Since we are so damn close to the release of SWTOR we thought it was only reasonable to start posting patch updates so people could start getting an idea how far the game has come. These updates are only a few days old and was released september 27, and we are really down to small tweaks now. Of course there is still bugs, and there will be for years after the game is out, but BioWare is really doing a good job killing all the game breakers. Nice to see boys! General Players may now toggle their Away From Keyboard status with the /afk command Classes and Combat General Fixed an issue that caused players to continue along their movement path after being affected by any immobilizing ability. Bounty Hunter Shoulder Slam now has no cooldown and its effect on Strong enemies has been significantly reduced. Jedi Consular Tumult now has no cooldown and its…
September SWTOR Beta Weekend Testers Re-Invited
Last night Stephen Reid posted a very important statement regarding Beta testing on the official forum. The first group of beta weekend testers will be re-invited to the test the latest build of Star Wars: The old republic: Why are they being re-invited? Because we feel for a significant proportion of those invited to test during Beta Testing Weekend #1, they did not have an optimal testing experience. As I mentioned before, we had some issues, including some people not receiving an invite, and others being unable to get the client in time because of issues with their acceptance of their invite. With those factors in mind, we felt that because many people did not experience the game, it was worthwhile to re-invite everyone. So look after this in your mail:
Your Favorite Advanced Class- from the Beta Forums
An image was released from the beta forums that depicts a poll of advanced classes. It shows 575 voters at the time the screenshot was taken, asking gamers what advanced class they preferred playing the most. Sith Sorcerer led with 13.39% of the votes followed by BH Mercenary with just over 10%. 6.43% of the responders said that they liked all the advanced classes they played evenly. The BH Powertech got the least votes in the poll with only 2.26% and Smuggler Scoundrel was only slightly above that with 2.78% of the votes. Of course this isn’t fully accurate of everyone who has played the classes because there were just under 600 votes. We also don’t know how many votes may have come in after the screenshot was taken. It’s still interesting and brings up good conversation about the advanced classes and which ones players will like the most. Of…
Star Wars: The Old Republic European beta testing delayed
On the official forums, European SWTOR fans have been asking and asking for info about beta testing and beta access. Finally, a long-awaited answer was given, although it might not be exactly what some were hoping for. European beta testing will be delayed. Star Wars: The Old Republic European beta testing has been delayed. Stephen Reid, Senior Online Community Manager addresses the issue in full detail with a lengthy post that is very important to EU players. His post begins: “We can understand the frustration here, but unfortunately we got stuck between a rock and a hard place with no realistic scenarios where we’d please everyone.” So you can just imagine that what he has to say is not going to be good for European players. This post also talks about issues related to voicing/languages that will be available to different regions: “Also, this is a good opportunity to talk…
Most Beta Testers Would Recommend SWTOR to Friends
We received a screenshot of a poll supposedly published in the beta forums for SWTOR. It’s unofficial but based on the same question that testers are reportedly asked throughout their experience in the beta version of the game. The question is: Based on your experience today, how likely are you to recommend SWTOR to a friend? They are then asked to vote on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. At the time the screencap was sent to us, 823 people had responded. Here is the breakdown of the responses: 1- 13 1.58% 2- 3 0.36% 3- 13 1.58% 4- 12 1.46% 5- 45 5.47% 6- 26 3.16% 7- 61 7.41% 8- 99 12.03% 9- 81 9.84% 10- 470 57.11% So the numbers show us that most people who are testing who took the time to find and then respond to…
Old Republic Release Date Tied to Beta, Says EA
EA says, “We don’t want to happen to us what happened to WoW,” in reference to their launch and not in reference to success, of course. EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau explained to CVG that while they have a date for the SWTOR launch, the deciding factor will rest in the hands of the beta testers. The date is tentatively set for “holiday 2011” but will be dependent upon fan reactions to the beta of the game. “We’re driving towards a date, but the very issue you raised is why we’re not announcing a date yet because you want to make sure that these services can last a decade,” the exec said. He adds, “It is definitely tied to the beta test feedback that’s ongoing and so far, so good. We feel good about the date that we’re heading towards but you’re right, you could have a Crazy Ivan show…
Game testing weekends begin next week – September 2nd!
You properly already head it, but BioWare revealed that the Beta Testing Weekends are beginning on September 2nd for a select few who registered on the game’s website. This news was announced earlier today at PAX Prime, including the fact that even those who didn’t pre-order can have an equal chance to participate. That’s next weekend guys! Senior Live Producer Blaine Christine told the crowd that they will be adding a brand new testing server and inviting a whole new group of people, who haven’t been testing before. He also mentioned that if you don’t get in next weekend “you should be getting in very soon.” Ask a Jedi Uploaded a movie with the announcement:
Beta tester/Former professional game tester reviews SWTOR
Here is one of the most interesting SWTOR beta reviews I have read yet. This Beta tester/Former professional game tester posts their experience with SWTOR on Reddit. It begins: “I’ve been in beta for about two and half weeks and I used to work for a large and famous video game company as a game tester. I would like to think I know a little bit about testing games, but this is just a general outline of what I think of the game and where it’s heading.” The review goes on to tell us what SWTOR is: “A really solid MMO that will be successful. Simply put, there is nothing that WOW does better, and the baseline for TOR leaves a lot of room for improvement and fun. Unless something insane happens and the game goes off the deep end, I don’t see it failing like most MMOs.” And then,…
The Guild Testing Program Details
First of all I would like apologize for the lack of updates on our website the last couple of days. Currently I’m with my family on vacation in an area of Denmark were internet haven’t been invented yet. At the same time Lisa is on holiday with her family, so she is also having a hard time finding time to write. I found a place 75 km from our holiday home were internet can be found though, so I will be driving there each day to keep you updated! Here is a quick one before we start posting Gamescom stuff: If you want to join the SWTOR Guild Testing Program, make sure your guild has at least 10 registered members. Guilds are then selected at random to participate. Currently European guilds are not eligible as the EU Guild Testing program has not yet begun, but will soon. For more information about the SWTOR Guild Testing Program,…
SWTOR Sith sniper Tree
We got more Imperial argent goodies for you today. Not only we able to show you the Sith Assassin Tree earlier today, but thanks to AlterSwtor we now also got the Sniper tree. Once again the tree is presented via a video, but you can also click the images below the video and check it all out one by one – very image heavy though. Hope you enjoy! video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
SWTOR Sith Assasin Tree
Yesterday we posted the sith juggernaut and sith inquisitor skill trees, but we got more goodies for you today. The guys over at Alterswotor has posted the Sith Assasin Tree in a video format. Unfortuantly this make sit much harder to get an overview over the whole talent tree, but it is better then nothing. Still hope you enjoy
SWTOR Tester reviews his 20 days long test session
Betacake brought us another beta tester review, this one from someone who tested for 20 days before the write-up. This is certainly a significant period of time to give a sufficient review but of course, it’s just one person’s opinions. These are one person’s ideas of what is good and bad in the game but still, it is very useful when learning more about SWTOR and what we can all expect. Here’s a snippet of the intro: First to my characters: So far I have played 5 characters and followed the story. As far as possible I have done all the quests I have found and did not skip any – unless group quests I did not get a group for. The list of my characters are: Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer – lvl 27 – currently on Nar Shaddaa (story line for that planet finished – on her way to Tatooine) Sith Warrior:…
SWTOR Beta Review
If you’re looking for information about Star Wars: The Old Republic beta play, the good stuff will be few and far between. This is because the people who have access to the beta are prohibited from talking about things that BioWare has not already released publicly, as with any closed beta. Yet, just like with any other popular game in beta, there are going to be leaks. AlterSWTor is one such place where beta leaks exist. This is where we came across an interesting SWTOR Beta review but consider yourself forewarned that SPOILERS exist. Here they have a screenshot from the SWTOR beta forums along with a thorough review about the game from a beta perspective. This is interesting stuff for any fan looking for more info who has not had their own chance to preview or get into beta. The TOR Beta review includes info like: Character Classes (Will…
Beta Test Weekends to Start this September
In an official press release from EA, BioWare announces beta test weekends will begin in September. It also discusses the pre-orders starting today and unveils detail of their special editions of Star Wars: The Old Republic. “”””””””””””””As anticipation grows, BioWare also proudly announced today that Star Wars: The Old Republic will open “Beta Test Weekends” starting this September. These weekend play sessions will be open to selected players worldwide and create an opportunity for fans to get a sneak peek of the epic stories, worlds, quests, battles and characters in the game. Please visit to register for game testing and to stay tuned throughout the summer for more details as they become available.”” That’s exciting news for those who have been waiting for a chance at a beta that has since been closed to the public. The press release also describes the three versions of SWTOR that will be…
SWTOR Beta Testers MAY be getting Buddy Keys to invite friends to Beta
Do you have a friend in the SWTOR beta? It’s possible the “friends and family” beta mode may be expanding to friends of friends and family. According to a Tweet by @Kruczinski, beta testers were getting a number of beta keys to share with friends starting today. Of course, Stephen Reid (@Rockjaw) set him straight real quick with a reminder that “any information within Game Testing is under NDA” so he most certainly should not have been Tweeting about it. Anthony then replied to Reid with: “@Rockjaw Unfortunately, I haven’t been invited to any of the Game Testing phases which means I can’t really break any NDA can I?” Some question the authority of his leak since his previous tweet included a racial slur and the latter tweet admitted he was not part of Game testing, therefore, may not actually have any solid information regarding buddy keys or TOR at…
Mike “Gabe” Krahulik from Penny Arcade Talks about SWTOR
What does Penny Arcade think about SW:TOR? Now you can find out because Mike Krahulik, known as Gabe on PA, has had access to the friends and family beta of SWTOR and now we has permission to share his impressions with us via the Penny Arcade Blog. Gabe starts off, “Honestly they had no idea what I was going to say which must have been a little scary considering this is PA, but lucky for them I actually really like their game.” That’s good news for TOR fans as well. Gabe tells us he thinks TOR will live up to its expectations. We know the PA guys can be pretty critical so this is a positive for BioWare/TOR. He compares the questing in TOR to other MMOs: “Turning the quests into an interactive experience makes me care a lot more about them. A quest is still a chance to get…
High Scale Beta at the end of June?
A conference call on June 14th between William Blair and company analysts and CEO of Electronic Arts John Riccitiello discussed beta testing for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Certain information had players questioning the betas and what this means for a launch date. Daniel Erickson already previously confirmed there will be no open beta before launch so what exactly does “high scale beta” mean? John Riccitiello stated “we’re in mid-scale beta, we’ve got a high scale beta at the end of June.” Riccitiello added “and only the foolish assume they know the outcome of a beta in terms of whether it’s a six week hit or not.”” Stephen Reid responds to John Riccitiello’s comments on the official forum: “Take a deep breath, everyone… Game Testing is currently ongoing for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This isn’t news – it’s been ongoing for quite a while. At different…
SWTOR Beta Sneak peek
A long sneak peek from the beta has just been published. A lot of the video is normal questing with some strange breaks where the player stands still for awhile and you see in the chat box that the Ambiance is turning On and Off multiple times. Animations and graphics look great. Running (which if I remember was previously reported to be clunky?) looks good and the combat is smooth. Some polish needed for some of the quest conversations. Animations and set pieces don’t line up sometimes and it defiantly breaks the immersion. I assume this will be addressed and corrected so don’t hold it against BW.
SWTOR Beta testing to hit Europe
According to a report by fansite,, SWTOR beta testing will soon be on its way to Europe. They report getting an email with the headline: “Prepare for European game testing!” Well, that’s about as simple as it gets, right? The email goes on to clarify: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will soon begin a new round of game testing in Europe. Want to be a part of BioWare’s most anticipated game ever? Sign up at So there you go. If you’re reading this from Europe, it’s time to go sign up for the beta. Remember that you need to be 18 years of age and you have to accept the Game Testing agreement. You also have to complete the Game Testing registration process. If you haven’t yet signed up for beta testing and you live in Europe, now would be a good time to do so. No word…
SWTOR Gets a Negative Preview from Bit-Tech
What’s that? A negative review for SWTOR? That’s right; you read it correctly. Who would dare such a thing? Bit-Tech has something to say about our beloved SWTOR. We’re all anxiously awaiting the game that promises to “keep players engaged” for hours on end. However, according to Bit-Tech, this may not be the case. In fact, they give SWTOR a negative preview and express disappointment in the game after forty-eight hours of solid play. You have to take notice with comments like “It’s plain and staid and deathly dull” and “it’s one of the most boring titles we’ve ever had to endure”. This is just two of the negative things that Bit-Tech had to say about Bioware’s new brainchild. It seems that one of the things that Bit-Tech believes makes it so bad is the fact that Bioware makes so many promises about how they have “infused a series of…
1.5 million interested in Star Wars: The Old Republic beta
As we reported yesterday Chief financial officer Eric Brown reviled that around 1.5 million gamers have registered their interest in being part of a Star Wars: The Old Republic beta. … We’ve got well north of a million, million and a half ready to test for free,” he said of Star Wars the Old Republic beta. “We’re not that concerned about generating initial demand. For us it’s about creating the right experience, expanded beyond the tier one and the tier two users. You’ve got people that have never played an MMO before but are interested in Star Wars, to engage and give it a try. What’s really important to us is striking the right balance so that we serve the needs and demands, requirements of the core, pre-existing MMO subscribers. “They demand a lot of content, a lot of community, guilds are very important, special group activities, raids and things…
SWTOR will not launch before July 1, says EA
During today’s Lazard Capital Markets Technology and Media Conference, EA CFO Eric Brown said that the firm would not release Star Wars: The Old Republic during the firm’s FY11. At the same time, he reconfirmed that it will be released sometime during calender 2011. “So we said it’s going to launch sometime in calendar, but not within Fiscal 11. So that basically pens down between you know, April 1st and December 31st of this calendar year. It’s also reasonable to infer that it’s not in our Q1 guidance. We gave Q1 Fiscal 11, Fiscal 12 non gap revenue guidance, minus 39 minus 44 cents and I think it’s not unreasonable to infer that it’s not included in that 90 day period.” So it looks like March-June is likely out, leaving a release date of July 1 at the earliest. Personally I belive it will be out some time this fall….
Friday Update: Living the Life of a Live Producer
This weeks friday update gives us another developer blog. This time it’s Live Producer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Blaine Christine that shares some insight about his job. Blaine Christine has worked for BioWare for three and a half years and mainly take care of beta testing stuff right now. I imagine he is the last man who have a look at things before new patches hits the test realms etc. Thorugh out this weeks blog, Blaine Christine quotes a few beta testers with their exstreamly positive (obviously) opinions on the game. Here is the probably most interesting quotes from game testers: “The questing experience in TOR was amazing! The voiceovers and cinematics actually make me wonder how I ever survived the ‘grind’ without them.” “As one of those people who didn’t really care about story in an MMO, after playing TOR I can’t imagine playing another MMO unless…
RIFT review – RIFT Better then SWTOR?
Last week I wrote about the upcoming MMORPG – RIFT created by Trion Worlds. Back then I mentioned that I might be picking up a copy for their hard earned effort. Right now I have changed my mind though. Watching the Yogcast 1 hour review of RIFT on Youtube I have to admit I lost all interest in the game. First of all the game looks too much like WoW. Not that there is anything wrong with World of Warcraft, but as Aion, Warhammer online, Age of Conan and other WoW clones found out – it just doesn’t work. The guys in the Vcast liked how the game looks, but fancy graphics just doesn’t cut it anymore. Actually Remove the graphics and give me a good old fashion MUD if the game play is good. The second reason I won’t be playing Rift is the fantasy genre. I am just fed up with it. One more dragon and I’ll puke! Apparently I stand alone with this…