Swtor-mined: 2.8 PTS

While we have been celebrating Star Wars day, swtor_miner have been busy datamining the newest patch on the public test servers. Before you read on, I have to warn you that this post includes spoilers.  Just below are the raw changes and below that comes the interesting stuff.

New Event: Festival of Splendor?

Soovada (“Splendorous Summer” in Huttese) is an annual celebration of total extravagance in Hutt culture. Rival clans compete to prove their superior wealth, attempting to sponsor the most parties, pit fights, bounties, gambling, and every other public display of fortune and excess imaginable.

Popularized on Nar Shaddaa, this exuberant holiday is now celebrated on hundreds of worlds across the galaxy, where it is more commonly known as the Festival of Splendor.

Cartel Market

  • First Grand Mount Pack – A pack of assorted mounts from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.
  • First Grand Dye Module Kit – A pack of assorted dye modules from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.
  • First Grand Crystal Pack – A pack of assorted color crystals from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.
  • First Grand Emote Pack – A pack of assorted emotes from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.
  • First Grand Pet Pack – A pack of assorted pets from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.
  • First Grand Companion Customization Pack – A pack of assorted companion customizations from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.
  • First Grand Weapons Pack – A pack of assorted weapons from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.
  • First Grand Starfighter Pack – A pack of assorted Galactic Starfighter components from the Cartel Market.
  • First Grand Rest and Recharge Pack – A pack of assorted rest and recharge items from the Cartel Market, containing items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs.

New Cartel Market Images


You can now will be able to at some point Group Finder Queue for Dread Fortress and Dread Palace Story Mode. And it appears that Bolster will be available for Groupfinder Operations.


Advanced Recon HK Customization

Advanced Recon HK Customization

HK Hutt Military Customization HK Hutt Military Customization

New Blaster Model New Blaster Model

Galactic Starfighter

The Daily/Weekly Quests now reward Fleet Commendations. (40/90 respectively)

Upcoming Content Spoiler

Something most people overlooked was the string table changes. Most notably the “str.sys.titles” one. The titles listed in this table are the ones that appear under Npcs names that tell you what they do.

  • Security Commander
  • Order of Shasa
  • Specimen #71
  • Cybernetics Research Lead
  • Support Droid
  • Stronghold Commissioner
  • Framework Engineer
  • Stronghold Decorations
  • Binary Star Realty
  • Fleet Commendation Vendor
  • Casino Cashier
  • Casino Prize Vendor

What’s interesting is that the Galactic Strongholds Npc titles leaked in. . Though the 5 before it seem like they are related. The second title being a spoiler linked to Revan & Manaan. (Read about who/what this title might be referencing here, and here.