Patch notes

Patch notes 1.6.3a 25/01/13

Servers are back up and  BioWare has finished  patching the servers.  Teral V is now playable again and stuff on the Cartel Market seems to be back to normal. Now go play! Cartel Market The following armor sets will no longer incorrectly list helmet as part of the set description: Sanctified Caretaker Armor Set Malevolent Interrogator Armor Set Clandestine Officer Armor Set Interstellar Privateer Armor Set Valiant Jedi Armor Set Sith Raider Armor Set Flashpoints and Operations Taral V: Players will no longer be prevented from completing this Flashpoint on the step “Defeat General Edikar.”

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1.6.3 Patch Notes 1/23/2013

Servers are back up after today’s server maintenance. BioWare took the chance to deploy a new patch and updated the game to version 1.6.3. This update also added 3 new outfits and  a pod racer mount to the cartel market.  Below is a screenshot of the pod racer and armor sets: Below are the new armor sets: 1.6.3 Patch Notes 1/23/2013 Cartel Market New Items The Czerka CR-17 Incendia, is now available. The protection provided from being knocked off this vehicle is greater than Speeder Piloting III. Cost: 1,800 Cartel Coins. Three new armor sets, the Sand People Pillager Set, The Sanctified Caretaker Set, and the Malevolent Interrogator Set can now be purchased. These sets of adaptive armor can be worn by any Class at level 1. Cost: 1,440 Cartel Coins each. The Preferred Access Bundle is now available! This bundle offers the player a selection of popular unlocks and customization options. Cost: 972 Cartel…

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1.6.2a Patch Notes 1/15/2013

As mentioned yesterday, BioWare took the servers down for Scheduled Maintenance today.  For those wondering, BioWare diden’t add any new items at the cartel market. We did get a little patch though. Check itout below: General Implemented optimizations to improve overall server stability. Cartel Market Updated the Cartel Market art for the Skip Tracer’s Cartel Pack. The art now more accurately reflects the in-game appearance of the Fancy Reveler’s armor.

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1.6.2 Patch Notes 1/8/2013

Servers are back up after today’s maintenance, and BioWare to the chance to push a new patch. This time we get tons of bug fixes were the biggest seems to be “The “Unify to Chest” armor color option now works correctly for players and companions. Also Tinsel Bombs can now be used on both friendly and hostile targets (Oh, it is on)! This new patch also ads two new armor sets to the cartel market and they look awesome! Check them out: ( Patch notes below the images) Cartel Market New Items Players can now unlock additional character slots! Cost: 600 Cartel Coins. The Newcomer Bundle is now available! It contains a wide range of items to help new players expedite their travels. Cost: 405 Cartel Coins (discounted by 50% for a limited time!). Two new armor sets, the Interstellar Privateer Armor Set and Clandestine Officer Armor Set, can now be purchased. Each…

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Patch Notes 1.6.1 – 12/18/2013

BioWare have finished this week’s scheduled maintenance and the servers are now back up and running. Apart form a few bug fixes to Speeder Piloting and versus test bugs, this patch sees some new additions to the Cartel Market. Jedis and Warriors should be happy about this, as they get new armor: Below are the complete patch notes: Cartel Market New Items The Valiant Jedi and Sith Raider armor sets are now available for 1,440 Cartel Coins each. Discounts 10% discount on Black Market Cartel Packs. Cost: 162 Cartel Coins. 10% discount on Crime Lord Cartel Packs. Cost: 324 Cartel Coins. 10% discount on all Weekly Passes. Cost: 216 Cartel Coins per Weekly Pass. 50% discount on the Rancor Holo-Replica. Cost: 90 Cartel Coins. Bugfixes The Improved Speeder Piloting I item included with the LD-1 Celebrator speeder now correctly reflects that the unlock is player-only and not account-wide. Some item…

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Game Update 1.6: Ancient Hypergate – Patch notes

Servers are back up after today’s game update. Below are the patch notes. Personally I’m not really overjoyed to see the Life Day/New Year stuff being just a purchase from Cartel Market (meaning no xmas/new year event, most likely), but hey, much better than nothing. I guess the best we can really do (assuming you aren’t interested in putting in any more money than the $15 you already do) is wait for your sub + security CCs to kick in and get stuff then. At least until the initial GTN rush calms down and prices settle down once again. Highlights Ancient Hypergate, a new Warzone, is available for play! Travel to an ancient ruin built around a Gree Hypergate and battle to control the precious technology for your faction. New incredibly challenging Weekly [HEROIC] Space Combat Missions are now available! All-new Grade 7 Artifact Quality Starship Upgrades are now available from the…

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1.5.2a Patch Notes 12/6/2012

BioWare closed down the servers for an unscheduled maintenance window to apply a new patch. This patch is a fix for the subscriber artifact item equipping bug.  Servers are back up now, so go play. Below are the patch notes: Items Corrected an issue that prevented players from equipping some crafted Artifact (purple) quality gear.

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1.5.2 Patch Notes 12/4/2012

Lot’s of fixes this time including 4 quickbar slots for preferred players! Bioware don’t get much love when this game is concerned, but looking at these patch notes, you can tell they are listening and reacting to community feedback. Cartel Market New Additions The Covert Pilot Suit has been added to the Cartel Market! This adaptive armor can be worn by any class at level 1. General A confirmation dialogue is now displayed for Cartel Coin purchases made outside of the Cartel Market. It shares the same “never show again” option as the confirmation for purchases made directly from the Cartel Market. Attempting to purchase an item or unlock your character already owns or cannot use now displays a more appropriate warning dialogue. An issue that prevented some Cartel Market purchases from being delivered correctly has been addressed. Several errors in the French and German Cartel Market tutorials have been corrected. Items…

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1.5.1a Patch Notes 11/28/2012

BioWare had had an extra  maintenance today fixing the companion character bug that has hunted the players since yesterday.  I understand people are unhappy about bugs like this, but the fury on the forums yesterday was unheard off.  In normal software engineering, each time you add a function, you can easily create test cases for it. function x does blah, put in a test case to see if ti does blah. automate it, the result is the same every time. In something like a game, it’s much much much more complex because you aren’t dealing with just the simple output of some code, you are dealing with interpreted behavior of people using many many things chained together. It’s just not simple or feasible to put together a full set of regression tests everything you make some small changes. when you do something like a massive patch or something, sure, test the hell…

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1.5.1 Patch Notes 11/27/2012

As mentioned last week, BioWare has taken down the servers for some Scheduled Maintenance. This time the Customer Support ticket system have been fixed, but now Companion gear does not work. Hopefully this will be fixed asap, or I am afraid that the BioWare forums will become violent. On the bright side,  Major XP Boosts: Discounted 25% to 90 Cartel Coins from 120 Cartel Coins.  It’s a deal, it’s a steal, it’s the sale of the f****** century! Check out the patch notes below: General Subscribers are again able to file Customer Support tickets from the Character Selection screen. Cartel Market The following Cartel Market items are on sale! Major XP Boosts: Discounted 25% to 90 Cartel Coins from 120 Cartel Coins. Level 15 Chest Pieces: Discounted 10% to 135 Cartel Coins from 150 Cartel Coins. Medical Probes: Discounted 25% to 375 Cartel Coins from 500 Cartel Coins. The Experimental Flight Suit has…

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Game Update 1.5: HK-51 Activated 11/15/2012

Servers are up after a long looooong maintenance, but finally patch 1.5 is here.  Can’t buy cartel coins yet, though. Currently points to, which currently only has copies of the game for sale. Below are the patch notes: Highlights Free-to-Play is here! Players can now experience Star Wars: The Old Republic up to level 50 (with certain restrictions) without paying a subscription fee. The Cartel Market is now accessible. Players can use Cartel Coins to purchase boosts, unlocks, cosmetic items, and more! Travel to Section X on Belsavis and learn why the nefarious Dread Guard has seized control of this ravaged area of the planet! Section X can be accessed on Belsavis and via the daily mission shuttles. HK-51 can now be acquired as a Companion Character! A shipment of the infamous Assassin Droids can be found in the wreck of an Imperial transport ship, The Fatality, in Section X. Reactivating HK-51 requires finding…

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Game Update 1.5 PTS Patch Notes 10/29/2012

BioWare have updated the public test servers with a new patch. It’s clear we are getting closer and closer to the release of patch 1.5 and the Free to Play version of the game. We are still not quite there yet though, so today’s normal server maintenance won’t bring it to the live servers. That’s alright though. I think we all want the most polished free to play version of the game as possible. Up until release you also get to play around with the Cartel Market on PTS. for a while yet.  Below are the patch notes: The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. The Public Test Server Patch Notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers. Cartel Market and Free-to-Play Prices on some Cartel Market Items have been adjusted…

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SWTOR 1.4.1 Patch Notes 10/9/2012

Servers are back up after this weeks scheduled maintenance. They did fix alot more things that I thought they would this time. Crew missions are back to full yields, but Bounty hunters are still dealing with random Unload/buff/4pce issues. Check out the full patch notes below: Classes and Combat Jedi Consular Shadow Kinetic Combat Stasis no longer prevents Force Lift from breaking on damage and making its target take less damage. Sith Inquisitor Assassin Darkness Eye of the Storm no longer prevents Whirlwind from breaking on damage and making its target take less damage. Companion Characters General Companions now respect “hide helmet” settings in cinematics and when speaking. Companions Xalek The “Unify Color” option now works with Xalek’s Pants in combination with Neophyte Robe. Crew Skills General Crew Skill Missions now return the correct (higher) amount of materials. Players can no longer consume schematics that they already know. Flashpoints and Operations Flashpoints…

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1.4.0b Patch Notes

BioWare is back to a normally schedule with maintenance each Tuesday . Servers are now back up, and below are the Patch notes. Looking at all the known issues with game update 1.4 I must say I had expected a bigger update this time., but I guss little is better then nothing. Check out the path notes below: 1.4.0b Patch Notes 10/2/2012 General Improved performance for players using NVIDIA graphics cards in an SLI configuration. (Please use the default SLI setting or AFR2, as AFR1 will result in poor performance with SWTOR.) Corrected an issue that could prevent players from exiting their personal starship after completing Group Finder content.

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Maintenance today September 13 + patch notes 1.3.8

BioWare are taking down the servers to do an unscheduled maintenance today. What the issue is seems to be unclear, bit Patch notes will be made available shortly after the servers come back up We will be deploying a patch and performing an unscheduled maintenance this Thursday, September 13th, 2012. Patch notes will be made available shortly after the servers come back up. The servers will be down for two hours on Thursday, September 13th, 2012 from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) until 4AM CDT (2AM PDT/5AM EDT/10AM BST/11AM CEST/7PM AEST). All game servers will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than two hours, but could be extended. Servers are back up. Below are the patch notes: 1.3.8 Patch Notes 9/13/2012 General Corrected an issue that caused a significant performance drop for some players after patch 1.3.7.

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Game Update 1.4 is now on PTS, here are the patch notes

BioWare have already hinted alot about the upcomming patch 1.4 with there dev blog the other day. Now we get to try out the patch on the public test servers.  Seems like a ton of great changes overall. Match to chest for companions, offhand modification, new gear level, addressing the pvp gear gap, return to where you were after a lfg queue… lots of stuff that they have listened to people asking for. Check  out the patch notes below: Highlights Terror from Beyond, a new Operation, is now available! Travel to the remote planet of Asation, where the Dread Masters have commandeered an ancient Gree Hypergate in order to unleash untold horrors upon the galaxy. Terror from Beyond features 5 powerful new boss encounters that can be challenged in 8- and 16- player Story or Hard Mode, offering some of the most challenging group content yet! A new set of PvE gear…

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1.3.7 Patch Notes 9/5/2012

As we mentioned a few days ago, this weeks Scheduled Maintenance: was was postponed do to labour day. But now the server are back up, and BioWare have patched the servers. This time BIoWare is fixing one of my greatest annoyances since the servers merge – the unique Legacy names. Finally players are able to have the same surname as others – just like in real life. Anyways, below are the patch notes: Flashpoints and Operations General Players will no longer be prevented from traveling to their group’s in a Flashpoint or Operation due to the instance being full. Group Finder Group Finder now retains a character’s role selections when joining or leaving a group. Items General The event outfits (the Rakghoul Containment outfit and Sand People Bloodguard outfit) now bind to Legacy instead of binding on pickup. Muse Vestments no longer clip incorrectly with character heads. Helmets, circlets, masks,…

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1.3.6 Patch Notes 8/21/2012

Servers are back up, an here are today’s patch notes. General After a player uses the “Reset Local Phases” option, they now must wait 30 minutes to use it again, increased from the prior wait time of 2 minutes. Companion Characters Xalek Many of Xalek’s personal conversations can now be had in Cantinas as intended. Flashpoints and Operations General Using combat revive abilities now consistently returns the revived player to combat if an encounter is still active. Non-boss enemies no longer occasionally respawn after an Operation group has been defeated and re-enters the Operation. Group Finder Pre-made groups of four players that queue for Group Finder now correctly receive daily mission credit. The “Travel Now” dialog no longer fires more frequently than intended. Players now receive an error when attempting to manually add a new group member while queued in Group Finder. Items (Items and Economy) Several Imperial head slot…

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Patch Notes: 1.3.5b 8/16/12

As you properly already know, BioWare took down the servers today, to do  an unscheduled maintenance for Star Wars: The old republic.  Apparently there was a bug in the world witch was fixed. Check it out in the patvh notes below: 1.3.5b Patch Notes 8/16/2012 General Resolved an issue that could allow players to obtain The Grand Acquisitions Race items without completing the appropriate missions.

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1.3.5 Patch Notes, August 7, 2012

Servers are back up so it’s time to enjoy your new pet + 25 black hole commendations for server transfer rewards. Below are this weeks patch notes. No news on upcoming events, but I would not expect much before the game goes Free to play either. I find the  Legacy nerfs quite ridiculous in the patch. I guess BioWare is catering to the casual crowd and the people who just want to play the 8 stories without having to grind levels. And I guess that’s understandable. Classes and Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Combat Saber Storm: The critical damage bonus this skill applied to Ataru Form was not functioning correctly, and we have opted to remove it, as Combat Sentinels are performing within expectations. This change does not affect the current combat effectiveness of this skill. Sith Warrior Marauder Carnage Sever: The critical damage bonus this skill applied to Ataru Form was not functioning…

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1.3.4 Patch Notes July 24, 2012

Servers are back up after some Scheduled Maintenance today. The most important fix must be the Warzone group frames bug.   Playing with friends became an exercise in someone counting down in vent, “Ok, click in 3…2…1…”. Another interesting “fix ” is this:  Soa’s orbs, lightning balls, and mind traps no longer grant social points. And this is what happens when you abuse a mechanic, people. 1.3.4 Patch Notes General Players can now use vehicles on Coruscant in the large areas of the Black Sun, Old Galactic Market, The Works, and the Jedi Temple districts. Classes and Combat > General All class “stun break” abilities now properly remove blind effects. For example, the blind effect caused by a Sorcerer’s Backlash skill can now be broken with each class’s “stun break” ability. Companion Characters > General Centurion Weaponmaster’s head gear no longer causes non-human companion heads to disappear. Crew Skills > General The crafting…

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Patch notes: 1.3.3 7/17/2012

As always BioWare took this Tuesday to path the servers. Not much to report other then some server stabilityupdates, that hopefully will reduce the lag we have experienced lately. With the HK trailer released yesterday I was really hoping they might surprise us with a world event or even the quest chain for the HK companion, but ohh well. Check out the patch notes below: 1.3.3 Patch Notes 7/17/2012 General Implemented optimizations to improve overall server stability. During this maintenance, we are implementing new functionality that will be used later this summer to support automatic character transfers from remaining origin servers to designated destination servers. Classes and Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Combat Opportune Attack: This skill now specifically affects Blade Storm, Slash, and Blade Rush. Please note that these changes are not reflected in the ability text. Sith Warrior Marauder Carnage Execute: This skill now specifically affects Force Scream, Vicious Slash, and Massacre….

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