Patch notes

1.3.0b Patch Notes – 6/29/2012

Servers are back up, and the Augment bug is fixed. this is the second unscheduled maintenance downtime we have had since the release of patch 1.3. Patch notes below: 1.3.0b Patch Notes 6/29/2012 Items Augment slots in items crafted before 1.3 that have not been manually upgraded by players are now the appropriate tier based on the level of the item (if no augments are installed) or the level of the augment that is currently installed in the augment slot.

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Patch Notes 1.3.0a – 6/28/2012

Severs will be down June 28th, 2012.. No wait delay that… no wait, servers will be down we Apologies for the confusion. I donw and up the went. Servers ARE back up now though and a small patch has been applied. 1.3.0a Patch Notes 6/28/2012 Group Finder Leaving a Group Finder group where all other members have disconnected will no longer cause players to be temporarily locked out of Group Finder. Flashpoints and Operations will no longer occasionally reset and eject players who have recently used Group Finder for a replacement member. PvP Ballistic and Knockback effects no longer occasionally de-sync the character’s location, which could cause characters to not interact properly with the world (such as being able to be hit by melee attacks when the character appeared to be out of range). Personally I have experienced both of these. Glad to see that it wasn’t just lag in pvp,…

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Game Update 1.3: Allies Patch Notes

All servers are up and ready for Game Update 1.3: Allies. This update brings many many new features to SWTOR including the much debate Group Finder tool and Legacy Perks! This Game Update will also include an update to the Alderaan Warzone, Adaptive Gear, and more. Highlights Group Finder is now available! Players can use this feature to find groups for Flashpoints and Operations! New Legacy perks are now available! Perks offer bonuses for your character and can be purchased with credits after reaching specific Legacy levels. The Alderaan Civil War Warzone can now be played by two teams of the same faction. Players can now add augment slots to items at modification tables by using an augmentation kit and paying a credit cost. Pre-Season One Team Ranked Warzones are now available! Teams of 8 level 50 players can now compete with other Warzone teams to earn Ranked Warzone Commendations and…

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1.2.7b Patch Notes 19-6-2012

Servers was down for a short maintenance today,  and as always BioWare took the time to patch the game. Today is more a tweak then a real patch though, as BioWare only decreased  the maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets. This is a pretty good move if you ask me as I notice my framerate drop from ~50fps to ~19fps while on fleet with 250+ people.  I hope this just implies more instances though.  Coming from having 4 people on my fleet at peak times,  100 people+  seem like a party! And if there were 6 instances of 100, thats 6 parties! Below are the patch notes: 1.2.7b Patch Notes 6/19/2012 General In order to improve overall performance, the maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets has been decreased —-

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1.2.4 Patch Notes — 5/15/2012

It’s the time again were BioWare takes down the servers for maintenance and patch some updates.  Once again we get a pretty big patch, and you can now use your full columi Xalek, and after 2 months they FINALLY fixed the rebreather mask glitch as well as alot of other things. Check out out below: Classes and Combat General The Guard ability can now be reapplied if the player dies with it activated. Previously, players sometimes received an error indicating that their target was already guarded. Sith Inquisitor General Lightsaber Charge’s audio effects no longer loop indefinitely. Companion Characters Xalek Xalek now receives the correct amount of Shield Absorption from equipped gear. Crew Skills Crafting Skills French and German tooltips now indicate the percentage chance for reverse engineering. Flashpoints and Operations General Players who advance from level 49 to 50 while near an Operation phase gate now see the gate color change to indicate their…

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1.2.3a Patch Notes – 5/10/2012

BioWare did some emergency patching today, fixing the issue with Matrix Cubes disappearing. Funny thing is the patch is about 50 mb, so I guess that the weight of A Matrix Cube 😉 General An issue that caused some mission items (such as Matrix Cubes) to disappear from player inventories has been corrected. Players that were affected by this issue will find their Matrix Cubes restored. The restored Matrix Cubes can be re-equipped from the Mission Inventory (Press “I” and then select the “Mission Items” tab at the bottom of the window).

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1.2.3 Patch Notes – 5/8/2012

I guess we can say that Tuesday is not patch day.  It’s seem like it’s more the more the rule than the exception these days anyways. Below are the patch notes for today’s update.  Some nice fixes in EC in here.  Personally I like these changes:  Custom (orange) moddable items that have no modifications installed can now be reverse engineered. and The default value for the Rarity field is now Standard instead of Any. This allows players to search for most items without requiring that they select an option in the Rarity field. Classes and Combat General Corrected an issue that prevented Smugglers and Imperial Agents from taking cover in place while moving Channeled abilities now fully complete if a buff providing an Alacrity bonus wears off while the ability is being channeled. Flashpoints and Operations Flashpoints Boarding Party This Flashpoint’s Hard Mode no longer has a daily limitation. Operations General Players now receive a “Timed Run” buff…

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Patch Notes: 1.2.2 Patch Notes – 5/1/2012

Servers are now back up after a short maintenance. This time BioWare have been busy fixing bugs. Personally I am happy that companion earpiece and implant stats really does seem to be fixed this time around! Classes and Combat General Corrected an issue that prevented damage shields (such as Force Armor) from re-applying properly when activated before the current damage shield expired has been addressed. Trooper Commando Plasma Cell now correctly deals its damage 3 times per application. Companion Characters General Corrected an issue that caused companion stat bonuses from equipped items to be miscalculated when the companion was resummoned. Crew Skills General Corrected some performance issues related to opening the crafting window if it contained a very large number of schematics. Crafting Skills Some gear that could be reverse engineered but erroneously displayed the “No Research Available” tooltip has been corrected. Gathering Skills Slicing Premium Slicing lockboxes now yield the correct amount…

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Patch Notes 1.2.1a – 4/27/2012

BioWare had an Unscheduled Maintenance. Apparently to fix a serious economic exploit We will be deploying a patch and performing an unscheduled maintenance this Friday, April 27th, 2012. Patch notes will be made available shortly after the servers come back up. The servers will be down for four hours on Friday, April 27th, 2012 from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) until 6AM CDT (4AM PDT/7AM EDT/12PM BST/1PM CEST/9PM AEST). All game servers will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than four hours, but could be extended. And here are the patch notes: neral – Corrected an item-related issue to prevent a serious economic exploit.

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1.2.1 Patch Notes 4/24/2012

As always BioWare used today’s server maintenance to patch up. This time with the largest patch since 1.2. If you me, the most important issue corrected, is the issue that prevented players from adding offline players to their friends list. This makes it much easier to mail stuff to your alts.  Unfortunately still doesn’t seem to work for our own cross faction alts. Classes and Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Zen (with Ataru Form) now correctly reduces the global cooldown of Cyclone Slash. Smuggler General Charged Burst’s damage has been increased by approximately 5%. Gunslinger Damage for Aimed Shot, Speed Shot, and Quickdraw has been increased by approximately 5%. Sharpshooter Trickshot’s damage has been increased by approximately 5%. Imperial Agent General Snipe’s damage has been increased by approximately 5%. Sniper Damage for Ambush, Series of Shots, and Takedown has been increased by approximately 5%. Marksmanship Followthrough’s damage has been increased by approximately 5%. Trooper Commando Gunnery Havoc Rounds…

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1.2.0b Patch Notes 4/17/2012

BioWare are using today’s server maintenance to push a small patch. They fixed the codex entry for the World Event and fixed the errors on the Tionese/Centurion gear which had Defense Rating stats on DPS/Healer gear. General An issue that prevented players from receiving the final Codex entry for the event has been corrected. Players that previously defeated Urtagh but did not receive the Codex entry and associated title will need to defeat the boss again in order to obtain it. Items Tionese and Centurion gear have had their stats corrected to pre-update 1.2 values.

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1.2.0a Patch Notes — 4/13/2012

BioWare has taken the servers down for some Sheduled Maintenance. The servers are currently unavailable while we perform scheduled maintenance. We expect the servers to be available again at 10AM CDT (8AM PDT/11AM EDT/4PM BST/5PM CEST/1aM AEST). Please check the Forums or the official SWTOR Twitter page for more information and updates. To check the status of your server, visit the Server Status page. Below are the patchnotes: General Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted. Made improvements to the CS ticketing system.

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1.1.5a Patch Notes – 3/13/2012

BioWare had a small patch for us today at the weekly maintenance. Nothing major, but check it out below: Companion Characters Bowdaar Resolved an issue that could occasionally prevent Bowdaar from being granted as intended. Players who had not been granted Bowdaar will now have their companion. Missions and NPCs Missions Imperial Thus, Always, To Tyrants: Leaving The Tyrant by using the Fleet Pass will no longer cause both bulkhead doors on the Security Deck to become locked.

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1.1.5 Patch Notes — 3/6/2012

BioWare took the servers down for scheduled Maintenance today. At the same time they launched patch 1.1.5. While this patch is nothing compared to the monster that patch 1.2 looks like it’s going to be, it still brings many new fixes to the game. Check it out below: General Players can now use the command /roll or /random to generate a random number between 1 and 100. This command will also accept a range (example: /roll 20-40) or a die value (example: 2d6). Classes and Combat General Moving while channeling an ability (such as Telekinetic Throw and Force Lightning) will no longer cancel the Global Cooldown, which would allow those abilities to deal more damage than intended. Sith Warrior The French version of the “Darth” title is now correct. Flashpoints and Operations Operations General Bosses in Operations now drop the correct amount of loot when the group is using the…

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1.1.4 Patch Notes — 2/22/2012

BioWare patched the game a day later then normal this time. We are all used to patches coming on Tuesdays, but for some reason the company chose today to bring the game up to version 1.1.4. Here are the full patch notes: General The key formerly bound to /bug can now be mapped to any action and no longer opens the /bug window. The command is no longer able to be bound to a quickslot, but player can still type /bug in chat to open a new bug report. Classes and Combat General Using abilities with indirect targeting (such as area of effect abilities) will no longer cause players to be flagged for PvP if a PvP-flagged player from the opposing faction is within the ability’s range, and the ability will have no effect on the PvP-flagged player. Imperial Agent Operative Medical Therapy: Kolto Probe and Recuperative nanotech will now properly benefit from this skill….

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1.1.3 Patch Notes — 2/14/2012

It’s Tuesday and BioWare have once again had their weekly server maintenance. Servers are back up now -way earlier then promised for the 3 week in a row. You can check out the latest patch notes below.   Classes and Combat General Surge rating has been re-balanced. It now reaches diminishing returns the same way as other damage ratings, and its per point damage contribution has been reduced by approximately 10%. Bounty Hunter Mercenary Arsenal Stabilizers: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Unload. Trooper Commando Gunnery Steadied Aim: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Full Auto. Companion Characters General Some taxis that failed to re-summon companions upon reaching their destination now properly re-summon them. Companions no longer indicate they wish to speak with you when you are not yet eligible for their next conversation. If a player is invited to a nearly full group and declines, that player is no longer prevented from summoning a companion. Crew…

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1.1.2 Patch Notes — 2/7/2012

Here are todays patchnotes. This patch fixes SO many issues like the Rakata weapons wich are now a correctly rated 140 – so finally time for a weapon upgrade. There are also a few “but why” updates in the patch, like this one: “Rakata reusable stims and adrenals have been reduced in power, providing buffs equal to Energized stims and adrenals. However, the tooltips for these items have not been updated and will still display old values.” – WHY? Anyways. Check it out below: Classes and Combat Combat Ability Responsiveness Further improved response time for ability activation requests, especially in low-framerate situations. The activation bar now appears at the correct time (when the activation of an ability begins) and disappears when activation is complete. Instant combat abilities no longer occasionally start their combat animations twice, resulting in jerky behavior on the executing player’s client. The display of the floating text from instant healing…

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1.1.1 Patch Notes — 1/31/2012

As we all know BioWare took down the servers for some weekly maintenance today. As always they took the time to upload a new patch fixing bugs etc. Normally I don’t mind the maintenance as I work while the servers are down, but this weeks I’m on vacation so I was quite sad that I couldn’t level my Trooper. Then I thought I would catch up with some good old World of Warcraft – only to find out that the servers was down there to: Anyways. Below are this weeks patch notes.  Enjoy! Classes and Combat General Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input. Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds. Players revived by other players, including…

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1.1.0b Patch Notes – 1/24/2012

BioWare used todays maintenence to patch a few issiues. The most important this time was fix that should help out on the ability delay that has been hevely debated. Check out the patch notes below: 1.1.0b Patch Notes – 1/24/2012 General Implemented optimizations to improve performance on Republic and Imperial Fleets. Classes and Combat Significantly improved the delay when activating player abilities, particularly when in lower framerate situations. This allows for improved ability responsiveness in hectic combat situations. Operations General Operations will no longer allow more than 16 Operations Group members to enter concurrently. Karagga’s Palace Operations Groups will no longer be forced to reset the Operation if the group wipes when attempting to defeat G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator. Fixed an exploit that would allow players to repeatedly loot the chest after defeating Jarg and Sorno. Miscellaneous Bug Fixes Fixed an issue that could cause graphical inconsistencies, which most often manifested as…

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Undocumented Patch Changes – SWTOR Patch 1.1

The first official SWTOR patch came out Wednesday and with it come bugs as well as long awaited fixes. There are some little things we’ve been waiting for since launch that we finally have and then there are some other things that will just have to wait a bit longer to be added/resolved. What changes have you noticed so far? Have you found any previously undocumented patch changes? One Reddit user has compiled for us a list of undocumented patch changes: This is NOT a bug list Bank items now stack when right-clicking them from your inventory Diplomacy Mission Discovery Items now include (Light) or (Dark) in their names to reflect the morality yield of the unlocked mission. Orange social sets no longer lose their stats after logging in/loading a new area Companion starter gear has a different visual on several companions You can now see the damage of your abilities while…

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1.1.0a Patch Notes – 1/19/2012

Due to the small “miss happenings” after yesterdays patch updates, BioWare launched an emergancy patch to fix the issues. Check it out below: Operations Karagga’s Palace Fixed an issue that caused assigned loot bags in Karagga’s Palace to distribute items with class inappropriate stats. PvP Ilum Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually “camping” the other faction’s base. Turrets inside faction bases were not intended to be destroyed and are now immune to damage. The population cap for instances of Ilum has been reduced to improve performance. Implemented optimizations to improve performance on Ilum. Miscellaneous Bug Fixes Loading screens no longer appear when other players spawn nearby.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 1.1

SWTOR’s first major game update is now live! The updates goes under the name ‘Rise of the Rakghouls’ and features a number of additions to the game, including a brand new Flashpoint titled ‘Kaon Under Siege’ and an expansion to the ‘Karagga’s Palace’ Operation that more than triples its size! In addition to the new playable content and new item sets that you can acquire, Game Update 1.1 includes a number of bug and other various fixes which you can see in detail in the Game Update 1.1 Patch Notes below: Edit. did a small video going over the patch notes: General Anti-aliasing is now available and can be enabled in the preferences menu. Classes and Combat General Healing caused by crowd control abilities no longer generates threat. Tooltips for abilities modified by skill points now display correct damage values. Guard This ability now transfers to a new friendly target without…

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1.0.2d Patch Notes 1/12/2012

BioWare used today’s maintenance to fix a few minor bugs in the game. Below are the patch notes Items Fixed an exploit that allowed the removal of Armoring item modifications that were not intended to be available for removal on Artifact quality items. Magenta color crystal recolored hot pink, renamed to “Fabulous Crystal””. Stats remain unchanged. ( oh wait…) Flashpoints and Operations Flashpoints Bug Fixes Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from resetting their active Flashpoint. Operations Eternity Vault Using “Reset All Active Operations” no longer causes Soa and the Ancient Pylons to respawn even if the player is currently locked out of these encounters.

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