PTS Game Update 2.7: Invasion Patch Notes

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Game Update 2.7: Invasion is now available on the Public Test Servers. You can find the patch notes for the current build below. If you haven’t done so already, check out our post on the data mining of the patch. You can check them out here and here.

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ PTS Game Update 2.7: Invasion Patch Notes

Last Updated: March 3rd, 2014

All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change.


  • Ranked Arena Season 1 has ended! Characters that had a qualifying rating will be mailed their rewards. Giradda congratulates the winners and looks forward to the bloodshed in Season 2! Ranked Arenas are still active for you and your team to prepare for the next season, which will begin in 2.7.1. Matches played between Seasons will not affect your ratings.
  • Quesh Huttball Pit, a new Warzone, is available for play! Baron Deathmark hosts the latest Huttball match on the toxic planet Quesh. Join the Warzone Queue and Go Berserk!
  • New Galactic Starfighter Domination Map: Denon Exosphere! The map features a wreckage field from the ongoing battle, a large strategic space station, and Republic and Imperial Capital Ships clashing over the ecumenopolis planet Denon.
  • New Flashpoints! Beginning the next major storyline of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Korriban Incursion and Assault on Tython Tactical Flashpoints are now available to players at level 55.
  • Nightmare Mode is now available for the Dread Fortress! Even greater horrors await those who wish to challenge the bastion of the Dread Masters, and even greater rewards in the form of new Dread Touched equipment!
    • This iteration of Nightmare Mode is a little different than others. The usual additional mechanics are present, as well as a new buff on the enemies called Nightmare Power. This buff grants the usual additional health and damage that has been added to previous Nightmare Modes. Anyone powerful and coordinated enough to defeat Dread Master Brontes while under the effect of Nightmare Power will be granted a new unique title!
    • At a future date, we will remove this buff, leaving the new mechanics in place but the health and damage dealt will return to usual hard mode values, and the title will no longer be possible to obtain.

Classes +Combat

Jedi Knight

  • Force Sweep now requires a primary target to activate. The bonuses from Felling Blow and Singularity now only apply to players if they are the primary target. Non-player targets are always affected if they are inside the Force Sweep radius.



  • Focused Defense has been remade! Focused Defense no longer costs Focus to activate, and will hold a number of charges based on if the Guardian is above or below 50% health. Every time the Guardian takes damage, a charge is expended to heal the Guardian. The cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes.
  • Challenging Call now immediately reduces threat by a moderate amount while not in Soresu Form.

Focus (Guardian)

Sith Warrior

  • Smash now requires a primary target to activate. The bonuses from Dominate and Shockwave now only apply to players if they are the primary target. Non-player targets are always affected if they are inside the Smash radius.



  • Enraged Defense has been remade! Enraged Defense no longer costs Rage to activate, and will hold a number of charges based on if the Juggernaut is above or below 50% health. Every time the Juggernaut takes damage, a charge is expended to heal the Juggernaut. The cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes.
  • Threatening Scream now immediately threat by a moderate amount while not in Soresu Form.

Rage (Juggernaut)

  • Through Passion reduces the cooldown of Enraged Defense by 15/30 seconds.

Jedi Consular



  • Force Barrier now has an additional effect. While you are protected by Force Barrier, charges will build up and grant Enduring Bastion. Enduring Bastion is a shield that absorbs an amount of damage based off the charges (1-4) that are present when Force Barrier ends. Enduring Bastion also grants immunity to interrupt and lasts for 5 seconds after Force Barrier ends. Force Barrier now has an additional rank to train at level 55, so visit your trainer!
  • Mental Alacrity also gives 100% pushback resistance in addition to other effects.


  • Egress has been moved to Tier 2 in the Seer Tree. Pain Bearer has been moved to Tier 1 in the Seer Tree. Psychic Suffusion has been moved to Tier 4 in the Seer Tree.
  • Healing Trance is now immune to pushback.


  • Psychic Projection now has a 50%/100% chance to grant a Psychic Projection charge when using Disturbance on a target affected by your Weaken Mind. The Psychic Projection charge causes your next Telekinetic Throw to channel and tick twice as fast.
  • Tidal Force now builds a charge whenever you deal damage with Disturbance, Turbulence, or Forcequake. At 2 charges, Telekinetic Wave’s cooldown is reset and the next cast of Telekinetic Wave activates instantly and has no Force cost. This effect can only occur every 10 seconds.

Balance (Sage)

  • Presence of Mind now builds up a charge whenever the Sage deals damage with Telekinetic Throw. At 4 charges, the next Disturbance or Mind Crush is cast instantly and deals 35% more damage.
  • Telekinetic Focal Point now also decreases the force cost of Disturbance by 15% per stack.

Sith Inquisitor



  • Force Barrier now has an additional effect. While you are protected by Force Barrier, charges will build up and grant Enduring Bastion. Enduring Bastion is a shield that absorbs an amount of damage based off the charges (1-4) that are present when Force Barrier ends. Enduring Bastion also grants immunity to interrupt and lasts for 5 seconds after Force Barrier ends. Force Barrier now has an additional rank to train at level 55, so visit your trainer!
  • Polarity Shift also gives 100% pushback resistance in addition to other effects.


  • Fade Out has been moved to Tier 2 in the Corruption Tree. Empty Body has been moved to Tier 1 in the Corruption Tree. Force Suffusion has been moved to Tier 4 in the Corruption Tree.
  • Innervate is now immune to pushback.


  • Lightning Barrage now has a 50%/100% chance to grant a Lightning Barrage charge when using Lightning Strike on a target affected by your Affliction. A Lightning Barrage charge causes your next Force Lightning to channel and tick twice as fast.
  • Lightning Storm now builds a charge whenever you deal damage with Lightning Strike, Thundering Blast, or Force Storm. At 2 charges, Chain Lightning’s cooldown is reset and the next cast of Chain Lightning activates instantly and has no Force cost. This effect can only occur every 10 seconds.

Madness (Sorcerer)


  • Defense Screen has had its cooldown reduced to 20 seconds, its maximum duration reduced to 10 seconds, and now absorbs slightly more damage per cast.
  • Flash Grenade now only affects a single target.



Dirty Fighting (Gunslinger)

  • Hold Your Ground will now reduce Defense Screen by 3/6 seconds. (Down from 7.5/15)



  • Scamper has been redesigned. Using Scamper will grant a charge that will allow another Scamper roll before the ability goes on a 10 seconds cooldown, allowing for at max 2 rolls in succession. In addition the energy cost has been removed making the ability free to use.
  • Street Tough will additionally allow Flash Grenade to blind up to 5 targets within 5m.


  • Emergent Emergencies’ Upper Hand granting effect can now only occur every 6 seconds.


  • Slippery Devil will now give the Scampering Scoundrel a short window of defense against all attack types (which stacks with Scamper’s normal defense bonuses).
  • K.O. now grants a buff that makes Backblast not require position behind the target after using Shoot First and now immobilizes instead of stuns the target. Dirty Fighting (Scoundrel) Smuggled Defenses will now reduce Defense Screen by 3/6 seconds. (Down from 7.5/15)

Imperial Agent

  • Shield Probe has had its cooldown reduced to 20 seconds, its maximum duration reduced to 10 seconds, and now absorbs slightly more damage per cast.
  • Flashbang now only affects a single target.



  • Evasion now gives the Sniper 100% chance to resist Tech and Force attacks for 3 seconds.
  • Entrench is no longer removed when you leave cover. However, you must return to cover to gain the protections offered by Entrench.

Lethality (Sniper)

  • Hold Your Ground will now reduce Shield Probe by 3/6 seconds. (Down from 7.5/15)



  • Exfiltrate has been redesigned. Using Exfiltrate will grant a charge that will allow another Exfiltrate roll before the ability goes on a 10 seconds cooldown, allowing for at max 2 rolls in succession. In addition the energy cost has been removed making the ability free to use.
  • Preparedness will additionally allow Flashbang to blind up to 5 targets within 5m.


  • Surgical Precision’s Tactical Advantage granting effect can now only occur every 6 seconds.


  • Shadow Operative Elite will now give the Exfiltrating Operative a short window of defense against all attack types (which stacks with Exfiltrate’s normal defense bonuses).
  • Jarring Strikes now grants a buff that makes Backstab not require position behind the target after using Hidden Strike and now immobilizes instead of stuns the target.

Lethality (Operative)

  • Escape Plan will now reduce Shield Probe by 3/6 seconds. (Down from 7.5/15)

Bounty Hunter

  • Unload will now deal 4 ticks of damage instead of 3, with the first tick of damage occurring at ability activation. The total damage of the ability is unchanged, so each new tick of damage will do slightly less then before.



  • Power Surge now has a base cooldown of 60 seconds.


  • Power Shields is now a Tier 2 Skill.
  • Heat Dampening is now a Tier 3 Skill.


  • Power Overrides now reduces the cooldown of Power Surge by 7.5/15.
  • Stabilizers now prevents 50%/100% of pushbacks towards Unload, Power Shots and Tracer Missiles.
  • Barrage now has a 33%/67%/100% chance to occur when using Tracer Missile or Power Shot. This proc can only occur once every 8 seconds.
  • Upgraded Arsenal will now reduce the cost of Rail Shot by 3/6/9 Heat while in High Velocity Gas Cylinder.


  • Full Auto will now deal 4 ticks of damage instead of 3, with the first tick of damage occurring at ability activation. The total damage of the ability is unchanged, so each new tick of damage will do slightly less then before.



  • Tech Override now has a base cooldown of 60 seconds.

Combat Medic

  • Combat Shields is now a Tier 2 Skill.
  • Efficient Conversions is now a Tier 3 Skill.


  • Overclock now reduces the cooldown of Tech Override by 7.5/15.
  • Steadied Aim now prevents 50%/100% of pushbacks towards Full Auto, Charged Bolts and Grav Rounds.
  • Curtain of Fire now has a 33%/67%/100% chance to occur when using Grav Round or Charged Bolts. This proc can only occur once every 8 seconds.
  • Special Munitions will now reduce the cost of High Impact Bolt by 3/6/9 Ammo while in Armor Piercing Cell.

Flashpoints +Operations


Galactic Starfighter


  • The cooldown on Koigran Turn, Snap Turn, and Retro Thrusters has been increased.
  • The Power cost of Power Dive has been reduced.
  • The cooldown and Power cost of Barrel Roll has been increased.
  • Upgrades relating to the cooldown times and Power costs of these abilities have been rebalanced to account for the changes.
  • Missile lock breaking effects will now consistently evade Cluster Missiles with the “Double Volley” upgrade.
  • Shield Projector’s visual effects now show up properly on all ships in the ability’s radius.
  • Icons for EMP Field’s accuracy debuff and Sensor debuff now show up on affected targets

Ships + Hangar

  • Two new Scout ships, the Spearpoint and the S-SC4 Bloodmark have been added. These support ships have access to new components designed to improve the effectiveness your squadron:
  • Combat Command – This sytem component increases weapon accuracy and power generation for all nearby allies (including yourself)
  • Tensor Field – This system component increases the speed and turning rate of all nearby allies.
  • These ships can also equip a Repair Drone as their shield. (Identical to the Repair Drone found on the Bomber)
  • Two new Strike Fighters, the FT-7B Clarion and the FT-3C Imperium have been added. These command ships only have one primary and secondary weapon, but have system components that improve the effectiveness of your allies:
  • Combat Command – Increases weapon accuracy and power generation for all nearby allies (including yourself)
  • Repair Probes – Attaches a repair probe to all nearby allied ships, which will slowly restore hull over 20 seconds.
  • Remote Slicing – Transmits a slicing code that disables a ship’s system ability, and slowly drains shield power, making the ship vulnerable to your allies.

Component + Crew

  • The Dustmaker, Comet Breaker, and Demolisher gunships can now equip Thermite Torpedoes.
  • Missile Sentry Drone concussion missiles and Seeker Mines will no longer be launched at ships that are immune to missile locks.
  • EMP Field’s “Missile Lock Immunity” upgrade will now cancel in-progress missile locks when it is activated.

Items + Economy


  • Berserker is a new tier of PvP gear obtained via Ranked Warzone Vendors on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. It requires Ranked Warzone Commendations as well as the associated Obroan piece.
  • Quesh Huttball Pit has been added to the Warzone rotation. The normal Warzone queue has been temporarily adjusted to increase the amount of times the Quesh Huttball Pit will be selected. (PTS note: The Quesh Huttball Pit will be the only Warzone available during testing.)
  • Daily and Weekly PvP quests have been updated to include credit for the new Warzone.
  • Power-up icons (Healing ‘plus’, Speed ‘run’, etc.) have been added underneath power-ups in all Warzones to show which power-up will respawn at that position.
  • A PvP Mission Terminal has been added to the spawn area of each Warzone.

Known Issues


Legacy offhands missing | 03.04.2014, 11:06 AM

Hi! I just spoke with the team and they will be added in a future patch to the PTS.



new hutball not popping | 03.04.2014, 12:09 PM

We found out the issue and have corrected it. Should be all Quesh now. If you’re currently in a queue, you may still get a different one, though. Thanks!
