire in a whole new light.“ The Holonet will be updated next week with the Imperial Agent, but the…

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Jedi Knights: Evenings of Passion

Yup, well, it’s out of the bag now, officially at least. Jedi Knights are in TOR, and they’re pretty much what you expected. More finesse than the Sith Warrior, and more wimpy for it. As you can tell, this news doesn’t get my heart pumping any faster — I’m just not that excited about Force-users in Star Wars. I feel they’re overplayed, over-worshiped, and over-emphasized in any product in which they appear. Plus, I’m envisioning the headache I’m going to get playing in a crowd of 90% lightsaber wielders, who are all jumping around and waving their big rave sticks like Jedi whack-a-moles. I find it not just a bit hilarious that BioWare is referencing Samuel L. Jackson’s Mace Windu as the primary inspiration for this iconic role. Not Obi Wan, Qui-Gon Jinn, Luke or Yoda, hm? Nope, you had to go with the guy who sat on his butt…

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Jedi Knight, Defender of the Republic

For thousands of years the Knights of the Jedi Order have been the guardians of peace and justice in The Old Republic. Through disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knights achieve perfect union of body and mind, allowing them to meet any situation with focused, fearless attention. Strengthened by the Force, they are able to turn this training into brilliant displays of lightsaber combat inspiring allies and disheartening those who would see the Republic fall. Access the latest HoloNet entry now to see a full profile of these heroic Jedi Knights, including videos showing them in action! Also, be sure to visit the Media section to get downloadable screenshots, concept art, and wallpapers!

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The Battle of Bothawui

A new holorecord in the Jedi Archive captures a poignant moment in the Republic’s recent history. Master Gnost-Dural recounts the story of the battle of Bothawui—a battle in which the courage and sacrifice of Jedi and Republic forces scored a major victory against the Sith Empire. BTC 18 – Nearly a decade after the return of the Sith Empire and the start of the Great War, the Empire had scored dozens of victories, establishing its dominance in the Outer Rim. As the Sith turned their forces toward the Mid Rim, however, the Republic prepared a bold surprise. When an Imperial squadron arrived to seize control of Bothawui, the entire Republic fleet was waiting. The fleet’s victory was celebrated across the galaxy, but the truly inspiring moment was yet to come. As the Republic fleet dispersed to defend other battlefronts, only a small force remained behind to face the Empire’s retribution….

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The battle for Balmorra!

BioWare has released details on a new playable world for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Balmorra is a wore-torn world caught in the conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. With forces decimated on both sides, the two factions use the world as a recruiting ground to enlist more help for the war. Balmorra is a world specializing in the building of droids. Its location puts it right in the middle of the conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic:   Add to Favorites Myspace Facebook Google Bookmarks Due to escalating tensions on the devastated, war-torn world of Balmorra, both the Sith Empire, and the Galactic Republic are looking for new recruits to ship out! Be sure to get caught up on the newest playable planet in the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ universe! Find out more about the story and struggle of this…

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