Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: State of the Galaxy – April 2020

Here is the April version of State of the galaxy. The developers over at Capital games has now wrapped up on the first two Galactic Legends, Rey and Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. It is incredibly excited to see the community begin to unlock these characters and compose interesting and powerful squads. With the end of the recent New Trilogy block, and they are moving on to a new part of the Star Wars galaxy for us. The Mandalorian We begin to explore the Outer Rim with a few of our favorite characters from The Mandalorian making their appearance: Greef Karga and Cara Dune. With Greef Karga, we wanted to capture his calculating nature as the boss of the Bounty Hunter’s guild. For the gameplay side of things, Greef brings some Support to the Attacker heavy Bounty Hunter squad. We are experimenting with him interacting with Bounty Hunter payouts and as…

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Rey and Kylo Ren Join Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and Rey from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker are headed to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes to duel on your mobile holotables. Are you ready? announced just last week that Rey and Kylo Ren are coming to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. This mobile game is about to get even more amazing. Check out this trailer to see for yourself: From the official post: ““Players will experience moments from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker as seen through the eyes of Kylo Ren and Rey, in a way only Galaxy of Heroes can do. With his reforged mask and her flowing white robes, the pair have more abilities than other characters in the game. Rey’s special abilities can help her allies, while Kylo’s brutal nature is shown when he uses his allies’ damage to power up his own attacks. Explore new worlds featured in battle progression, from the desert planet of Pasaana…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – April 2020

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes for April 2020. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for March: Luminara Unduli NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar. DISCLAIMER: ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for April: IG-88 NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar. NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar.

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: State of the Galaxy – March 2020

The guys over at Capital games posted a another State of the Galaxy! Galactic Legends Rey and Kylo Ren are landing later this month so we want to share some final insights into the development of these characters and their events. Galactic Legends are a new type of character and we start them off with the culmination of the new trilogy – the Force dyad of Rey and Kylo Ren. Many of our strongest characters are released in quick events as bursts of excitement, however we also want to diversify our event experiences. By slowly revealing the requirements and leaving the events open (once you’ve met the requirements), these events serve as a long-term goal for veteran players to work towards. As we’ve mentioned, Galactic Legends unlock at 7 stars, but unlike many other events, you don’t need to reach the final tier of the event to achieve this. You’ll…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights – the Finalizer!

Here is the break down the new First Order capital ship, the Finalizer! You can find the kit reveal in the Arena and Character Strategy section of the forums or read on below to find out more. The Basics: The Finalizer is a new First Order capital ship commanded by General Hux. Finalizer directly synergizes with First Order fleets and grants offense bonuses. Alongside Raddus, Finalizer is useful as a secondary fleet in Territory Wars and Grand Arena. Finalizer is almost the complete opposite of Raddus in terms of abilities, every Finalizer ability is some form of attack while Raddus is almost entirely defensive. Unique Attributes: New Debuff – Hunted – Deal 75% less damage with out of turn attacks and can’t gain bonus Turn Meter. Hunted also has a specific interaction with the Finalizer’s Unique ability, Two Steps Ahead, that provides a critical damage bonus when a First Order ally defeats a Hunted…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – March 2020

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes for March 2020. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for March: Luminara Unduli NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar.

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: State of the Galaxy – February 2020

Here is the newest Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes State of the Galaxy. This time for February – while this one is coming mid-month, the next installment is promissed to return us to a more regular schedule. The developers over at Capital Games like to cover in this month’s State of the Galaxy: Galactic Legends Event StructureWe’ve got a few details we’d like to share about the new Galactic Legends Event Structure. We’ll bring these to you regularly as we continue to develop and refine the design. First off, this event will require a new kind of event ticket, which will be earned via existing game modes. These tickets will become earnable once a player has met the prerequisites and unlocked the event. We are still working out the specifics of where the tickets will be earned, but we expect players to be able to earn these tickets every day….

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: State of the Galaxy – January 2020

The year is 2020 and CAPITAL GAMES have another exciting year of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes planned for us! Finally back from the holidays, the devs want to briefly discuss Galactic Legends, some additional content in the next two months, and address some persistent tech problems. Check it out: Galactic Legends Shortly before the release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, we unveiled a new type of character: the Galactic Legend. We know you’ve been asking when, where, what, and how, so we’re going to start pulling back the curtain. Galactic Legends will be both a new type of character and a new type of event with a very different structure than our previous entries. Over the next two months we will be gradually revealing the units required to activate the event. In March, the last batch of requirements will be revealed and later that month the events…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Update to Grand Arena Schedule

Grand Arena Championships were scheduled to start today according to the calendar but Week 1 was moved to 01/23/2020. This change of dates was supposed to be included in Update Notes but slipped through the cracks over the holidays. Capital Games send their apologies for not communicating this change in advance. The game dev’s goal is always to announce any changes to the Grand Arena schedule as early as possible. You can find the new dates for each week of Grand Arena below and the January calendar has also been updated with the new dates UPDATE TO GRAND ARENA SCHEDULE: Week 1 – 01/23 Week 2 – 01/30 Week 3 – 02/06 Week 4 – 02/13

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – January

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy if Heroes for January 2020. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  Daily Login Character for January: First Order Tie Pilot NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar. Read this post for more information.

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Incoming Client Update – Journey Guide

The Journey Guide is almost here! The guys over at CAPITAL GAMES have started the initial roll out and if everything goes smoothly, tomorrow they will update everyone’s client with the new features, new characters and several quality of life changes. The Hyperdrive Bundle will be available this week and they wanted to give you a breakdown of the contents. Check out the video below for a brief overview but you’ll want to read through below to understand how the mechanics of this specific bundle works. Philosophy When we launched Galaxy of Heroes, player level 60 was considered the “end game.” Today, much of the end-game content is accessible starting at level 85. As the game has evolved, your collection is really what determines your progress in the game rather than your account level. We’ve heard from many of you in previous Dev Q&A’s that it’s important we focus on improving the new user…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Malevolence

This time, The developers over at Capital games are discussing  the difficulties of creating the largest capital ship in the game and what strategies we should consider when utilizing the ship in battle. Q: What is the Malevolence?CG_M: Malevolence is a massive Subjugator-class heavy cruiser used by General Grievous as his flagship in Clone Wars tv show during the Malevolence arc of episodes. Right at the start of the series, the Separatists use their super weapon to terrorize the galaxy and control where the Republic can engage them. It’s built around a massive ion cannon that can disable whole fleets in a single blast. Q: Why did we bring this character to the holotables now?CG_M: We initially envisioned this ship to launch with Separatist Might but as we got closer to release, there weren’t many ships that could support it and actually make a useful fleet. We already had the…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Ki-Adi-Mundi

This week, They developers over at Capital games are discussing a particularly recognizable Cerean Jedi, Ki-Adi-Mundi The discussion goes about what’s going on in that big head of his and what we can expect this Jedi Master to bring to the holotables. check it out: Q: Who is Ki-Adi-Mundi?CG_M: Most people probably recognize him as the Jedi Council member who asks, “What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?” in Revenge of the Sith but this character was given a much deeper lore and history outside of the main movies. He plays a significant role in the Clone Wars TV show, as a leader and mentor, and proves himself far more level headed than the rest of the Jedi by advising caution and reason in most dangerous circumstances. Besides being a Jedi Council master, Ki-Adi-Mundi is known to be one of the top swordsman of the order and is incredibly skilled with…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: The Road Ahead – 11/20/2019

The guys over at CAPITAL GAMES has posted another installment of the Road Ahead in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. In this post they are discussing some exciting changes the developers have planned for future content in Galaxy of Heroes. New Trilogy ContentWhile the Light Side Territory Battle for Geonosis completes this current chapter for Galaxy of Heroes, we’ve been delighted from all imaginative Clone Wars squads you’ve built. But for now we are transitioning to the New Trilogy and, like all of you, we were incredibly excited to see the final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! We’re looking forward to having old friends (General Hux) and some new friends (Sith Trooper), kick off our foray into the culmination of the Skywalker Saga! While we can’t release specifics about some of the other upcoming characters and ships, we can tell you that this phase of content will…

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Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes Event Calendar – November 2019

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy if Heroes for November 2019. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  DISCLAIMER: ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Daily Login Character for November: Royal Guard Royal guard? thats weird in the middle of the transition from Episode 2-3 content to 8-9…. some event related with the emperors shuttle maybe? They had Emperor’s shuttle in the $20 pack they had in the store the last day or two. I’m not sure what kind of an event would require palps shuttle though… at least, not with the current content roll they’re on (as you acknowledged). I do anticipate a sith capital ship helmed by malak or nihlius to drop at some point, but… with kenobi just hitting the arena now and malevolence presumably on the way, that sounds weird to me. Anyways. Here it…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: General Skywalker

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of General Skywalker and how they went about creating this iconic character from the Star Wars universe.  Check i out Q: What makes General Skywalker special? Does he have any unique mechanics?CG_Prophet: Absolutely, Anakin Skywalker has been many things over the years; pod racer, droid builder, Jedi Padawan and even a legendary pilot, and now he’s coming to Galaxy of Heroes this week as General of the 501st! I’m super excited for him to finally come to the game. CG_ParkingInstructor: General Skywalker is unlike any other character players can get their hands in the game right now. He is an absolute boss, as he should be, and by that I mean he actually feels like playing a raid boss character in Galaxy of Heroes. He takes 2 actions per turn (like a raid boss)…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Tentative Title Update Next Week

Next week they guys over at Capital games are planning to launch a client update to address some of the technical issues from the Relics Update in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes . If you have been following the Dev Tracker, many of the bugs require a client update to fix and they need to do a full release to address them. Tentatively, they will start rolling out the update on 10/8 which means you can go to your app store to manually download the update once its available in your region or wait for the forced client update on 10/9. Complete notes will be posted when the update goes live but here’s a list of potential fixes for next week. CHANGES [PERFORMANCE] – Reduced the UI lag of ~1-3 sec that appeared after the Title Update [PERFORMANCE] – Fixed an issue on Android where the game would lag when scrolling through the…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Game update september 2019

The guys over at Capital Games has launch the next version update for Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes – featuring Relic Amplifiers and the Scavenger! The Scavenger and Relics will be locked initially, so other than a handful of bug fixes (see below), there won’t be much to do for the first 24 hours . At that point, players will be required to update (if they haven’t already) in order to access the final features and fixes for this update. Here’s what you’ll see for Relics and The Scavenger today: The New Character Screen Locked Scavenger TableRelics (For the teaser video, see here.) Take your squad to the next level and power up your characters with Relic Amplifiers from the Star Wars universe! Each character has a unique Relic icon, signifying a new set of upgrades that provide stat boosts based on their role and aptitudes. Enhance the power of Relics…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Introducing new Senior Producer, Mark Dickenson

Capital has hired Mark Dickenson as new Senior Producer for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Mark has been working in the gaming industry for many years and brings his expertise as a veteran producer to Capital Games. He’s not a new face around the studio as he was previously working on Capital Games’ next project. Here is an inteview: You recently became the Senior Producer for SWGOH, tell us a bit about yourself!MD – Well, that’s a big question. I’m a gaming industry veteran and earned my first video game paycheck back in 1987. That was actually working as an independent developer on a science fiction role playing game (Hard Nova) that was published by EA. Since then, I’ve worked for a number of video game companies including 3DO, LucasArts, & Telltale. It may sound like a cliche, but I am extremely passionate about video games – both developing &…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – August

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy if Heroes for August 2019. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change.  Daily Login Character for August: CC-2224 “Cody” Please note that the team are working on updates for Grand Arena Championships and still determining when Championships or Exhibitions will return. There will be an official announcement in the next couple weeks regarding if we will take a short break from GAC or ready resume right away. I think Padme and Malak will both be sometime in August as well. They just didn’t want to put it on the calendar to give folks time to prepare. Basically, the event calendar is useless. They won’t be giving us information for anything worthwhile in advance. They will do the same thing with Malak that they did last time, 1 day or warning and…

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