Here are the patch notes for SWTOR Public test servers. This is for the 3.1.2 PTS build. Jedi Consular The range of Mind Crush has been reduced to 10 meters (down from 30 meters). Shadow Kinetic Combat Force Break now increases the damage dealt by Combat Technique’s Force Breach and Slow Time by 40% (up from 30%). Serenity Force in Balance and Vanquish now have a maximum range of 10 meters (down from 30 meters). The life redistributed by Psychic Absorption for Sever Force and Force Technique’s Force Breach has been reduced to 10% of the damage dealt (down from 25%). Serenity Strike no longer benefits from Mind Quell. Sage Force in Balance, Vanquish, and Mind Crush now additionally receive a 20 meter range increase from Force Reach. Telekinetics Abilities affected by Telekinetic Momentum now have a 25% chance (down from 30%) to trigger a second telekinetic blast that deals 25%…
Public Test Server
PTS Patch 3.1.1 Update #2 Notes
The SWTOR Public tester servers is getting an update for patch 3.1.1. Here are the comming class changes: Bounty Hunter Mercenary Arsenal Pinning Fire now slows the target’s movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds with each hit (up from 2 seconds). Powertech Returned the post-depletion cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 1.5 minutes (down from 2 minutes). Slightly reduced the damage of Shoulder Cannon. Pyrotech Automated Defenses now additionally reduces the cooldown of Kolto Overload by 60 seconds (up from 30 seconds). Trooper Commando Gunnery Cover Fire now slows the target’s movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds with each hit (up from 2 seconds). Vanguard Returned the post-depletion cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 1.5 minutes (down from 2 minutes). Slightly reduced the damage of Shoulder Cannon. Plasmatech Adrenaline Fueled now additionally reduces the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush by 60 seconds (up from 30 seconds).
SWTOR: PTS Patch Notes 3.1.1 update 1
Here are the newest update to the public test servers as posted by Tait Watson on the official forums: Game Update 3.1.1 PTS Patch #1 Notes | 02.05.2015, 10:06 AM Hey everyone! We are going to be applying a patch to the PTS today, and will start in-game messaging around 10:45 CST in order to bring down the server at about 11. I will let you know when to expect the server to come back up! Edit: We are moving the maintenance window by 30 minutes, so in-game messaging will start at 11:15 CST and the servers will come down at about 11:30. In the meantime, here are the incoming changes: Classes + Combat Bounty Hunter Powertech Increased the post-depletion cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 2 minutes (up from 1.5 minutes) and increased the ability activation cooldown of Shoulder Cannon to 1.5 seconds (up from .5 seconds). Pyrotech Automated Defenses has…
SWTOR: PTS Patch Notes 3.1.1
BioWare have just posted the latest patch notes for the public test servers. All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Last Updated: January 28, 2015 All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Classes + Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Just Pursuit has been redesigned: Leg Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds. Removed the Stagger Skillful Utility. New Skillful Utility: Reining Reach. Reining Reach increases the range of Leg Slash to 10 meters and reduces its focus cost by 2. Removed the health penalty from Guarded by the Force. Additionally, the base cooldown of Guarded by the Force has been increased by 60 seconds. Sith Warrior Marauder Inescapable has been redesigned: Crippling Slash immobilizes the…
Game Update 3.1 PTS Patch Notes
BioWare have updated the Public test servers with game update 3.1. All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Below are the patch notes: Game Update 3.1 Last Updated: January 8, 2015 Highlights New Legacy Perk – Improved Mounting! With this perk, you may summon any vehicle or creature mount while moving. Classes + Combat Jedi Knight Guardian General Single Saber Mastery now increases the threat generated by Slash and Riposte by 15% while in Soresu Form, but the increased threat generation it grants to Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash has been reduced to 15% as well (down from 30%). Defense In addition to its current usage, Stasis Mastery now also increases the damage dealt and threat generated by Force Stasis by 100%. Beacon of Might no longer reduces the cooldown of Riposte and now only increases the damage dealt by Guardian…
Game Update 2.10: Forged Alliances PTS Update
BioWare applied an update to the PTS build of Game Update 2.10 yesterday. Below are the changes made in the patch. Classes + Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Combat Hand of Justice now triggers 20/40/60 percent of the time when Ataru Form deals damage and no longer finishes the cooldown of Precision Slash. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds. In addition to its other effects, Saber Storm now reduces the cooldown of Precision Slash by 1.5/3.0/4.5 seconds. Sith Warrior Marauder Carnage Slaughter now triggers 20/40/60 percent of the time when Ataru Form deals damage and no longer finishes the cooldown of Gore. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds. In addition to its other effects, Sever now reduces the cooldown of Gore by 1.5/3.0/4.5 seconds. Jedi Consular Sage In addition to increasing maximum Force, Force Studies now also increases armor rating by 20%. Force Mend no…
Swtor-mined: 2.9 PTS Patch #4
SWTOR_Miner have already been hard at work, datamining the latest patch on Star Wars: The old Republic test servers. Here is what is found inside the patch. Now Please don’t go and get yourself banned by posting/dicussing any information datamined here, the Official SWTOR Forums. Here’s the raw changes. Working on the rest New/Changed/Removed Abilities New/Changed/Removed Achievements New/Changed/Removed Collection Entries New/Changed/Removed Decorations New/Changed/Removed GOM_Items New/Changed/Removed Items New/Changed/Removed Cartel Market Entries New/Changed/Removed Quests New/Changed/Removed String Tables New/Changed/Removed Stongholds New Cartel Market/Collections Images: Stronghold Decoration Spreadsheet Updated! Conquest Events Spreadsheet Updated! Changes of Note: Stronghold Max Occupancy and Max Hook counts increased by 50-100 across the board. Galactic Datacron Master Achievement now grants one of each of the Datacron table decorations for your Stronghold. New Tutorial text: As the war effort evolves, Conquest Events provide you with a new set of shifting objectives every week. The current conquest event can be viewed by opening your…
SWTOR PTS 2.9 Update #2 Patch Notes
The public test servers for Star Wars: The old Republic has been updated. To give a quick summary of the changes; some issues have been fixed, guild flagships are now available, and your guild can now partake in guild conquest. BioWare will be streaming on Twitch today at 1PM PDT were they will be showing off the Guild flagships embeded below. Here are the patch notes: Highlights Guild Flagships now available! Guilds can now purchase a Flagship and use it to compete with other guilds and conquer the galaxy! Battle for control with Conquest! Personal and Guild Conquest is now available! Participate in “The Balance of Power” Conquest Event to earn both personal and guild rewards. If your guild owns a Flagship, you can invade a planet and compete with other guilds for planetary domination. Special perks are available to those who conquer a planet by placing at the top of the…
Swtor-mined: 2.9 PTS Patch #2
SWTOR_Miner have been playing around with the newest patch on Star Wars: The old republic test servers, and found plenty of new interesting stuff. Remember you can now follow him on Twitter, @swtor_miner, and on He don’t have a regular streaming schedule, but keep an eye out on it. Please don’t go and get yourself banned by posting/dicussing any information datamined here on the Official SWTOR Forums. Here’s the raw changes. Working on the rest New/Changed/Removed Abilities New/Changed/Removed Achievements New/Changed/Removed Areas Guild Ships were copies of the Fleet? New/Changed/Removed Codex Entries New/Changed/Removed Collection Entries New/Changed/Removed Conversations New/Changed/Removed Decorations New/Changed/Removed GOM_Items New/Changed/Removed Items New/Changed/Removed Cartel Market Entries New/Changed/Removed Npcs New/Changed/Removed Quests New/Changed/Removed String Tables New/Changed/Removed Stongholds New Cartel Market/Collections Images Manaan’s new Loading Screen image: Updates not listed in files above: Legacy Bank tab purchase costs have been decreased Tab Old cost New Cost 2 5,000,000 350,000 3 10,000,000 750,000 4 15,000,000 1,500,000…
Now we can finally sit in a chair…
It took BioWare a while, but finally we get the emote all players have been waiting for in Star Wars: The old Republic – /chair – and guess what it makes you do… It makes you sit down in one of the many many chairs around the game. Together with this emote comes another emote : /sleep, that makes you… Yes you guessed it right. Both emotes are on the Public test servers right now, and don’t seem to need unlocking, you just automatically have them unlocked! It is an interesting way to allow players to sit in chairs without having to reprogram stuff. While it’s not the ideal solution… I like it. Check them both out in the video below: Since it’s a generic emote and you’re not actually sitting on a chair/couch, you also won’t ever get any closer than the lip of the seat due to clipping,…
SWTOR Easter Egg? The secret of kolto
The Fanatical Swordsman has found something really cool that we had to share with you as well. It’s a really great SWTOR Easter Egg. From the author of the post: Recently, I saw a screenshot from the new Manaan content in the SWTOR patch coming up (thanks to Baffle on Twitter). If you’re still unsure of what you’re looking at, it’s lucky for us he is a chemist because he was able to realize: Kolto is caffeine! Ok gaming nerds, how awesome is that? Tell us, have you seen this before? Know of any other great Easter Eggs?
PTS 2.9 Build 1 – Patch Notes
The public test servers are not yet ready, but it is now possible to download the patch. Eric Musco posted an update on the official forums on what to expect. Below his forum post, we have added the patch notes. As you will notice this week from the patch notes, not all of 2.9 is on PTS yet. The reason is that we want to make sure as much testing as possible is concentrated on both personal and guild strongholds. Here is what is available this week on PTS: Tatooine Stronghold Nar Shaddaa Stronghold Dromund Kaas Stronghold Coruscant Stronghold *All Strongholds available for both personal and guild use Stronghold decorations (including things like Legacy Storage) Public Listings Depths of Manaan Flashpoint Next week we will be implementing the following features: Guild Flagships Guild Conquests Personal Conquests Conquest Leaderboards In preparation for next week we want to let you know what you will…
Game Update 2.8 PTS Testing Closing on June 2
Game update 2.8 is close. The public test servers will be closing down on June 2. Here are the official word from Tait Watson: Hey all! Thank you for all your great feedback, reports, and helping us test out the Spoils of War game update. Just as a heads up, we will be taking the PTS down at 10AM CDT on Monday, June 2nd. Thank you again, and we look forward to having you back on the PTS next time! -Tait
New SWTOR Event and New Alien Species on PTS
Will we soon be seeing a new alien species in SWTOR? Data-mined info says it’s possible, although little more is known at this time. Here are some images of a potential new race (playable?) that we might see coming with a future content update that is also supposed to bring a new SWTOR event. swtor_miner explains some of what the data shows about the model, “”These new aliens fall into the Bothan semi-custom model category, and not the full-custom model Wookiee one. This means they share animations with regular humanoid species.” I agree that I don’t think this will be a playable race based on what the datamining found. Probably they will be NPC models but perhaps this shows us what the new event or some of the new content will be about. Of course, this early in the process, the whole thing could be scrapped. We can never depend…
PTS Patch 2.8 Notes – 5/16/14
A new update has been applied to the PTS. You can find the new notes below, and they will be merged into the existing Patch Notes. Game Update 2.8: Spoils Of War PTS Update 2 Soovada (“Spoils of War” in Huttese) is an annual celebration of total extravagance in Hutt culture, originally celebrated in the summer season of Varl after successful military campaigns. Rival clans compete to prove their superior wealth, attempting to sponsor the most parties, pit fights, bounties, gambling, and every other public display of fortune and excess imaginable. Popularized among outside cultures during visits to Nar Shaddaa, this exuberant holiday is now celebrated on hundreds of worlds across the galaxy, where it’s simply known by its Huttese name; any connection to ancient wartime looting is largely ignored. Highlights New Event: Festival of Splendor! Players can try their hand at Smuggler’s Luck and Kingpin’s Bounty slot machines on Nar…
Game Update 2.8: Spoils Of War PTS Update – 5/8/2014
The public test servers for Star Wars: The old Republic have updated with a new build. Some of the highlights are: Group Finder Operations have been redesigned! Story Mode Operations are now more accessible to endgame players (levels 50 – 55). The Operations section in the Group Finder window will list available Operations on a predetermined schedule, rotating in different Operations every few days. Players who meet the level requirement of the Operation will be Bolstered, removing the requirement for endgame gear. Rewards have also been improved, making this a great opportunity for players to earn Ultimate Commendations and experience new content! Below are the changes made to the existing note: Classes + Combat Jedi Consular Sage Balance (Sage) Mind Warp has been reverted to its live functionality, and now increases the duration of Mind Crush by 1/2 seconds. Shadow General Mass Mind Control will now taunt NPC’s while Combat Technique is…
2.8 Patch Notes from PTS
The first patch notes for Game update 2.8 is online. These notes are only indicative of the current patch to the PTS, and will be expanded upon as we get farther into the testing process. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ PTS Game Update 2.8 Last Updated: May 1st, 2014 All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Highlights Nightmare Mode Dread Palace is now available! Return to Oricon to face off against Dread Masters Bestia, Tyrans, Calphayrus, and Raptus, who are now more powerful than ever before! General Added a high resolution shadow map option for high-end machines. This enables more detailed shadow rendering over a longer distance. Classes + Combat General Fixed an issue that would occasionally allow abilities to affects targets, even if those targets had a 100% or greater chance to defend against attacks. Jedi Knight Sentinel Watchman Merciless Slash now deals more damage…
Patch 2.8 on the PTS tomorrow
Public test servers will be back up online tomorrow, and now it is time to start beta testing game update 2.8. Below is the announcement from Tait Watson: Hi all! We have wiped the characters from the 2.7 Public Test Server release and you can now safely copy your characters over in anticipation of 2.8 testing. I know the first question to this is going to be “When is that going to be, Tait, you valiant Knight of Information and Glory?” so I’ll go ahead and tell you that we are aiming to put it up on the PTS this Thursday, May 1st (2014, if you’re reading this way in the future). While I don’t have an exact time yet, I’ll let you know when I do. And this, of course, is subject to change and I will update you all when I find stuff out! For instructions on PTS Character…
PTS Closing Monday, March 31st
Game update 2.7 is close by, and the public test servers will be taken down on Monday, match 31st. I don’t think we will see game update 2.7 go live on Tuesday, but Tuesday April 8th might be a good bet. Below is the official announcement: TaitWatson PTS Closing Monday, March 31st | 03.26.2014, 12:36 PM Hey everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the PTS will be closed on Monday, March 31st at 10AM CDT. Thank you for providing us feedback and helping us test the new content coming in Game Update 2.7! -tw
PTS Update – March 21st, 2014
The public test server is now back up. The only thing to note (besides the aforementioned patch notes) is that the only Warzone available will be the original Huttball map instead of the Quesh Huttball Pit. The developers found some issues that they are working through with the Quesh Huttball Pit, so it won’t be available for this phase of PTS testing. The restof the changes are listed below: General All equippable gear pieces have their Item Rating displayed in the tooltip. Weapons and armor have not changed. In the equipment tooltips, mods/enhancements now display their Item Rating in parentheses instead of their Item Level. While unequipped, mods/enhancements display their Item Rating in their tooltip. Classes + Combat Sith Inquisitor Assassin Spike is now a stun rather than a knockdown, but it will continue to knock down standard and weak enemies. Jedi Consular Shadow Spinning Kick is now a stun…
Swtor-mined: 2.7 PTS Patch #5 | 3/13/2014
Here is the newest datamined info from swtor_miner. We are going to jump over the raw output and go right to the juicy stuff. Unannounced Class Changes Operative/Scoundrel Jarring Strike/K.O. – Old PTS – “…and make your Backstab/Back Blast no longer require you to be behind the target to activate for 5 seconds.” New PTS – “…and allow your next Backstab/Back Blast to be activated while face-to-face with your enemy target.” Quickening/Scurry – Old PTS – “..In addition, when you activate Exfiltrate/Scamper, you have a 15/30% chance to gain Quickening/Scurry..” New PTS – “..In addition, when you activate Exfiltrate/Scamper, you have a 50/100% chance to gain Quickening/Scurry..” Surgical Precision/Emergent Emergencies – Old PTS – “…In addition, Surgical Probe/Emergency Medpac immediately re-grants Tactical Advantage/Upper Hand when used on targets below 30% max health. This effect can only occur once every 6 seconds.” New PTS – “…In addition, Surgical Probe/Emergency Medpac immediately re-grants…
PTS Update – March 13th, 2014
The public tester servers were down for a few hours today. During that Time, BioWare added a new patch. The changes are listed below: General Season 1 rewards will be sent out to players who qualified with a Group rating. Classes +Combat Jedi Knight Guardian Focused Defense has been redesigned: It now empowers you with 10 charges of Focused Defense, lasting up to 30 seconds. Whenever you take damage a charge of Focused Defense is consumed to heal you for a moderate amount. This ability can be used while stunned or otherwise controlled but cannot be used while above 70% health. Cooldown increased from 45 seconds to 2 minutes. Sith Warrior Juggernaut Enraged Defense has been redesigned: It now empowers you with 10 charges of Enraged Defense, lasting up to 30 seconds. Whenever you take damage a charge of Enraged Defense is consumed to heal you for a moderate amount….
PTS Update – March 6th, 2014
A new patch was applied to the PTS on 3/6/2014. The new changes are below, and have been merged into the existing patch notes. You can check out the existing patch notes here. General New options for the Ground Target Area of Effect reticle: Sticky Ground Target Reticule – When active, this option makes it so your Ground Target Reticule doesn’t disappear if the cast fails. Example: Bounty Hunter attempts to activate Death From Above, but their target location is out of range. With this option active, the GTAoE reticule should persist and allow the Player to instantly attempt to recast. If this option isn’t active, then the reticule should disappear and the Player will have to click to cast again. Quick Ground Target Activation – When active, pressing a hotkey that belongs to a GTAoE twice should cast the ability at the feet of the Player’s target. Example: Player has…
PTS Game Update 2.7: Invasion Patch Notes
Game Update 2.7: Invasion is now available on the Public Test Servers. You can find the patch notes for the current build below. If you haven’t done so already, check out our post on the data mining of the patch. You can check them out here and here. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ PTS Game Update 2.7: Invasion Patch Notes Last Updated: March 3rd, 2014 All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Highlights Ranked Arena Season 1 has ended! Characters that had a qualifying rating will be mailed their rewards. Giradda congratulates the winners and looks forward to the bloodshed in Season 2! Ranked Arenas are still active for you and your team to prepare for the next season, which will begin in 2.7.1. Matches played between Seasons will not affect your ratings. Quesh Huttball Pit, a new Warzone, is available…