Star Wars Galaxies: The Book

A new book celebrating SWG Galaxies is coming. Sounds exciting, right? This is a complete passion project for the author who has been working on it for the past 5 years or so.

What do you think about a book about Star Wars Galaxies? SWG was one of the most popular Star Wars games and to this day, hardcore fans of SWG are still talking about those good ole days. What if you had a book written by a fellow fan to help commemorate the game and the great times it contained?

You can learn more about it and follow the updates here on Facebook. Here’s a snapshot of the table of contents so you can get a good idea of what the book is about:

It was shared, along with an FAQ from interested fans. This info from the author:

What content can I expect to find in the book?
Check out the ‘Contents’ page attached to this post. The first half of the book features a history of the game, and the second half is more focused on what it was like to actually play it.

How many pages will the book have?

Is there a bias towards any particular era of the game?
Nope. I try to highlight the good and the bad of all the distinct periods in Galaxies history. This doesn’t mean that I shy away from the controversies, but the writing is entirely impartial. This is a book for all fans of the game, and it’s intended to be a celebration, not a tear-down or vicious exposé.

Is this book in any way affiliated with LucasArts/SOE/Daybreak?
An Empire Remembered is entirely unofficial and unauthorized. It is also unaffiliated with any of the emulator projects. I have however spoken off-the-record with a number of third parties who have been involved with the game, in order to clarify certain information which was otherwise unclear.

I submitted images/information to this page a few years ago. Will they be featured in the book?
The focus of the book switched from individual player experiences to a more broad history of Star Wars Galaxies, and therefore I haven’t featured any player stories within the book. There are two pages dedicated to displaying some of the player submitted images however. These were chosen entirely at random.

How much of the book will be about the emulator projects?
There are a handful of pages towards the back of the book which turn the spotlight towards the emulator projects and player servers. I have not included a full list of player servers as I feel this would quickly date the book.

Who designed the cover art?
Simon Bennett a.k.a finalfightguy. His cover design is intended to represent the many professions and diverse character creation options available in Galaxies. Simon was an absolute pleasure to work with and has a crazy amount of different styles. Check out his Twitter page to see more of his work.

How much will the book cost and when and where can I buy it?
The book will be available exclusively on Amazon via their print-on-demand service. The book will be priced at $25.00/£18.00/€21.00 depending on which of Amazon’s marketplaces the book is purchased from. It will be available to purchase from 26 June 2018 – the 15th anniversary of Galaxies US launch.

Will the book be available as an eBook?
Not at this time. The book was designed to best be read in physical form.

Can I buy a hardback copy?
I have extensively looked into this, but unfortunately the logistics of publishing and shipping the product are not cost/time prohibitive.

How close is the book to being finished? Will it be delayed?
The book is finished and I have a proof copy sitting in front of me as we speak. Other than a little editing it is ready to go.

So can I pre-order a copy?
Unfortunately not. This is due to limitations on Amazon’s self-publishing system.

Lisa Clark

Lisa has been an avid gamer since she was old enough to hold her first controller and a game writer for more than a decade. A child of the Nintendo generation, she believes they just don’t make games like they used to but sometimes, they make them even better! While consoles will always be her first love, Lisa spends most of her gaming time on the PC these days- on MMOs and first-person shooters in particular.