Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Hunter

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of Hunter – the leader of the bad batch.   Check i out. UNIT NAME: HunterALIGNMENT: Light SideCATEGORIES: Attacker, Leader, Bad Batch, Clone Trooper, Galactic RepublicTactical leader of the Bad Batch who subtly destroys his enemies. ABILITIES: Basic: COMBAT PROWESS FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Expose for 2 turns. If target enemy was debuffed, attack again. Special 1: SHROUDED APPROACH (Cooldown 3) FINAL TEXT: Clone Trooper allies gain Evasion Up and Stealth for 2 turns. Then, deal Physical damage to all enemies. If Hunter was already Stealthed, all Bad Batch allies gain Critical Chance Up and Offense Up for 2 turns. Special 2: FINISH WHAT WE STARTED (Cooldown 3) FINAL TEXT: Inflict Expose on target enemy for 2 turns, which can’t be evaded. Swap Turn Meter with target other Clone Trooper ally….

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insight: Bo-Katan Kryze

Here is the latest Developer insights from the guys over at Capital Games on Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Bo-Katan Kryze, the fierce Nite Owl agent, Death Watch lieutenant, and once-upon-a-time Darksaber wielder, marks her arrival to the holotables by calling on Mandalorians to unite in battle! A firm believer in the martial history of Mandalore, Bo-Katan is usually well-positioned to recruit allies to further her objectives and dispense of her enemies. Bo-Katan stands ready to provide leadership and synergy for the Mandalorian faction by calling them to assist, providing valuable Protection bonuses, dispelling debuffs and granting Critical Damage increases. She also has the ability to inflict Daze and Vulnerable on enemies, increasing the effectiveness of any band of Mandalorians she is leading. Add Bo-Katan to your roster of heroes by completing her all-new Marquee event and help her claim her rightful place in Mandalorian history. Additionally, Canderous Ordo’s Unique ability and…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Developer Insights: Dark Trooper

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of The Dark Trooper and how they went about creating this iconic characters from the Star Wars universe.  Check i out. UNIT NAME: Dark TrooperALIGNMENT: Dark SideCATEGORIES: Attacker, Droid, Empire, Imperial Remnant, Imperial TrooperAn Imperial Remnant attacker whose abilities are modified by the amount in Dark Trooper Squad ABILITIES: Basic: PNEUMATIC PUNCH FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy once for each stack of Dark Trooper Squad. This ability can’t critically hit unless this unit has Advantage. Special 1: BOMBARDING REINFORCEMENTS (Cooldown 3) FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Deal Physical damage to all enemies. If Dark Trooper has 3 or more stacks of Dark Trooper Squad, Imperial Remnant allies gain Advantage for 2 turns, otherwise Dark Trooper gains 1 stack of Dark Trooper Squad. Special 2: PERFECT SOLDIERS (Cooldown 5) FINAL TEXT: Imperial Trooper allies gain 10% Turn…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Developer Insights: Moff Gideon

Moff Gideon has arrived to impose his will on the Holotables! The formidable Moff, once an officer in the Imperial Security Bureau and now wielder of the legendary Mandalorian Darksaber, uses his unique talents to lead Imperial Troopers into battle. Always tactical and looking for every advantage, Moff Gideon controls the battlefield by utilizing AoE attacks, Turn Meter manipulation, and applying both Daze and a new debuff that leaves his foes Demoralized. With the Darksaber in hand, Moff Gideon turns his attention to chasing down the Child. Use his unrelenting focus and astute battlefield knowledge to lead your squad of Imperial Troopers onto the Holotables and bring glory to the Empire by unlocking Moff Gideon in an all-new Marquee event. Long live the Empire! The Basics: Moff Gideon is an Empire Leader with a very focused synergy with Imperial Troopers. Gideon gains Insight into the enemy team, unlocking an ability…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: The Road Ahead – November 2020

Here is the latest “Road Ahead” write up, from the developers of Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes, over at Capital games. November has a few big items to go over, so let’s dive in. 5th Anniversary2020 has flown by (or crawled in some instances) and we find ourselves once again in November, which is a special month in Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes. As many of you know, it is our anniversary of launching the game. This year is particularly momentous, as we celebrate our fifth year of being live. We are truly thankful to all of the players that continue to play on the holotables with us as none of this would be possible without you. As is tradition, on 11/25, we will be sending players some “goodies” for continuing to make this game great. Capital Games cannot thank you all enough and we look forward to supporting Galaxy…

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Kuiil and IG-11 joines Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes

They guys over at Capital Games are incredibly excited for the next season of The Mandalorian that started last week, and even more excited to bring you the next set of characters from the show! The first two characters from this side of the galaxy are Kuiil and IG-11, and IG-11 has a very special package he’s caring for. Season 1 Characters: One of the Galaxy’s most mechanically-inclined and surly Ugnaughts is making his way to the holotables! After years of Imperial servitude, Kuiil had hoped to find solace on Arvala-7 but fate came calling with other plans. Soon Kuiil found himself rescuing a Mandalorian, reprogramming a menacing IG unit, and protecting an adorable, tiny green creature. Kuiil’s Special Ability, “I Have Spoken,” introduces the new “Mechanic’s Savvy” buff, which is tailored to work especially well with Scoundrels and Droids. Scoundrels will benefit from increased Critical damage perks, while Droids…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insight: Kuiil

Here is the latest Developer insights from the guys over at Capital Games on Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Today we have 2 very exciting characters from Season 1 of The Mandalorian, Kuiil and IG-11! This industrious ugnaught is just looking for some peace and quiet after a hard life working under the Imperials. Read on to hear from the designer how this kit excels at supporting his Droid and Scoundrel allies. The Basics: Kuiil fills the role of Support for Scoundrels and Droids squads. Parts of his kit can work with all Droids but he’s particularly effective with Light Side Droids. His Special 2, I Have Spoken, is a powerful healing ability that can buff Scoundrel and Light Side Droid allies with Mechanic’s Savvy. Kuiil has strong synergy with IG-11 and provides some nice buffs but he can still do well on his own. His Special 1, Voltaic Shot can…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insight: IG-11

Here is the latest Developer insights from the guys over at Capital Games on Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Our favorite rambunctious Droid from the Mandalorian is coming to Galaxy of Heroes! This fast firing former Bounty Hunter has been reprogrammed to nurse and protect his allies by cleansing debuffs and redirecting them as Damage Over Time effects to his enemies. Read on to find out how our designer captured the unusual fighting style and flexibility of this character. The Basics: IG-11 can fill many roles in a squad but he’s primarily a healer for Scoundrels and Droids. He has the Healer tag but don’t let that fool you into thinking he can’t be used as a Tank or Support. His Special 1, FUNCTION: PROTECT, allows him to pair well with squads that can apply Shock. Of course IG-11 has some special synergy with his savior Kuiil. This provides IG-11…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: State of the Galaxy – August 2020

The upcoming Title Update will arrive next week and that means Galactic Challenges are almost here! Today the devs over at Capital Games share more details about Galactic Challenges, and the complete Update Notes will be posted with the release. Behind the curtain, this Update really has two parts: a whole new set of tools for us to create events more efficiently, and Galactic Challenges, the first type of event built using this new toolset. This greatly expands our options to create even more events and game modes in the future. They will be closely monitoring Galactic Challenges over the next few weeks and they already have plans to expand this feature after our initial exhibition period. What Are Galactic Challenges?If you haven’t had a chance to read the summary in the Road Ahead, Galactic Challenge events keep the game fresh and engaging by offering interesting and unique encounters that feature…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insight: Mon Mothma

Here is the latest Developer insights from the guys over at Capital Games on Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Mon Mothma, the Chancellor of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, is arriving on the Holotables! Mon Mothma’s leadership and fearlessness propelled her to the top of the Empire’s “Most Wanted” list and served as an inspiration to all members of the Rebellion. Ever mindful of the consequences of war, but always willing to stand for justice, Mon Mothma is a welcome addition to Rebel squads as she uses the Field Promotion ability to summon increasingly stronger Rebel units to battle. Thankfully, many Bothans don’t have to die for you to add Mon Mothma to your band of Rebels. You can obtain this Rebel non-combatant leader by completing the new Marquee Event, The Alliance Chancellor! UNIT NAME: Mon MothmaALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Light Side, Support, RebelRebel Leader who supports and rallies her allies ABILITIES: Basic: Advocate…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Developer Insight – Threepio & Chewie

Here is the latest Developer insights from the guys over at Capital Games on Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Few pairings in Star Wars have had each other’s backs like Threepio & Chewie, who are arriving as a unique combo on the Holotables! The bond forged on Cloud City between one of our favorite droids and Wookiees showed the Empire this unlikely duo is a force to be reckoned with. In addition to being a unique combination unit, Threepio & Chewie offer new gameplay strategies by providing both damage and support abilities, ramping damage, and afflicting Blind on enemies. Only an overgrown mophead would miss out on the chance to add Threepio & Chewie to their collection! So, don’t do anything foolish and make sure to participate in the Marquee event, Escape From Cloud City. The Basics: Threepio & Chewie are inspired by the offensive style of Chewbacca with the…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: The Road Ahead – 6/26/2020

The guys over at Capital Games is starting to share details about the next feature coming to the holotables in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes: Galactic Challenges. The main goal for this feature is to provide more activities for players each day. The developers hear players asking for more ways to use their growing roster of units and want more than just new events that you can master quickly or sim. Galactic Challenges are the first in a series of features (similar to how Grand Arena was the basis for Grand Arena Championships) that will work together to offer new ways to utilize your collection. What are Galactic Challenges:Galactic Challenges are a new type of event that will feature interesting combat puzzles which will change on a regular basis. These events will feature a rotation of different enemy factions, allowing you to test out different parts of your collection. What…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker

One of the most anticipated characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, is coming to the game very soon! Here is the break down. You can find the kit reveal in the Arena and Character Strategy section of the forums or read on below to find out more. UNIT NAME: Jedi Knight Luke SkywalkerALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Attacker, Light Side, Leader, JediStalwart Jedi hero of legend who ascends to victorious heights alongside his Jedi allies through the will of the Force ABILITIES: Basic: Prevailing Strike FINAL TEXT: Dispel all buffs and deal Physical damage to target enemy, then reduce their critical damage by 10% (stacking). Then Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker gains 10% Max Protection (stacking, max 100%) until end of encounter. This ability can’t be countered. Special 1: Stalwart Advance (Cooldown 3) FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and call another target ally to assist. Target enemy is inflicted with Blind for…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Imperial TIE Bomber

The Imperial TIE Bomber is making its way to Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes, ready to enforce the Empire’s will on those who dare to rebel. Often serving in the first line of attack, TIE bombers drop vast quantities of munitions, delivering devastating attacks with frightening accuracy. Although the crewless TIE bomber is the first ship in Galaxy of Heroes to apply Burning, its main strength lies in being a defensive stalwart for Imperial factions. Crippling the enemy’s Offense and exhibiting bravado by Taunting is all in a day’s work as these ships seek glory for the Empire. Add the TIE bomber to your fleet and show those Rebel scum the Empire will not tolerate insubordination. The Basics: The Imperial TIE bomber provides the Empire fleet with a crewless, faction-specific tank that weakens the enemy’s offensive capabilities The Emperor’s Shuttle in particular provides a good amount of survivability to the…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Grand Arena Season 7: The Empire Strikes Back

Starting next week, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes got a brand new season of Grand Arena Championships, and with the 40th anniversary of Empire Strikes Back happening during this GAC, Capital games thought it would be an excellent idea to theme the GAC with that movie in mind to celebrate! It turns out that Empire Strikes Back is too big for just a single Championship as well, so this season will cover the Battle of Hoth and Luke’s training on Dagobah, leaving the other parts of ESB (bounty hunters and Bespin) for the next season. This month is 3v3 battles, so think carefully about who you set on defense and what you might expect to face. The game developers over at CapitalGames listed the starting dates for the feats so you can better plan your defenses and gear up your teams. All dates are approximate and may not sync up…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – May 2020

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes for may 2020. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  Daily Login Character for May: Darth Traya NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar.Read this post for more information. We’ve additional events this month as part of our #StayandPlay initiative and May the 4th. Read more about what’s new here.

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – The Mandalorian overview and strategies

Yesterday we talked about Cara Dune and Greef Karga who are new editions to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. To day we bring you The mandalorian. Here is a run down of this mysterious man of few words works as a Bounty Hunter at the far edge of the galaxy. No one really knows where he came from or how he’s so well-equipped for battle but few question his ability to bring in a target. Whether taking a Swift Shot with his blaster pistol or readying his Amban sniper rifle to instantly disintegrate his enemy, the Mandalorian is always prepared to take on whatever gets in his way. UNIT NAME: The MandalorianALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Attacker, Bounty Hunter, Scoundrel, LeaderPowerful Mandalorian bounty hunter who relies on critical hits to overwhelm his enemies ABILITIES: Basic: SWIFT SHOT FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain Critical Chance Up for 2 turns. On a critical hit, grant…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – Greef Karga overview and strategies

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes will introduce some brand new faces from Star Wars: The mandalorian to the game. Last time we talked about Cara Dune, and now it it time to talk about Greef Karga, a notorious scoundrel and the go-to-guy for connecting Bounty Hunters with clients on Nevarro. Greef is always trying to spot the most lucrative solution to whatever predicament he finds himself in, and his abilities reflect this. He prefers to hang back while other Bounty Hunters work to achieve their Payouts and he supports the squad with mass assist calls and frequent recovery of Health and Protection. UNIT NAME: Greef KargaALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Light side, Support, Leader, Bounty Hunter, ScoundrelBounty Hunter Support that provides recovery and assist calls ABILITIES: Basic: DUAL SHOT FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy twice and inflict Daze for 2 turns. All allies with Payouts active recover 5% Health and Protection. Special 1:…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – Cara Dune overview and strategies

Cara Dune is comming to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Here is a run down of this veteran Rebel Shock Trooper who has reinvented herself as a mercenary since leaving military life behind. This tough, no-nonsense brawler hasn’t forgotten how to fight an enemy like the Empire and can be difficult to take down in battle. While Cara can find a place as a deadly ambusher on a Scoundrel squad, she’s equally at-home under a Rebel leader, defending her allies as a front-line combatant. UNIT NAME: Cara DuneALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Light side, Tank, Rebel, ScoundrelA Scoundrel/Rebel Tank who gains benefits when being led by either. ABILITIES: Basic: BAR ROOM BRAWLER FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If there is a Scoundrel ally in the leader slot, Cara Dune gains Stealth until the end of her next turn. If there is a Rebel ally in the leader slot, Cara Dune loses Stealth and…

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